Switch Mode

Chapter 82

“Ah~ I’m so glad~.”

Raphne, preparing dinner, was humming a tune and looked really cheerful.

In the Tower’s Room, a delicious smell wafted through the air.

Normally, that aroma would make my heart flutter with joy, but today, I just wasn’t feeling it.

“By the way, Siegfeld-senpai is amazing, isn’t he?”

“Ugh, umm….”

Raphne had taken an exam too.

Of course, it was held in the tower, but supervised by a visiting professor, everything was done properly.

And when Raphne saw her ranking, a dark aura seemed to radiate from her for a moment.

But then she saw who came in first, and her mood lightened up.

Relief washed over her, thankful it wasn’t another girl.

“I really wanted to be first so I could have Ken’s Wish Right…”

Delicious dishes were being set on the table.

The dinner menu was always filled with tasty food, but it felt like there were even more dishes today.

“It’s a shame, but it can’t be helped! Hehe.”

Raphne smiled brightly.

It seemed she’d rather have Siegfeld win than someone else taking first place.

She looked happy about it…

“Hey… what if someone other than Siegfeld got the top spot… haha, what do you think?”

I casually asked, curious about that hypothetical situation.

If someone else got first place, that would mean they’d get the Wish Right and ask me out on a date.

Ruffling the dark vibes rising from her, Raphne let out a disturbing laugh.

…Wait? Demon Lord?

“Um… still, I wouldn’t want to put Ken in a tough spot. She probably took care of it, right?”

“Care of it?! What do you mean?!”

With a sly smile, Raphne looked a little terrifying.

And she didn’t answer me.

‘…It’s probably better not to talk about Mary….’

Even so, I felt it was wrong to keep things from Raphne, but…

A date, without a shadow of doubt, that would be something Mary had rigorously implied.

‘If Raphne finds out about this… I’m screwed.’

With countless experiences under my belt, I could predict what would happen next.

Lying is bad; lying to someone precious is beyond horrible.

…But, is keeping quiet really such a bad thing?

I decided to stay silent.

For everyone’s peace.

I truly believe locking Raphne back up in the tower was a good decision.


Time passed, and in the afternoon of the weekend Mary had mentioned, I was waiting for her in the city square.

‘Now that I think about it, something similar happened before.’

I remembered it had been to watch Siegfeld’s tournament.

Back then, I gave Mary a ticket, so we could enjoy the show together.

And we ended up browsing a fair that had just opened.

‘Looking back, wasn’t that a date…?’

Shaking my head, I brushed off the wandering thoughts.

What a date!

I was a chubby dork back then.

Mary just came along because I had no one to watch the tournament with.

We just wandered around the fair, buying revival items and that was it.

‘There’s no way Mary felt that way about me back then.’

I was just a loser hiding behind Mary since I got picked on all the time.

Maybe things would be different now, but back then, there was no way she could have seen me as a guy…


“…Ah, Mary.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Oh, nothing, just random thoughts.”

I couldn’t possibly tell Mary what I just thought, so I brushed it off with vague replies.

Today, Mary wore a delicate dress.

And she had a cardigan over it, making her look much softer than her usual cool demeanor.

…She was cute.

‘…Why am I getting all flustered?’

My face grew hot, so I turned away from Mary.

“So, where shall we go?”

Seeing Mary so dressed up reminded me of when she shyly asked me out on a date on the rooftop a while back.

That nervous, fluffy atmosphere made my face heat up again.

“They say there’s a fun play happening today. Is that alright?”

“A play?”

“Yes, it’s recently the most famous script being performed here in Lillias.”

Mary pulled out a small booklet from her bag.

It had a picture depicting the play’s storyline on the cover.

“And the most renowned theater group is performing it in Dredis, so I really want to see it with you, Ken.”

Mary lifted the booklet with such a bright smile, it captivated me.

I found myself gazing, lost in thought at her joyful expression.

“…Is it not so great?”

“Yes, yes…?”

“I didn’t hear an answer…”

“Ah! No! It’s alright! No, it’s great! I love plays too!”

Mary might have thought I was stuck in my own thoughts because I was entranced by her smile, causing me to rush to correct my mistake.

‘What’s wrong with me today?’

I kept getting distracted.

I wasn’t like this before when dealing with Mary.

Ever since she asked me out, her sincere face just kept jumbled in my brain.

“Hehe, I’m sure you’ll like it too. Shall we go?”

Mary smiled softly at my affirmative reply.

Then she turned, taking steps towards the theater.


Suddenly, her warm hand clasped over mine.



Of course, that hand belonged to Mary.

As we moved, she gently grasped my hand.


Though her hand was shyly offered, once she grabbed it, it felt like she wouldn’t let go.

Thanks to that, I could feel Mary’s soft, warm hand even more.

‘Mary seems awfully bold today.’

I thought about how she could hold my hand so naturally, looking to my side with a racing heart.

But to my surprise, she wasn’t acting like it was nothing.


I could see Mary’s flushed cheeks quite clearly.

She was gripping my hand tight, staring at the ground nervously.

Through her slightly swaying hair, I could see her moist eyes trembling with concern.

Seeing her like that, memories from the rooftop flooded back.

Although she didn’t claim the first spot as she’d hoped, she bravely asked me out, despite the chance of being rejected.

Her sincerity sparked a grip.

I held her hand back firmly.


Mary, taken aback, cautiously looked at me with surprise.

Her face was reddish and beaded with sweat from her nervousness.

When our eyes met, she flinched, darting her gaze around.

But then, she looked back at me.

“…I’m excited.”

She smiled softly.


The story of the play was simple.

There were two unlucky people who met and became each other’s strength.

Despite continuous unfortunate events, as if fate despised them, they genuinely supported and loved one another, overcoming those fateful trials.

Eventually, they had to part ways to pursue their own goals, resulting in a bittersweet ending.

It was a straightforward yet touching tale.

They truly loved each other and knew what was needed, leading to the choice of separation for the other’s future happiness.

As we approached the conclusion of the play, I glanced at Mary by my side.


She was utterly absorbed in the play, tears welling in her eyes.

I almost burst out laughing at how adorable she looked lost in her emotions.

Comparing that to her usual blank face made the transformation so much more striking.

“…It was fun.”

After exiting the theater, Mary discreetly wiped her teary eyes and declared that.

“Indeed! Plus, the acting was phenomenal!”

Having been accustomed to modern movies and dramas, I initially underestimated the quality of theatrical performances.

Especially since the era I came from was so different.

But they surprised me; they were professional actors!

Though I’m no expert in that field, I’d say their performance was right up there with the movie and drama actors of my time.

The live performances made it even more engaging.

“Which part do you remember the most, Ken?”

Post-play, we strolled down the city streets.

While not as lively as the previous fair, this city still had many captivating sights, making simple walks enjoyable.

As we chatted excitedly about the play lingering in our minds, I remembered the moment that moved me the most.

“It has to be the scene where the male lead lets go of the female lead after understanding her feelings, right?”

“…Me too!”

After I mentioned the part that touched me most, Mary leaned in closer to me.

“That part was the best! It resonated so deeply, and it felt… something…”

We found it fascinating that we both were moved by the same section.

Sharing our thoughts, we both found joy in the connection.

I felt a soothing warmth rise within me.

Watching Mary happily discuss the play made me feel like I might fall for her.

We found a suitable bench and sat, chatting excitedly for a long while about the play.

I lost track of time as we enjoyed ourselves.

“Whoa, when did it get so late?”

Suddenly, coming back to reality, I noticed the sun was setting, casting a golden hue around us.

It was getting close to the time we needed to return to the dormitory.


Mary glanced at her watch and looked anxious while lowering her head.

A moment later, she turned to me.

“Ken, if it’s okay, can you stay a bit longer with me?”

Those trembling eyes.

Did she still have something she wanted to do on our date?

I nodded enthusiastically.

“Of course!”

At my positive response, Mary’s anxious look brightened, and she stood up.

“Then let’s take a short walk!”

Mary smiled and reached her hand out to me.

I hesitated for a moment but then took her hand.

Together, we set off down the street again, hand in hand.

‘The crowd is thinning out.’

The previously bustling streets began to empty as the sun dipped, giving me a sense it was just the two of us left.

With the shops closing, the lively atmosphere had turned quiet.

Soon, the magical streetlights flickered on, illuminating the darkening path a little.

“It’s pretty, like starlight, isn’t it?”

Like Mary said, the lights shining from the magical stones connected like a galaxy overhead.

Usually, they would be just simple streetlights.

But depending on who you’re with, the atmosphere can feel so different.

Then Mary spoke to me without turning around.

“Aren’t you curious?”

“Hmm? Curious about what?”

She turned to look at me casually.

“Why I asked you out on a date.”


Her question didn’t sound like she thought I wouldn’t figure it out.

With eyes urging me to understand, my heart began to race.

Did she realize my heart was pounding as she tightened her grip on my hand?

‘Asking me on a date… that means…’

I knew.

I understood what it implied.

Mary’s feelings were leagues apart from other girls casually tossing out the word ‘date’ for curiosity’s sake.

“I like you, Ken.”

As if what I was thinking had been confirmed, Mary professed her feelings.

“I like you, not as a friend, but… as someone I genuinely love, Ken.”

I could feel her warm hand trembling slightly in mine.

She continued, acting casual but the tension was undeniable.

I could practically hear her heart beating considering how close we were.

In that tense moment, Mary faced me directly without flinching and spoke her heart.

“Was it because of how I changed?”

I thought perhaps Mary started feeling this way after my appearance changed.

But I was curious about when those feelings had actually begun.

Before she asked me out, she had treated me with normalcy, quite unlike before.

It had to be about my looks, right?

Even I could see how different I had become.

“It’s embarrassing, but… it’s been a while.”

However, her answer was entirely different from what I had imagined.

“It all started that day when I couldn’t step out of the dorm from fear, and you helped me.”

Mary reminisced with a gentle smile.

“From that day on, I have loved you every single day.”

Grasping her hand over her heart, she gazed at me sincerely.

Her cheeks flushed, and she smiled like a sunbeam.

The love emanating in her eyes was clear enough even for a fool to understand.

I could see her earnestness directed at me.

“Mary, I…”

I was confused about what to say.

How could I respond to a girl who proclaimed her feelings for me so honestly, without a trace of falsehood?

“Please, don’t respond just yet.”

Mary seemed to sense my turmoil, offering her request.

“What do you mean…”

“This is my strategy.”

She glanced away shyly, interlocking our fingers, and leaned her body against me.

“I plan to make you fall for me deep, and only then will I expect an answer.”

As Mary nestled closer, I could feel her warmth radiating.

Her cheeks were flushed like her face, and her body warmth reached me, making my heart race.

That bewitching smile made my heart flutter uncontrollably.

“Then, when you have fallen for me as much as I have for you…”

Her gaze was so beautiful, it was almost overwhelming.

“Promise me you’ll answer me then.”

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