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Chapter 315

Alright, let’s set aside the Lizardman for now!

Next up is… the Elves and Dwarves. Hmm…

Let’s start with the Elves. The Dwarves have a lot more to discuss, so it might be easier to wrap up the Elves first.

Over the span of 300 years, the Elves… haven’t really changed much.

Well, from the Elves’ perspective, 300 years isn’t even a generation.

It’s enough time for a newborn Elf to grow into adulthood and become a functional member of society, but not enough for their culture to evolve.

If there is a change at all, it’s just that the Elves’ range of activity has expanded quite a bit.

The Elves who once stuck to the forest around Yggdrasil are now scattered all over the world.

Especially the young… or rather, the younger Elves. Elves around 100 years old are now venturing out from the Great Forest with their bows in hand, exploring the world.

This was a rare sight 300 years ago, but now it’s quite common.

Some Elves have settled in other forests to protect them, while others have tried to blend in with humans but couldn’t resist rushing out to stop them from chopping down trees. And there are even Elves working as Hunters to prevent other humans from damaging the forest.

Their love for trees, even as carnivorous Elves, seems unchanged even outside the Great Forest.

Among such Elves, the most puzzling are those who have started interacting with Dwarves.

At first, it was like, “What on earth is that?” But hey, it’s the truth.

Elves and Dwarves have had duels every ten years due to the Racial War—water and oil, fire and ice, humans and mosquitoes… well maybe not that last one? Anyway, the sight of two species that should never mix starting to interact is seriously puzzling.

But what can we say? It’s reality!

I have no idea what happened for the Elves and Dwarves to start communicating, but they’re now using Fire Spirits to light Dwarven forges and in exchange, receiving swords.

I overheard some chatter that using the Fire Spirits allows for the smelting of a more special metal.

With the fire infused in the metal, swords can be made that allow the spirits to settle more stably, boosting the efficiency of the Spirit Swords the Elves use.

And since they use fire spirits to keep the fire going, they can skip using wood altogether!

While crafting their swords, they lend the fire spirit and reduce the burning of trees, forming a mutually beneficial relationship.

From the Dwarves’ perspective, it cuts down on the hassle of going out to gather wood, and they can use the fire spirits to create quality items, so it’s all gain for them.

But even at that, it doesn’t mean that the two species with a hostile relationship can easily interact. The ones who are at least currently communicating have built trust after confirming each other’s skills during the Racial War.

After fierce competitions, they reached a point where they can trust one another. In other words, it’s a rivalry relationship.

Hmm. It’s a beautiful sight! Look at that! Two rival species battling it out, now acknowledging each other’s skills and cooperating—it puts a smile on my face.

So, is that it for the Elves? Anything else to say…? Hmm…

Ah! There’s one more thing.

I looked toward Yggdrasil in the Great Forest and observed one Elf.

A slightly shorter girl Elf, not quite an adult.

Unlike the bright-haired Elves, she had vivid green hair.

That Elf was seated on a throne made of intertwined branches, being treated with the utmost respect by other Elves.

Like a human king or emperor.

“Looks like you’re having fun!”

I whispered softly to the green-haired Elf girl, and she flinched a bit.

“Why do you say that, Your Majesty?”

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

The green-haired Elf, referred to as the queen.

No, Yggdrasil embodied as an Elf, tries to act nonchalant as she speaks to the nearby Elf.

“Take a short break from your room. I’ll handle the remaining tasks later.”

“Understood. Then I will escort you to your room.”

“No, it’s fine. It’s not far from here.”

Then she hopped down from the throne made of branches and stepped into a well-decorated room.

And then…


“Are you enjoying being offered as a goddess while playing queen?”

“Playing? I’m doing this out of necessity! By the way, when did you wake up?”

“Just a moment ago. I fled from the evil hands trying to make me work the moment I woke up, so I’m taking a look around the world.”

“Evil hands… that’s the workload you’ve been avoiding for ages. Even if you made substitutes, it would be less efficient than doing it yourself…”

But still, I just don’t want to! I only want to play!


I moved through spatial movement and landed next to Yggdrasil, sitting quietly.

“You look pretty cute,” I said.

“You know that’s going back to your mother, right?”

“Well, I am aware that my looks have a certain charm!”

It’s true! I’m cute and pretty!

Honestly, if it weren’t for my looks, I’d be hitting the preferences dead on! Every time I transform, there’s a little randomness, but generally, I’m a pretty girl!

“So, what are you doing as an avatar?”

“This body? Just dealing with multiple matters.”

“Multiple matters?”

“Yeah, to put it simply…. The Elves need a more concrete focal point.”

Need a more concrete focal point? What more could they need when they have the World Tree, which can be considered the god of Elves?

“Isn’t your existence sufficient as a focal point? Why did you need to create an avatar?”

“True, but as generations of Elves pass, I feel their direct reliance on me is slightly diminishing. While they used to believe in me as their deity and parent, now they seem to only hold a religious faith in me.”

A religious god? Hmm, is that to say the direct faith they had in me as a protector is fading away?

“Of course, that much faith serves a certain role as a focal point, but I feel my intentions aren’t directly conveyed to the Elves. So, I needed to be more explicit in communicating my will, hence the avatar.”

“Interesting. So that’s why you’re living as an avatar.”

“Yep. It’s a hassle, but what can be done? I have to.”

Seeing Yggdrasil sigh softly, I slowly reached out to stroke her hair.

On the surface, we might look alike, but I’m still her mother!

“It might not be easy, but think of it as your efforts for your children. Living as an avatar might also be somewhat fun after all.”

“It’s a fresh experience. Unlike experiencing indirectly, moving directly is exciting. Though I do find the kids a bit stiff.”

“Well then, can’t you just exist as something other than a queen to solve that?”

“That’s… um… when I told them I was an Elf created to represent the will of the World Tree, they just went ahead and crowned me queen anyway. To be honest, I didn’t plan on doing anything queenly….”

“Well, what can be done? You, who can be considered a god to Elves, created an Elf to fulfill your will. It’s natural for them to crown you as queen.”

Especially since she’s a being created by the deity of their species!

“Still, I’m glad you’re finding it enjoyable.”

“Yeah. Honestly, it is fun. Though it feels like I have quite a bit on my plate.”

“If you have too much on your plate, passing it off to your subordinates isn’t a bad idea either. You can delegate tasks that must be done by you and then just get progress reports from your capable subordinates to cut down your workload.”

Especially if you can pass it on to a capable subordinate, that effect is magnified.

In my case, I even created a fragment named Asherat to handle it!

“Anyway, if there’s anything you need, just contact me. I’ve awakened from hibernation now.”

“Okay. I’ll reach out if I need Mother’s help.”

So, I bid farewell to the Elf queen… Yggdrasil’s avatar, and quietly took off.

Now then…. Shall we dive into the story of the Dwarves next?

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

In the societal structure of the Elves, there are fundamentally no rulers, but a queen can emerge from Yggdrasil.

A noble Elf with dark green hair made by Yggdrasil possesses a strong bond with Yggdrasil, rising to the position of queen as the one who represents Yggdrasil’s will.

Commanding numerous spirits according to her desires, the Elf queen protects the Elves under the authority of Yggdrasil, standing as a great blessing for them and an envoy conveying the greatness of the enduring World Tree.


Of course, the Elf queen doesn’t always exist. In her absence, the Elders of the Elves govern. However, in such cases, the entire society of Elves tends to exhibit rigid movements.

This is because the older Elf elders are averse to change, possessing thought processes no different from trees.

Given the Elves’ nature of living nearly a thousand years, it’s understandable they struggle to maintain flexible thinking. Yet the fact that the council of Elders governing other Elves harbors such issues is a significant danger for the other Elves.

– A guide for adventurers exploring the world.
Ain-jong’s Chapter: Elf Edition

The author of this text clarifies that he holds no malicious feelings toward the Elf council.

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