Switch Mode

Chapter 187


*Swish. Thud.*

Hertlocker’s black blade repeatedly slashed, splattering blood everywhere.

He killed more and more approaching thugs.

But those bastards kept appearing from somewhere, pouring into the alley.

Since they all wore the same black hood, it felt as if the ones he had killed were resurrecting to fill the spot again.

“What the hell are these guys…!?”

Moreover, they appeared to have absolutely no fear of death.

While the kingdom’s army was famous for fighting recklessly during the war, these guys were on a whole different level.

It felt like they were charging in to be stepping stones for the next guy, determined to die from the very start.

In the midst of it all, their combat skills were terrible, yet for some reason, they were incredibly strong. If even one of them caught onto his arm or ankle, he would be dragged straight to hell.

“This is never-ending. Is there no way to break through?”

“Why are you asking me? You should just use a wide-area magic or something!”

“That’s wrong. The spell doesn’t even start to unfold.”


With his back against Hertlocker’s, Eric attempted to deploy a spell.

It was a basic fire system spell.

However, the spell was dismantled and vanished before the core part could even be completed.

“Those bastards… They’re like human weapons.”

He had heard they received the authority of a Majin, but he didn’t expect it to be this extreme.

To overwhelm them with sheer numbers and computational power, completely sealing the use of magic.

Besides, their brute strength couldn’t be overlooked either.

If any of them were experienced in combat…

“I’ll get Emilia out, at least.”

“What? Just me? Why?! I can fight too!”

“You need to go out to ask for help, Emilia.”

“Ask for help? Who to?”


For now, the other intelligence agents were unlikely to be of any help.

They must have already sensed the crisis and fled.

Even if they remained in the institution, they’d all have been captured by the Crows.

That left only one option.

“Schlus Hainkel… Ask that guy for help.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah! There’s no other way!”


He finished contemplating in a short time.

Although Schlus Hainkel had known about the existence of the Intelligence Agency, he had never reported them.

Of course, he had used threats to gain various benefits, but he never seemed to have any intention of leading the Intelligence Agency to ruin.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have confided everything to Emilia.

He had made a proposal to the Intelligence Agency.

A proposal to join hands.

Considering it more coldly, Hertlocker quickly reached that conclusion.

“Director! Is it really okay to do this?”

“I don’t like feeling like we’re being dragged along… But it’s unavoidable. We have to live, right?”

Even Eric squeezed his eyes shut in approval.

If Schlus suddenly changed his attitude and handed them over to the imperial police, they would end up looking like traitors who made a foolish choice.

But if they succeeded, they’d become winners who struck a deal with Schlus Hainkel.

It was the gamble of a lifetime.

“Hertlocker. The siege from behind is thin.”

“We’ll strike when I signal. Emilia, get ready. You know what to do?”

“Uh, uh?”

At that moment, Hertlocker crouched down, joining his hands together.

Instinctively responding, Emilia stepped onto Hertlocker’s palms just as he raised his arms with all his might—


Hertlocker launched Emilia skyward, and she soared high.

Though reaching for the roof, she was just a little short.

But Emilia soon reached the peak, hurtling over the crowd in the alley.

The thugs barely raised their heads in unison towards Emilia’s direction.



Eric and Hertlocker charged into the crowd at breakneck speed.

“What the hell are you bastards looking at?!”

Without exception, those who turned their gaze towards Emilia had their throats slit and blades plunged into their heads.

And by the time their heads turned back toward Hertlocker, Emilia landed safely behind the crowd without obstruction.

“Run, Emilia! Run!”

Even late, there were some pursuing Emilia from behind.

But Emilia’s steps were by no means slow.

Swiftly escaping the alley, she vanished from sight.



Eric’s grip loosened, and a skull-crushed corpse slipped from his grasp.

Thanks to Emilia grabbing attention for just a moment, they successfully seized the advantageous position.

Thus, it should have become easier to endure than before, but…

“Why do they keep increasing?”

It seemed their numbers were gradually rising, possibly wanting reinforcements.

They had to endure.

Until Emilia could request help from Schlus.

Whether that bastard would actually come to help was uncertain, but for now, there was hope only in him.

The Crows would just stand by and watch as they killed each other.

“Let’s hold on.”

“Yes, Director.”

“I told you not to call me that out here.”

The two readjusted their stances, backs against each other.

Enemies who had no fear of death.

Their numbers were almost infinite.

On top of that, they were wounded and exhausted.

Things were heading toward the worst-case scenario.

But it wasn’t the worst yet.

They had overcome worse situations before.


*The situation is worse than I imagined.*

As I ran atop the roofs, looking down on the old town, ominous thoughts kept creeping in.

Things were that bad.

Every now and then, the Crows would fly up and try to block my path when they saw me on the roof, almost prompting me to brandish my sword.

However, after confirming my face and medal, they politely cleared the way.

That meant they had been hired by the royal family or the imperial police.

The empire was definitely trying to clean house with help from the Crows.


Once again, a loud noise erupted in the distance, followed by a cloud of smoke rising.

It was the Asylum believers’ desperate resistance.

It appeared that the imperial police had simultaneously raided the organizations or groups they had been keeping an eye on.

If that were the case, there was still a sufficient chance the Intelligence Agency might be safe.

Unlike the fanatics, the Intelligence Agency specialized in operating in small groups, leaving no traces behind.

Even if there was someone suspicious among the agents, they would be lower priority compared to the Crows’ attack.

There was still time.

Time to find and protect the spies who had yet to evacuate.

Especially, it would be disastrous if Hertlocker were captured by the Crows.

*How do I find the Intelligence Agency members?*

Messages from communication magic flew in from here and there, creating confusion.

Therefore, communication magic wasn’t a very intelligent method.

So there must be another way…


*Emilia’s scent!*

It might sound a bit creepy saying it like that, but it really wasn’t.

I was merely tracing the residual mana emanating from Emilia.

She always carried around a handkerchief made of her own mana.

*Selection and Concentration. Using Mana Sensitivity for 1 second.*

At that moment, the amount of mana ripple information flooding my head surged immensely.

I needed to find Emilia’s scent within that.

A faint yet oddly addictive aroma…

“I found it.”

To the west.

Without hesitation, I leaped and jumped over rooftops.

Once I captured the scent, the ability continued to track even if it stopped activating.

As the scent gradually intensified, I was clearly getting closer.

The aroma had grown considerably stronger.

If I was accurate, Emilia should be right below me.

I slid down the roof and dropped into the alley.

“Emilia! Duck!”


I spotted the swarming black hoods below, with a glowing Emilia mixed in.

I channeled my mana energy into my right hand.

As I landed, I pulled out the overloaded Vafe and swung it wide horizontally.


A blue flash flickered and swept past, carving a dark mark into the wall.

Without the perfect blade form, I hadn’t generated enough output to pierce through.

But the output was more than enough to cut through anything less durable than stone walls.

“You bastard! Where the hell are-”

“The dead speak, huh?”


For example, the neck of a human.

The heads of those charging towards me tilted in unison.

Then, their heads fell off, and their bodies dropped to the ground.

With neckless corpses scattered around, I was the only one standing.

Glancing back, I confirmed that Emilia was sitting there, unharmed.

Finally letting out a sigh of relief.

“Schlus… brother…”

“Listen to what people have to say, Emilia.”


I walked over to Emilia and gave her a solid slap on the head.

Looking up at me, she trembled slightly, appearing somewhat wronged.

Yeah, that’s much better.

Rather than a face frightened of me.

“What the heck are you doing here? I, I’m a spy who’s been watching you this whole time. A traitor just waiting for a chance to stab you in the chest! Isn’t that terrifying? Isn’t it disgusting? Why are you chasing after me to save me again—”

“Why do you keep trying to talk over me? They say actions are more important than words, but you guys are too quick to act. Sometimes, you should listen before you speak.”

“Ugh… I got it… I’ll listen.”

I gave her another solid slap.

“I need the Intelligence Agency’s power, Emilia.”


Emilia’s mouth dropped open.

That reaction was probably genuine shock.

Surprised, she couldn’t find the words, just nibbling her lips, looking quite cute.

“Ah, no… Are you really…?”

“Would I joke about something like this right after confessing?”


Emilia lifted her dazed face.

I took that delicate hand flailing in the air.

And pulling her close, Emilia bounced up and stood before me.

She was still flustered, struggling to speak freely.

“Emilia. Still don’t trust me?”

“I trust… I do trust you… but… I can’t ask for help. It feels wrong, thinking of all the times I tried to deceive and kill you…”

“Forget your shame, Emilia. Is this really the time for that? I’m sure there’s something more urgent.”

I wasn’t pleased at all.

What do you have to be sorry for?

If anything, what does that make me, who has been shamelessly deceiving from the start while knowing everything?

As I gripped her shoulders and met her gaze, her trembling eyes became increasingly steady.

That’s right. That gaze reflects a calm and cold spy.

“I got it. Let’s make a deal. I’ll lend you the power of the Intelligence Agency. But in return, you have to fulfill my request.”

“Say it.”

“Please save my brother… My brother, he’s a fool and doesn’t know anything, but he’s a stubborn guy. If persuaded, I think he can become a comrade.”


I wonder if I could persuade that guy.

If it were to threaten him while taking him hostage, maybe…

But now that the facade of the hostage being fake was exposed, that intimidation method wouldn’t work.

However, Hertlocker was still the main character.

No matter what I did, it was impossible to completely exclude him from the story.

And I needed Hertlocker’s power.

“Don’t worry. I’ll definitely save him.”

I covered Emilia’s trembling hand with my own.

Then, I felt that trembling gradually subsiding.

Let’s go. To find that main character bastard.

[Quest: Survive for 1 hour.]

[Difficulty: ★★★★★]

[Reward: 20 Shop Coins]


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not work with dark mode