Switch Mode

Chapter 435

Chapter 429 – Break, Kyunghwasuwol.

In Kim Shinwoo’s empty house.

In the room that was being used as a storage.

I was the only one there.

Who am I, you ask?

Well, naturally, I am Kim Shinwoo.

Honestly, some might raise an eyebrow.

How does an amnesiac end up here all alone?

But I never actually lost my memory. I’m not an idiot.

Get hit hard on the head and lose your memory?

Such things don’t really happen.

That only occurs in fictional media like novels.

[Do I still look like I have amnesia?]

‘Don’t steal my lines, you fcking btch.’

Then one might raise another question.

I didn’t lose my memory.

I just fainted for a moment.

Why bother pretending to have amnesia?

Why, you ask?

Well, because it’s fun.

Honestly, I was curious about everyone’s reactions when they found out I have amnesia.

So, while hiding behind the shield of “memory loss,” I launched my unilateral attacks.

It was purer and sharper than any blade.

At first, I thought it wouldn’t be bad to record a video.

But seeing the heroines getting flustered in the middle of it, I felt like I was going to mess up.

My treatment could actually get even worse than it is now.

[Aren’t you getting anxious?]


To be honest, I feel slightly messed up right now.

Anyway, I would feel guilty for worrying the heroines over this incident.

But honestly, there was a reason I had to do this.

That being said.

‘Oh, I got a One Hit Knockout!’

[……Isn’t that the ceiling? Did you completely forget your gacha memories?]

‘Anyway, it’s a One Hit Knockout, you little b*tch.’

In the meantime, I had to hurry and play mobile games.

The heroines didn’t stop me from playing, but that doesn’t mean I had all the free time in the world.

I was constantly busy getting dragged around by the heroines.

It’s to find a bit of freedom in my daily life.

And I didn’t want to experience pain that exceeded the limits of pleasure for a while.

As mentioned before, initially, it was actually more dangerous than usual.

[Are you telling no one?]

‘If it gets out that I’m fine, everyone will tell me to use a biodegradable dildo.’

Right now, as the heroines were keeping their hands off me, it wasn’t that bad.

But just as I was getting into the swing of playing mobile games.

An unexpected event happened.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of our house’s door opening.

You might ask what’s weird about someone visiting, but this time, it was truly bizarre.

No one should be visiting at this time.

My parents had told me they were going on a trip with Choco Hyung and Ryu Kang-hyuk.

It should still be quite some time before they return.

Who the hell is visiting our house now?

[Come to think of it, they didn’t even ring the bell.]

‘Ah, f*ck. Is it a burglar? I’m dead, this dog.’

It was highly likely to be a burglar.

Though a burglar is a civilian, they could be armed.

So, I decided to prepare my deadly weapon named Abyss.

I had to give severe punishment to the burglar who interrupted my free time.

“Hey, Great Demon! Is Shinwoo here?”

“Absolutely. If I’m wrong, you can pull out Caressy’s tail.”

“Why my tail, you f*cker?”

It turned out that it wasn’t a burglar, but the heroines.

“Isn’t Kim Shinwoo perfectly fine? What about my time now?”

“The Swan is a time-rich b*tch anyway! Share some!”

“You dog.”

And then came Spencer.

She was quite fast to arrive.

By time, she would have come straight here from the hospital.

Thanks to that, my head started to fill with questions.


Why exactly?

So soon?

No matter how I think about it, it makes no sense.

I had said earlier that I couldn’t remember seeing our house.

This place should definitely be excluded from the list of places I would go.

How did they know I was here?

“Good thing I implanted GPS in your collar!”

“Get out, you fcking btch! Come out right now!”

“Oh, f*ck.”

Of course, they’d find me.

In the end, the problem was this f*cking collar.

I was so caught up in the joy of having free time that I never thought of it.

I can’t believe I took out insurance like this.

‘Why am I treated worse than a dog?’

[Isn’t that a model attitude toward a pet?]


These heroines exceeded my expectations.

But it’s still okay.

I can manage this level of problem.

They were convinced I wasn’t amnesiac.

Soon, the heroines opened the door where I was.

I pretended to just wake up and looked at them blankly.

Quickly hiding my overheated mobile phone from gaming.

“W-what’s going on…?”

“Shinwoo, are you ok? How did you get here?”

With an innocent expression that showed I knew nothing.

Seeing Hyeji’s worried face made a part of my heart ache.

But this time, I had to keep acting strong.

“I can’t remember… I just, somehow…”

“Really? Anyway, grab my hand and get up. We need to go back.”

I could straight up get into real trouble if I wasn’t careful.

Just as I was about to get up by holding Hyeji’s hand.

Suddenly, I tripped over my legs and fell, bumping my head against Hyeji’s hard chest.

“Ah, sorry.”

“……Get up. Unless you want to die.”

Hyeji, struggling to hold back her anger with a smile, looked at me.

Seeing her made me feel playful without realizing it.

At the same time, my mouth began to reflexively move.

“Isn’t there really nothing… for a girl…?”

“……If there’s nothing, then there’s nothing, you f*cker.”

You could argue that I was losing my sanity.

But think about it.

It’s obvious I’ll be in trouble later.

Since things are this way, I might as well take full advantage.

[That’ll really get you killed!!!]

‘As long as it doesn’t get caught, it’s fine.’

Honestly, I wouldn’t have any chances to tease them like this if not now.

So I started exchanging smiles and conversations with Hyeji.

A sweet yet slightly bitter conversation.

“When’s it coming back?”

“……It’s discontinued…”

“It seems the re-release price must be high.”

It felt like a beautiful moment straight from a pure love novel.

“Ah, you little f*cker!!! Your memory is back!!!”

“I’m sorry. I don’t remember what I said.”

Anyway, I decided to stop teasing Hyeji at this point.

It was time to go back, so the moment I stepped out with the heroines.

“Just in case, if there’s anything you left behind, I’ll grab it.”

“If you steal my underwear, you’ll be dead.”

“I’m not the kind of guy who does that, f*ck!!!”

This time, I bumped into an unexpected person.

“Why are you here? Did you come to die?”

“……Who… are you…?”

It was none other than Ryu Kang-hyuk.

A continuous chain of unpredictable events.

He was supposed to be traveling with Yerim noona and our parents.

Why is this f*cker even here?

“I forgot my passport and I’m so mad, why is this f*cker following me?”

“……Who are you…?”

This guy really is an idiot.

At that moment, Hyeji eagerly greeted Ryu Kang-hyuk.

In a manner uncharacteristic for her, she spoke honorifically.

Maybe it was to show respect since I had once received a favor from him.

“Hello, I heard you live next to Shinwoo.”

“Hyeji noona, good day! What brings such a precious person to a humble place?”

And Ryu Kang-hyuk responded to Hyeji respectfully, even bowing toward her.

Among the hunters, he was a particularly unique f*cker.

Meanwhile, Hyeji chuckled lightly in response.

“Actually, Shinwoo got into amnesia trouble.”

“That crazy bastard?”

Being called a girl must have pleased him quite a bit.

“You idiot, do you really not remember?”

“……I really don’t know…?”

Hearing Hyeji’s words, Ryu Kang-hyuk looked at me with a puzzling expression.

He started hastily apologizing for the words he let slip out.

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to curse…”

“It’s okay. It happens.”

Not to me, but to Hyeji.

‘He should say that to me, f*ck. And Hyeji, please deny it…’

[You haven’t lied once, right?]


Soon, Ryu Kang-hyuk started making a face to show kindness to me.

“You can call me an idiot. I was wrong.”

“No, I won’t say such harsh things.”

As soon as I saw his face, I wanted to curse at him in reflex.

But I calmed my churning emotions and spoke calmly.

To maximize my current concept of having amnesia.

“…Eh…? Seriously…? Why…?”

“To begin with, I’m not an idiot, so I can let that go.”

“……Was it really amnesia…? Are you ok?”

Was my reaction completely unexpected?

Ryu Kang-hyuk looked at me with a surprised expression.

At the same time, he even seemed a little sorry.

“But saying that an idiot is an idiot is really an ‘injury.'”

“Hey, you little f*cker! You’re perfectly fine!”

Of course, my next comment immediately twisted his face.

Ryu Kang-hyuk was trying to suppress his anger like back in the days of Cheonma.

Still, he couldn’t quite express that fury.

Thanks to the presence of Hyeji and my innocent face that knew nothing.

Anyway, I figured I had gained enough from this situation.

Planning to fake my way out once I got back to the guild, I suddenly felt something empty in my pocket.


“Shinwoo, what’s wrong?”

“I left my mobile phone… I’ll go grab it quickly.”

I had hidden my phone earlier due to the sudden visit from the heroines.

“Yo, Kim Shinwoo. I grabbed that.”

“Ah, thanks.”

Just then, Spencer came out of the house, holding my phone.

Honestly, it didn’t feel great having someone else touch my phone but.

Anyway, I was glad she had it.

“But what’s that folder labeled HAL in the drive?”


Not a good sign.

[Oh no…]

‘Sh*t, wait a second.’


It was a deadly weapon I had prepared thinking it was a burglar.

And now that weapon’s blade was pointed right at me unexpectedly.

This is really bad.

“Madwoman! Don’t touch that!!!”

“What, what, what! Why are you yelling and going crazy!!!”

Ignoring Spencer’s outburst, I quickly snatched the phone back and locked the screen.

Then I acted innocent as if nothing happened.

Honestly, it would be unfair for Spencer, but I couldn’t help it.

“Why am I going crazy just for packing it away!!!”

“Th-thank you… but at that moment, I forgot…”

All I could hope for was silently apologizing in my heart.

“But what did you do for your phone to be this hot?”


The best I could do was to mess up badly.

Having overheated my phone while playing a mobile game.

Oblivious Spencer just had to mention it.

Before the phone had a chance to cool down.

[I’m done for.]

‘Ah, f*ck…’

Everything was just messed up now.

The heroines’ gazes became sharper.

As if they were about to stab me with a knife.

Spencer, feeling the unsettling gaze directed at her, hurriedly spoke up.

“W-wait, did I do something wrong?!”

“No. You did really well.”

“Thanks. Can I leave home now?”

“Uh? Really? Then I’ll go!”

With Caressy’s words, she immediately started to bolt.

As soon as Spencer left, the heroines’ gazes sharpened even more.

Among them, Elcia stepped forward, slowly approaching me.

With her usual bright smile.

“Master, you definitely weren’t sleeping, were you?”


Though her eyes didn’t smile one bit.

“But what did you do for your phone to be so hot? Hmm?”

“……I-I was just lying down… right…”

Still, I decided to make one last effort.

Even if the heroines were suspicious of my amnesia.

That said, they only had gut feelings without solid proof.

“Hmm. Is that really true?”


If luck was on my side, I could smoothly slip by.

At that moment, Ayeon dropped something from her pocket.

An elongated plastic stick that was white and pink fell.

“Ah, sorry. I meant to tell you later.”

It was the pregnancy test stick that was both familiar and frightening.

Indeed, it had two clear red lines.

As soon as I saw it, I reflexively blurted out.

“You, you, you, what’s that… for sure…”

“This is what I got from the director of the hospital.”

“Ah, crazy.”

Thanks to that, I found myself in a bind.

[I’ve been caught.]

‘This is bad…’

Soon after, Ayeon roughly shoved the pregnancy test stick back in her pocket.

With a deep smile that looked like it could tear her face apart.

Her eyes filled with a sticky darkness.

“It truly is as effective as the director said for shock therapy.”


I had no clue they’d plan for something like that.

Out of anything, a pregnancy test stick, of all things.

How could I keep my calm while looking at that.

It was just a signal to die.

At that moment, Hyeji grabbed my face and locked eyes with me.

Like Elcia, she smiled but had a look that was far from joyful.

“Shinwoo, do you have anything else to say at the end?”

Unable to escape from the piercing gaze combined with strong grip, I forced a smile and gave the heroines my final offer.

“Save me.”

And then all the heroines silently smiled deeply and began dragging me away.

Ryu Kang-hyuk threw me a look of pity as I faded away.

“You idiot.”

And that was my last memory.

After that, I don’t remember anything well.

“……Who am I…? Where is this…?”

“Get out of the way. Since you lost your memory, it’s now her turn.”

“Wait a minute… I remembered! I remembered!”

All that remained was an intense pain that was hard to express verbally below my waist.

“I still remember, so it’s my turn again.”

“Hmm… I understand…”

“Hurry up and factory reset it.”

“Ah, f*ck.”

This time, I could truly say I had lost my memory.

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not work with dark mode