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Chapter 208

〈 Chapter 209 〉 Chapter 206 – Interview.


I couldn’t even attend class and spent days going back and forth with the police.

It was all about having to write up reports and give detailed explanations about the evidence, including video footage.

And not just once, but multiple times.

With disparaging articles about the police coming out, they finally seemed desperate for cooperation.

This meant more people were involved, and I had to repeat myself even more.

[… Aren’t they supposed to keep things internal?]

‘That’s how organizations run by people typically are.’

At least I thought it was good that there was no cover-up.

As expected, reaching out to the journalists like the Lizard Beastman suggested was effective.

“Definitely effective.”

­ “I’m glad to hear that. We have an interview coming up soon, so prepare yourself.”

Before long, just as the Lizard Beastman had said, we conducted an interview with the journalists.

Participants included us and.

“Hey, I told you we should meet soon, didn’t I?”

“Long time no see, Shinwoo student.”

“Ah, f*ck.”

The Chairman and his secretary showed up too.

I hadn’t called for them, but considering the situation, the Lizard Beastman must have invited them.

Anyway, we went through the interview at a decent venue of the Academy with plenty of journalists around.

Ordinary questions and ordinary answers.

Up until now, everything seemed fine, but then.

“Isn’t this excessive violence? Don’t you think the students’ aggression is too much?”

“This is an overly harsh response. Shouldn’t we consider the rights of animal enthusiasts as well?”

“It’s just a momentary lapse. Doesn’t everyone have times when they step out of line?”

Some journalists were really aggressive.

The questions were quite tricky and devious.

It wasn’t easy to answer, and it could easily turn into a trap.

But then.

“The Chairman of our Academy will explain in detail.”

“No, when did I ever—”

“Please, go ahead, Chairman.”

Of course, I didn’t need to explain.

That’s why we have superiors.

That’s what they’re for.

[So the Lizard Beastman really did set this up well.]

‘Here’s your taste of it, you dog bastard.’

The journalists quickly shifted their focus from me to the Chairman.

“Isn’t it blackwashing that a pink horse turned into a black horse?”

“Haha. The Academy always pursues political correctness. It’s a free education policy.”

The Chairman was flustered but was trying his best to respond.

Then, one journalist suddenly pointed to Hyeji.

“With a chest as flat as yours, are you really a woman? Did you input your gender wrong?”

“… I am a woman. If you want to keep your limbs intact, be careful.”

That was quite an overstepping question.

Hyeji gritted her teeth and barely managed to respond.

Usually, she would whip out a gun and cause a ruckus, but since they were journalists, it was a bad match-up.

If it turned into a public relations battle, she’d probably be eaten alive.

Hyeji knew that and held back.

However, the rude questions didn’t stop.

To Ayeon.

“Why is a Succubus here? Is the Academy allowing prostitution?”

“That’s a discriminatory comment against Succubi. And she already has a partner. So be careful.”

To Elcia.

“There are rumors you lied about your age when you enrolled. Is it true?”

“… What are you talking about? I’m a fresh 89 years old.”

And even to Caressy.

“Does the Academy also run a shelter for stray cats? Why is that cat bastard here?”

“Be careful with your words. And this is Nekomimi, not a cat.”

They weren’t even questions at this point; just simple, blatant personal attacks.

They started spilling out from the mouths of the journalists.

[Are those journalists from the entertainment section or something?]

‘These piece of crap reporters are coming at me.’

In that moment, suddenly, Ayeon started fiddling with her mobile phone.

Waving her hand while looking at the screen, it seemed she was making a video call.

Then she abruptly turned the camera towards the journalists, focusing on the aggressive ones.

Finally, she waved goodbye to the phone screen.

Right after that, Ayeon pointed her finger and said.

“Hey, reporter over there. Your mother told me to tell you this.”

“What? If you’re going to talk nonsense like the Succubi, just stop.”

She pointed at the journalist who had just been particularly rude to Ayeon.

It looked like he had been scolded harshly by a Succubus or something, as his face turned vicious.

In that sudden accusation, the other journalists shifted their gaze between Ayeon and the targeted reporter.

The targeted reporter growled at Ayeon, but she didn’t care and kept talking.

“I heard you visited recently.”

“And what of it? Isn’t it still legal?”

Whether it was true or not, he wasn’t able to refute it and was instead getting angry.

Of course, legality is legality.

But it was something you wouldn’t openly say.

Naturally, the looks from the surrounding journalists turned icy.

In a hurry, he made excuses to the other journalists and then, feeling defeated, shot Ayeon a glare.

“It was a low-quality place! What do you expect? I wasn’t doing anything!”

“Is that so?”

“Why don’t you say it out loud! I’m proud of it!”

He had a rather confident demeanor.

However, that confidence didn’t last long.

The moment a number appeared above the journalist’s head.

He desperately tried to shut Ayeon up.

But it was already too late.


“You got kicked out for being mesmerized by the word ‘UP boy’ and storming in after hearing ‘up少年’!”

“No, f*ck! How did you know that!”

It was Ayeon’s mouth that moved faster.

The targeted reporter’s face went pale in an instant.

But the reveal didn’t end there.

Now it was the reporter who had attacked Hyeji who was the target.

“That reporter just visited together with the other one.”

“I-I was just watching! If you keep slandering me, I’ll sue!”

The reporter started barking at Ayeon.

But Ayeon calmly opened her mouth.

“That reporter heard the lines ‘Married women always standing by to suck hard’ and barged into the shop, cutting in line.”

“W-Wait! I made a mistake! Stop talking about this!”

The reporter knelt in front of Ayeon, bowing his head.

As if pleading for her to not say more.

However, Ayeon didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping.

“In the end, you complained about being bled dry in a room full of mosquitoes.”


There was a reason the reporter who was bowing his head looked so pale.

It had probably been a relatively recent visit.

[Even donating blood would be better than that condition.]

‘Here come the bastard reporters again.’

In the face of Ayeon’s sudden reveal, the journalists fell silent.

With something they felt guilty about, they couldn’t muster the courage to press on.

Truly a sight to behold.

However, there were still some relentless reporters.

Two of them, no less.

The first was the one throwing personal attacks at Elcia.

He wasn’t letting up; still targeting only her.

Was it elf hatred? Or was he confident he had nothing to worry about?

“At 89 years, you’re basically obsolete. It’s sad you’ll cling to that.”

“Oh my! Aren’t you supposed to cling on to your stories too?”

“Why should I? I only invest in promising stocks.”

“Promising stocks, you say? How convenient!”

The reporter laughed derisively while throwing insults at Elcia.

Yet Elcia kept smiling cheerfully.

Then suddenly, Elcia pulled out her mobile phone.

“I anticipated this, so I bought you some Elf Coins which are bound to rise! This is also a promising coin!”

“F*ck! My phone! When the hell did you take it? And that’s on the verge of being delisted!”

“I hope it rises soon! But I won’t accept any damages for the personal attacks!”


Looks like she implemented a butterfly strategy and secretly took the phone.

In the end, the reporter attacking Elcia fell into the inescapable pit of Elf Coin.

He looked pitiful kneeling, shedding tears of blood.

But what could one do? It was his own karma.

And there was still one reporter who wouldn’t shut up.

The one who’d made discriminatory comments towards Caressy.

“With all that fur, do you do any grooming? Do Nekomimi have heat cycles?”

“Be careful what you say. That’s private business.”

“This is for the public’s right to know!”

He still wasn’t showing any signs of stopping.

Then Caressy calmly composed herself and spoke softly.

“If you keep ranting like that, I’ll buy your whole newspaper.”


The reporter was momentarily lost for words at the sudden comment.

Regardless of that, Caressy quietly murmured.

“Before I handle you myself, get it together.”

“I’m sorry.”

Finally, the last journalist fell silent.

No more rude questions were thrown our way.

Of course, questions still kept flying towards the Chairman.

“Did you get a hair transplant? Or is it natural?”

“Do you have liability insurance or a funeral plan? Which do you think is more efficient?”

“Is it still standing well? Or is it precarious?”

“Why are there only female secretaries? Why aren’t there any male secretaries? Isn’t that quite inconvenient?”

No loyalty in blocking those.

Apparently, since they couldn’t target us anymore, the journalists were latching onto the Chairman even more desperately.

But what could we do?

After all, that guy needs to be taken down too, so it’s not such a bad thing.

[Are you really not going to help?]

‘He can handle it himself. Why would I help someone trying to betray me?’

Thus, the interview concluded successfully.

Though there were many distractions from the journalists along the way.

Responding to their nonsense with nonsense.

In other words, showing the spirit of reciprocation.

‘Sometimes you have to give them back a taste of their own medicine for them to understand.’


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