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Chapter 209

〈 Chapter 210 〉 After an interview, articles are bound to come out.


New articles published after the interview with the reporters.

It was quite…


“Shinwoo, the article is out!”

“Husband! What do we get if we appear in this?”

“Can we see if there are any main characters?”

“It’s hard to see on the mobile phone. Let’s go to Hyeji’s dorm.”

“Alright. Let’s check it out.”

[I’m not so sure if the content will be good enough.]

‘Let’s hope for the best. Anyway, we’ve done all we can.’

We all gathered in Hyeji’s dorm to check the articles that came out.

The most covered topic was our achievements.

【This is K-Academy students! Japan is amazed, China is impressed, and America is shedding tears at the feats of K-Academy students!】

【Three times faster, her overwhelming firepower. You (?)and you (?)are unnecessary. Only the strong ()is all that’s needed.】

【Building another wall in front of a wall! The overwhelming Elf’s two powerful weapons. Let’s check right now.】

【Not a whore, but a Succubus. The pinnacle of ecstasy shown by Cheonma (prodigy wizard) Succubus.】

【The age of the Saintess healing is over. Now is the era of the physical combat Saintess. Who is she that never betrays her kin?】

【The king of unicorns and the god of Ada, Kim Shinwoo has done it! Not only saving South Korea with unicorns but also saving horses this time!】

There was a tendency to provoke a little, but it wasn’t bad.

No, it was actually quite good.

With our photos in each article, it was a solid external advertisement.

However, where there is light, there is bound to be darkness.

Thus, there were a few slightly pessimistic articles regarding our actions.

But fortunately…

【Contrasting responses from netizens regarding Kim Shinwoo’s exploits, “Isn’t this excessive violence?” vs “Since HAL was not used, it’s tolerable violence.”】

【Is it right for the Chief’s son to keep hitting the Saintess, even though he fainted? “One hit should be lethal.” vs “You have to hit a pig several times to make the meat tender.”】

【The Academy’s asymmetric weapon. Is it true that the general was hiding a trump card? Is the Super Soldier Project secretly in progress?】

Considering the pessimistic tone, it wasn’t quite as serious as expected.

Moreover, seeing how few views it was getting, it seemed people weren’t really interested.

Surprisingly, though, this wasn’t a bad situation for us at all.

‘Honestly, I thought I’d get criticized for turning the president into a half-corpse.’

[Whatever it is, I’m glad.]

This time, we started calmly reviewing the remaining related articles as well.

Next up were the popular articles, mostly related to animal-loving groups.

【’Animal Protection Society’ outraged, “We told you to love animals, not to share love with them.”】

【’Animal☆Lover Super Coward Club’ statement, “We only hit on beastmen. If we’re going to hit animals, we’d rather hit people. Hitting animals is madness.”】

【If the influence of the ‘Animal Protection Society’ is strengthened, what benefits will beastmen with a high animal ratio receive?】

【Does it make sense for a pink horse to be dyed black? ‘Netflix’ shows a positive stance, “Blackwashing is the natural flow of the times.”】

【’Animal☆Lover Man Club’ fiercely protesting, “Love is an open door. Please acknowledge the form of love.”】

【Captain Mouse sends a chilling warning to the ‘Animal☆Lover Man Club’, “If you misuse our song, I’ll kill you.”】

We could see various groups exchanging opinions.

At that moment, Caressy suddenly began to get angry.

“Why the f*ck do these bastards keep mixing animals and beastmen!!!”

“Just bear with it, furry.”

“You shut the f*ck up!!!”

It seemed she didn’t like placing animals and beastmen on the same level.

Aside from that, it was quite enjoyable to see them tear into each other.

Anyway, we began checking yet another article.

This time, it was about drugs.

【Is this South Korea or Mexico? A sick society rampant with drugs.】

【Confirmation of the loss of drugs being stored! Was it the act of an insider with ties to the perpetrator?】

【Police statement, “Please refrain from speculation. We will begin an internal investigation promptly.”】

From what I gathered, the president of the animal enthusiast club had contact with someone inside the police and messed with the stored drugs.

Surely, that could happen.

Even a rotten fish can swim.

The president of the animal enthusiast club had been part of the ability suppressor team for ten years.

He must have enough connections to seek cooperation.

Besides, bringing drugs from abroad in this era entails significant risks.

If it were me, I would target domestically stored drugs.

The police couldn’t just bury this anymore.

It had been publicized too much by now.

Amidst it all, an article about the two groups who were caught in hot water came into view.

【Graduated Art Students make an urgent statement, “The drugs we made are less effective than those. We have no connection to this incident.”】

【A major entertainment company’s strong stance, “This time, it’s really not us. Please exclude us from suspicion.”】

Soon after, a brief additional article reported that art students had been urgently arrested.

Seeing this, Jeong Ahyeon asked me with a horrified expression.

“……What on earth is this art school?”

“It’s a place where if you graduate, you make drugs, and if you fail to enroll, a bigger disaster occurs.”

At that moment, Hyeji opened her mouth as if she had just realized something.

“I know this! Someone definitely died because they failed to enroll in art school!”

“Indeed! To be precise, they chose to take their own life because they couldn’t get into the art school.”

“……Isn’t a lot omitted between failing to enroll and suicide?”

I had a slight question regarding the word “suicide.”

‘Wasn’t that homicide? Adolf killed Hitler, didn’t he?’

[……I won’t point that out. Just think whatever you want, damn it.]

At that moment, a breaking news article updated rapidly.

Wanting to see what it was about, I checked the title.

【Breaking News! The perpetrator reveals the shocking identity of the internal collaborator!】

It seemed the president had spilled the beans on who the collaborator was.

In a way, it was expected.

It would have been too unfair to die alone.

[Isn’t this usually protected by loyalty between criminals?]

‘What kind of loyalty is there among criminals? When living, it’s every man for himself, and when dying, everyone dies together.’

Anyways, it seemed the drug situation would be resolved faster than expected.

I assumed the related agencies would drag their feet, but since the president had named the perpetrator already, there was no need for further worry.

Meanwhile, critical articles regarding the academy began pouring in.

Specifically targeting the Chief.

【The lax entrance control shown by the academy during the festival period. It was ordered by none other than the Chief.】

【The academy can do farming well, but parenting is a disaster? The worst behavior shown by the Chief’s son.】

【The Chief’s strong statement, “Excessive criticisms will result in a lawsuit for ‘defamation of fact.’ Has he been planning this all along?”】

【The Chief’s son’s shocking candid comments, “I didn’t do NTL. When I hit, they were all just married women.” Even Cao Cao wouldn’t stoop this low.】

【Is the academy truly necessary? Can proper education happen in such an environment?】

This was genuinely an unexpected bounty.

I needed to gauge public opinion on the Chief, and the newspaper was thoroughly bashing him instead of me.

Plus, they were taking the Chief’s son down with him.

This would serve as a shackle to hold him back whenever the Chief took action.

[This could be really helpful.]

‘It’s going to be much easier to bring down the academy now.’

However, not all articles are beneficial.

Naturally, there are also trashy articles that accompany them.

Proving that, there were quite a few low-grade articles in the related sections.

Clearly, just aiming for clicks.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

【Even a withered chairman will be envious of this? What is the identity of ‘this’?】

【The chairman strongly recommends a funeral insurance plan. Sign up before it’s too late.】

【Exclusive scoop! The chairman’s creepy preferences? The chairman’s 50 shades.】

Most of them were definitely useless content.


‘Damn it, the last article makes me want to click so badly.’

[Isn’t this kind of like that stupid_show on 병신TV?]

It certainly grabbed interest.

And it seemed I wasn’t the only one.

“Shinwoo, hurry up and click the first article to check it out. You should stand up too.”

“Stop it, damn it.”

Just as Hyeji was about to click on an article, another article of a slightly different nature appeared.

It was about the items we had used.

We began reading the articles as if we were bewitched.

【Implementing the clerical festival with a minigun. The Unmitak perspective states, “The Sea of Little Gods’ Blades (?????)is orthodox martial arts.”】

【? The weapon that suppressed veterans of the ability suppressor team: a Japanese sword. The Japanese side’s predictable response, “The God Sword is the strongest weapon in the world.”】

【Is the K-hammer really Mjölnir? Nokia, “To use our products as the head of a hammer is to truly wield Mjölnir. Beware of counterfeit versions.”】

【K-snacks rescued a fragile Elf from merciless violence! K-snack company, “To ensure safety, we will increase the nitrogen content even more.”】

After reading the last article, Piece spoke in a slightly stunned voice.

[When was safety ever a consideration? Wasn’t that just development enthusiasm?]

‘This is the K-snack company. It’s realistic.’

Anyways, the articles turned out well.

There didn’t seem to be a need for correction articles.

They performed decently.

Thanks to that, I was able to achieve one major goal.

To make myself known publicly.

And this would serve as a stepping stone.

Everything is for the purpose of bringing down the academy.


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