Switch Mode

Chapter 281

〈 Episode 283 〉 Please.


The commander decided to use regression as he watched the incoming Jericho missile.

Compared to the future he could experience, it would take quite a long time to reuse it.

But it wasn’t a situation where he could afford to quibble.

‘I can’t help it! I was originally planning to use it to take down the cardinal!’

So, he set the present as the reference point.

He prepared to regress.

The oncoming Jericho missile struck exactly behind the commander.

Since he decided to regress, he would put all his effort into crumpling the Jericho missile.

This was the last chance he could attempt.

‘I have to do it! I am the Anal Executioner!!!!’

­ boom!!!

Thanks to his last-ditch effort, the commander managed to crumple the Jericho missile.

With that, the Jericho missile met its fate, crumpled.

Luckily, the first missile was a dud.

Instantly, the commander felt a sense of relief.

If he had known this would turn out like this, he thought he should have saved the regression.

‘With this, my victory is assured!’

His faith was perfect.

Regression was always the solution.

Comforted by that, he began to return to his original state.

Just like in the future he experienced before the regression, the commander crumpled the Jericho missile again.

Unknowingly, a sense of accomplishment caused him to laugh again.

“Hahahaha!!! Did you think it could be done with just one missile!!!”

At the same time, the commander thought he had completely won.

Honestly, if more than two missiles were to come, even the Anal Executioner would be helpless.

But seeing just one fired, that must be the limit of that woman.

‘No matter how much of a monster she is, she can’t create more than that level of missile!’

If she could, it would seriously mess up the balance.

Even if she’s an idiot, she’d at least have placed some minimal restrictions.

Now, anything beyond that would need to be a demon born from hell.

Simultaneously, another thought crossed the commander’s mind, distorting his face.

‘That orphan saintess’s report was definitely exaggerated!’

Sure, she was dangerous, but even so, that level of exaggeration was too much.

Of course, her personality seemed to fit, but in front of the Anal Executioner, it was all nothing.

Before strong faith, all idols are nothing more than the victims of violation.

Now, all that was left was to crush that woman.

That’s what the commander was thinking.


“Who said it was just one missile?”


At some point, there were numerous Jericho missiles lined up on either side of Hyeji, making the commander’s thoughts meaningless.

Could it be possible to do that much?

Is that really a human being?

What on earth were they thinking when they created such a crazy woman?

It turns out that the orphan saintess didn’t slack off in her reports.

If that’s possible, then why didn’t she make multiple missiles from the start?

As if sensing the commander’s doubts, Hyeji nodded her head and spoke.

“I thought one was enough because it was a catchphrase, so I just made one.”

“Damn it! The balance is completely messed up!!!!!”

With that statement, the numerous Jericho missiles beside Hyeji began to fire simultaneously.

Specifically targeting the commander’s back.

At the same time, Hyeji shouted at the commander.

“Do you think you can question balance in a comedy novel, you piece of shit?”


Even if one wasn’t quite enough, two was definitely sufficient.

From three missiles onwards, it was perfect.

Although the Anal Executioner was a terrifying being.

Before Tony Stark’s masterpiece, the Jericho missile was helpless.

­ BOOM!!!!

Before the commander could even reach Hyeji, a powerful explosion erupted from behind him.

The impact shook his mind and flipped his insides, leaving the commander unable to scream.

He simply absorbed that shock with his body.

­ thud.

As the explosion ended, the commander’s body fell lifeless to the ground.

Yet, the commander was still clinging to life.

Whether that’s fortunate or unfortunate, who knows.

Thanks to the constant modifications on his back, he barely endured.

The last moment, gathering as much holy power as possible and concentrating on his back might have helped too.

Above all, the fact that Hyeji had somewhat lowered the power was the most decisive factor.

Whether that stemmed from her last pity or was just for her own enjoyment, only Hyeji knew.

“Isn’t it a shame for it to end here?”


However, that didn’t mean he was completely unscathed.

If there was one thing the commander could be surely unfortunate about, it was.

“My, my faith!!!!!!”

The fact that his back could no longer function.

It had reached a level where his existence was no longer of value.

“Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!”

In response to the commander’s desperate cries, the Holy Spirit remained silent.

As if to say it could not help this time.

Additionally, his legs were barely hanging on.

His arms were twisted in a grotesque manner, but that was less shocking compared to the ruin of his back.

“……Just kill me.”

“That’s a no. Just recover your body quickly.”

The commander’s reflexive response as Hyeji spoke made him squeeze out holy power to heal himself at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Yet, even as he healed, his back remained unrecoverable, and tears began to flow unconsciously.

As if meaning that he no longer had value to live.

Regardless, Hyeji cheerfully asked the commander.

“Was that painful?”

“Are you seriously asking such a stupid question!!!!!”

As the commander shed tears and rebutted Hyeji, she began to speak as if she was delighted.

“Then, how about spreading this to the entire Beastman Kingdom?”


To the commander, the Beastman Kingdom was paradise above all else.

Yet now, the being before him wanted to drag that paradise down to hell.

Like Nobelpia trying to pull the light into the darkness.

Upon hearing Hyeji’s words, the commander decided on his last choice.

“What do you think?”

“I can’t let that happen!!!!”

With that statement, the commander pulled out the remote for a vibrator from his pants and pressed the button.

­ beep!

“You, you cannot violate the Beastman Kingdom!”

As the commander pressed it, a change occurred throughout the cathedral.

The golden cathedral began to vibrate and was soon covered in brown holy power.

Walls. Pillars. Ceiling. Floor, all of them were covered.

“With this, you won’t be able to leave or destroy this place!”

It was a sort of defensive mechanism of the cathedral.

No matter what shock was applied, it wouldn’t break easily, and until a certain time passed, no one could leave.

The only ways to exit were two.

Either the cardinal with the highest authority permitted it.

Or if the cardinal died.

“The only one who can violate the Beastman Kingdom is me!!!!”


The commander thought it was fortunate.

Even though Hyeji was strong, considering she had expended some magical power fighting against him, he felt it would be manageable as a cardinal.

Moreover, if she forced her way through, Hyeji too would have to bear the consequences.

‘She can’t be that stupid!’

But Hyeji, without intending to stop the commander’s actions, was simply smiling.

Perhaps displeased by that expression, the commander glared at her fiercely while recovering his body with holy power.

“What’s so funny? You can’t so much as touch a hair in the Beastman Kingdom!”

“Hehehehe. Do you think I made that statement for no reason?”

And from Hyeji’s mouth came.

“I set everything up 5 minutes before coming here.”


Words the commander wanted to deny slipped out.

This was the reason for Hyeji’s delay.

Because the cathedral was large, it took longer to find Kim Shinwoo, but above all, she needed to install the weapon capable of annihilating the Beastman Kingdom in the right places.

Specifically, in all the main parts except for the cathedral of the Beastman Kingdom.

Even so, there was no need to worry about civilian casualties here.

All the furry gay bastards were gathered in the court.

And all the normal furries were on the outskirts of the Beastman Kingdom.

Moreover, even the Beastmen she had dragged over in a furry taxi were liberated and evacuated by Ayeon.

What remained now was only the judgment of the gods.

Meanwhile, upon hearing Hyeji’s words, the commander felt faint.

The all-purpose regression he thought he had was nothing before overwhelming power.

Yet, it was impossible to use regression again immediately.

‘Is this the end…’

In that moment he was about to give up everything, a light began to shine.

It was Hyeji’s sweet poison-like proposal.

“If you prevent me from leaving here, those missiles won’t be launched.”

“……I’ll block it. No, I’ll even make a way for you to pass.”

At those words, strength entered the commander’s body.

Someone could say it was an arrogant statement.

But if it was aimed at Hyeji, it was a merciful statement.

Simultaneously, the commander elevated Hyeji’s danger level in his heart.

From a mere human woman.

To the worst demon among Beastmen.

No longer would he display any more arrogance.

Having vowed that, he reached for his last resort.

In haste, the commander tore his pants and pulled out a hefty rod from between his legs.

“O Demon! I shall condemn you with this divine spear (???) of mine!”

Soon after, the commander thrust the rod skyward.

He then shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Holy Spirit (???)! Please give me the last strength to capture the demon!!!”

At that moment, blood began to pour from the commander’s mouth.

His holy power had already run dry, and he seemed to have sacrificed his life force as an offering.

However, indeed, something changed in the commander.

The tip of the commander’s stick began to shine in a muddy brown.

It was truly the resurrection of Choco Songyi.

“This is my last move! With Choco Songyi (???) I shall ravage you!!!!”

It was the commander’s final struggle.

A little excessively dirty.


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not work with dark mode