Switch Mode

Chapter 460

Chapter 453 – Bye Bye Pretty South Korea.


It’s a place where aircraft transport, take off, and land.

Equipped with all the necessary facilities, it’s a significant airport.

Being a hub of the city, it also serves as a gateway.

With such traits, there are countless facilities at the airport.

As a result, many people visit the airport for their own purposes.

“Who lets a fcking cat beastman run around an airport?!”

“Don’t say anything bad about our little angel of the guild!”

“Ha! What a surprise, it’s a fcking Hunter?”

And some people even come with their pets.

“Can you please keep it down? Our angel is about to take a dump, and if it doesn’t come out, who’s going to take responsibility?”

“At least don’t flaunt that dirty business in public!”

Of course, in such situations, you gotta keep some basic manners in check.

“But you’re exposing your face in public too.”

“Come out and follow me, you fcking brat.”

Anyway, the airport is quite an attractive place.

With various government offices gathered, it could be called a little government.

It flaunts technological prowess and overwhelming presence, also a symbol of modern civilization.

Moreover, it can even be seen as replacing the role of historical religious sites.

However, one might wonder.

Why bring up the airport out of nowhere?

Where the hell did the gate mentioned in the previous chapter go?

Is this even a Hunter story to begin with?

But there’s a reason the airport must be mentioned.

Though the existence of gates has slightly diminished the significance of modern airports,

ultimately, they haven’t lost their role as the last and first gateway of each country.

To put it plainly, it means there’s a gate to go abroad at the airport.

This format was directly led and designed by none other than the state itself.

From the country’s perspective, there’s no reason to get rid of facilities at the airport.

As a result, the role of the airport hasn’t changed much compared to before the gates existed.

Given such an environment, airport departure procedures haven’t changed either.

There’s just a little change added due to the presence of gates and hunters.

First, there’s ticketing and baggage drop-off.

There, a boarding pass for using the gate is issued.

Depending on the need, there are times bags need to be checked.

In fact, there’s no strict reason to check bags if using the gate.

It’s not for long, just a brief moment.

During that time, you could just take your stuff and hop over the gate.

“By the way, it seems like you’re hitting the luggage pretty hard?”

“If I don’t hit it like that, the carrier won’t balance out.”

Still, there’s a certain demand for that.

Luggage can be heavy and bulky, restricting movement.

It can also be a considerable hassle to transport by yourself.

“So is that why you say to buy sturdy luggage?”

“Exactly. Regular carriers break easily.”

For example, let’s say someone stuffed a hunter into that bag.

“No wonder it felt like someone kicked me, it was so painful.”

“I get it, but please don’t stick your head out and get back into the suitcase.”

Anyway, once the ticketing and baggage drop-off is done, you can get your boarding pass.

Then you show the boarding pass and ID at the gate departure area.

You must proceed with the most important departure procedure at the airport.

That is none other than security screening.

Security screening is a mandatory procedure for all passengers using the airport,

and it can be quite a tricky process since it directly concerns safety.

First, there are items that need to be discarded before passing through the screening.

Of course, this is a regulation to ensure safety on the aircraft.

So it could be deemed unnecessary when using the gate.

However, that doesn’t mean the regulations change.

After all, the airport had no losses maintaining those regulations.

“Liquid items are prohibited, so if you have any, please discard them before going through security.”

“Oh, really? Just a moment.”

“There are a lot of people behind you, please hurry up and throw it away.”

It’s not like they can roll back safety rules written in blood at this point.


“Done. It’s not coming out now.”

“No, that absolute madwoman.”

Only then does the real security screening begin.

First, people must go through a metal detector or full-body scanner.

Of course, it’s better to take out items that might set it off.

For instance, metal watches, jewelry, or belts.

“Ma’am, please put metal items in the basket.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot.”

Otherwise, it could take time due to additional checks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Nothing left now.”

“……Could you at least wash them before putting them away?”

The removed items are then examined by a separate X-ray machine.

Especially for electronic devices like laptops or tablets.

They need to be taken out of the bag and placed in a separate basket to go through.

It’s cumbersome, but again, it’s a safety procedure.

“Why, what’s going on!”

“Please explain yourself!”

However, human judgment inevitably plays a role in all of this.

“You! What is this bomb coming out of your bag?!”

“That’s not a bomb!”

“Then what the hell is this?! It looks just like a bomb!”

Thus, misunderstandings arise due to differing perspectives.

The best course of action is to avoid suspicion, but

sometimes those misunderstandings can’t be helped.

“This is a homemade watch!”

“Oh, sorry, we didn’t know.”

Of course, there are cases where the misunderstanding isn’t valid either.

“But it just counts the time backward.”

“Run, RUN!!!”

After passing through all that, you might finally feel like you’ve overcome a major hurdle.

What’s left now is either to buy something at the duty-free shop

or relax a bit in the lounge.

You can also enjoy various foods at the food court.

As long as it’s before the gate entry time.

So far, we’ve covered the method of using the gate at the airport.

But that doesn’t mean there are no planes at the airport at all.

Certainly, the number of flights has dramatically decreased compared to before.

But the airlines weren’t just sitting around watching themselves go under.

They started to implement various differentiating features.

To survive in the chaotic gate era,

some promoted extremely low prices as bait.

They also provided exclusive services only available on their flights.

“Would you like to try our special cream bread from [Rinatakhu] Airlines?”

“Yes, just one please.”

Or some maximized the utilization of their unique characteristics.

“How’s the taste?”

“It’s really delicious custard cream! How did you make it?”

Thanks to that, not many airlines ended up going bankrupt after the gates were introduced.

“I put a lot of effort into making this myself.”

“Wow, a stewardess made this herself? That’s amazing!”

“Ha ha, actually, this is something only we can make?”

“Is that so? Anyway, it’s so delicious! Can I have one more?”

In fact, some airlines even grew larger than before.

“Oh, I’ll have it ready in a bit.”

“Why? Are you tired or something?”

Of course, the overall decrease in the number of flights couldn’t be helped.

“It might still be a bit light since it was made recently.”

“……Ah……wait a second… no way…”

Anyway, the airport is a truly wonderful space like this.

While it can be bothersome and time-consuming due to various procedures,

the abundance of diverse facilities means there’s plenty to enjoy.

But that doesn’t quite apply to our situation.

“Shinwoo, hurry up!”

“Husband/Master, hurry up!”

“Weren’t we supposed to go to Japan? Don’t you want to go home?”

“Why are you only fast when it’s time to buy rice?!”

You might find it odd that we’re in such a hurry all of a sudden.

But I can unequivocally say this isn’t my fault.

And it makes sense too.

“I told you to fcking wait until we got to the hotel!”

“Preventing dehydration is essential, Shinwoo.”

“I’m suffering from dehydration right now!”

The heroines wouldn’t let me go until it was extremely close.

It really was a simple task to just get through the gate.

But the heroines insisted on having a grand farewell in South Korea.

Thanks to that, I’m gasping and struggling to keep up.

It’s fortunate the means of getting here was fast, or I’d be long gone by now.

“If that succubus driving school further developed her driving skills, how impressive would that be?”

“Please, for the love of god, don’t drive again next time…”

Of course, I didn’t want to use that mode of transport again.

[Didn’t it go straight down the lane?]

“That fcking madman was something else.”

Anyway, we arrived, so we quickly got through the procedures to enter the gate.

Proofing I was carrying a monster while getting my boarding pass.

Immediately, we zipped through the security screening toward the gate we needed to head to.

Naturally, we had to skip the duty-free shop and lounge.

It was truly a race against time.

“Is anyone else entering?”

“We are! We are!”

“None left, huh?”

On top of that, even when I shout, they seem too annoyed to care.

“We’re going in!!!”

“I’m closing the gate.”

Now even the receptionist announces that the gate is closing.

“Wait, I’m telling you!!!”

“Get the next one~.”

[Seems like they’re ignoring what I said.]

‘That dog is going to regret it.’

Overcome with emotion, I hurled my carry-on at the receptionist.

“I told you I’m entering, you btch!!!*”


Leaving the screaming receptionist behind, we all entered the gate.

There were a few ups and downs, but

anyway, we passed through the gate,

and it’s time to leave our footprints in this foreign land.

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not work with dark mode