Switch Mode

Chapter 275

〈 Chapter 276 〉 Miracle of the Five Loaves and Two Fish


The love rain falling from the sky was surprisingly effective.

All the bound beastmen were visibly moved.

It was so moving that, even with their mouths tightly shut, they broke free and could not help but exclaim in amazement.

“AAAH!!! Save me!!!”

“It hurts! It hurts! I’m in pain!”

“The Eastern Brigade has fallen.”

“My fur! It’s burning, F*CK!!!”

Especially seeing the fur burning in real-time brought tears to their eyes.

For the beastmen, they were finally human.

Still, this was relatively merciful.

[How can this be considered merciful!!!]

‘The burning speed of the fur is slow.’

[…Hyeji has indeed become kinder.]

The pace at which the beastmen were burning was very slow.

Compared to Hyeji’s usual power, it was relatively weak.

As expected of the recent heroine, Hyeji, who has a kind heart.

We watched the scene while wearing satisfied expressions.

Suddenly, Elcia began hissing towards Caressy.

“You damn cat! You were doing some female movement to our husband just a moment ago!”

“N-no! I didn’t do anything!!!”

“Hmm… I’m sensing the smell of betrayal and female.”

Elcia suspiciously glanced at Caressy and then seemed to remove the latter from my grasp.

As if warning not to covet someone else’s property.

“You better watch out, or you’ll really end up dead.”

“Y-yes, I understand…”

At that moment, the urgent voice of the Cardinal was heard.

“Holy Knights, stop them! Android Masters, follow me!”

“Cardinal! We’re not Masters, we’re all Doctors!”

“Shut up and follow! The Commander is coming too!”

The Cardinal quickly cut off the protest of one researcher and began leading a group of researchers out.

Elcia had only restrained the members of the Motherless Church attacking her, causing the Holy Knights and researchers to slip away.

Looking at the fleeing researchers and the Cardinal, along with the Commander, Elcia expressed her disappointment.

“…Tch. I made a mistake.”

“You did well enough.”

Still, I understood.

We needed to deal with the ones charging at us first.

Moreover, Elcia had already restrained a lot of beastmen.

When I patted Elcia on the head, saying she did a great job, Caressy suddenly shouted.

“We need to hurry! The Pope is in danger!”

“Why is that old man? He seems fine since he’s still trying to catch his daughter.”

“That’s not it!!!”

Caressy slapped my face with her tail and continued.

“Things have gone wrong, and that damn Cardinal is going to cause a ruckus!”

“So it all starts with the Pope’s death?”


With that statement, the outline became clear.

The Cardinal’s position is just below the Pope.

If the Pope were gone, the Cardinal could naturally take control of the ultimate power.

Besides, no matter how good Caressy’s judgment turned out, the Beastman Kingdom was under the control of a motherless church.

It was likely that the Cardinal aimed to seize power through force.

“Moreover, considering they took the researchers too, they might be up to something else!”

“Like what?”

“There are probably not just one or two cyborgs. If they unleash all of them, it could be dangerous!”

Honestly, even with Caressy’s words, I didn’t feel much urgency.

After all, we had Hyeji.

Still, I thought it would be better to prevent that plan if possible.

[Even if you’re fine, a large number of cyborgs could target innocent beastmen.]

‘It would be a hassle to catch them if we go on the outskirts.’

Anyway, the tasks were set.

Elcia decided to stay here to keep restraining the beastmen.

The moment the rest of us were about to move our feet.

“Stop it!!!!!!”

The Holy Knights began to block us.

An overwhelming furry legion that must have exceeded dozens.

Ayeon tried to step forward, but I held her back.

“Are you serious?”

“These bastards are nothing but fodder.”

I stepped in front of Ayeon.

Seeing me, the Holy Knights all glared at me with wide eyes, gritting their teeth.

The Deputy Commander, who had turned into a sphinx cat, was fumbling to take off his pants.

“I will definitely pierce you with my holy spear!!!”

At first glance, it seemed like a dangerous sight for my young man.

But I was able to maintain my composure without any agitation.

Because, you see.

“What is this?”

“T, that’s!!!”

I had some preparations with me before arriving in the Beastman Kingdom.

It was none other than…

A bottle of Dogberry Fermented Liquid.

The Holy Knights, who were all beastmen, hadn’t even opened the cap.

Yet, they couldn’t take their eyes off the gently shaken Dogberry bottle in my hand.

A true example of a dog bastards.

Before, Caressy had mentioned in passing that the Dogberry tree was a prohibited item in the Beastman Kingdom.

Remembering that, I had prepared it before coming here.

At that moment, the Deputy Commander, with incredible patience, finally opened his mouth to me.

“That is a drug here! How dare you bring it in!”

“Want one?”

“How dare you think of tempting me with such a drug!”

The Deputy Commander groaned at my words, his fists trembling.

But then he quickly knelt down and slammed his head to the ground with a thud.

“This damned cat bastard’s younger brother kneels! Please give me just one so I can go to heaven!”

Meanwhile, the Holy Knights, watching that scene, could only sigh.

It wasn’t just disappointment in the Deputy Commander.

“Let’s give that to the Deputy Commander.”

“What kind of Dogberry is in my fate, F*CK.”

“Deputy Commander! If you eat that and go to heaven, please send us to Hong Kong!”

The sighs originated from the disappointment of not getting the Dogberry bottle.

And fueled by their sighs, their hatred for me burned even hotter.

“Don’t test our brotherhood with just a Dogberry bottle!”

“My Dogberry is my faith and belief in my heart!”

“Bang on the gates of heaven directly! Maybe then it’ll open!”

Before long, those who had been under the influence of the state were freed.

“Hey! Why do you think it’s just one?”


But I wouldn’t end there.

I immediately took out the rest of the Dogberry bottles and waved them in front of the Holy Knights.

A total of five Dogberry bottles.

Seeing that, most of the Holy Knights’ eyes widened, silently staring at the Dogberry bottles.

One might have been an accident, but with five, perhaps they’d get a chance too.

Yet, some of the Holy Knights were impressively holding back with extraordinary patience.

“It’s okay! I’ll just have a five-in-a-row later!”

“I-I’ll just stop at five!”

“Do you think we would betray each other for just that?”

Surely, this was impressive self-control.

However, when they saw what I had prepared next, all their patience crumbled.


“Sh*t, we’re done for.”

“Oh, I’m f*cking excited.”

That was… two packets of Churu.

Dogberry and Churu.

This was an alluring poison to cats (?), and it applied to the cat beastmen Knights as well.

Now was the time to demonstrate the signature move of Sacheondang!

But first, I had to calm my mind.

Using a half-hearted mindset would make it hard to use such dangerous items.

What is mental poison (?心)?

It is forgetting the miscellaneous and focusing on the poison.

Then what is that poison?

It is drawing the cat bastards moaning in the shadows of heaven down to hell.

Thus, my mindset was sufficient.

As I watched the completely incapacitated Holy Knights.

I slowly opened my mouth.

“This is, an indefinable poison. Color, smell, form—all non-existent.”

Even hearing that it was poison, the Holy Knights showed no reaction.

They were just gazing at the items in my hand, transfixed.

They were already captivated by the poison.

With all my strength, I threw those items above the heads of the Holy Knights.

I started to mutter softly.

“You are already addicted.”

The Holy Knights, ignoring my gaze, locked their sight only onto the flying objects.

They carefully caught five Dogberry bottles and two packets of Churu.

Anyone could see it appeared as if they were receiving holy relics.

Finally, I spoke one last time to the silent Holy Knights.

“Need an antidote?”

With my words as a signal, the Holy Knights began to attack each other.

That was their answer through action, not words.

They didn’t need any antidote.

[What the hell! Why are you putting the lines of a masterpiece here!]

‘But it’s still not an indefinable poison, right?’

[Yeah… damn it.]

The sensitivity remained thanks to the Dogberry bottles, but with the addition of Churu, reason itself became an obstacle for the Knights.

“From now on, you’re all enemies!”

“I’ll go too! I’ll go too!”

“I’m Kyaruda from now on, you dog bastards!!!”

All that remained was instinct.

Biting and scratching was just the basics, and even swinging anal beads or large dildos at each other was happening.

The scene was something you would never expect from beings that once shared dry food.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Commander, seeing the Knights fight, quickly joined them.

“Move, you gay bastards! Everything here belongs to your Deputy Commander!!!”

Not to stop them.

But to monopolize the Dogberry bottles and Churu.

Despite having lost its fur, the Deputy Commander took down the Knights one by one with overwhelming power.

As that was happening, the previously divided Holy Knights began to gather together.

All at once, they started attacking the Deputy Commander.


“FCK, you damn bastard! You’ve been shtty from the start!”

“The Dogberry bottle and Churu are mine!”

“Start with that male cat bastard!!!”

“I’ll pack it in Churu for you, so just wait! If you don’t like it, die!!!”

An unbelievable bloodbath erupted.

Even when injured, the Holy Knights healed through divine power, repeatedly joining the fight.

Some were even attaching dildos to their cut-off arms and continuing the battle.

As I enjoyed watching this bloodbath, Ayeon spoke to me.

“As expected, descendant of Sacheondang! I knew it from the moment you manifested the Ten Thousand Flowers of Fire with a Remington!”

“Just call me Shinwoo.”

[Ayeon got broken because of you… What are you planning to do…]

‘It’s originally disadvantageous for normal people here.’

Five bottles of Dogberry Fermented Liquid.

And two packets of Churu containing fish made a miraculous and glorious scene.

Truly, a miracle of the five loaves and two fish.


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not work with dark mode