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Chapter 193

〈 Chapter 194 〉 Hunter Spirit.


Hyeji, fresh out of the shower, stopped Ayeon and Elcia.

As she dried her hair, she immediately let out a scream.

“F*cking bitches! Not even a day has passed!”

Ayeon and Elcia hesitated for a moment at Hyeji’s outburst.

Then the two of them decided to counterattack Hyeji.

“Still, isn’t it too much to eat everything? There’s hardly anything left!”

“Is this hell? What do you mean ‘sole consumption’?!”

“Please, just point out my body condition, you f*cking bitches.”

Hyeji stayed silent, receiving their complaints while finishing drying her hair.

Then she stood up, smirking.

“Be grateful for what you’ve been given. I could seriously eat it all.”

She showed the ease of someone who had already committed the act.

Soon after, Hyeji started getting dressed to go out.

“I’m going to buy lunch. Losers, wait patiently.”

With that statement, she closed the door behind her.

As soon as Hyeji left, Ayeon and Elcia rushed towards me.

“The finale will be handled by the main lady. Elcia, you go first.”


“Hey, f*ck. Stop.”

Elcia and Ayeon ignored my words and began undressing.

In their eyes, a greed to commit was settled.


“I’m definitely not doing it now! No, I can’t!”

I flatly refused.

Though my lower half had seemingly risen with enthusiasm, I had no choice but to reject.

Then Ayeon and Elcia narrowed their eyes and growled.

“Are you really trying to bargain now? Do you need 5700 characters?”

“What’s wrong with me! I’m way more overwhelming than the feeble Hyeji!”

“That’s not it. There’s a perfectly valid reason.”

Ayeon and Elcia crossed their arms and glared at me as if daring me to say otherwise.

I stood my ground and calmly stated the truth.

“The writing bastard has no experience, so he can’t manage to get it up on time!”

A brief silence followed.

Then everyone nodded as if they understood completely.

“Since it’s such a reasonable reason, I won’t refute it.”

“I agree with that!”

[No wonder the description was ambiguously lacking.]

『It’s because I’ve never written properly.』

­ Why do I get hit, you f*cking bastards.

Having been sufficiently persuaded, Ayeon and Elcia began to put their clothes back on.

In the meantime, I dragged my trembling body over to strip the bed cover and shove it into the washing machine.

Watching the washer spin, I slowly shuffled towards the bathroom to wash up.

In hindsight, I realized my body smelled quite bad.

I turned on the tub water and began to wash my body.

After a thorough wash, I still felt like I carried Hyeji’s scent on me.

Then suddenly, I caught sight of myself in the mirror.

[It’s a corpse.]

‘……Is that me?’

My face looked unrecognizable.

Hollow eyes and cheeks. Blurry gaze.

Dark circles surrounding my eyes and parched lips.

I had some muscle, but today it looked like only skin and bones.

Closer to a zombie than a human.

Seeing all of this made my body scream in fatigue.

I hastily sank into the tub to alleviate some physical pain.

As the warmth enveloped me, my body gradually started to relax.

Perhaps due to the sudden arrival of small peace, drowsiness washed over me.

[Don’t worry. I’ll wake you up.]


[What alarm sound do you prefer, military trumpet or “bap bap bap good morning”?]


Yet I couldn’t reply.

Before I knew it, I had drifted into sleep.

After a short while.

I opened my eyes not to the alarm from Piece.

“Time to charge.”

It was when I heard Hyeji’s ominous voice.


I tried to help set the table, but Hyeji flatly refused.

She insisted on wanting to do it herself.

“What can a weakling like you do?”

“……Yeah, thanks.”

So, I sat quietly, waiting.

Then a sudden thought popped into my mind.

“I only contacted Ayeon, how did Elcia know to come?”

But Elcia couldn’t answer.

She was clutching her thigh after sneaking a bite of food and getting smacked by Hyeji.

In her stead, Ayeon replied.

“I visited your room, and Elcia was there.”


That sounded a bit significant.

However, what followed was more unsettling than significant.

“She was trembling on the messy bed wearing just her underwear.”


“I don’t know, ask her directly.”

Ayeon averted her gaze as if she were caught.

She absolutely wouldn’t make eye contact, so I turned to Elcia.

In that brief moment, she got hit in the other leg and collapsed.

Upon closer inspection, she had dark circles under her eyes and her face looked pale overall.

It seemed like she hadn’t slept at all.

I didn’t want to think too hard about why she was in my room.

It didn’t seem to promise anything good, and most importantly.

“Let’s eat. It’s all set.”

Food took priority.

What Hyeji brought was a hangover soup along with some lightly seasoned meat dishes.

On top of that, she also brought dessert.

An appropriate menu to soothe the stomach of someone who had drunk heavily the night before.

Of course.

“Shinwoo, eat this.”

My menu was slightly different.

Hyeji started setting different dishes solely in front of me.

Oyster soup. Oyster pancakes. Eel. Chives pancakes. Garlic grilled. Fried oysters.


“Let’s eat quickly.”

It was pretty blatant.

Very much so.

Having said that, everyone offered their well-wishes for a good meal, and I tried to dig in.

­ thud.


I dropped my chopsticks due to my fingers losing strength.

[You can hold chopsticks, but you can’t hold strength?]

‘That’s got nothing to do with her will.’

Then Hyeji smiled slightly and snuggled up next to me.

“Open wide.”

“…Aren’t you supposed to say ‘ah’ here?”


She started feeding me.

Like a mother bird feeding her chick.

Seeing me obediently receive food, Ayeon and Elcia ground their teeth and began their meal.

Yet everyone seemed hungry and finished the food in no time.

I did the same, but then felt a slight discomfort in my stomach.

Of course, given what I just ate, it was expected.

I needed something refreshing.

“Hyeji, can you pass me some fruit?”

“I got it.”

Hyeji replied affirmatively.

“Open your mouth.”

“……That’s fried oyster.”

She passed me completely different food.

And she had even pulled it out fresh again.

I tried to ask for fruit once more.

“Where’s the fruit?”

“I put lemon juice on it.”


It was neatly dismissed.

But there was nothing I could do. Hyeji’s gaze was too intense.

In the end, I stuffed myself with any extra food Hyeji offered me.

As soon as we finished eating and cleared up, Hyeji ordered Ayeon and Elcia out while glaring at them.

“I’ll be doing all of this until the semester starts.”

Naturally, Ayeon and Elcia protested.

This time they expressed their strong intentions that it couldn’t happen.

“That’s too much! It’s all of ours!”

“Since this is the case, we can ‘share’!”

Somehow, Elcia ended up with a sharp axe in her hand.

Hyeji’s eyes turned cold.

“That b*tch tried to jump the line and was waiting in Shinwoo’s room.”


Elcia clicked her tongue like she was disappointed.

Meanwhile, Ayeon looked quite pitiful.

“But, but that doesn’t matter for me!”

“You didn’t tell Shinwoo properly. Where do you think you’re slipping away to?”


In the end, Ayeon and Elcia returned to the dorm, their eyes filled with disappointment.

And the door closed.

At that moment, Hyeji’s gaze fixated on me.

Soon after, her atmosphere began to change.

It was hard to express what it was like, but if I had to, I’d describe it as.


That word was sufficient.

I stepped back involuntarily, scared of Hyeji’s appearance.


­ thud.

Before I knew it, I collapsed onto the bed.

A smidge of my femininity inside me moved my mouth.

“Stop it! Are you planning to treat me roughly? Like in an ero doujinshi?!”

Then Hyeji began undressing.

Her pure white skin looked just like yesterday.

With that, she lunged at me and forcibly stripped me of my clothes.

The only relief was that this time she didn’t tear them.

Hyeji chuckled darkly as she replied to me.

“I’ll just hold hands and sleep.”


“Just kidding, you piece of sh*t.”


The effects of the food were indeed incredible.

Unfairly so.


After the long affair was over.

This time Hyeji seemed to let off lightly.

“Anyway, there’s still some time until the semester starts.”


Once more, I trudged into the bathroom with my trembling body.

As I sank in the tub, I fiddled with my mobile phone to reach out to someone.

Although I didn’t have many contacts, I could at least ask for advice from one person.

Me [Old Man.]

Idiot [What is it, you idiot? Why are you contacting me all of a sudden?]

Ahn Kyung-hyuk seemed to have nothing to do, as he responded instantly.

Once he loses interest, he tends to ignore, so I quickly moved my fingers.

Me [I wanted to talk about my girlfriend.]

Idiot [Girlfriend? You? It’d be faster to earn mileage playing rock-paper-scissors.]

Ahn Kyung-hyuk’s sharp criticism.

It indeed felt easier to earn mileage with rock-paper-scissors than to date a girlfriend.

[The odds are totally sh*t.]

‘That Nobel-chan’s smile really pissed me off.’

So, it was natural not to believe it.

Although I didn’t want to gamble with this, I had to if Ahn Kyung-hyuk was to believe me.

There was no other choice.

Me [I’m serious. I’ll bet you, Old Man.]

Idiot [Why are you betting me, you little shit!]

I could already feel the frustration radiating through the screen through just the text.

However, he seemed to calm down quickly, and it wasn’t long before a message from him came through.

Idiot [F*ck. Alright, let’s say that. What do you want?]

A hint of curiosity peeked through.

Now was my chance, so I gradually started revealing my question.

Me [It’s about my relationship with my girlfriend.]

Idiot [You idiot. Are you being tied down by a girl? You have no backbone, you little shit.]

Ahn Kyung-hyuk probably graduated from a similar fate himself but was trying to act tough.

However, I had no strength to point that out.

Me [Can you recommend me an aphrodisiac?]

Idiot [……]

I had truly lost all power.

He didn’t respond again.

I thought it was a lost cause and was about to put my phone away when.

《A gift has arrived!》

A sudden package arrived.

The sender was Ahn Kyung-hyuk.

I wondered what strange thing he sent this time and checked the content of the gift.

But unlike usual, it was nothing strange.

Two boxes of aphrodisiac.

Exactly what I really needed.

I was touched.

For the first time, I felt respect for Ahn Kyung-hyuk.

But the emotions didn’t stop there.

Along with the gift came a note.

With trembling hands, I carefully checked the note.

〔Hang in there.〕

Tears welled up.

My vision became blurry, and a lump formed in my throat.

But rather than diminishing, the tears only rose in level.

Eventually, surpassing the limit, one drop slid down.

A small bead hit the tub I was submerged in.

Soon, other drops started to fall continuously.

I realized that day that I could get drunk without drinking.

That day, I learned the Hunter Spirit through those two boxes of aphrodisiac, and I got intoxicated by it.

[La la la cha cha cha~.]

Only the song from Piece echoed hollowly in my mind.


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