Switch Mode

Chapter 288

〈 Chapter 289 〉 Chapter 283 ­ VS Cardinal Cyborg (2)


The path was narrow and seemed ready to break at any moment, but victory was in sight.

So, there was only one thing left.

Before that path broke, I would run without hesitation.

Facing the cardinal, I started to condense my magical power into a single point in my palm.

If I was right, the cardinal would rush at me as soon as he saw this.

To break the only blade that could harm him.

And my prediction was somewhat accurate.

The cardinal quickly thrashed and charged at me.

“You’re an idiot too! You show that so openly!”

“‘You too’ means you’ve started to realize you’re an idiot yourself, right?”

“N-no! Shut up!!!!!!”

Feeling the gap in vocabulary, the cardinal quickly closed the distance to overpower me.

The moment he reached me, he unleashed a powerful force.

A deadly force that flew in a perfectly straight line.

That line brought darkness approaching me, ravenously seeking my life.

“Dark Princess Punch!!!”

But there was no need to place my life on the line.

So, I decided to sneak away from that line.

I slipped to the side.

“Slippery little punk!”

“Punk? That’s you, dog.”

Using my left gauntlet, I slyly glided away the cardinal’s attack at an angle.

Even with that action, I couldn’t withstand the shock, and the gauntlet broke.

But thankfully, the line aimed at me brushed past.

And now it was my turn to strike.

Like flowing water, my hand crept in to grab the cardinal by his collar.

Realizing the situation, the cardinal tried to escape.

“Let go, let go!”

“You’re not Princess Peach, stop trying to run away.”

If only he had noticed a bit earlier.

Because before the cardinal could do anything.

I had already flipped him upside down to the ground.

“Don’t you feel sorry for Mario!!!”

[At least there’s still Koopa Princess.]

‘Right? It was a tough spot.’

Leaving the dazed cardinal behind, I retrieved the axe I had thrown earlier.

Simultaneously, the cardinal regained his position and started swinging a black whip at me.

“I like Daisy more than Princess Peach!”

The whip, slow yet with a wide curve, flew toward me.

It looked similar to a wave trying to engulf me.

“Who’d want that Daisy.”

So this time,

I decided to react before the flow of the whip reached me.

Using speed.

Throwing the axe with my right hand, I activated the Cheonma Repulsor with my left behind my back.

At the same time, I prepared the Cheonma Laser on the palm of my right hand.

“You’ll be a lifetime second-in-command.”

With the recoil of the Cheonma Repulsor accelerating my body, I charged fiercely at the cardinal.

Even before the whip reached me.

Seeing that, the cardinal showed an expression of panic.

“What, what’s so fast like this! It’s not premature ejaculation!”

“Hehe, let’s call it ‘quick fire’, shall we?”

The axe looked like it would pierce the cardinal at any moment.

And I was hot on its tail.

The cardinal had no choice.

He quickly reached for the whip made of nanomachines to block the incoming axe.

Just as his dark body barely deflected it.

This time, I had already reached the cardinal.

With the Cheonma Laser in my right hand.

And the Cheonma Repulsor loaded in my left.

Meanwhile, the cardinal twisted his face and shouted loudly.

Trying desperately to hide the anxiety bubbling up inside.

“I’m not a second-in-command! I’m the strongest princess of the Beastman Kingdom!”

Still stuck in his teenage phase, calling himself ‘the strongest’.

In that moment, I remembered this novel is also a light novel.

Besides, if we excluded Caressy from our party, I was the ‘weakest’ in this situation.

At the mention of ‘strongest’ and ‘weakest’, a phrase sprung to mind.

“Hey, Strong Guy.”


I readied my hands as if about to unleash.

Grinning like a maniac, I whispered.

“Clench your teeth.”

The cardinal’s body was covered entirely in black.

Gay, furry, and even black-skinned.

Truly a culmination of PC culture.

‘Is Netflix coming to cast for this?’

[Surely, a free pass during auditions.]

That was a shield that could block everything, and seemed unbreakable.

Then this time, I would aim to break that fortress.

“My weakest will hurt like hell.”

If it’s an unbreakable fortress.

Then with an even more overwhelming power.

Conveniently, a threatening force—Cheonma Laser—was in my right hand.

Meanwhile, my left hand was already equipped with the previously blocked Cheonma Repulsor.

The cardinal made a quick choice.

“I just have to block that!”


He tried to swipe at my extending right hand.

Thanks to that, his body was fully exposed to my left hand’s trajectory.

But it seemed he didn’t care at all.

In some ways, it was a wise decision.

The Cheonma Laser couldn’t be stopped by nanomachines anyway.

However, he had seen me block the Cheonma Repulsor just a moment ago.


[Seems you’ve become a fisherman.]

‘Peter! Watch me closely!’

That was a wrong choice.

Until now, I had intentionally loaded the Cheonma Laser on my palm for a reason.

According to the information the cardinal had, the Cheonma Laser required a bit of time to activate before it could fire.

In other words, it couldn’t be executed immediately at close range like this.

Yet, he couldn’t prepare for the Cheonma Laser with his left hand in time.

So he was probably thinking that was why I hadn’t fully loaded it.

Right as the cardinal swatted my right hand away, I escaped from the trajectory of the Cheonma Laser.

And with a smile that indicated victory, he said.

“I knew I won!”

“Do you know what might bite when you’re fishing?”


As my next words made him feel something was off.

But when he realized it, it was already too late.

I had clenched my left fist.

“I’m just throwing out the bait.”


Since I had loaded the Cheonma Laser on my bracelet.

It was a speed that couldn’t compare to activating on my palm.

I blasted a small star orbiting along the trajectory of the bracelet into the cardinal’s pit of the stomach.

To tear through the pitch-black night with starlight.

“You’re gonna bite that!!!”

At least for the cardinal, it was a stroke of luck.

If there was an unfortunate point for me.

It was that the cardinal reacted late and swatted my left hand outward.

However, he didn’t completely deflect it.

The starlight that was supposed to strike his stomach merely went towards his right shoulder.

Of course, from my perspective, it was quite disappointing.

‘Tsk. Can’t use that twice.’

[At least, you landed a hit.]

In an instant, the cardinal’s right arm was severed.

He would probably think that was a cheap price to pay.

“F*CK!!! That hurts!!!”

Though, the scream didn’t seem to indicate that.

Holding the severed arm while shedding tears, the cardinal expressed his pain with all his might.

Seeing him writhing dramatically was downright annoying.

He could hurt Caressy so easily, yet now he was such a wimp.

Of course, I wasn’t done yet, so I quickly reversed the cardinal and stomped on his stomach.


“Quit crying like a little prick.”

“It hurts!!! Huhuh! It hurts!!!”

[Lie there and whine like ‘big brother’!]

‘Quit whining, you damn bitch.’

The moment the cardinal saw me loading the Cheonma Laser on my right hand.

He stopped crying and hurriedly declared his defeat.

“Just let me go once! Please! I lost!”

“Shut up.”

Seeing my firm tone, the cardinal started blurting out his offers even faster.

As if he was done with anything painful.

“Money! Jewels! Gold! I’ll give you everything you want! So please!”

At his words, I paused my right hand.

And gradually, hope began to glimmer in the cardinal’s eyes.

Maybe there was a chance, he thought.

But I hadn’t stopped because I was lured by the gold.

I stopped only to let him know there was something even more valuable.

“You dumbass, there’s gold that’s more precious than gold.”

“What is… that?”

While blubbering, the cardinal slightly questioned my statement.

I grinned menacingly at the cardinal as I replied.

“Hello, you fucked-up motherf*cker.”

Upon hearing my words, the cardinal’s face twisted with rage as he thrashed around.

But the more he struggled, the more strength I put into my foot.

Then suddenly, a thought hit me, and I grinned wider.

“Oh, you didn’t know because you don’t have one, did you?”

“Y-you dog bastard! Shut your mouth!!!”

Unable to remain silent, the cardinal yelled out.

“As if saying such things makes you the protagonist of a story!”

“If you want to be a princess.”

Ignoring what the cardinal said, I solely continued with my own.

While unleashing the starlight from my right hand at him.

“Create a father and a mother first, you damn brat.”


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not work with dark mode