Switch Mode

Chapter 479

Chapter 472 – Water.

There was no reason to keep watching their secret meeting.

“Could you help me out?”

“What can I help you with, Shinwoo?”

I decided right away to ask the Succubus for assistance.

“I’m going to break down this door and drag out the little bastards inside.”

“Oh? Were there really some in there?”

“Yeah. They were enjoying a secret meeting.”

“Oh, those little f*cks… Should we call the Factory Manager?”

I temporarily set aside asking my companions for help.

“There’s no need for that. Just bring me dessert.”

“Alright, got it.”

Honestly, I didn’t think those defenseless incest dwellers would be a problem for me.

At the same time, I had to seize the moment when the little bastards inside were enjoying their secret meeting.

Hiding in between would be quite a nuisance.

“And gather a few people.”


No sooner had I finished speaking than the Succubus called for her subordinates.

[Oh, they’re calling for the youngest over there.]

‘This is ridiculous.’

A few newcomers who looked like rookies gathered around.

Anyway, it seemed my preparations were about done, so I kicked the door down without hesitation, shattering it into pieces.

Then, I began dragging out the half-naked incest dwellers who were frozen in confusion.

“Come out, you incest dwellers!”

Naturally, the incest dwellers protested violently during this process.

But in their half-naked and helpless state, they couldn’t even put up a proper resistance.

In the end, they were just dragged out like rag dolls by the Succubi.

“Let go! What’s wrong with being with my dad!”

“In the first place, being with dad isn’t even incest!”

“Then what is it, you little sh*t?”

“It’s half pure love and half self-pleasure!”

[Don’t insult pure love, you little bastard!!!]

‘This isn’t pure love…’

In the meanwhile, they kept yapping until the end.

“Can’t we share our married life a little? Why’s all the fuss?”

“She’s your sister, you idiot.”

“She’s my wife, born from my mom!”

“Just shut up… f*ck…”

Anyway, there was no need to listen to any more of their nonsense.

I promptly tossed them out of the window.

This is the ‘Hunter’ Academy, so there shouldn’t be anyone who would die from this.

After driving out all the incest dwellers, as soon as I returned,

Ayeon immediately expressed her gratitude to me.

“My dear, thank you so much. I never dreamed there were such people here.”

“Well, this will make doing business a bit easier.”

“That’s true.”

Then, Ayeon seemed to recall the incest dwellers being dragged out and slowly began to speak.

“By the way, even if they’re lovers, occupying a place like that without permission isn’t right.”

“……Yeah… right…”

She didn’t know they were incest dwellers, but…

“You look unhappy. Are you feeling unwell?”

“No… it’s just… no…”

I decided to bury that truth in the darkness without revealing it.

It would only spoil Ayeon’s mood if I told her.

I was the only one who needed to suffer from this kind of thing.

[Let’s add the despair tag here.]

‘Should we? F*ck.’

At that moment, Kyoukyou suddenly clutched her stomach, looking pale.

“Kyoukyou, are you okay?”

“My… my stomach really hurts…”

“I told you not to eat like me, but to eat moderately!”

It seemed she had an upset stomach from eating too much dessert.

I was a bit worried when I saw her overindulging just a moment ago.

In the end, that anxiety became reality.

Moreover, Ayeon suggested a solution.

“Should we go to the infirmary in the academy? I have a rough idea of where it is.”

“T-that’s absolutely not happening…!”

Kyoukyou became even more pale and desperately refused.

“Why do you refuse the academy infirmary?”

“If you say you’re sick there… they sprinkle salt on the wound…”

And what followed was somewhat insane.

“……Why salt…?”

“They sprinkle it until the pain goes away… you’ll really die…”

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding.”

Well, given that it’s the ‘Hunter’ Academy, I can see how that makes sense.

Honestly, I didn’t have great memories from the infirmary back in Korea either.

No matter how much it’s the Japan Hunter Academy, there’s no guarantee it would be better than Korea.

Rather, I might consider it a blessing if the situation doesn’t escalate.

[At this point, the word ‘Hunter’ is fittingly absurd.]

‘Too absurd in the wrong way, damn it…’

And Kyoukyou, being Japanese, would probably understand that better.

In that moment, Kyoukyou, who had been grimacing while clutching her belly, suddenly spoke up with an astonishing revelation compared to everything she had said thus far.

“I’ll go to the hospital on my own… you all enjoy the festival…”

Telling us to have fun at the festival while leaving her behind.

She must have felt really sorry for impacting our schedule.

Of course, Hyeji and Elcia adamantly refused.

“No, Kyoukyou. Let’s go with the Ear Goblin.”

“I… I’m really sorry… because of me…”

Instead, they started wiping Kyoukyou’s tears and supporting her.

“Don’t cry! We’ll be back quickly!”

“I’m really sorry… I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay! Stop that!”

Meanwhile, Ayeon apologized slightly because she couldn’t go with them.

“I’m sorry. Given the situation, it’s a bit difficult for me to go with you right now.”

“Just the two of us is enough. Don’t worry.”

I hurriedly handed Hyeji a wad of cash and a hastily scribbled note with the booth number.

“Here’s the medical fee instead. If it’s not enough, just let me know.”

“Got it! Let’s hurry, Sis!”

[They seem ready to devour each other, yet they help one another in a crisis.]

‘Kyoukyou isn’t someone to ignore either.’

Anyway, Kyoukyou is in serious pain right now.

Of course, a stomachache isn’t a huge danger per se.

Yet Kyoukyou herself is still suffering, so I decided to take her to the hospital quickly.

But it wasn’t my place to go with her.

“Shinwoo, you go meet the cat beastman.”

“Are you sure that’s okay?”

“Honestly, this is a situation I should avoid. And.”

Since Hyeji was telling me not to bother coming,

“Abandoning a cat beastman is against the law.”

“While that’s true, it would be sad to leave her behind.”


It felt a bit odd, but…

“……That’s a simile, right?”

“……Ah, just hurry up. It wouldn’t be right to leave her alone.”

‘She’s not denying it…?’

[It wasn’t a simile after all.]

Anyway, Hyeji and Elcia hurriedly took Kyoukyou away.

“I’ll see you later, Shinwoo.”

“Shinwoo-chan… I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay. Who wants to be sick, anyway?”

“Master, I’ll be back!”

As for me, I decided to head out of this building to meet Caressy.

“Well then, Ayeon, I’ll take my leave.”

“Th-that dear… I actually have a favor to ask…”

At that moment, Ayeon suddenly called me to a halt.

“What’s the favor?”

“……Would you pet my head… you did well…? I’ve been so lonely…”

I could definitely understand Ayeon’s feelings completely.

“Is that enough?”

“Of course.”

Being in a foreign land and running a business by her own will,

She must have been alone here since morning until now.

It would be a lie to say that it didn’t bother her.

“Is it not okay…?”

“I’d be glad to do it.”

I carefully patted Ayeon’s head as she requested.

“Haaah… I feel like I’m calming down a bit now.”

“That’s a relief.”

Ayeon smiled with happiness.

This wasn’t that difficult, yet she carefully asked for it.

Even a seemingly trivial act made her incredibly happy to the point of feeling burdensome.

“Thank you so much. I’m really happy because you’re here.”

“I’m thankful as well.”

Honestly, she’s far too precious and lovable to me.

Just then, as I had this chance with Ayeon,

I decided to give her an extra little gift.

“Th-th-th-this dear! What are you doing right now!”

“What? Don’t you like it?”

While gently hugging her a bit tighter as I patted her head.

Ayeon showed a happy expression but also a slightly awkward one.

It seemed there was something difficult to say right here and now.

And now she was showing a rather strange combination of happiness and rejection.

“I-it’s nice! It’s so nice that you should stop! Stop!”

“Why? Didn’t you say it was nice?”

“That’s why! Please! It’s just that it feels so good that it can’t be!”

I couldn’t quite understand.

If she says it’s good, why should I stop?

Whatever it is, since she said it was nice, the moment I embraced Ayeon a little tighter…

I heard a splashing sound.




Just a little lower down.



Thanks to that, Ayeon’s eyes started misting a bit.

[She’s crying both above and below.]

‘Open your mouth! We’re in deep trouble here.’

Her expression mixed with happiness, shame, and awkwardness.

“This is why I said… don’t do that…”

“Sorry… really sorry… should I buy you new clothes?”

“I’m fine… I have spare clothes anyway…”

Soon after, Ayeon dashed into the changing room in a flash.

Peeking her head out, she smiles brightly at me.

It was such a breathtakingly beautiful smile.

“I love you, dear.”

“I love you too.”

And with that, I bid farewell to Ayeon.

[What a pity. The mind of the one Ayeon loves is already mine.]

‘You’re not a pure love enthusiast, you’re an NTR enthusiast, you little b*tch.’

[Remember, when a pure love enthusiast falls into corruption, it gets dangerous like this.]

Anyway, since my business here was done, I stepped out of the building right away.

I turned on my mobile phone and began moving towards the location that Caressy had mentioned.

It’s time to finally meet Caressy.

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not work with dark mode