Switch Mode

Chapter 277

〈 Chapter 278 〉 Chapter 272 – Did you find the typo, Kon?


While Elcia was busy holding off the beastmen, we quickened our pace.

Just then, I spotted a group of Cardinals in the distance.

Although the distance was quite far, their loud conversation was clear.

“You guys go and liberate all the cyborgs!”

“I humbly report that their official title is Cybo-”

“Shut up and go!”

At the Cardinal’s command, the group of researchers hurried away.

Meanwhile, it seemed that the Cardinal and Holy Knight Commander were planning to aim for the Pope while the researchers released the cyborgs.

So we quickly adjusted our strategy.

“Ayeon, can you go chase those bastards down and wreck them?”

“Just trust me. I’ll burn every last fur off them.”

Immediately, Ayeon changed course and chased after the researchers.

Meanwhile, Caressy and I hurriedly followed the Cardinal and Commander.

Their destination was none other than the Pope’s exclusive elevator.

[So they’re planning to ride that straight to the Pope, huh?]

‘Ugh, that was really fast.’

If they took that, we would definitely be late.

The Pope was up quite high, so even if the elevator moved quickly, it would still take time.

If we chased them up the stairs, it would be an irretrievable situation.

However, for some reason, the Cardinal was stamping his feet and couldn’t get on the elevator.

Just as we were closing the gap on them, I began to hear the Cardinal’s complaints.

“Which bastard put security on this thing?!”

“Ah… it seems the researchers activated it since it’s a crisis situation.”

“But why can’t you press it!!!”

“The modifications were too extensive this time…”

“I swear, I’m taking away all their doctorates.”

As the Cardinal blurted out ideas even a demon wouldn’t think of, the Commander carefully spoke up.

“If you wait just a moment, the security code will change, so maybe use it then?”

“Will we have that time?! Those bastards have already arrived!”

“This… this can’t be!”

As the Cardinal pointed us out, the Commander looked at him incredulously.

“How did you breach our Holy Knights’ 108 Difficulties?!”

“They couldn’t withstand the type-specific poison…”

“Damn it. We should have researched invulnerability to ten thousand poisons rather than wire cage and wire shield training methods.”

Hearing my words, the Commander nodded and sighed.

[Are you truly planning to kill all those bastards?!]

‘What are you talking about? This is traditional martial arts!’


While facing the Cardinal and Commander, I shifted my eyes just slightly toward the elevator.

Specifically, I looked at the button that the Cardinal had tried to press moments ago.

As soon as I saw it, I understood why the Cardinal couldn’t board the elevator.

A small warning message appeared there.

With a tiny square box beside it, it read:

【 □ Not a robot.】

The Cardinal, whose body was a cyborg, must have been unable to check the box upon seeing that message.

As soon as I figured that out, the Cardinal quickly turned to the Commander.

“You will hold them off here!”


Hearing the Commander’s reply, the Cardinal began to ascend the nearby stairs.

Not wanting to leave things like this, we tried to take the elevator, but…

“I’m the door stopping you right now! I am the anus!”

The Commander stands firmly blocking our way.

He then clenched his fist and snapped his waist before speaking in a firm voice.

“You are already breached!”

If he looked like he was about to unleash a non-physical technique at any moment.

Upon hearing that line, I instinctively reacted.

“Are you the successor of Northern Dipper Martial Arts?”

“No! I am Northern Dipper Martial Arts!”

“Shit, really?”

[I’m tired now. I’m starting to wonder how far I can push.]

‘It’s amazing that a lawsuit notice hasn’t arrived yet.’

Anyhow, if the opponent was a successor of Northern Dipper Martial Arts…

I had one countermeasure.

It was Southern Dipper Martial Arts.

I quickly grabbed Caressy’s clothes and threw her toward the elevator.

“Go! Southern Dipper Human Bomb!!!”

“F*cking hell!!”

As Caressy soared towards the elevator, the Commander was about to swing a dull light anal bead to block her.

Pop pop pop pop!!!

“Oh Holy Spirit!!!”

“I don’t want to! I really don’t! I don’t want to die!”

In response, I materialized a shield in my left hand and hurled it at the Commander.

“Quit swinging that shit, you bastard.”

“Quit your nonsense!”

This gave the Commander a dilemma.

If he stopped Caressy, he’d get hit by the shield.

If he blocked the shield, Caressy would get through.

After a brief moment of contemplation, the Commander chose to block my shield.

The shield shattered into pieces against the Commander’s anal beads.

At the same time, about half of the Commander’s anal beads also broke.


“Oh no!!! My holy beads!!!”

The Commander grimaced in shock at the broken anal beads.

“Because of you, I can’t perform the Anti-Tether Technique!”

“Hah, damn it. Please, please no.”

As I said that, I turned to look back at Caressy.

Although she had some impacts, she didn’t appear to be significantly hurt.

Caressy carefully pressed the button floating in the elevator control panel.

【 Not a robot.】

As soon as the box was checked, the screen disappeared, and we could use the elevator.

Without needing my urging, Caressy quickly stepped into the elevator and began closing the door.

“Where do you think you’re escaping to!!!”

The Commander threw the shattered anal beads at Caressy to try and stop her.

So this time, I manifested a whip in my left hand to try to snatch the Commander’s anal beads.

“You left an opening! I will breach your defenses!”

“Ah, shit.”

Suddenly, the Commander closed the distance toward me in an instant.

Holding an even duller anal bead than before.

“Touching the tail is common sense, so go ahead and touch it!”

It was an attack from the Commander I never expected, and I couldn’t think to defend myself in time.

Just before the elevator’s door completely closed, Caressy looked back at me, screaming.


“I’ll breach your ass! Aaaaah!!!”

But the elevator door had already shut.

The calamity I never wanted to face was about to begin.


Ayeon chased after the researchers and arrived at the door of the research building.

In fact, she had lost them midway and hadn’t caught up completely.

Because the researchers were moving faster than she expected.

It looked like they were escaping the lab.

There was also one other factor.

Recently, her thighs had gotten a bit chubbier.

‘I eat just like Hyeji, so why am I like this?’

Feeling a slight pang of self-loathing, she knew she needed to finish her task quickly.

Just as she shook her head to clear her thoughts and reached for the research building’s door, a warning message suddenly popped up in front of her.

【□ Have you ever been breached from behind by another?】

This must be some sort of security that wouldn’t let her open the door if she didn’t check it.

But that was no problem.

She had already been breached by Kim Shinwoo.

Without hesitation, she reached out towards the warning message.

As soon as the box was checked, the door began to open.


As the door opened, a multitude of machines and papers logged with research were visible, but more importantly, there were countless capsules lined up.

They must be the capsules containing the cyborgs.

Of course, she could smash those and break out right away.

However, one thing caught her attention.

The researchers were nowhere to be seen.

Despite their considerable number, all she could hear in that place were the sounds of machines.

After glancing around, it was clear there were no other exits, meaning the researchers had to be present in the room.

Even if she smashed everything here and tried to leave, they were still the researchers.

Even if they were given dumb equipment, they were beings capable of producing results no matter what, so she needed to catch them all.

“Where is everyone hiding?”

She tried calling out, but there was no response at all.

Not even the smallest sound of breathing.

“If you come out now, I’ll make it easy for you.”

She whispered, this time with a hint of menace, but the result was still the same.

All she heard in response was the clanking of machines.

Yet she couldn’t afford to waste time here.

If the cyborgs were liberated while she was searching, even Ayeon couldn’t stop them all.

While pondering how to lure out the researchers, she suddenly remembered a particular researcher who had been sensitive to Kim Shinwoo’s words.

‘He was definitely a spelling villain.’

She closed her eyes and pondered quietly.

How would Kim Shinwoo do it?

In that moment, a brilliant idea came to her.

In the past, she would have excluded the method she had just thought of from her options.

Back then, she was somewhat sane and would react to each bullshit statement with corrections.

However, given her current hangout with Kim Shinwoo, she was way beyond normal.

The brakes had long gone out the window.

Moreover, this place was filled with crazy furry gay bastards.

To catch the mentally deranged bastards, she had to act equally insane.

So she cast the bait.

Ayeon cleared her throat and began to speak slowly.

“Making spelling mistakes isn’t a problem, so I’m here to correct you, you pig.”

It was a provocation stimulating enough to make the hiding fish pounce.


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not work with dark mode