Switch Mode

Chapter 187

〈 Chapter 188 〉 Chapter 187 – Caught.


Right now, I’m carrying Ayeon and Hyeji on my back, holding them tight.

Seeing me like that, Caressy opened her mouth.

“Are we going straight to the academy now?”

“No. There’s somewhere I need to stop by.”

The place I quickly headed to was none other than the convenience store.

I had two purposes for visiting.

The first was to prevent the heroines from having a vomit disaster.

Even though they hadn’t thrown up yet, you never know when it might explode.

This was a ticking time bomb.

So, I had to eliminate the possibility in advance.

My vision was getting blurry, making it hard to think straight.

Then it suddenly hit me—there was a drink mentioned on Namu Wiki that was said to be really effective for hangovers.

So, I bought one for myself too, woke up Hyeji and Ayeon, and we all downed it at once.

And then.


We grouped together against the wall outside, starting to retch.

With flap flap, something gooey between liquid and solid started to swell on the floor like a snowball.

Seeing that, Piece yelled out.

[Why did you switch the time bomb to instant blast!!!]

‘Don’t talk to me; I feel like I’m going to die.’

After retching for a long while and nothing else would come out, Hyeji and Ayeon regained their senses and grabbed me by the collar.

“What the hell did you make us eat?”

“Are you trying to kill us, you f*ck?”

“No, this is definitely recommended on Namu Wiki for hangovers.”

The drink I bought was none other than Zico.

It was a coconut drink rumored to be excellent for hangovers, and it clearly worked.

It truly was because it made us vomit, so we couldn’t get drunk.

Then Caressy spoke up.

“Everyone’s just a bunch of lightweight drunks~.”

That was a bit unfair.

How dare they assume their own alcohol tolerance after getting a buff from the lord (?).

It felt like being on drugs and competing in the Olympics.

“Hey, when you’re not buffed, just stay quiet.”

“Shut up, or I’ll mix chocolate into your drink.”

“I’ll mix in damp wet dog food too.”

“Yeah, I’m not drinking with you lightweight drunks.”

Caressy smugly shrugged her shoulders.

Then she shot us a dismissive smile.

“Well, if you beg like idiots, maybe I’ll consider it~.”

She even had the audacity to say we should plead with her.

However, Caressy didn’t realize how out of it we actually were.

It was ridiculous.

So I decided to let her know this time.

“Hey, everyone! From now on, let’s not call for Caress!”

“Deal! It wouldn’t be fun drinking with a lightweight like her anyway!”

“Should we just drop her off at the animal shelter?”

“F*ck! I’m sorry! Just give me one more chance! Please don’t abandon me!”

In an instant, Caressy almost became an abandoned animal.

Seeing her desperately cling to us was so satisfying.

After rearranging our ranks, Caressy looked at me with a question.

“Is our business at the convenience store done now?”

“Still one thing left.”

The second purpose of coming to the convenience store.

That was the Pokémon bread.

Inside the academy, crazy students had made it impossible to buy the Pokémon bread even with a reservation.

Still, I figured the external convenience store wouldn’t have been touched.

Of course,

“F*ck, they’re all sold out.”

It wasn’t here either.

Even though it’s a fairly large convenience store, the only spot that should have had the bread was empty.

Disappointment enveloped me, and I let out a deep sigh without realizing it.

At that moment, Hyeji approached me and spoke sweetly.

“Shinwoo, I have Pokémon in my room. Wanna see?”

“Really? Pokémon? Not the Pokémon bread?”


I was scared of Nintendo’s lawsuit, but that was for me to handle.

After all, this novel goes with the mindset of ‘whatever comes, comes.’

Besides, it was real Pokémon, not bread.

If I didn’t go, that would be truly idiotic.

[What the f*ck is this, a hunter story?]

‘Forget it. What’s the use of a hunter when there’s an opportunity to be a Pokémon Master here!’

For now, I took a taxi to the academy.

When Hyeji and Ayeon got out of the taxi, they were sober, but they demanded to cling back to me.

“Hold me.”

“Just once more, please.”

“It’s a bit tough.”

At my words, both of them narrowed their eyes menacingly.

“Hold us, you fcking btch.”

“Were we heavy? Do you want to see real muscle power?”


In the end, I gave in, and just like before, I carried Ayeon on my back and picked up Hyeji.

We slowly moved toward the dormitory.

Caressy looked at me with pity.

“You look tired, don’t you?”

Her concern was genuine, born from worry for me.

However, Hyeji and Ayeon seemed to interpret it differently, glaring at me with fierce eyes.

“Is it heavy? Is it heavy?”

“Is starting with real muscle power okay?”

“It’s fine, so just shut up, f*ck.”

Before I knew it, we arrived in front of the dormitory.

Caressy waved us goodbye.

“Well, see you next time!”

“Oh, right. Take this.”

I handed Caressy a coin purse filled with card pieces.

As soon as she received it, she seemed to get angry again and unleashed her wrath at me.

“Fck, seeing you again just pisses me off, you dog fck.”


“Ha… See you later.”

But having no choice, Caressy sighed and trudged back to the dormitory.

Soon after, Ayeon also got off my back.

“I’ll head out first.”

“Okay. Be safe.”

“Go on.”

“Oh, and.”

Suddenly, Ayeon approached me.

With a mix of envy, worry, and regret on her face.

“Please come back alive.”

“Uh? What for? I’m not drinking anymore.”

“…You’ll find out soon enough.”

After patting my shoulder twice, she left with those ambiguous words.

So, it was just me and Hyeji moving to her dorm room.

“I’ll open the door. Wait.”

Hyeji got off me and started to open the door.

A moment later, with a click, the dormitory door opened, revealing the interior.

It was definitely quite far from an ordinary girl’s room.

Blueprints scattered all over the place.

Various weapons neatly lined up against the walls.

Even evidence of something half-made on the desk.

At a glance, you’d think it was a weapons storage.

It was a completely different world from Hyeji’s room I had seen at her house.

The only thing confirming this was a dorm bed tucked away in the corner.

Hyeji scratched her head awkwardly.

“It’s a bit different, isn’t it?”

“It’s fine. It’s not bad.”

Of course, that didn’t matter to me.

Right now, I came to see Pokémon.

“More importantly, Hyeji, where’s the Pokémon?”

I was curious about what kind of Pokémon it was.

I was hoping for a Charizard at that moment.


Suddenly, Hyeji locked the door to the dormitory.

It gave me a chill.


Hyeji slowly started to approach me.

Then, out of nowhere, she pointed at herself with her thumb and said.

“I’m here.”

“What the f*ck kind of Pokémon are you? Where’s my Charizard?”

As I protested, Hyeji confidently moved her hands to her waist.

“It’s a Hot Sand.”

“…Where do you see that?”

Hyeji’s unexpected statement.

However, she continued as if it was the most obvious thing.

“Hot Sand is red. My hair is red.”

“Well, looking at your hard chest, you seem to be a Steel type.”

“Drop dead.”


Hyeji quickly approached me and firmly grabbed my collar, tossing me away.

I landed right on Hyeji’s bed.

As I lay on the bed, I looked at Hyeji.

“Plus, I came to see 1st-generation Pokémon. Not 2nd.”

“Shut up. 2nd generation is the best masterpiece.”

“I can’t argue with that.”

[Gold/Silver versions. And HG/SS is acknowledged!]

‘Please, regain your original spirit, Gamefreak bastards!’

But anyway, since there were no Pokémon, I had no business here anymore.

The moment I tried to get up from the bed.


Suddenly, I heard a gunshot.

Hyeji shot at me.

The bullet whizzed past right next to my head, sending chills down my spine.

“…What the hell is this?”

“Bullet Punch.”

Hyeji calmly answered my question.

Before I knew it, Hyeji had a rifle in her hands.

“You only got half the right word, which is ‘bullet’?”

“First strike. Steel type. Physical attack. Lastly, a 40-round magazine.”

Hyeji re-aimed the gun at me, resting it on her shoulder.

It felt like she was pressuring me to agree.


“Is this still not a Bullet Punch?”

“…Okay, it’s a Bullet Punch.”

When faced with overwhelming violence, you had no choice but to yield.

Reluctantly agreeing with Hyeji, she showed a satisfied smile.

And right then.


“Ugh, my god!”

She kicked me while I was still on the bed.

Naturally, I ended up lying back on Hyeji’s bed again.

Then Hyeji slowly climbed on top of me.

There was a sticky, desiring look in her eyes that showed no intention of hiding.

Her face was quite flushed. Whether it was from the alcohol or another reason, I couldn’t tell.

The corners of her mouth trembled, looking as if she was trying to suppress a happy smile.

I was scared by that look and tried to talk to Hyeji.


“Open your ears and engrave this in your head.”

Hyeji began to speak unilaterally.

Her face was now a deep red, far beyond any comparison with her hair.

Maybe to hide her embarrassment, she yelled loudly.

“From now on, we’re conducting battle sex!!!”

I slightly bit my tongue due to the tension.

I finally asked Hyeji one last question.

“…What about my opinion?”

“I told you already.”

Hyeji grabbed my shoulder as if to crush it.

Then, looking into my eyes, she ominously said.

“Only the strong get to choose, babe.”


But when I didn’t respond, Hyeji suddenly aimed the gun at me, forcing me to answer.

“Answer, you dog f*ck.”

“E-execute it!”


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not work with dark mode