Switch Mode

Chapter 319

〈 Chapter 320 〉 What’s the fight between the pig and the monster? Pigfight? Monsterfight?


“Shall we come over here and have a chat?”

“Of course.”

Already, the Chief’s wife, enchanted by the divorce of Mun, kindly speaks to me.

“Don’t get trapped by that guy!!!”

“Shut up!”

It was then that a guy who seemed to be the leader of the Hunters hurriedly tried to intervene.

But his urgent plea was useless.

“That bastard took money from me while doing nothing!”

“…….Damn it.”

She was already lost in Mun’s magical power.

Soon, the Chief’s wife pushed aside the Hunters and started to lead me and the Lizard Beastman into the mansion.

“There, lizard girl. You follow too.”


I spat a slightly sharp comment at the Lizard Beastman.

[Somehow, the Lizard Beastman doesn’t look too happy.]

‘Looks like something’s going on here?’

Anyway, discussing was the priority, so I silently followed the Chief’s wife.

Passing through a corridor that was overly flashy yet had a somewhat disgusting smell.

At the end, finally, there appeared a room that seemed filled with extravagant luxury.

Probably a reception room meant to flaunt wealth to visitors.

“Please sit here.”

“Yes, thank you.”

The moment I sat down, the Chief’s wife looked as if she had remembered something.

“Oh my, how could I be so forgetful? I have a guest and I’m not even serving them.”

“It’s fine. We’re just having a brief chat.”

“No way. That can’t be! Just a little cake—”

Suddenly, the Chief’s wife stopped mid-sentence.



Just as I was about to express my question.

The Chief’s wife suddenly twisted her face and shouted.

“Bring me the cake!!!!!!!”

‘With a monster and Big Mom, couldn’t she choose just one, that damn woman.’

[Isn’t that the same thing?]


At that, a youthful voice was heard from somewhere.

“I-I’ll go get it! Just give me a little time and budget—”

“Forget that, just hurry up and bring it!!!!!”

suddenly scurrying away, leaving only the sound of feet moving.*

At that moment, I noticed the Lizard Beastman quietly biting her lip.

She looked like she was barely holding back a rising anger.

A bit worried, I cautiously asked the Lizard Beastman.

“Are you okay?”

“……I’m fine for now. It’s nothing.”

Before I knew it, the Lizard Beastman was maintaining an indifferent face.

In the meantime, the Chief’s wife showed me a very calm expression.

As if the earlier outburst was nothing.

“Now, should we talk?”


However, our conversation couldn’t continue.

“W-what the hell is this dog doing here!!!”

“Oh, fuck.”

None other than the Chief suddenly burst into the reception room.

“What the hell are you up to in front of our guest!”

“Shut up! You don’t know this guy!”

The Chief had a strange expression, a mix of relief and anger.

With the Chief’s sudden intrusion, the Chief and his wife began to fight fiercely.

Ignoring my existence entirely.

“Why don’t you just stay at home! Why did you bring that crazy bastard here!”

“What does it matter whom I meet!!!”

It was truly the sound of a monster and a pig fighting it out.

But I couldn’t understand the Chief’s intrusion at all.

According to the Lizard Beastman, the Chief had gone to have a passionate rendezvous with a monster today.

So there was no way he should be back so soon.

Wondering if this was all a meticulous trap set by the Lizard Beastman, I glanced at her.

But the Lizard Beastman was just muttering with a blank expression.

“Faster than last time……?”

[So the Chief has become premature?]

‘Don’t say it, fuck.’

Anyway, seeing the Lizard Beastman’s reaction, it looked like she hadn’t deceived me.

But now, knowing truths I didn’t want to uncover made me wish I had been deceived instead.

Meanwhile, the fight between the Chief and his wife grew even more heated.

“Ultimately, it was your fault for getting pregnant back then!”

“Who was the cause! You mistook me for a monster while drunk and assaulted me!!!”

Continuing to reveal truths that should be buried in the abyss.

“Even then, you kept going without resisting, saying you enjoyed it!”

“Fuck! Back then, I thought it was a pig, okay!”

“No, you bastard.”

‘The Chief’s wife is a total animal enthusiast.’

[……I want to praise the possibilities of humanity once again.]

Somehow, something in the Hunters’ earlier dialogue had been weighing on my mind.

Turns out it was a booby trap.

The truth sealed in a pitfall that must not be uncovered.

In a moment of impulsiveness, I let out a curse.

But between their blood-soaked brawl, there was no opening for me to insert my words.

They simply remained nothing more than a hollow cry.

“If I had known you were human, I wouldn’t have done it! Why did you make that sound then?!”

“If only I had known you were human, I wouldn’t have made that sound either!”

“Exactly, who told you to make such sounds as a human?!”

[Hey, hey! What do you mean by they’re people!!!]

‘There are no human beings here, fuck.’

The sight of non-human beings referring to each other as people was now laughable.

That laugh wasn’t a bright smile, but rather a sarcastic chuckle.

Meanwhile, the Chief beat his chest, filled with unjust feelings.

“You have no idea how it felt to get there for the first time because of that!!!”

“I wanted to give it to a noble boar but you took it!!! Return my pure heart!!!”

“Return my torn heart, you bastards.”

Wanting to stop such devastating words, I tried to speak with a dreadful heart.

But their fight continued without a hint of stopping.

As if they had completely forgotten my existence.

“Do you have any idea how painful it is to get pregnant from assault!”

“And I took responsibility by marrying you! Isn’t that enough?!”

‘Is this pure love? At least you got married.’

[Shut up! Nothing but a pure pig could hear me. I’m not hearing anything, fuck.]

I even learned of the Chief’s son’s birth secret.

How the monster-like Chief had a son.

Though I didn’t want to know.

“Is just getting married enough?! You’ve never even come to see me until I gave birth to our son!!!”

“Shut up! I was busy banging with animals until the moment you gave birth! How would I know where I was!!!”

“If you’re unhappy, then why don’t you do the banging yourself!”

“Why would I bang a human!!!!!!!”

Finally, the Chief’s wife started to shed tears through her eye-like hole.

As if even thinking of that moment now was so unjust.

“It’s too much…… Sniff… It’s always like this……. You have no idea about a girl’s heart.”

“Stop being so dramatic! I’m the one who might cry because my bright future is blocked!”

“You bastards. I want to cry the most.”

Seeing this, the Chief only got more furious.

They were still ignoring my words.

Whether they couldn’t hear or chose not to, it didn’t matter.

After all, they’d just keep going on with their filthy, dirty fight.

“So I told you to terminate it if it ever came up!”

“Well, it did come up, and I named the kid ‘Jiwoo’! What’s the problem!!!”

Whether I was here or not didn’t matter.

‘Was the Chief’s previous title perhaps Dr. Oh?’

[Will a lawsuit come from somewhere now? Nintendo?]

‘Maybe GameFreak.’

The same words, different meanings.

Either way, it was truly driving me crazy.

At this point, I wanted to throw in the towel on any alliances.

Soon, the Chief grabbed his wife by the collar and started pressing down on her head with his thick fingers.

“Why can’t you understand that! Is this fucker just into animals, making her brain animal level!”

“Shut up! Don’t talk to me about banging animals!!!”

Then, the wife roughly slapped his hand away and shots some sharp remarks at the Chief.

“Do you mean taxidermying the monsters you’ve punctured or split open is a thing?!”

“Ha, what’s wrong with a Hunter exhibiting his catch!!!”

“Don’t insult Hunters, you bastard!!!”

In an instant, I felt a rush and was about to jump in when the Lizard Beastman hurriedly stopped me.

“Calm down, Minota. If you awaken, none of us will survive.”

“……Something feels a bit off here?”

“……It’s a misunderstanding, Shinwoo student.”

The Lizard Beastman’s tone seemed to change for a moment.

Because of that, my anger quickly subsided, falling into a state of calm.

Yet again, an unwanted truth began to peek its head out.

“Then at least clean it well! The smell doesn’t come off!”

“Speak properly! It’s not a smell, it’s a fragrance!”

[Wasn’t that musty smell in the beginning?]

‘Please shut up, fuck.’

Seemingly feeling unjust from being the only one attacked, the Chief counterattacked.

“Go wash the Butter dog that died because of you! Do you know how hard it was to dispose of it?!”

“Well, thanks to that, it had a unique flavor in the dog meat soup!!!”

“Delicacies are good for only a couple of times! You have to do it properly!”

“Fuck!!!!!! You lot do it reasonably, you crazy bastards!!!!!”

[Looks like the dog days are approaching in the perspective outside of this novel.]

‘This writer is pulling a reverse viral, isn’t he? That bastard, seriously.’

In my angry state, I randomly yelled, but I really wasn’t worried.

After all, these bastards wouldn’t hear me at all.

Yet that ugly, fucked up brawl.

“What about making our son run away! What if he ends up starving to death!”

“It’s only been less than an hour since he ran away, what’s there to worry about!”

“Our son would have already perished!”

“Then why are you bringing Kim Shinwoo here when you care so much for your son!”

They hadn’t cared a bit about me until now.

“They’ve been talking about Kim Shinwoo for a while. Who the hell is Kim Shinwoo!!!”

“The kid you care about tortured our son to the point he skipped a meal!!!”

“……Huh? If he’s that bastard, then?…No way…”

“That’s right!!!!!”

Suddenly they started turning their direction toward me.

“That bastard is Kim Shinwoo!!! The one who almost killed our son!!!”


“Oh, fuck.”

Truly, it was completely unexpected.


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not work with dark mode