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Chapter 198

The sun set on the day when the Coming-of-Age Ceremony was followed by the grand Coronation Ceremony.

The street, brightly illuminated by Luminescent Stones, was still packed with spectators, but the cheers had noticeably diminished compared to the daytime.

The carriage that had completed a full circle around the institution finally returned to the palace, marking the official end of the coronation’s schedule.

However, I still had something left to do.

I was called for a private meeting with Aria.

“How’s your body holding up, Your Majesty?”

“Ugh. My neck feels like it’s about to snap.”

A room with just the two of us.

Aria trembled as she lifted the crown.

Just as the crown was about to slip from her hands and fall to her knees, I reflexively lunged forward and caught it.


“Don’t mention it.”

Aria hastily pulled her hands away and stepped back slightly.

It seemed that her body was struggling to cope with such an exhausting march.

The weight of that thick outfit alone must have been tremendous, and now she had to bear the crown on top of it.

“Have you decided to shed your pretense now that you’ve been crowned?”

“Do you find it unpleasant to see?”

“No. Quite the opposite. I think it’s a waste for only me to know Your Majesty’s true self.”

“You little rascal…”

It seemed that Aria had decided to stop acting starting today.

The perfect woman who was cold, rational, and utterly composed enough to be a candidate for Emperor was now gone.

Only a young ruler, easily swayed by emotions and likely to become a tyrant, remained.

But that wasn’t entirely a cause for concern either.

Because everything that made up Aria was still there.

If only there was someone by her side to support her, Aria could truly reign as a perfect monarch.

“Come to think of it, you are a knight directly under the Empire’s Emperor.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

“Then… do you remember what I said before?”

What was said before?

I quickly racked my brain for the memories.

Considering the context, I could guess what Aria was trying to say.

“Yes. Just as you wished, Your Majesty.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?!”

“I can finally serve you, Your Majesty. From now on, I will be loyal to you.”


“Is there a problem?”


She didn’t seem very pleased.

Was she too fatigued from today?

After briefly turning her head away in anger, Aria’s gaze returned to me, scanning me from top to bottom, and a smile gradually spread across her face.

“I’ve heard that the position of the Imperial First Sword and that of a Duke aren’t enough for you.”

“Not that they weren’t enough, but I was just in a position where I couldn’t accept them…”

“Then I’ll make the conditions suitable for you. I have an idea of what kind of position you want. It’s one where you can wield power almost equal to the Emperor, given reasonable responsibilities and workload, isn’t it?”


I was left speechless.

She had hit the nail on the head!

As if teasing the speechless me, Aria burst into laughter.

“You’re quite honest! Good. I have a position prepared just for such a greedy person like you.”


A position that had reasonable responsibilities and workload but allowed me to wield power almost equal to the Emperor actually exists…?

I couldn’t help but show a puzzled expression.

Even the Duke of a principality becomes a mere subject, unable to speak a word to the Emperor when stepping outside their territory.

In fact, one could argue that a high-ranking minister, who lacks land and real power, has more authority due to their influence.

What on earth was this ‘dream position’ that Aria was referring to?

“I’ll grant you the position of Regent.”

“Regent? Is there such a position?”

“There isn’t. I just resurrected an ancient position from a long time ago.”


Is this a joke?

It seemed she wanted to assign me a nominal position.

After all, I would need to show my loyalty to the Empire, particularly to the imperial family.

It was a bit annoying, but I was willing to accept it.

At least Aria wouldn’t try to eliminate me like Gustav would.

“Heh. You don’t even ask about the position I’m personally preparing for you.”

“Please tell me more about the role of Regent.”

“It’s hard to define the tasks too clearly. Well, let’s say you will assist me. Just as a military commander has a deputy. If I’m the commander, you will take on the role of that deputy.”

“So you mean I will play a role in assisting and supporting your overall duties?”

“Exactly. You’ll be able to handle all aspects of imperial duties, including policy drafting, approval, and execution. As the second in line in order of precedence, you’ll also be able to take on the role of the Emperor in my absence—”

“Your Majesty, please hold on a moment. I must have misheard something.”

“No, you probably heard it correctly.”

Aria suddenly stood up and looked down at me, who was flustered and stumbling over my words, with an amused expression.

Did I really understand correctly…?

Did that mean I’d have a level of power almost equivalent to the Emperor, effectively co-ruling with them?

“Of course, all decision-making authority remains with me.”


“You’ll be busy with your studies. So, as long as you finish your ongoing tasks, you can take an indefinite leave whenever you want. Of course, this applies only until your graduation.”


I was left utterly dumbfounded.

I would possess immense power, but could only work when I wanted?

This was already beyond a dream job level.

I couldn’t tell whether I was dreaming or awake.

“Your face looks like you can hardly believe it. How intriguing. I never thought you’d pull such a face.”

“Of course, I’m shocked…”

“Aren’t I a benefactor who has allowed you to avenge your father’s enemies? Two of them, no less.”


Is she referring to Henderson, who I killed, and Gustav, who orchestrated it?

“If it weren’t for you, I would have lived my life never knowing. Furthermore, if I grant you such power, won’t it allow you to design the future you want?”

“My desired future…?”

“Stop playing dumb. I already noticed that you are handling me like a puppet. I’d be thoroughly displeased to be toyed with by someone else. So rather than being manipulated, I decided to entrust it directly to you.”

“I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.”

“Tsk. Still putting on an act…”

Aria huffed in irritation and crossed her legs as she sat on her throne.

There were too many inconvenient truths I had to hide from her.

From the fact that the Asylum, a mere cult, would engulf the Empire in the future to the humanity’s full-scale war with the Majin…

If I were to tell a distraught Aria all this, she might throw a fit and ruin everything.

Maybe she was aware of that herself and didn’t press further.

“By the way, what are the responsibilities of the Regent?”

“There’s just one: When my life is in danger, you must do whatever it takes to save me. Promise me that, and I’ll give you the position.”

“I swear that I will do everything in my power, even at the cost of my own life, to save you when you’re in danger.”

“You forgot to mention ‘to Aigis.'”

“I thought you disliked it, so I left it out on purpose.”

“Ha ha ha!”

Aria burst into cheerful laughter again.

It seemed my attitude pleased her greatly.

After laughing heartily for a while, wiping tears from her eyes, Aria smiled.

“Alright. Now, let me give you your first task. I know that the Imperial University is on break, so I won’t accept your leave request from the first day.”

“What is the first task?”

“Find the Majin who spread the authority among the believers of the Asylum. That is your first task.”


The first job with almost absolute power, akin to co-ruling with the Emperor, was to find a culprit?

Actually, there was no need to run around extensively.

I already knew who they were.

*Huhhh…* *Haaahh…!*

My feet bounced restlessly on the bed, causing the mattress to sag.

Yet, Aria’s moans, sounding strained, showed no signs of stopping.

Thinking back on earlier events, I felt utterly pathetic.

Schluss Hainkel had once said that if I confessed after reaching adulthood, he would accept me without hesitation.

He wasn’t the kind of man to break a promise.

So, all I had to do was utter one line.

Gather my courage and simply say a single line…

“I was a coward…”

Until now, I had thought I lived my life freely.

I believed nothing could scare me.

But just moments ago, no matter how hard I tried to force my lips to part, it felt as though someone was choking my throat, and no words came out.

What on earth was I so afraid of?

With just one sentence, I could take Schluss Hainkel as my husband…so why?


After gaining clarity, Aria let out a sigh.

I feared that Schluss Hainkel might not love me.

That was what terrified me.

The love he confessed before was love for the Emperor, not romantic love.

Yet, if I forced a marriage now, would I receive his love?

Perhaps, deep down, he might be harboring feelings for someone else.

Or, even if not, would my doubts shatter our relationship?

For the first time in her life, Aria pondered such concerns.

*Gulp…* *Gulp…*

Suddenly feeling parched, she grabbed the cup of water beside her bed and gulped it down.

Then she vowed to herself.

At least by the time semester break at the Imperial University ended, she would win back Schluss Hainkel’s heart.

The best-case scenario was for him to court her on his own.

But it was doubtful whether a guy born with such luck would actually do that.

“Damn it…”

Aria felt her throat becoming dry once again.


“Saintess. The elders of the family are pleading. Please, just visit the Papal Palace once… Is it too much to ask to bow your head to the Pope just once?”


The expression of Iris von dem Flechette, the saintess of Flechette, hardened.

It wasn’t just the Papal Palace that was in chaos, but her family as well.

They were imploring her to bow to the Pope.

Iris had never taken an opposing stance against the Papal Palace, so she couldn’t fathom why this was happening.

Was it truly such a serious matter for the Pope to be troubled simply by her establishing camaraderie with an unusually famous student in the same class?

Recently, the intensity of the Pope’s position had increased further.

Whenever Schluss Hainkel got involved, the Papal Palace would go into a frenzy, almost like it was having a seizure.

“It’s already the break. If you go just once—”

“I understand. Please tell the elders that I will consider it.”

“If you convey it like that, it will put me in a difficult position, Saintess…”

“I’m truly sorry.”

The attendant, appearing downcast, left, and Iris let out a deep sigh.

For now, as Iris held overwhelming status in the Flechette family, even if all the family elders gathered and spoke with one voice, they couldn’t force Iris into action.

After all, it was Iris who had resurrected the family, and Iris was practically the head of the family.

However, this matter was serious enough that she could understand why the family elders were pressing her so hard.

The family, reborn through faith, was on the verge of being abandoned by the Papal Palace, and it was natural for them to feel anxious.

‘The winds are certainly changing.’

The prevailing predictions that Schluss Hainkel would soon fall were completely off the mark.

The Emperor who had been carrying out his purge against him was dead, and the Crown Prince Aria, who actively employed Schluss, had ascended to the throne.

The direction of the wind had completely shifted in Schluss’s favor.

The Papal Palace, which had begun to turn its back on the imperial family, was now just a setting sun.

However, that setting sun still held enough power to potentially submerge the reborn Flechette family with one last move.

‘But I can’t side with the losing side.’

Knowing the future, I had no choice but to choose the path of destruction for the family.

I had to follow Schluss Hainkel and ensure humanity’s survival.

Thus, Iris resolved to completely turn her back on the Papal Palace.

Even if she lost the title of Saintess, she didn’t care.

In the first place, she never helped people expecting such a title.

‘Although I’m a bit worried about the retaliation…’

After all the warnings the Papal Palace had given, how would they retaliate?

Surely, they wouldn’t resort to force, right?

Iris closed her eyes tightly, overwhelmed with concern.

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