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Chapter 379

Chapter 373 – Difference in Compatibility.

What exactly are pedophiles?

They lurk around society and are entities that are a bit too much for ordinary people to handle.

To be fair, the actions of those pedo bastards exceed the imagination of normal folks.

[Still, isn’t that expression a bit exaggerated?]

“Who would’ve imagined that there would be a crazy bastard walking 564km to have relations with a minor?”


That’s why we need a being of perfect counter-compatibility, not some ordinary person, to deal with a pedophile.

That being is the police.

“Get down!”

“If you move, I’ll shoot!”

The police appeared, completely unexpected by the pedo bastards.

They even wore civilian clothes at first to avoid arousing suspicion from the Director.

Momentarily stunned, they froze in place.

“Why! Why the hell are cops here!!!”

“It’s a holiday, you bastards, take a break!”

Ignoring their protests, the police growled.

“You guys ruined my shift!!!”

“Do what you’re told quickly!”

With weapons drawn and spare magazines glinting ominously at their waists.

Here, the pedophiles were solely relying on their numbers as they visited the kindergarten.

They didn’t even bring a single weapon.

As a result, most of the pedophiles quickly lay flat on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Ahhhh!!!! Why are you shooting when we’re down!!!”

“I said if you move, I’ll shoot!!!”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

“I—I’m staying still, why!!!”

“You’re not flat on the ground!!!”

They had to pay the price for not following police orders.

Of course, not everyone complied with this rightful execution of duty.

Some immediately tried to flee, but they couldn’t.

“What, what’s happening!”

“This is my body! Move!!!”

“Is… is this petrification?”

[Petrification talk, drop it!!! I feel like I’m going to cough up blood!!!]

“Then how about that new entry for the contest? That one’s a lot spicier.”

[……Petrification sounds better.]

The reason the pedo bastards couldn’t flee was simple.

Because of a woman behind the police, sharing as drained a look as me.

“I should be getting overtime for this…”

At first glance, she seemed like any ordinary woman.

But in reality, she was an ability user belonging to the special task force.

And she had the ability to seal escape.

It was an ability that made anyone within a specific range who thought about fleeing instantly freeze up.

Conversely, if they erased the thought of escaping, their body would become free as if nothing had happened.

Truly an ability optimized for catching criminals.

[……It seems like all the abilities introduced so far only serve to catch people.]

“Sometimes, I confuse whether this is a hunter novel too.”

Of course, it wasn’t without drawbacks.

First off, it required a bit of preparation time for activation.

And the more conditions added, the more additional time was required in proportion.

The wider the range and the greater the number of people.

“Are you okay?”

“Haha… I can’t even lie and say I’m fine. This is my first time dealing with this scale of personnel, and my head is quite dizzy.”

“We’re really sorry for making it tough for you.”

“No, it’s what needs to be done.”

That’s why I kept exchanging words with those pedo bastards to buy time.

Beyond that, there was also the drawback of producing unpredictable results based on the situation.

In essence, this ability removes the option of ‘fleeing’ from four choices: ‘retaliation’, ‘surrender’, ‘self-determination’, and ‘fleeing’.

Consequently, the criminal may take extreme actions.

However, this time, they were entirely unarmed.

Leaving only the option to be shot by the police.

But even the option of surrendering after being shot soon faded.

Tick! Tick!

“I’m out of ammo! Do we have any spare?”

“I’m out too!”

Because the number of bullets was drastically insufficient compared to the number of pedophiles.

Thanks to that, one pedophile pointed at by a police officer flashed a smile over his face.

A grin born from the relief of not getting shot.

“This means I’ve survived-!”



Of course, that smile was soon wiped away.

“Oh, that was the last one.”

“Why didn’t you say that sooner, you bastard!!!!!!”

Anyway, there were still plenty left to subdue, but as the bullets ran out.

Ultimately, the police had no choice but to make another decision.

“What should we do?”

“Let’s hit until something breaks!”


“Don’t! Stop!!!”

Soon, the screams of the pedophiles filled the air, filled with more pain.

Accompanied by the heavy thud of bone-crushing strikes.

Honestly, getting shot would have ended things more neatly.

During this, one cop casually approached the whining pedophile.

“Don’t you want to get hit?”

“No! Please! I’ll just go quietly!”

“Then answer this question.”


Just how much was that pedophile shivering?

Finally, a simple question came out of the police officer’s mouth.

“What’s a pedophile?”

“A dominant pair?”


As it was an easy question, even a pedo bastard could answer it easily.


“You said you wouldn’t hit me!!!”

“I never said that.”

As a reward, the officer swung his baton sharply with a gentle smile.

Though slower than shooting a gun, the rest of the group was steadily subdued.

At that point, I thought we were wrapping things up and immediately expressed my gratitude.

“Thanks for helping on your day off, everyone.”

“We should thank you for reporting us.”

“It’s tough, but it’s all results, so it’s fine.”

“I’ll treat you to coffee later.”

“Haha. Thank you, but I’ll just take the sentiment.”

A warm atmosphere created among those who suffered together.

However, as is often the case, such a mood doesn’t last long.

Suddenly, a panicked voice from the police rang out.

“Uh, those bastards are escaping!”

Just as the police said, two individuals, including the guild master, were hurriedly creating distance from us.

All while showing us their backs.

That naturally drew our gaze toward the ability user in the task force.

“Did you release your ability?”

“No! I haven’t deactivated my ability yet! But how are they escaping…?”

At that moment, mocking shouts came from those fleeing.

“This isn’t running away!”

“We’re merely advancing toward the back!”


[……They really believe that, huh.]

‘Are those bastards ex-marines?’

Even after hearing the desperate pleas of the remaining group.

“There’s no way we’d leave you behind!”

“No, please, ‘fair play’ a little!!!”

“Did we not pledge ‘Pedo Alliance’ together?”

They simply pretended not to hear and continued to ignore them.

In the end, the rest had no choice but to fall into deep despair.

Of course, from the police’s perspective of needing to catch those pedo bastards, it was indeed a somewhat desperate situation.

They had already opened up significant distance, and conveniently, they had run out of bullets to catch the fleeing pedophiles.

Ultimately, the police asked us for help.

“I’m really sorry to ask this, but could you catch those guys?”

“Is using my ability allowed?”

“Yes, I permit it.”

As soon as the restriction against using abilities was lifted, I quickly spoke to Hyeji.

To prescribe medicine for those escaping pedophiles.

“Hyeji, please prescribe it.”

In response, Hyeji manifested an anti-material sniper rifle.

Calmly pulling the trigger three times.

Even in a dire situation, she was remarkably composed.

“Patients, it’s time for your medicine.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

What followed were three screams.

“Hyeji, will the medicine work on them?”

“It’s a perfect fit.”


As expected from Hyeji, the master of prescriptions.

Soon after, we slowly advanced toward the continuing screams.

Arriving in front of the guild master, whose calves were trembling.

Seeing the guild master, Hyeji smiled brightly.

“I’m glad the medicine worked well.”

“What the hell kind of medicine is this!!!!!”

“It’s medicine, patient.”

But that was a statement that Hyeji could argue against.

This truly was effective medicine for the pedophiles.

Just once could immediately cure a pedophile.

“It’s ‘bullet’ medicine.”

“……You lousy woman… you don’t have more than a kindergarten teacher in your chest…”

“Oh, you have to take it twice a day.”

“Shut up!”


Thus, the treatment of the guild master ended before he could even finish his sentence, drifting off to dreamland.

Surely, the medicine must have included a sleep-inducing component, leading to that result.

Anyway, I was glad we finished the treatment of the last extreme pedophiles.

“Thanks to all of you, we could luckily apprehend everyone.”

“We didn’t do much. It’s all thanks to you officers.”

“Haha. Thank you.”

The police and each of us shared bright smiles and shook hands.

Everyone turned their eyes simultaneously to the inner room that the pedo bastards were targeting.

Even without saying a word, as if we had made an invisible promise.

“Truly, it’s always heartwarming to see children play.”

“I’m glad to see that smile.”

“Of course.”

In that place, children were genuinely playing cheerfully like children.

They seemed so blissfully happy.

We nearly forgot the existence of this bloody space as we watched them.

For instance, they were engrossed in a book found at kindergarten.

“Look at this book! It says ‘Made in Abyss’, the illustrations look like they’re going to melt!”

“Ah, that one really melts.”


Or, they were engaged in a game of house.

“Honey! Why are you suddenly leaving? What’s lacking in Star Class!!!”

“Honey… I’m sorry… I can only be satisfied with the 24-color Pororo crayons of the Sun Class…”

Or perhaps, they were arguing over a nurturing game.

“Let’s delete it and start anew. This one’s completely ruined.”

“Delete? We made this together, why would you delete it! You’re the trash!”

“I mean, it’s just a game… what’s wrong with deleting…”

“Yeah… for you, it’s just a game… sob… sob…”

“Don’t cry… I don’t want to delete it either, but it can’t be helped… aaahhhh!!!”

[……Is this really the conversation children have?]

‘These days, kids are all too mature, you know.’

[……Is that so?]

Indeed, children should enjoy their time playing together like this.

They shouldn’t be pulled around by those pedo bastards.

Anyway, since we preserved those pure smiles of the children.

“Everyone’s having fun. It’s really nice to see.”

“I wish I could play like that too!”

“Go join them. They’ll treat you like the same age anyway since your intelligence is similar.”

“If I keep seeing this, it’s going to be a big deal. I’m getting pregnant impulses toward my original body.”

“Ah, fuck.”

It was indeed a worthwhile Children’s Day.

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