Switch Mode

Chapter 384

Chapter 377 – Nature

The Guild Master suddenly asks, “What is gravity?”

But from what I roughly know, none of the pedos have abilities related to gravity.

So there’s no reason for the Guild Master to bring this up.

I couldn’t help but wonder why he suddenly said that.

“What did you say?”

“Ask again.”

Despite me asking again, the Guild Master casually opens his mouth once more.

“What do you think gravity is?”

I couldn’t grasp the intent behind such a question.

His calm demeanor was starting to make me a bit nervous.

But it wasn’t like I couldn’t answer.

“Well, it’s like a law of nature.”


The Guild Master nodded at my answer before slowly starting to speak again.

“Because of gravity, people live by standing on the ground, and trees that bear fruit drop their fruits to the ground.”

As soon as he finished, Elcia suddenly spoke to me.

While showing a blue graph on her mobile phone, she said, “Husband! I think there’s gravity in my coin graph too!”

“……Why do the other coins rebound then?”

“Just like there’s a counter-charge to a charge, there’s anti-gravity for gravity! It’s common sense!”

“Yeah… damn… it’s common sense.”

Anyway, I turned my gaze back to the Guild Master.

His words still held an unclear intent.

But since there was nothing to point out until now, I decided to just listen quietly.

“As you said, that is an inevitable law of nature. Just like the wind blows, water flows, and fire burns.”

At that moment, Hyeji pokes me, trying to grab my attention.

With a confident smile, as if boasting, she says, “Shinwoo, that means I’m part of the destruction, right?”

“I’ve told you several times, your original concept was a delicate supporter…”

I decided to refocus on the Guild Master’s words.

Seeing our demeanor, the Guild Master’s voice gained a bit more strength.

“Yet, people often try to oppose this principle of gravity; they kick off the earth they stand on and attempt to jump high.”

What followed was a brief silence mixed with a barely audible murmur.

That meant many others, aside from us, were paying attention to the Guild Master’s words.

But the silence didn’t last long.

Suddenly, the Guild Master’s voice boomed out.

A volume that I never expected from a middle-aged man.

“However! That is merely an act of pride and foolishness!”

Honestly, I didn’t want to agree with that statement.

No matter how futile the attempt, there’s always some meaning, no matter how small.

But I couldn’t muster the words to refute him.

Maybe I was just caught off guard by the sheer volume.

Or perhaps I was overwhelmed by the desperation that couldn’t be masked by his loudness.

Or maybe it was both.

Thanks to that, I felt completely overwhelmed by just the Guild Master.

For a moment, I even thought I was trapped in this suffocating space.

Even though this was an open rooftop with lots of people around.

“If you come to your senses, you will find yourself back on the ground!!! Or worse, you might even be on the ground, sitting down!!! In severe cases, you may even get buried beneath the ground!!!”

Each of his words dripped with the burdens of a hard life.

It seemed like he was trying to alleviate some of that burden by speaking.

But in contrast, the momentum emanating from the Guild Master grew heavier.

“If that happens, all you’ll be able to do is look up at the distant sky while lying pitifully on the ground!!! And at that moment, you will have no choice but to blame your foolishness and finally realize!!! This is an unopposable law!!!”

Everyone present fixated their gaze silently on the Guild Master.

Me, the heroines, the police, and even the other pedos.

No one was left out.

The purpose behind the Guild Master suddenly saying all this?

That didn’t matter right now.

“Ultimately, this realization of the principle will be engraved in the soul of the one living as a primal instinct!!!”

At this point, the important thing was.

What would the Guild Master say next?

That alone was everyone’s concern.

The Guild Master began to express what was deep within him.

To meet the countless questions and expectations directed at him.

“Because of that instinct, we have no choice but to choose the one and only option available! Even if it’s the abyss, we will accept it, and even if it’s a poison cup, we will drink it willingly!”

He spoke words heavier than the depth of the wrinkles around his eyes.

“It’s inevitable!!! After all, it’s a fate that’s unavoidable!!!!”

Even though I disagreed slightly with his thoughts, I could understand this much.

After all, there might be times when we must choose one predetermined path in life.

However, the proper conclusion still hadn’t been reached.

Perhaps others sensed this too.

Everyone’s eyes were demanding to know what exactly the Guild Master was truly trying to say.

Receiving all those gazes, the Guild Master softly began to murmur in the same detached tone he started with.

“That’s why it’s instinctively natural for a child to attract attention.”

[Why did you suddenly drift into pedo territory after saying something so cool, you bastard!!!!]

‘I thought you were making sense, but then this jerk…’

Because of this jerk, it felt like a new drift was being added to the already existing sins of web novels: NTR drift, BL drift.

Now it seemed we were creating a trinity of drifts.

Of course, in the sense of making viewers feel terrible, it truly was an impressive drift in many ways.

“My dear, it’s also partly your fault. Why haven’t you killed it yet? That’s a waste of air.”

“Right… damn. I should’ve cut out his tongue.”

Ayeon had a point.

They were all completely abnormal pedos.

Naturally, as their leader, the Guild Master would be even more so.

So I should have shut that bastard’s mouth long ago.

But regardless of my regrets,

The Guild Master was absorbed in his words and spat out yet another load of crap.

“In the end, being drawn to children is completely natural, and it’s an instinct, an inescapable law of nature!”

He then suddenly started to sneer at us.

With an overt elitist look, as if he were an expert or intellectual looking down on the ignorant.

“Certainly, with your shallow level of knowledge, you wouldn’t be able to comprehend the profound laws of nature. That’s why you create nonsensical social standards and trivial laws to twist this principle!”

[My insides are churning, you bastard!!!!!!]

‘I was gonna twist that bastard’s head instead.’

Even if I wanted to cut him some slack, there was no way I could tolerate the Guild Master’s statements.

Moreover, encouraged by him, the other pedos opened their mouths as well.

With mocking expressions similar to the Guild Master’s.

They really were jerks until the very end.

“Just as the Guild Master said, we are completely normal! Don’t you think it’s abnormal to prefer the older ones!!!”

“We will do whatever it takes to force you to treat us with utmost sincerity to fit us into your abnormal standards!!!”

“No matter how arduous the process may be, we willingly walk that path!!!”

“When you think about it, we are completely natural and rare beings, so shouldn’t we be treated as a protected species?”

“To lose ‘hegemony’ means death! However, for this time, we will brave that death!!!”

‘Here we go again, damn it.’

[My outfit is already torn apart, damn it.]

In some ways, those bastards looked like fanatics.

But the police couldn’t do anything about it.

Based on their treatment, it seemed like there were complex connections between their superiors, those pedos, and the hospital.

All they could do was darken their expressions.

Meanwhile, the Guild Master openly showed disdain toward me.

In a tone that implied it was all over, he softly spoke.

“No matter what you try to do to us, it’s useless. It’s already decided that we will be freed.”

Well, the Guild Master wasn’t wrong.

Even if it wasn’t illegal for hunters to hit each other, they couldn’t inflict serious injuries.

But that’s alright.

“Right, we’ll be liberated and head to the hospital.”

“Yeah. What’s happening now won’t even count as venting.”

Just then, one idea popped into my mind.

[What are you planning to do?]

‘There are always ways.’

I immediately smiled and spoke to the Guild Master.

“Anyway, you said you follow the laws of nature, right?”

“That’s exactly right. We are not beings bound to this place.”

The Guild Master replied with a smirk.

“And the only one passing judgment upon you is nature itself.”

“Now you are finally starting to understand—”

But he could not finish that sentence.

Well, that was to be expected.

Because I had just kicked that jerk off the rooftop.

Facing the Guild Master, who was now looking stunned, I raised my thumb and smiled brightly.

To signify that it had just begun.

“Then gravity will judge you.”

It was the judgment laid down by the laws of nature.

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not work with dark mode