Switch Mode

Chapter 263

〈 264화 〉 258화 ​ Barking, the End.


“Tell me the reason!”

The Holy Knight Deputy Commander shouts at me.

Looking at his face, filled with rage, it seems he could swing anal beads at any moment.

So I speak with even more seriousness.

“What do you know about human disease?”

“The teachings of the order say that it’s a contagious disease that makes one lose their glorious fur and become more human!”

“Is that all you know about human disease?”

“That’s enough! There’s nothing scarier than that!”

At the same time, the Deputy Commander began to tremble.

It seems that losing fur is incredibly terrifying to him.

Still, judging by what he says, I’m relieved he doesn’t seem to have proper knowledge.

[Isn’t that just a bunch of idiots in the order?]



In other words, it signifies an area of ignorance.

So here I am, babbling.

Stimulating the fear of ignorance.

“No, there is something even scarier.”

“…What is it?”

As predicted, fear laced the Deputy Commander’s voice.

I press on with that momentum.

“You won’t feel any sexual desire even a little towards beastmen.”

“W-What nonsense! That can’t be possible!”

The Deputy Commander vehemently opposes my claim.

“But I’m like that right now.”

“Y-You’re serious! You really have no sexual desire for beastmen?”

His expression turns shocked at my following words.

“I’m sorry, but I have no thoughts even when I see Holy Knights.”

“It can’t be….”

“I’m sorry. It’s end-stage human disease.”

The Deputy Commander’s face shows hopelessness.

Here, the Holy Knights start murmuring in anxious voices.

The chaos among everyone begins to amplify.

[Why the hell is this bullshit working!!!]

‘They’re idiots.’

Truly, the Holy Knights seem entirely devoid of common sense.

I can’t tell if the order controlled the information or if they genuinely don’t know.

Either way, it’s no skin off my nose.

“And it’s not over yet.”

At my words, the Deputy Commander holding anal beads starts trembling even more.

The surrounding Holy Knights, seemingly captivated by my words, react similarly to the Deputy Commander.

So I deepen my voice a little more ominously than before.

“The most serious thing is yet to come.”

“…T-Tell me.”

I pause for a moment.

As all Holy Knights hold their breath in anticipation, my small but clear voice echoes.

“When you see actual human women, you get an erection.”

In an instant, all noise in this space vanishes.

Not just the sound of swallowing, but even their small breaths go quiet.

At that moment, an alien sound begins to rip through the silence.



Drip, drip.

The Holy Knights drop the anal beads they held in silence, one by one.

My previous statement must have been quite shocking.

With everyone showing astonished expressions.

The Deputy Commander quickly gathers himself and urgently commands the Holy Knights.

“Quickly, bring the Inquisitor’s abnormal sexuality detector!!!”

“Yes, sir!!!”

Soon after, one Holy Knight springs out and shows me something.

It’s a provocative nude photo of a woman.

“What thoughts crossed your mind the moment you saw this?”

Honestly, compared to Elcia or Ayeon, it’s not much.

But considering the bunch of perverts in the Beastman Kingdom, it’s something worth being grateful for.

I respond to the trembling Deputy Commander waiting for my answer with delight.

“Ah… it’s inappropriate, but… I became ‘aroused.'”


The Deputy Commander steps back, lost for words at my response.

As soon as I finish speaking, I feel the burning gazes from the heroines.

Their glances are terrifying, but this can’t end here.

Now it’s time to get back at these cat bastards.

“And for someone like me in the terminal stage, the condition becomes serious.”

“…W-What… symptoms?”

The Deputy Commander barely stutters out a reply.

He’s clearly wondering just how much more shocking it can be than what I’ve already said.

He seems to have more curiosity than fear.

But curiosity kills the cat.

[M-Madman! Don’t do that!]

‘Lord, please allow me to be a righteous terrorist for just today.’

As I fervently prayed in my heart, a message from an unknown sender suddenly popped up on my mobile phone.

『Just this once.』

And even though I didn’t manipulate anything, the message suddenly gets deleted.

It’s a bizarre phenomenon that doesn’t make sense logically.

Still, I’ve received permission.

I quickly manipulated my phone to access the cloud.

I awaken the slumbering abyss.

‘It’s time to work, HAL.’

The Deputy Commander is shaking, his tail puffed up.

I ominously whisper as I bring the phone closer to his eyes.

“This will react too!”


The Deputy Commander rapidly stabs his own eyes.

He did it so quickly that it was nearly impossible to confirm the action in that split second.

But in his mind, the nightmare was already etched clearly.

Screaming while blood poured from his eyes, the Deputy Commander is in a panic.

The sudden act raises the other Holy Knights’ eyebrows as they cautiously approach.

“Deputy Commander? What’s wrong?”

“We’ll check too.”


The Deputy Commander hastily warns the Holy Knights.

“But in Nopia, isn’t there the ‘Lion Wing Order’ that specializes in hunting the abyss? What do we have to fear!”

“Lions are feline! Thus we catfolk can do it too!”

“We’ll prove we’re superior to Neidan Maia!”

The Holy Knights are just like cat bastards.

Even the Deputy Commander couldn’t suppress the curiosity bubbling within them.

And then.

“AAAAAAAHHH!!!! We were just idiots!!! The Lion Wing Order is invincible!!!!”

“I am a cat bastard! I am a cat bastard! I am a cat bastard!”

“KIEEEE!!! Neidan Maia was a god!!!!”

The price of curiosity was horrific.

One and all screamed as they stabbed their eyes out like the Deputy Commander.

Some even went as far as to pluck out their own eyes.

Seeing that makes my heart feel light.

‘I did a righteous deed today.’

[No, you demon.]

After a while, only a few survived, using divine power to struggle through recovery.

The Deputy Commander, after recovering his sight, gasps for breath and looks at me.

Meeting his gaze, I murmured with anguish.

“I said my sins are deep because I’ve contracted such a serious human disease.”

“…A-Understood… I didn’t know human disease would be… this dangerous… cough!

Right after, he coughs up blood.

It seems the shock hasn’t worn off, and he appears in considerable pain.

Though I found it amusing, I managed to hold back my laughter and keep a straight face.

After spitting blood several times, the Deputy Commander slowly shifts his gaze.

This time towards the heroines.

“Are… they… alright?”

His eyes swirl in confusion.

He seems to be asking if they too have contracted this human disease.

In response, I answer gloomily.

“They’re ‘alright’ in an unfortunate sense.”

“…T-There’s no way…”

Meanwhile, the heroines silently cast glances at me, asking what I’m going to do.

They can’t speak indiscriminately in the current situation.

But I’ve thought of that as well.

“They too have been infected with human disease and have lost their voices from the shock.”

“That can’t be…”

The Deputy Commander, who was barely holding on, finally collapses to his knees.

As if he has lost all hope.

“We were heading to the cathedral because our sins run this deep.”

“To repent… to receive treatment…?”

“That is correct. They say the only cure for human disease is the act of treatment after confession.”

“……I see.”

At that moment, the Deputy Commander shows a slightly puzzled expression.

Perhaps he calmed down a bit, he speaks in a slightly more composed tone.

“Is it alright to speak carelessly about having contracted human disease? We might face persecution if we’re not careful.”

“The Lord has said.”

My unexpected statement.

As the Deputy Commander’s curiosity deepens, I continue with a gentle smile.

“Sins do not disappear by being hidden.”


“Recognizing this and seeking forgiveness is the true way to draw near to the Lord.”

“……Excellent. You would all deserve to be called pilgrims.”

The Deputy Commander nods, understanding my words.

Seizing the opportunity, I quickly bring up our goal.

“We are quite ignorant about the Beastman Kingdom. If it’s not too much trouble, may I ask about the location of the cathedral?”

“Do not worry. Our brethren will guide you.”

Eventually, the Holy Knights form a line.

Some Holy Knights without eyes were using anal beads as eyepatches.

Given the parts that had been lost, they seemed to have to use substitutes while recovering with divine power.

Putting aside other impressions, the fact that recovery was possible seemed somewhat tricky.

[Definitely unlike Caressy, they used healing spells.]

‘Looks like this got a bit more troublesome. But I don’t mind.’

Meanwhile, some were complaining of dizziness due to aftereffects, but as soon as they met the Deputy Commander’s fierce gaze, they quickly straightened up.

The Deputy Commander then turns to the Holy Knights and shouts powerfully.

“Brothers! Be cautious so that none of you contract human disease while escorting them to the cathedral!”

“”””””””We will obey the order!””””””””

“Excuse me, Deputy Commander. What will the Commander do?”

At those words, the Deputy Commander turns to the Holy Knight Commander.

The Holy Knight Commander was still losing his mind, judging Choi Hansol.

The Deputy Commander quickly makes a decision and speaks firmly to the Holy Knight.

“Do not interfere with the holy mission of the evangelism!”

“Yes, understood!”

With that, we slowly started moving towards the cathedral.

Naturally, the Holy Knights kept a considerable distance from us.

At that moment, the heroines whisper quietly to me.

“How is this possible? What exactly did you do?”

“Don’t know?.”

“Is that really a ‘don’t know’… what on earth did you show them?”

“……There’s no need for you girls to know.”

Hyeji and Elcia expressed their confusion, but Ayeon, who knows the truth, quickly shut them down.

Fortunately, since Hyeji and Elcia aren’t cat bastards, they showed no further curiosity.

That was a relief.

[Do they still not get it…?]

‘Now is not the time.’

For results obtained through babbling, this isn’t bad at all.


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