Switch Mode

Chapter 336

〈 337화 〉 329화 – The Chief’s Circumstances (Not that kind of circumstance.)


The group burning with hatred for Kim Shinwoo was basically doing nothing.

They claimed to have gathered for one purpose.

But in the end, it was a group that didn’t trust each other, so it was a natural result.

However, not everyone was like that.

­ Bang!!!

“F*ck! That son of a bitch Kim Shinwoo!!!”

That was none other than the Chief of the Academy.

From the first day at the Academy, the Chief was very busy unlike those guys.

Of course, he wasn’t doing his actual job; he was only focused on thoroughly planning to wreck Kim Shinwoo.

‘I said I would kill anything related to that bastard Kim Shinwoo!’

He decided to send the hunters he had hired in advance to Kim Shinwoo’s family at the right time.

He had given instructions to capture them alive, but if things went south, it wouldn’t be a problem to just kill them on the spot.

‘I hired them for that purpose. It pissed me off how expensive they were.’

Whether they die now or later, it was all the same.

Moreover, it didn’t stop there.

He even obtained an Ability Usage Permit on the same day for the hunters sent to the public office.

In that case, even using abilities in the worst-case scenario shouldn’t be a problem.

Though it was questionable whether it was really necessary, because who knows?

He also devised a plan to clear all civilians near the house where Kim Shinwoo’s family lived.

They would broadcast a fake public announcement saying they had to evacuate due to a sudden monster appearance in the apartment complex.

They even created public sentiment that the apartment was showing signs of collapse, so people would have no choice but to leave.

Naturally, only Kim Shinwoo’s family was unaware of this situation.

By the time they figured it out, all the circumstances would surely be settled.

Lastly, he had already put the nearby CCTV under control.

He paid the people who managed the CCTV to temporarily turn them off that day.

For those who couldn’t do that, he secretly had them break the cameras.

‘Seriously, there are way too many CCTVs in this f*cked up country.’

This was the small security gap the Chief was creating.

In a matter of moments, Kim Shinwoo’s family would be gone from this world.

That was what the Chief had prepared for the last month.

Of course, it wasn’t without some strange things.

Each time, it made the Chief’s pitiful headache even worse.

One was Kim Shinwoo’s family relationships.

Even though he had considered that the family of this Kim Shinwoo might be exceptional,

what he found out was even more ridiculous.

‘Well, I can understand the parents… but why the f*ck is that son of a bitch on the household register?’

It was even more absurd that the son of a bitch lived alone.

He decided to send a hunter over that way too, but he couldn’t hide his complicated feelings.

And the other thing was the unusually active interaction with the neighbors.

Just to be safe, he tried to gather some simple information about the next door.

There were only two people living next door.

One was a former Academy employee who had resigned.

This part wasn’t bad at all.

But the other one was the problem.

‘What the hell is this guy doing that there’s not a single piece of info?’

He could have just brushed it off.

However, he couldn’t ignore it.

The information he had found felt artificial and contrived.

The name started with ‘Kim,’ a completely ordinary name you could find anywhere.

But when there were no characters in the next section, can it still be considered ordinary?

This person was definitely not a foreigner.

Moreover, their family relationship was completely unknown.

There was no indication that either parent had died.

It was as if that person had just sprung into existence out of nowhere.

Plus, there was only current address information available.

There was no record of where they moved from.

Ironically, there was a circle drawn in the ability possession section.

This meant they were an Ability User,

and it implied that they had to report their residence every time they moved.

So there had to be records of their residency.

Just in case, he typed that name into the hunters’ database search box.

At least, it led to some result.

If finding a profile photo of someone else could be considered a success.

Moreover, the person in the profile he obtained was certainly not a normal individual either.

Although not to the extent of the person he was originally looking for, the information was still quite absurd.

It was as if someone was artificially forcing a person’s existence.

‘……Is this person really existing?’

But the oddities didn’t end there.

The next day after searching for the hunter’s name, the Chief received an envelope with absolutely nothing written on it.

What came out of the envelope was a single sheet of paper with just eight neatly written characters.

Up to this point, it could be dismissed as someone’s malicious prank.

But what if that letter was placed right in the middle of his room?

Especially with no one having visited his house.

And nothing showing up on the security camera he had set up just in case.

‘What the f*ck!!! What the hell is going on with this mess!!!’

Then from that point on, it could never be a mere prank.

Instead, it meant a warning and a threat.

That I can kill you at any moment.

In such a case, most people would understandably back off.

On the other hand, a few exceptional individuals might recognize this as a clue and dig deeper.

However, unfortunately, the Chief was one of the many.

No matter how much he was willing to do anything to kill Kim Shinwoo,

nothing was more precious than his own life.

It was beyond the Chief’s capabilities to begin with.

Suddenly, another thought came to the Chief’s mind, and he began to grind his teeth unconsciously.

‘If that lizard bitch was here, she would have found something!!!’

That was the Lizard Beastman.

There wasn’t a single job she couldn’t complete.

If she had been there, the outcome would have likely turned out somewhat differently.

Though he didn’t like it, he had to at least trust her work-related skills.

She’d been perfect up to that point.

Even if she failed, she was the best slave who would perfectly carry out her duties after hitting and starving her younger sibling a few times.

However, after Kim Shinwoo had visited, the Lizard Beastman had vanished.

Not just her, but also the younger sibling they had taken hostage.

‘I know that bastard Kim Shinwoo stopped by, but where the hell did they go after that?’

It was understandable for them to stay for a day or two.

But since entering Kim Shinwoo’s house, the Lizard Beastman had not shown up anywhere.

‘Could they still be at Kim Shinwoo’s house?’

However, the Chief shook his head vigorously and ruled that possibility out.

In modern society, even if a stranger were allowed to stay in a house, staying for more than a month would be abnormal.

No matter how much of a big deal Kim Shinwoo was, at least his family living in his house would be normal.

In the end, the Chief decided to focus on Kim Shinwoo right in front of him.

He could deal with the Lizard Beastman afterward, and it wouldn’t be too late.

‘If I just kill Kim Shinwoo first, everything will be resolved!’

Thus, with just the intent to kill Kim Shinwoo, the Chief thoroughly prepared for it.

He was so filled with intent to kill that he didn’t even encounter any monsters since the Academy started.

Then, just recalling the word monster made the Chief’s lower half tighten up.

­ Pop! Pop!

“F*ck, this is bad.”

He wanted to vent everything piling up to the monsters right away.

Pouring out the base desires wriggling in his heart.

Using his anger towards Kim Shinwoo to propel his body into action.

But the Chief held back with an insane patience that wasn’t like him.

‘This must be what they call Polynesian sex.’

If Polynesian people had heard this, they might have slapped the Chief’s head immediately.

So, he should be thankful that they aren’t here right now.

The Chief, and any idiot bastard writing this.

Then suddenly, another thought crossed his mind.

During the absence of the Lizard Beastman, he remembered that he hadn’t given even the slightest bit of food to the monster.

‘……It should be fine. If I fed it well, it would probably go even more wild than when I captured it.’

Of course, he soon erased that worry.

Thus, spending days filled with abstinence and hatred, the Chief kept preparing.

A blade to deny the existence of Kim Shinwoo.

And finally.

­ “Therefore, all Academy-related personnel should take a leave starting tomorrow for two weeks.”

­ “The Student Council President plans to check the stage while you’re all away.”

The long-awaited day had arrived.

­ “Starting from midnight on April 1st.”

­ “All by myself.”

Even Kim Shinwoo’s sweet words, which he thought were an exceptionally golden opportunity.

It would be natural to hesitate, thinking it was a trap since Kim Shinwoo had directly created a security gap.

However, the Chief’s judgment was clouded by his plan to eliminate Kim Shinwoo and have a wild party afterward.


The time for patience had come to an end.

He was about to unleash the hunters and have them head toward the previously instructed destination.

To Kim Shinwoo’s house, which had turned into a security gap.

They were hunters who only took on jobs in the dark.

Although they didn’t leave the best impression and hiring them cost quite a bit,

they were at least perfect pros when it came to killing people.

Now, the Chief could just wait with a peaceful mind.

He could already see the image of Kim Shinwoo, shedding tears.

“Hahahahahaha!!!! Kim Shinwoo, you son of a bitch! I’m going to make you howl!!!”

Just thinking about that made him feel like all the hard work so far had been worth it, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Of course, no one knew how it would all turn out.


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not work with dark mode