Switch Mode

Chapter 412

Chapter 405 – Seizing the Initiative (1)

This place is definitely meant for collaboration.

Normally, we would be setting plans or revealing our abilities to assess our powers.

But such things weren’t happening now.

The request’s difficulty level is far too easy compared to the rewards.

So, we just needed to clear any dungeon and that would be it.

“Are you freaking out just from seeing us? Are you guys really nuts?!”


Above all, the battle for dominance between us and them was ridiculous.

“Have you even heard of our Reaper Guild?”

“You gotta talk to be understood, you idiot!”

“Ah, this fcking btch!!!”

It showed no signs of ending.

With Hyeji’s words, the bald hunter slammed the desk hard.

Veins on his forehead looked ready to burst at any moment.

“We are a cruel guild that kills monsters and hunters alike if they mess with us! We’re not a group that you pathetic losers can easily look down on!!!”

He seemed to want us to be at least a bit shaken.

But Hyeji and I just tilted our heads at each other.

“That’s just Soul Society, isn’t it? Which division are you from?”

“As a Reaper, can you even use a powerful attack?”

“Th-that kind of thing doesn’t exist!!!!!”

Because of such a mundane question.

“Your affiliated unit doesn’t even exist, huh?”

“No powerful attack either?”

“Right!!! There’s no way something like that exists!!!”

As soon as we heard the bald hunter’s words, we started laughing mockingly at the same time.

“This guy doesn’t even seem like a captain level, right, Shinwoo?”

“He can’t even use the initial release; what’s with that powerful attack? Just make him shut up already.”

“Shut your mouth, you dog b*tches!!!”

[At least Igaku has a powerful attack.]

‘Visuals look similar, but he’s just a total idiot.’

Before we even started properly, the intense spiciness was already hitting us.

The bald man started showing even more anger than before.

“Have you heard! The name ‘Reaper of One Blow’!”

He tried to add some self-appeal to it.

But Hyeji and I just looked at each other, shrugging.

We’d never heard of it before.

Whether it was due to our reaction or not, he started shouting even louder.

“That’s me! I can finish it with just one blow within 5 minutes!”

Seeing him talk confidently, it probably wasn’t just empty boasting.

Ending a contest in just 5 minutes is no small feat.

But even with that, Hyeji and I merely sneered.

“He calls himself a Reaper. Just 5 minutes? Even Krillin can last longer than that.”

“Just one blow? You look like a wasp but fight like a bee.”

“Uh, uh, uh, that’s not about my sex life!!!”

Again, the bald man shouted loudly.

He was probably trying hard to deny it.

But no matter how you looked at it, it felt like boastfulness.

“Then why not prove it?”

“Here? You want me to drop my pants? Are you out of your mind?”

So I decided to reveal a little truth.

“No, there’s a better way.”

“Go ahead and try!”

Not replying to the bald man’s words anymore, I quickly connected a video call.

– “Hello, what’s going on?”

“Ayeon, let me ask you one question.”

As expected, it was Ayeon.

– “Just one question… so did you choose from the three of us here?”

“No, not that. F*ck.”

“Shinwoo, pick mine.”

“Can you just be quiet for a bit, please?”

Anyway, now that the video call was connected, I decided to ask Ayeon again.

Turning the video call screen toward the bald hunter.

“I heard that hunter is famous; do you know him?”

At that, an unexpected silence fell between Ayeon and the bald hunter.

It was as if they both had made a promise to maintain silence.

Through the voices of different personalities.

– “Oh.”

“Wait! This is totally unfair!”

Ayeon spoke as if she understood something.

On the other hand, the bald hunter spoke in a panicked tone.

– “The one known as ‘Reaper of One Blow’!”

“How did you know that?”

“W-wait! I mean, please stop!!!”

To see how desperate he was, the bald hunter even started to use honorifics.

But Ayeon didn’t care, continuing to bring the cruel and harsh truth to light.

– “He’s famous for finishing in just 5 minutes at [Healing Succubus Korea].”

“I told you to stop!!!”

Transparent liquid slowly began to well up in the bald man’s eyes.

But Ayeon, unaware of his situation, just revealed another truth.

– “And he’s seriously a huge nuisance.”

“How much of a nuisance?”

“I-I admit! So please let’s wrap it up!!”

Well, I figured she’d keep talking anyway.

– “They asked for a refund because it took only 5 minutes and they wanted the remaining time covered.”

“P-please stop it…”

– “Also, while there were numerous complaints from the succubi, they said what’s truly important is small in comparison.”

[Didn’t they recently make a shorter 10-minute session than the 30-minute course?]

‘There’s a shooting option too… it’s serious.’

Perhaps the complaints from some succubi had piled up significantly.

– “Anyway, if you’re tired of Hyeji, feel free to come to my place anytime.”

“Demon, you’ll regret this later.”

– “Ah, f*ck. Was this on speakerphone?”

With Ayeon’s words, Hyeji ended the call.

Meanwhile, the bald man’s face was quite a sight.

It seemed like he would burst into tears with just a nudge.

But that made our laughs grow deeper.

“That little thing… it’s not a powerful attack…”

“Even spellcasting would last longer than that, you idiot.”

As soon as the words ended, a tear left the bald man’s eye.

But he couldn’t fully deny these words.

He just had one request for us.

“Take that back… and apologize…!”

Then Hyeji and I exchanged glances, deciding to comply with his request for now.

After all, he would be a hunter working with us.


“Hey, are you crying?”

The moment our words ended, the bald hunter let out a deep sigh.

He scratched his completely bald head, lamenting.

“Ha…I can’t even take a bow to receive apologies… I never thought I’d experience this in my life…”

But as soon as he said that, Hyeji and I responded again.

Of course, we could have just stayed silent.

But out of a sense of duty to correct the exaggeration.

“You’ve still been ghosted multiple times, right?”

“Is that all, Hyeji? You’ve probably been rejected, faced despair, and cut off contact thoroughly.”

“Ah, right.”

“You f*ckers! Why’ve you been talking so harshly since earlier!!!!”

[Look at that guy. He’s going to faint now.]

‘He’s crying again, idiot.’

At that moment, the elf, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up.

Leaving the crying bald hunter alone.

“You know, I can’t stand being around these trash guild idiots.”

With a rather arrogant and conceited attitude.

I wondered what to say to piss him off.

Before I could even open my mouth, Hyeji gave a sweet smile.

“You’re really pretty, especially your hair. Just like an elf.”

[Must be feeling a lot of pain.]

‘Did she eat something weird?’

Such gentle words from Hyeji, who one wouldn’t expect it from.

Normally, one would be surprised and express gratitude.

But the elf suddenly cut her long hair to a bob.

– Snip!!!

“Keep talking. I don’t like anything a loser like you says.”

A quite rude act of cutting off the hair that she had just been complimented on.

She seemed to think this would intimidate us a bit.

But you should at least consider who you’re dealing with.

“Your hands are really delicate.”

“Y-you crazy b*tch!”

Especially if the opponent is Hyeji.

“If you don’t like it, why not cut it now? I can do it for you.”

“P-please don’t!”

The elf blurted that out and immediately hid behind the wolf beastman.

Seeing that, Hyeji chuckled as if it was pathetic, picked up the cup sitting on the tea tray.

And right as she was about to sip the tea, suddenly a number popped up on the wolf beastman’s head.

It was a bit ambiguous from the distance, but it didn’t quite form a fragment.

From that point on, the previously silent girl suddenly started offering me tea.

“Hey, Kim Shinwoo. Want a drink too?”

“Should I?”

Unlike the two hunters from earlier, she was smiling roughly due to her beastman heritage.

“I found some really good tea this time.”


“We’ll apologize for the rudeness we caused with this.”

Hearing that, I returned the smile to the wolf beastman.

Just before I was about to drink the tea, I exchanged glances with Hyeji.


“Got it.”

We dumped the contents of the cups all over the wolf beastman.

– Splash!!!

“Your nonsense is really too much, you fcking btch.”

“How dare a dog talk to a human lord?”

At the last moment, we even threw the cup we were holding.

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not work with dark mode