Switch Mode

Chapter 265

〈 Chapter 266 – Reunion 260 〉


After a bit of search time.

The deputy commander had turned into a Sphinx cat with all her fur gone.

Yet, perhaps too shocked by the earlier situation, she remained silent.

So, we decided to increase our accuracy a bit more.

“Two coins per guy.”


As I activated the search engine with both hands, the deputy commander screamed again.

We repeated the grilling and beating.


“Below! It’s below!!!”

“What floor? The Elf Coin broke through the basement, for f*ck’s sake.”

“There’s only one floor anyway! There’s an elevator over there, for the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!”

We managed to wring the desired information from the deputy commander.

[Haven’t you just been shaking until you wanted to?!!!]

‘It’s a user-custom algorithm. Truly, Geegle is splendid.’

Then, as a result, the deputy commander fainted.

She had overclocked herself to the point of malfunctioning.

Watching this, the heroines opened their mouths.

“Shinwoo, did you mine too much?”

“Definitely used it for too long!”

“They won’t even accept this in an open area.”

“Let’s just dump her.”

Almost instantly, the heroines all kicked the deputy commander in unison.

The deputy commander flew uselessly into the corner, but whether she had truly fainted or not, she didn’t make a single sound.

One frustrating guy had been dealt with.

As we witnessed this, we slowly turned our gazes to one another.

Without needing anyone to say a word, we all expressed our delight in the moment together.


[Why on earth does ‘Mu’ get attached?]

‘Because they don’t provide services there anymore.’


Soon after, we took the elevator pointed out by the deputy commander down into the basement.

Sure enough, there was only one floor in the basement as she said, but it took quite a long time, equivalent to three or four simply deeper floors.

Upon seeing that, a thought crossed my mind.

“Elcia, this seems to be going deeper than your coin?”

“Husband, I’ll really squeeze it out underneath.”

“…I’m sorry. Please spare me.”

[Isn’t that your life? You’re living a bottom-dwelling life, aren’t you.]

‘Shut up, you f*cker.’

Just then, the elevator stopped.

As the elevator door opened, we saw a corridor lined with rooms resembling a hotel.

I wondered why there were so many rooms, and at that moment, various sounds drifted in from behind the doors.

“Help me! I’m not some beastman rickshaw!”


“Don’t treat fox beastmen like a Foxvagen!!!”

‘So it was a parking lot.’

[…You’re slowly losing your sanity, aren’t you.]

There was nothing particularly strange about this.

Parking lots are typically underground.

Moreover, they must be beastmen using the beasts as personal cars, so I understood.

Still, rummaging through each room here would be a tremendous waste of time.

We needed to find Caressy quickly.

So, we decided to use a cheat key here.

“Elcia, it’s you.”

“Elci. Elci.”

Elcia started sniffing and began to guide us.

[That’s just a dog, isn’t it!!!]

‘The Elcy from the letter to the future is similar too. She’s a Pomeranian breed.’


It took much longer than it did to ride the elevator and finally, we stopped in front of a firmly closed door.

As we opened the door, there was Kyaru.

“You’ve come to the wrong place, Elcia.”

“Ah, I got confused because the smell of a traitor was too strong. Let’s go that way.”

As we quickly closed the door, we heard a voice from beyond saying, ‘I swear I won’t betray you this time!’ but we ignored it.

Right now, we had to find Caressy, not Kyaru.

[Don’t keep poking around with CyGames!!!]

‘Uh-huh. It’s a one-sided collaboration.’

Following Elcia, we moved a bit further and stopped in front of another door.

“This is the right place, right, Elcia?”

“This smell! It’s the scent that betrays the expectation of appearing from last chapter!”

“Looks like it.”

As we burst the door open, we saw the longed-for Caressy, but instead of a happy face, she showed a surprised expression.

“Uh? Uh? Uh? Shinwoo, how did you get here?!”

We felt more flustered than pleased at seeing Caressy.

It was only logical since Caressy was in the middle of a room.

In a prison.

Honestly, even if it’s called a parking lot, this building was a cathedral so extravagant it would surprise us.

I thought Caressy would be relaxing comfortably here.

However, that was our misconception.

The room Caressy was in was a bare, neglected space.

In the center, there stood a prison solid enough to be slightly excessive for holding a person.

As if meant to contain something dangerous.

[How fortunate. You’ll be heading there eventually anyway, so take the time to study it in advance.]

‘F*cker, there’s no need to go yet.’

[……Not yet?]

Still, Caressy seemed to be glad to see me, erasing the initial shock and showing a cheerful expression.

Then suddenly, she expressed a question.

“But Shinwoo, who are the beastmen next to you? Didn’t all the beastmen I was after get caught?”

“Check for yourself.”

In response to Caressy’s words, the heroines each opened their mouths.

“F*cking beastman. Who else betrayed us?”

“It seems the beastman has become a stray cat!”

“It’s only natural to end up in jail after ‘Kyaruing’ the expectations of the main girls.”

“……Considering your filthy words, I can guess who it is.”

I, too, gazed at Caressy in the prison and opened my mouth.

“Caressy, what do you want me to do if you called me and are vegging out here?”

“Does this look like vegging out, f*cker!!!!!”

Caressy angrily showed me the handcuffs on her wrists.

Now that I see it, there are also shackles on her feet.

Anyway, having found Caressy, we decided to get things done.

“Hyeji, please.”

“Bow down, head.”


“You crazy b*tch! I almost got hit!!!”

Hyeji swiftly cut the bars with a laser cutter.

Though Caressy yelled something, Hyeji paid no heed, neatly slicing off the handcuffs and shackles around Caressy’s hands and feet.

As Caressy regained her complete freedom, she looked at us with a hint of tears in her eyes and spoke.

“Did you really come to rescue me?”

At that, we gazed at Caressy with dreamy eyes, and I smiled and spoke.


“Then why did you come-”

Caressy tried to voice her question, but…

Her words couldn’t continue.


Thud! Thud! Clap!

“Stop hitting me, will ya!”

We began to beat Caressy hard.

Thud! Thud! Clap!

“Shut up! Do you know how hard it’s been for us?”

“There were nothing but sh*tty bastards!”

“There wasn’t a raccoon-beaked beastman anywhere!”

“It would’ve been several times better to stay in jail!”

We pummeled her head, slapped her back, and repeated the slaps.

Once we finished performing “We Will Rock You” on Caressy’s body.

I sweetly asked the now-sorrowful Caressy.

“Are you hurt?”

“I’m hurt because of you, you f*cking bastards!!!!!!”

Well, we had found Caressy.

Now all that remained was the plan to raze the Beastman Kingdom.


“You can’t go! You must stay here!”


Caressy refused to accompany us.

Her stubborn attitude was unlike her usual self.

To break Caressy’s resolve, I frowned a bit and said.

“If you keep being stubborn, I’m gonna chop off your arms and legs and take you with me.”

“Then you’ll feed me for the rest of my life, huh?”


Caressy showed no signs of backing down and even seemed intrigued by my response.

Caught off guard by her unexpected reaction, the heroines were annoyed.

“Who the hell are you eyeing, you f*cking cat?!”

“Get a grip, you f*cker! I’ll turn you into a butterfly stew!”

“I’ll boil it soon. Wait while I summon the Spirit of Fire Undine and the Spirit of Water Salamander.”

“Wait! I made a mistake! Anyway, you can’t go!”

Caressy trembled, squatting in place.

She was likely quite scared.

Still, Caressy stubbornly refused to go.

“I must stay until tomorrow.”

“What the hell is that?”

“……It’s my own problem. I cannot bring anyone else into this.”

“I’m already neck-deep, you fcking btch?”

As I tried to ask what the reason was, suddenly…


A loud shout resounded from behind us.

Turning our eyes, we saw the Holy Knights.

But those idiots didn’t have much intelligence.

I figured they’d fall for some nonsense talk.

I maintained my composure and opened my mouth.

“What’s the matter? We came urgently because we heard the prison was breaking down.”

“There was a report that you all attacked our Holy Knights.”

“As if! Who would dare do that?”

Just then, a member of the Holy Knights, the deputy commander, popped out and pointed a finger at me.

“That f*cking bastard burned all my fur!!!”

“Oh, f*ck.”

Just then, I remembered one thing I forgot while using the search engine earlier.

‘I should have deleted the search history.’

[…Does that thing get deleted?]

This time, the Holy Knight commander stepped forward.

He must’ve completed the judgment on Choi Hansol and then joined us.

“Did you finish that already? What a premature little fella.”

“Don’t worry, that one’s in my collection now.”

“I wasn’t worried, you f*cking bastard.”

Shortly after, the commander glared at me.

“You burned our little kitty’s fur. Are you out of your mind?”

“I turned that bastard into a ‘furry bastard’ since he’s a ‘furry f*cker.’ Got a problem with that?”

“……That’s true, but still, you’ll have to pay the price!”

It seemed like the Holy Knights were going to charge at us any minute.

Since I had no intention of simply accepting this, I manifested a magic sword in one hand and a dagger in the other.

Just in time, the heroines also activated their skills, murmuring.

“This is Australia starting today. The cat hunt is on.”

“I’ll turn it into a carpet.”

“I’d prefer the Spirit of Wind Gnome here.”

Simultaneously, the Holy Knight commander gave orders to the Holy Knights.

“That f*cking bastard must be captured alive!”


“Why is only my life on the line, seriously.”

The Holy Knights started rushing towards us.

As I was about to throw my dagger and confront them…

“Everyone, stop.”

A deep yet clear voice suddenly echoed, halting everyone’s movement.


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not work with dark mode