Switch Mode

Chapter 283

〈 Episode 284 〉 Long Live!


“The moment this ends, your life ends too!”

Barely finished speaking, the Commander charges at Hyeji with a chocolate pie in hand.

Seeing that, Hyeji mechanically fires her rifle without any change in expression.

­ Ting! Ting! Ting!


The Commander’s chocolate pie deflected all the bullets.

Still, he can’t help but scream in pain.

Yet, he doesn’t stop his advance.

“GUAAAH!!! I may be S, but this time I’ll be M!!!”


For the first time, surprise flickers across Hyeji’s face.

Whether it’s because the Commander has found a way to counter her, or if it’s simply because things are getting too dirty for her brain to process is something even Hyeji herself is confused about.

“This is fun.”

Despite trying various weapons to tear off limbs, he instantly regenerates with divine power.

It looks like he’s burning through his life just to kill Hyeji.

Before long, Hyeji obliterates all weapons and instead manifests a molecular cutter in her hand.

Then, she brings the cutter up to slice the Commander’s fiercely swinging chocolate pie.


­ Ching!!!

“Keuhuhuhuh!!! You think that silly toy is going to work on me?!!!”

The molecular cutter fails to slice through the Commander’s chocolate pie.

To be exact, the pie’s concentrated divine power is recovering too quickly for it to be cut.

Of course, he was consuming his life force at this cost.

“Stop being annoying, you bastard.”

Seeing the molecular cutter do nothing, the Commander, despite the pain, has a fierce smile on his face.

As if to say that such a thing could never cut his spear.

“My spear (???) cannot be broken!!! Only a manhole can seal this!!!”

Instead of responding to the Commander’s words, Hyeji manifests a file bunker with her other hand and starts creating distance by pushing him away.

This marks the first time Hyeji has retreated since the fight began.

Even with a massive hole in his body, the Commander, upon seeing Hyeji backtrack, grows more spirited and charges forward.

As if he can’t let this opportunity slip away.

In that moment, Hyeji ignores the charging Commander completely.

Suddenly, she lifts the molecular cutter to the sky and whispers ominously.

“Hey, Lord. Are you watching?”

With a smile more ferocious than anything else in the world, she lets out a short, strong phrase so the Lord can hear clearly.

“Give me power.”

Moreover, Hyeji doesn’t stop her words there and adds something even more sinister before the Lord can react.

“If you don’t want to die.”

『I-I will give it!』

“I don’t need it.”

It sounds like a voice from somewhere, and at the same time, yellow divine power stretches like a sword from Hyeji’s molecular cutter.

Even with her saying she doesn’t need it, the Lord quickly lends her power.

Soon after, Hyeji extends the sword towards the Commander with a smirk.

“W-What’s that!!!”

“Man-hae (卍?).”

The Commander’s face turns to shock at Hyeji’s man-hae.

“The Lord gives power only to a very few!”

“I can do it. If it’s me.”

Hyeji, the worst kind of being that even defies God.

But for the Commander, he had no more chances left.

Now he was scraping the bottom of his divine power and life force.

With even more speed than before, the Commander lunges at Hyeji, thrusting his chocolate pie forward.

“Take this! Gyu-duryeong-sum (???)!!!!”

“Hyeji-cheonchung (???).”

Two potentially copyright-infringing techniques collide with each other.

The Commander’s chocolate pie delivers nine swift strikes.

Hyeji’s molecular cutter ignites sparkling divine power, meeting his attack head-on.

And the victor is—

­ Screech!!!


It was none other than Hyeji.

It seemed that due to the original creator’s circumstances, the attack did not affect Hyeji, whose body was a bit weaker.

If only Hyeji had matured slightly more, the outcome might have been different.

In the end, it was a matter of compatibility.

As a result, the Commander, having lost his chocolate pie, screams while clutching at his genitals, which are now wet and crying.

Meanwhile, Hyeji, looking down at the Commander’s state rolling helplessly on the ground, smiles derisively.

“It hurts!!! It really hurts!!!!!”

“Is that all for a spear?”

Instead of kicking that filthy thing this time, Hyeji throws a soy grenade, setting the chocolate pie ablaze.

It was a heroine with a desirable attitude that believes someone should clean up after such filth.

“No!!! My spear!!!!!”

“You’re overreacting. It’s nothing compared to Shinwoo.”

Seeing his lifelong partner burn to ashes, the Commander begins to shed tears of blood.

It was truly a situation where tears flowed from both above and below.

After a moment, the Commander reaches out, eyes bloodshot, screaming.

With madness flashing in his eyes, he declares fiercely.

“O Holy Spirit! Offer my blood as a sacrifice to imprison her!!!”

With those words, the blood spilled by the Commander and from his body flows out like a river, surrounding Hyeji, becoming a prison.

“What the hell is this?”

Hyeji, testing, tries to slice it with the molecular cutter, but the prison of blood breaks, only to quickly restore its form.

The blood prison that doesn’t fall to Hyeji’s man-hae technique.

Even trying to roast it with a flamethrower or using a plasma cutter changes nothing.

The Commander had sealed the demon with sheer determination.

With no further results from her actions, Hyeji frowns and mutters.

“Damn it.”

“Hahahahahaha!!! I managed to stop you!!!”

It’s true; Hyeji couldn’t escape the blood prison created with the Commander’s power.

While it can’t imprison her forever, it still serves as a form of restraint.

By the time that demon is released, the Cardinal should come and resolve this situation.

As he thought he’d finally succeeded, the Commander starts laughing madly.


Although his vision swayed from rapidly losing blood and using massive life force, he felt he was sure he’d protected the Beastman Kingdom’s young man.

In that euphoric state, the Commander was under the illusion that he didn’t feel the slightest fatigue.

“You thought a mere you could eat our Beastman Kingdom?!!!”


However, Hyeji’s calm next words were,

“Actually, that was a reservation.”


That was enough to plunge the Commander into despair.

“I already launched it.”

“You crazy bitch!!!!!!!”

The Commander’s heart plummeted into deep, deep despair in an instant.

As if symbolizing his feelings, he collapsed right there, bleeding from his eyes, nose, and mouth.

Despite being hit so hard, the Commander was finally reaching his limit.

Meanwhile, Hyeji began to laugh more maniacally than the Commander had moments before.

Her laughter was filled with mockery and scorn.

“Did you think I was just a third-rate movie villain?”

At that moment, a loud noise rang out from outside the cathedral.

It was a series of explosion noises.

Another form of love rain (death???) was falling upon the entire Beastman Kingdom.

“You’re a demon! No, a demon! You monster!!!!!”

“No, you can’t express me with just that word.”

“What the hell are you saying then!!!!!!”

The Commander, with tears mixed in his voice, stammered senselessly at Hyeji.

Against the backdrop of the incessant explosions, Hyeji pronounced her next words in the strongest tone.

“I am Hyeji.”

With that statement, yet another intense explosion burst forth.

As if implying to engrave her existence distinctly in his mind.

Now, even if the Cardinal kills the Pope, the losses would outweigh the gains.

Even if he seizes total power, it would take considerable time to rebuild the Beastman Kingdom.

That is, assuming the Motherless Church’s followers, bishops, and researchers remain unharmed.

Moreover, with the continuous explosions now audible, he realized—

The Cardinal could not defeat Hyeji.

Someone who had ruined him multiple times even when prepared with that number.

In fact, it was becoming astonishing to think of Kim Shinwoo, who could handle such a mad existence.

Keeping Hyeji captive had at least given the Cardinal some extra time to live.

But that wouldn’t last long.

“Damn it. It’s just a matter of time.”

At this moment, where everything felt futile, the Commander began to vent his frustrations by cursing Kim Shinwoo, who wasn’t even present.

“Kim Shinwoo, that spear bastard!!!! Where the hell did you bring this crazy woman from!!!”

“What did you just say about Shinwoo?”

“Keuhuh! Spear bastard! Spear bastard! Do you feel bad! Am I wrong!!!”

The Commander laughed as if he’d given up entirely.

“No, that’s the first correct thing you’ve said.”


Hyeji unexpectedly agreed.

The remark made by the Commander to belittle her had turned out to be something he never anticipated.

Seeing the Commander’s bewildered expression, Hyeji calmly replied.

“I actually have a real spear between my legs.”

Then she looked towards the direction where Kim Shinwoo had left.

Starting to lick her lips.

“I have been devouring it like crazy, so it fits.”

Left without any rebuttal to Hyeji’s words, the Commander finally spat out his honest feelings towards her.

“……Crazy bitch.”

“That’s correct.”

“You crazy…. b*tch… doesn’t lose a word…”

With that, the Commander fainted.

Nevertheless, even to the Commander’s last words, Hyeji had to respond.

“That’s right. I’m the direct consort of that dog bastard Shinwoo.”

Hyeji’s perfect revenge.

Truly, a deed and remark worthy of a heroine.


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not work with dark mode