Switch Mode

Chapter 323

〈 Episode 325 〉 317th Episode – There Are No Bad Dogs in the World.


“What proposal are you talking about?”

At my words, the Chief’s Wife suddenly expressed doubt.

I kept a benevolent smile and continued.

“Don’t you think there’s a problem with your educational policy, ma’am?”

“Is that so? What problem is there?”

This time, the Chief’s Wife asked me her question without resistance.

She seemed to have unconsciously recognized me as an ally.

“What do you think is necessary for education?”

“Is it the whip and carrot you mentioned earlier?”

“That’s right. However…”

As she spoke, I straightened my expression and firmly opened my mouth.

“Your whip and carrot cannot provide perfect education!”

“I see… I must be too weak.”

“Yes, quite literally.”

[That girl talks such nonsense, so it seems you get along well with her.]

‘You’re seriously done for.’

Despite the words, the Piece was right a hundred times over.

The Chief’s Wife was far from weak.

If we had to argue about it, she was somewhere between Nobelpia and the sunlit world.

Anyway, since the Chief’s Wife acknowledged it, I decided to continue.

Now she would probably accept a somewhat unreasonable request.

“This can only be done by a professional educator, someone like me.”

“Oh, so you’re an educator!”

And I pointed at the younger sibling shaking in the arms of the Lizard Beastman.

“In that sense, may I take that reptile with me for a few months?”


“If you check the results later, I’m sure you’ll be pleased, ma’am.”

But this time, the Chief’s Wife didn’t seem too enthusiastic.

She even suggested a different approach.

“Can’t you just leave it here and come to visit every time?”

“Having girlfriends makes that a bit difficult.”

“How about staying here with your girlfriends?”

Since it was a hostage situation, she didn’t seem inclined to let go.

But staying here any longer was out of the question.

If I continued to expose this place, it was clear that I wouldn’t just be dumped from Nobelpia; I’d be out of the webtoon as well.

“Unfortunately, I think that’s impossible.”

“Why not? We can provide everything you need!”

The Chief’s Wife looked puzzled.

“The best educational environment is in my house.”

“Ah… it seems the expert is well-prepared.”

“As I said, I already have the optimal educational environment.”

I spoke unyieldingly.

“I believe focused care is an unavoidable choice.”

“…That’s certainly true.”

Finally, the Chief’s Wife’s mind began to waver a bit.

Still, she hadn’t completely warmed up to the idea.

From her gaze, it seemed she didn’t fully trust me yet.

So this time, I decided to approach her differently.

“Ma’am, do animals usually not show you much affection?”

“Yes, that’s right. They throw up right away even if they’re not sick.”

Somehow, I thought I understood the reason why animals vomited at the sight of her.

I continued with a nonchalant attitude.

“Though it’s not visible, it’s because there’s a mental illness.”

“Oh my! How could I not know something like that? I’m unfit to be a companion!”

[……Companion?… Not a master…]


Anyway, the flow was still on my side.

This time, the Chief’s Wife made a tempting suggestion.

“If you take care of them, I can have you educate the animals as well.”


“Of course! Nothing is impossible for physical therapist Kim Shinwoo.”

“Certainly, it’s best to leave it to the expert!”

The Chief’s Wife’s eyes lit up at my proposal.

It seemed she found this quite interesting.

“While it’s good to hand it over…”

For a moment.

This chick cautiously spoke up.

“Even so, wouldn’t sharing love be enough to teach affection?”

[Does this crazy girl even know how many animals she has killed so far?]

‘Affection(??) is not the same as affection(??), f*ck.’

It could be misunderstood as a statement from a very compassionate person at first glance.

But this chick was a butcher who killed animals through sexual acts.

So that meant death.

“In the end, affection also comes from love.”

“…That’s not necessarily wrong.”

The Chief’s Wife still seemed hesitant.

To prevent this gruesome act from continuing, I urgently spoke up.

“There’s a limit to just that kind of act. That’s not how proper education works.”

“Then could you try educating our puppy first? He’s in a bit of a serious condition.”

“Of course.”

At that, the Chief’s Wife turned to the Lizard Beastman’s younger sibling.

“Bring our Pinky here immediately!”

“Ah, understood.”

At her command, the younger sibling hurriedly left the reception room, and before long, he returned.

“I-I brought him.”

“Now put him down and get lost!”

In his hands was a massive Mastiff, nearly as large as the younger sibling.

The Mastiff’s ear tips were dyed pink.

Perhaps that’s why it was named Pinky.

“Our Pinky! Isn’t he beautiful?”

The Mastiff was very calm in the younger sibling’s hands but growled ferociously at the Chief’s Wife as soon as it hit the ground.

As if unable to contain its intense rage.

“Even after sharing love, it’s still alive, but it’s so fierce that it keeps biting my hand.”

“I see. I’ll check it out first.”

[Be careful. It looks like it’s gonna bite you.]

‘Don’t worry about it.’

After all, who am I?

I’m an inseparable brother of Choco Hyung, the Chihuahua.

And that’s purely through conversation, not force.

So any dog could become friends quickly.

“Feeling a bit rough these days? I know everything—”


This dog was not it.

Even though I tried to initiate a conversation.

The insane Mastiff ruthlessly bit my hand and shook it.

With patience, I tried talking to the Mastiff again.

“Hold still. Let me get out of here—”


“This f*cking dog.”

It bit me even harder than before.

[It seems it has no intention of listening to you.]

‘This dog is done for.’

I intended to get out of the Chief’s Wife’s grasp.

But the Mastiff before me couldn’t be forgiven.

It completely ignored my attempts at conversation even after I tried twenty times.

While I could overlook it, I absolutely could not.

This story has many sweet potato points.

If there’s more sweet potato here, it would surely shake the viewers’ mentality.

[Isn’t it shaking the mentality in another way!!!]

‘Anyway, I can’t let this slide.’

Seeing the blood pouring from my hand, the Chief’s Wife wore a worried expression.

“Are you okay? You’re bleeding a lot.”

“Don’t worry. This is normal for an educator.”

“Isn’t that right? Our Pinky is a bit shy, so you have to be careful.”

“Just as you say. It needs education.”

I smiled nonchalantly.

“Could you wait a moment? With this level, the education should be quick.”

“Of course. I will wait.”

I headed out to the reception room with the Mastiff that was still firmly biting my hand.


‘What kind of education is he planning?’

That was the emotion the Chief’s Wife felt as she watched Kim Shinwoo leave the reception room.

At first, she expressed anger realizing he was the culprit causing her son pain.

However, that emotion was completely erased now.

She had picked up the whip in place of her insufficient education.

He spoke words that matched exactly with her feelings.

And he was even educating that troublesome Pinky.

He was indeed one of the few benefactors in her life.

Then it suddenly occurred to the Chief’s Wife to think about the Chief again.

Unconsciously, she couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘That guy really makes a fuss about nothing.’

Here’s a student treating her so well and speaking coherently.

What could possibly be the issue that causes such an uproar?

The Chief’s Wife couldn’t understand it at all.

Just then, the absent Kim Shinwoo returned.

This time, with a far calmer Pinky.

“You’re back!”

“Yes, I’m sorry it took longer than expected for the education.”

“It’s fine, it was quick!”

Despite not taking long, he even apologized.

What a polite educator! The Chief’s Wife’s evaluation of Kim Shinwoo rose slightly.

“By the way, was the education effective?”

“Yes, of course! Would you care to extend your hand?”

With that, the Chief’s Wife cautiously extended her hand.

Pinky, one of the rare few still alive and hadn’t died after sharing love.

Of course, she had been worried about how to deal with it since it always tried to bite her hand.

But this time, she felt okay to set aside that concern.

“Oh my! That’s truly impressive!”

“As I told you, my education is solid.”

Pinky accepted the Chief’s Wife’s touch without trying to bite her.

It didn’t act crazy like before.

It simply stood there like a statue without refusing.

That alone was a tremendous improvement.

“How is this possible?”

“There are no bad dogs in the world.”

Though there was one slightly strange point.

Pinky’s eyes were trembling uncontrollably.

And with each touch, it trembled and leaked a bit of pee.

Of course, the Chief’s Wife regarded that as a good sign.

“Could you share what kind of training you did?”

“Sorry, that’s a trade secret, so it’s a bit hard to disclose.”

“That’s a pity, but trade secrets can’t be helped!”

Thanks to Kim Shinwoo’s training, every time she petted him.

It made her so excited she couldn’t even make eye contact.

And the fact that it nearly wet itself was a bonus.

“You’re truly the best educator!”

“That’s too kind.”

She felt a bit upset meeting the Chief, but today was the Chief’s Wife’s best day.

Better than any other day.


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not work with dark mode