Switch Mode

Chapter 194

〈 Chapter 195 〉 Chapter 192 – The Beginning of the Second Semester.


I failed.

Failed again.

“You’re persistent. Just give up.”

Words that crush my last hope.

Those words stab my heart like a sharp dagger.

[Give up.]


I once again failed to leave Hyeji’s room.

Hyeji’s stance was clear: she wouldn’t let me out until the semester started.

And so, today began another round of squeezing my sanity.

“Hurry up and get it up, you dildo bastard!”

“Save me.”

But I never truly gave up.

When I took the aphrodisiac that old man Kang-hyuk gave me, I finally overwhelmed Hyeji for the first time.

Surely it was effective; Hyeji declared her surrender.

“Ha… ha… let’s stop. It’s too hard.”

“Wow… this stuff really works.”

But at that moment, I should have kept my mouth shut.

Seeing Hyeji tremble and declare her surrender made me forget all the struggles until then.

Instead, I got drunk on the sweetness of victory, my mouth opening carelessly.

“You’re so f*cking weak, huh?”

“You’re dead meat.”

And I had to pay the price for that.

An enraged Hyeji began to awaken.

At first, she surrendered frequently, but soon it became a situation where we both collapsed at the same time.

Then, Hyeji finally regained the initiative.

In the end, there was a limit to facing the rapidly growing Hyeji.

[Why on earth did I provoke her!!!]

‘F*ck, trying to teabag got me into real trouble.’

Elcia and Ayeon visited frequently, but once Hyeji finished her meal, she quickly kicked them out.

And each time, they sent me longing glances.

“Hey, let me f*ck the master too! Just let me go a little deeper!”

“At least show me something!”

“Get lost.”

There was no helping it.

Hyeji was fiercely blocking everything.

On the other hand, I hadn’t seen Caressy all vacation.

I assumed there was an issue in the Beastman Kingdom that required her presence.

But that wasn’t what mattered.

“Shinwoo, I’m going to take a shower.”

“Shower? Why?”

Hyeji tilted her head in confusion.

“So it’s your preference not to shower?”

“……Just take your time with it.”

“Got it, I’ll be quick.”

“Take your time, dammit.”

Anyway, I strained myself right up until the day before the new semester started.

It was a time of pleasure and pain coexisting during the break.


Finally, the new semester began.

As always, it started with selecting dormitories.

My dorm was completely wrecked.

I quickly chose a decent dorm, but…

“Shinwoo, pack your stuff and come to my room.”


Hyeji’s words were like thunder from a clear sky.

When I asked her why, the expected response flew back to me.

“Where are you trying to run away to?”

She insisted there was no need to be apart since we had already done everything.

Ayeon and Elcia strongly opposed Hyeji.

“How long are you going to monopolize him? Even Nintendo exclusives aren’t this intense!”

“What are you going to do if he doesn’t get up already? That’s a major issue!”

“No, there’s still no problem.”

Suddenly, Hyeji pointed at my lower half.

Just that alone made my Juji start to swell.


“Seems fine! No problems at all!”

“It’s normal. Then there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Please worry about my state, you f*cking bitches.”

At that moment, from a distance, Caressy locked eyes with me.

She rushed over, visibly shocked.

“Ah, what happened? You’re alive, right?!!!”

Indeed, my physical condition had changed quite a bit.

My complexion returned, but I had lost a lot of weight, and the muscle definition I had was significantly thinner.

At the same time, dark circles were heavily etched around my eyes.

I probably looked like a research student or a programmer suffering from spaghetti coding.

“What’s with these skinny arms! You’re standing up with just bones and skin!!!”

[At least this kid looks normal.]

‘Grr. This is the Saintess.’

Still, seeing her worried for me brought a bit of warmth to my heart.

Anyway, I seized the opportunity to ask her.

“What happened in the Beastman Kingdom?”

“It’s hard to explain… Anyway, it went to sh*t.”

Caressy looked genuinely troubled.

I was about to ask what kind of help she needed when…

“Shinwoo, hurry up and pack!”


Hyeji urged me even faster.

Upon hearing Hyeji, Caressy’s gaze shifted from me to her.

Then she pointed at Hyeji’s face, which gleamed even more than before we separated, and shouted.

“How much f*cking did you do!!!”

“I did it just fine.”

“What the f*ck does ‘just fine’ mean!!!”

Caressy swung her arms around, puffing her tail up.

“This is just f*cking Succubus behavior!!! What’s the difference from a demon!!!”

“No, she’s not a Succubus.”

Hyeji boldly pushed out her nonexistent chest.

“It’s a human praise.”


[Isn’t that a human female character more arousing than a Succubus in underground comics?]

‘That was also a human praise. Totally arousing.’

Anyway, there was no option to live separately in the dorm.

Ultimately, I resigned and moved into Hyeji’s room, starting our cohabitation.


Academy classes, as it usually is from the second year, took place only in the morning.

And that too, just theory.

“Hunters should form parties for better results. Can anyone explain why, Shinwoo?”

“If we succeed in conquering the dungeon, it’s thanks to me. If we fail, it’s because of the team.”

“Correct. But since it’s you, Shinwoo, I’ll deduct points.”

“F*cking hell.”

The second semester began with classes emphasizing the importance of parties.

“Constructing a party of five or more is not recommended; do you know the reason, Elcia?”

“Yes! The wise Jirobo said, ‘Whenever five gather, there is guaranteed to be one trash!'”

“Excellent! I’ll give you extra points!”

“Please give me money instead of extra points!”

Then the questions directed toward Caressy.

Questions about actions after failing to conquer.

“Saintess, if a party has just failed in conquering a dungeon, what should they do?”

“Easy! First, comfort everyone and then together organize the monster’s pattern!”

Caressy crossed her arms and looked confident.


“You’re wrong. I didn’t think the Saintess would get this wrong.”

“…..Where exactly did I go wrong?”

That expression cracked almost immediately.

The professor sighed slightly and turned his gaze to the others.

“It seems you lack experience in this area. Ayeon, would you explain it?”

The question went directly to Ayeon.

Without being intimidated by the professor’s gaze, Ayeon calmly answered.

“We should politicize the failure and blame it on one person.”

“Exactly! You have plenty of dungeon conquest experience, so you know well!”

“This much is simple.”

“……Is this f*cking Academy for real?”

Caressy muttered with a twisted expression.

Suddenly, a comment from Piece broke in.

[I also agree with Caressy. Why the hell is there a class like this?]

‘It’s a class that becomes the blood and flesh for survival.’

Where is this place?

A place where the weak cannot survive, South Korea.

Thus, it’s an education suitable for Korea.

Political maneuvering is always essential.

Especially, the more people there are.

This is an obvious fact.

No, it’s just common sense.

Of course, some may deny this.

Like Piece, who is shouting at me now.

[Where the hell is that kind of common sense!!!]

But this thought can be changed quickly.

In fact, even those who strongly denied it could soon scream for its necessity.

‘Try going through rank. I will prove my point.’

[……Your words are right.]

When you roll around in a dungeon devoid of human beings, you naturally learn the need for political maneuvering.

In the end, Piece was the one who accepted it last.

Still, I completely understood the reason to teach about the importance of parties.

For the final exam, they evaluated us based on students forming parties to conquer an existing dungeon.

So, the significance of party education was indeed high, not at all low.

At that moment, the professor suddenly made a suggestion.

And it was quite a shocking one.

“If you answer this question, today’s class will end here.”

The students’ eyes began to sparkle.

Everyone maintained silence, eagerly awaiting the professor’s speech.

After a time of endless waiting, the professor finally opened his mouth.

“If you’re in a situation where you’re being politically attacked, how should you respond?”

However, no one raised their hands easily.

The difficulty of the question was evidently high.

Some students proposed answers.

“I’d bail on the party and make a regret-obsession-despair piece!”

“I’ll ignore the opponent’s words and report everything!”

“I’ll just hit them! Violence will solve everything!”

“My expectations were too high, I guess? Unfortunately, there’s no perfect answer here.”

No correct answers arose.

The professor’s face began to show disappointment.

At that moment, Hyeji raised her hand high.

“Hyeji student, would you like to answer?”


Everyone quietly turned their gaze to Hyeji.

Yet, she answered confidently as if those gazes were nothing.

“First, I’ll stretch out the opponent’s words and induce them into saying something unreasonable.”

“Good, and what’s next?”

“If they get angry, I’ll cling to that part and keep pressing.”

“Excellent! And finally?”

The professor clapped and praised Hyeji.

At the last stage, Hyeji took a deep breath and proudly said,

“I’ll drag it into a mud fight instead of political attacks with personal attacks.”

“Perfect! We have a full-fledged Hunter here!”

The professor was busy holding back tears at Hyeji’s remarkable growth.

Then, he announced the end of today’s class.

“Today’s class ends here!”

He looked far from the usual professor who keeps his word.

No sooner had he finished speaking than we all stood up and started to clap.

“These crazy bastards.”

[Totally nuts.]

Except for a few, that is.


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