Switch Mode

Chapter 445

Chapter 438 – A Bit of Freedom

When I arrived at the hospital lobby, the heroines had already returned to the guild.

Some might harshly criticize this as being heartless.

But in truth, the heroines had vacated the place after pleading with me beforehand.

They had received a call saying that an aphrodisiac had arrived at the guild, but there was so much of it that they needed help.

[Isn’t it you who’s doing the asking?]

‘That’s not what I meant, f*ck.’

Sure, the guild’s delivery storage was quite large compared to normal ones.

If they needed help despite that, I couldn’t even fathom how much there was.

It wasn’t even an option to just leave it by the door.

[What’s wrong with leaving it at the door?]

‘Hunters would steal it, you know.’

[Ah, right.]

After they sought my understanding, they left before I even arrived.

They left a message that was practically a notification.

They’d let me know when they finished cleaning up.

Until then, I was told to enjoy a bit of freedom in the outside world.

And I should rush to the guild as soon as I got the call.

Really thoughtful heroines, huh?

[…This feels less like kindness and more like a last mercy to a death row inmate.]

‘I was intentionally silent about it, and this guy just had to mention it.’

So I decided to take a little more time exploring the hospital.

After all, running away might result in something worse in the name of punishment.

And going somewhere else felt just as time-consuming.

No matter how much stuff there was, it was obvious that the heroines would clean it up quickly.

[By the way, where are you planning to go?]

‘Let’s just go wherever the wind takes us.’

With that, I wandered around without a care in the world.

I passed by a variety of places purely by chance.

The first stop was a pharmacy.

“Do you have candies here?”

“We have nutritional supplements in candy form, should I get you one?”

For some reason, this place was inside the hospital and was quite large.

“No, I have diabetes.”

“Please get out of the pharmacy.”

Because of that, the number of customers and patients was significant.

Thanks to that, the pharmacists were struggling to accommodate the crowd.

Of course, despite the pharmacy’s size, the number of pharmacists was still insufficient.

“Excuse me, where’s the trash can?”

“Why do you suddenly need a trash can?”

“Obviously to throw away my trash. Let’s think a bit.”

There were too few people to handle the number of customers, so they were having a tough time.

“It’s a bit small for customers to go in.”

“Get out, you fcking btch.”

Well, that made sense.

Typically, billing at a hospital is done at the administrative office.

Lately, kiosks have been actively used, but here, they also had to handle the payments directly.

“Are you having a Black Friday sale?”

“Can I get some points for this?”

“Is delivery available?”

“I’ll take just one pill. Thanks.”

“Everyone get out of the pharmacy, f*ck!”

Then, I visited a dental clinic along the way.

It seemed like they were in the middle of a surgery.

I could overhear a frantic conversation between the doctor and the nurse.

“Doctor! How do we handle this bleeding!”

“Don’t panic, prepare the suction!”

“Yes, understood!”

The patient’s condition must not have been too great.



“Alright, maintain that position.”

But soon, I could hear their conversation becoming a bit more relaxed.

“Did I do well?”

“Next time, be careful not to let this happen.”

[…Are they talking about the patient’s teeth, right?]

‘…Let’s just believe that, f*ck.’

Fortunately, it seemed like they had passed the critical situation without major issues.

Anyway, I started moving again, and this time I arrived at a place that didn’t quite match a large hospital.

That place was none other than an animal hospital.

There were quite a few people waiting in line with their pets.

Honestly, I hadn’t expected to see this due to hygiene issues; it was truly surprising.

Well, since hunters were involved, I couldn’t complain about an animal hospital being attached to a large hospital.

[After all, aren’t hunters just a bunch of dog sh*t?]

‘Oh, right.’

Most of the pets were common ones like dogs and cats, but apparently these days there are all sorts of pets.

Countless animals were expressing their anxiety with various sounds.



“Please hit me harder, master!”

“Bark! Bark!”


“Nothing happened in this competition.”

Of course, to my ears, it all just sounded like barking.

[…Not just once, but twice…this is seriously f*cked up…I’m going to get canned.]

‘I don’t know, f*ck. If I get fired over this, it will truly be “complete.”‘

And among the pets, there was even a monkey.

“Doctor, I came in because he got smallpox.”

“Hmm…let’s have a look.”

It was somewhat distanced from typical pets, but not completely unusual either.

“…Doesn’t seem like he has it? Where did you get diagnosed?”

Given the size of the animal hospital, I figured they could handle this much.

If they didn’t plan to treat it, they would have just turned them away before coming.

“I said I’ve got it.”

“No, you f*cking dumbass.”

In this crazy world, where there are people worse than animals, it seemed absurd to make such a fuss over just one monkey.

Then, someone came in with a gigantic parrot for examination.

“Doctor, my kid keeps making strange sounds.”

“Isn’t there a jungle fck, this shtty bird’s mom, around?”

“…Generally, parrots mimic their environments, that’s the rule…”

The doctor calmly spoke to the guardian, as if it wasn’t a big deal.

The caregiver, however, seemed anxious and rushed.

It was understandable to worry about their parrot having issues.

“My kid worries me so much! How can I treat it?”

“Sex! Sex! Sex! This is sex! How do you feel while eating chicken in front of me?”

“A bit extreme, but is that alright with you?”

The doctor looked at the caregiver, wondering if that was really okay.

But the caregiver grasped the doctor’s hand tightly and began pleading.

Desperate, they were expressing their wish for treatment with their whole body.

“Could anything be worse than this? Please, hurry up!!”

“Hmm…Alright. I’ll treat it right away.”

As soon as the caregiver agreed, the doctor grabbed the wildly flapping parrot.

Leaving the caregiver behind, he began to take it somewhere.

“Don’t touch! Do you think you can touch me, you headless f*cker?”

“I promise to treat it, so please wait a moment. I’ll be back shortly.”

“Yes, I’ll wait! Please take care of our parrot!”

And not long after, the doctor returned.

“Doctor! What happened to our kid?”

“Treatment went well, do you want to see?”

With that, the doctor handed the parrot back to the caregiver.

A moment ago, it had been wild and spitting out harsh words.

But now it was cowering and shivering politely.

“Please save me. Get me out of here. I’m sorry.”

Seeing the parrot behaving nicely, the caregiver burst into tears of joy.

Then immediately bowed to the doctor, expressing intense gratitude.

“Oh! As expected, you’re the doctor! My kid finally stopped saying bad words!”

“I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die.”

“Of course. If there are any problems, please come again.”

“Thank you!”

Once the treatment ended, the caregiver smiled brightly, hugging the parrot.

They began heading to the administrative office to settle the bill.

“Let’s go home now, parrot!”

“Save me. No, if it’s going to be like this, just kill me.”

Although the parrot trembled less than before, it seemed fine.

[…According to what was said earlier, the parrot must be mimicking its surroundings…}

‘…Please don’t say that. I don’t want to think about it, f*ck…’

At that moment, out of nowhere, the sound of a pig being slaughtered echoed.

That was quite surprising and perplexing.

It was unexpected that there would be a pig slaughtering sound from somewhere else while at an animal hospital.

[Then isn’t that a hunter?]

‘Oh, that makes sense.’

Since I hadn’t received a call from the heroines yet, I felt like checking out what was happening and quickly moved.

Soon, I saw two people wrestling.

One was a muscular woman who looked like gravity was bending for her.

The other was a slightly slimmer female nurse.

“You f*cking scammer!!!”

“Are you talking about me?”

Right now, the muscular woman had grabbed the nurse by the collar and was shaking her vigorously.

With bloodshot eyes glaring intensely at the nurse, she spoke with a tone full of grievance.

“Yeah! It’s all your fault that I’m ruined!”

“I don’t quite understand what you mean?”

Meanwhile, the doctor replied nonchalantly, as if he didn’t know.

At the same time, he shot her a cold, perplexed glare.

He looked so devoid of emotion that one might mistake him for a robot.

[Are you just watching out of curiosity? You might be stepping into a situation that could escalate into violence.]

‘I don’t even know who’s at fault here, so let’s just watch for now.’

And when you think about it, this was something that deserved to be watched.

After all, fights are the most entertaining when it’s a bunch of trash fighting.

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not work with dark mode