Switch Mode

Chapter 178

〈 Chapter 179 〉 At Last!


Hyeji’s actions were swift.

The moment her eyes disappeared through the hole, bang bang! echoed as the wall was hammered.

“…We’re screwed.”

Just like Jeong Ahyeon’s words, after several noises, the hotel wall crumbled in an instant.

As the wall collapsed, dust swirled up.

Once the dust settled, Hyeji and Elcia became visible.

Hyeji had conjured a file bunker in both hands.

Probably to break the wall.

Meanwhile, Elcia, who had revealed herself, quickly snapped her fingers while looking at Jeong Ahyeon.

“Let go, let me go!!!”

Late to resist, Jeong Ahyeon’s efforts were no match for Elcia’s thorny vine, which was just a tad faster.

The thorny vine snagged Jeong Ahyeon’s ankle and lifted her into the air.

In the end, Jeong Ahyeon dangled upside down, wearing only her underwear.

“F*ck!!! If I had just a little more time, it would have been over!!!”

“Hang upside down like the bat you are!”

Seeing Jeong Ahyeon perfectly restrained, Elcia wore a satisfied expression.

At that moment.

Crack crack!!!


Elcia fell down, hit by the stun gun.

Hyeji aimed the stun gun like a handgun, blowing on the electrode part with a whoof.

“You should have watched your back.”

Still, Elcia was surprisingly conscious.

The proof being that the thorny vine binding Jeong Ahyeon remained intact.

Soon, Hyeji’s eyes glinted as she looked in my direction.

“The packaging is well opened.”

Just like how Jeong Ahyeon had mounted me earlier, Hyeji began to slowly climb on top of me.

The swirling emotions in Hyeji’s eyes seemed to pierce right through me.

“Don’t worry, Shinwoo.”

Did she notice that I was scared?

Hyeji said this to me with a gentle voice.

“I’m not going to eat you. Just stay still for a moment.”


When I rattled the handcuffs in defiance, Hyeji roughly grabbed them.

“I’m going to check your back.”

“F*ck! Just wait a second!”

With one hand, Hyeji skillfully started to take off my clothes.

I shouted in desperation to stop her action.

“I’m not thinking of dating anyone right now!”


Hyeji’s face started to fade.

The same went for Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon.

They all glared at me with icy eyes, each uttering one line.

“Is it because I don’t have breasts?”

“Husband! Why is that? My breasts are the biggest here!”

“Master?…It was just for enjoyment with me?”

Then Hyeji muttered ominously while looking at Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon.

“If I get rid of them, I’ll have the biggest breasts, right?”

“Hyeji, aren’t I bigger though?”

“I’m talking about among women, you idiot!!!”


Hyeji’s gaslighting struck me again.

I gasped for breath and explained to everyone.

“I told you about how I saw the future before Carerci’s regression, right?”

Instantly, they all focused on my words with serious expressions.

I looked at them and smiled bitterly.

“You all died at my hands, even though you’re far stronger than me.”

That vision resurfaced, tormenting me.

I steadied my mind and cautiously asked them.

“What if that future was because you all accepted your deaths since I was in a romantic relationship with you?”

The mood sobered considerably.

But I had to say it outright.

“I absolutely don’t want to kill any of you.”

That was sincere.

I didn’t want any of them to die, not a single one.

Especially if it had to be at my hands.

“So until I can avoid that future, I don’t think I can date anyone.”

All their gazes were fierce.

Those sharp stares felt like they were peeling me away bit by bit.

But it couldn’t be helped.

I believed that not dating anyone was the best option I could take right now.

This way, if the worst-case scenario arose and I had to kill someone.

It might be a bit easier than if we were lovers.

That’s what I thought.

On the other hand, they maintained their silence while staring at me.

I felt quite distressed saying what I did, but I had no intention of changing my mind.

“I’m sorry.”

A heartfelt apology slipped out.

I thought that would be enough.

However, their atmosphere was vastly different.

I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

If anything, it seemed they were angry.

“Cut the crap.”


Hyeji grabbed my hair tightly.

She looked directly into my eyes and spoke with certainty.

“I’m going to change that damned future, so don’t have that stupid idea.”

Meanwhile, Elcia, who had fully recovered, slowly approached me.

Then, without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around mine tightly.

“Isn’t it a future that hasn’t even happened yet?”


“Worrying about something like that isn’t characteristic of you, Husband.”

Elcia said with a gentle smile.

“Even if it comes, I believe we can change it to another future.”


“You changed my future that way.”

Last, out of nowhere, Jeong Ahyeon appeared behind me.

In that short time, she had put her dobok back on.

“I’m not very bright.”

“Jeong Ahyeon.”


Jeong Ahyeon gently hugged me from behind.

And whispered quietly into my ear.

“I always believe in you. You can do it.”


“So don’t worry. I will always be with you.”

I felt too sorry. It seemed I had made them worry too much.

And I was grateful. Grateful for those who believed in me.

I smiled lightly while looking at them.

At that moment, Hyeji leaned in closer to my face and said firmly.

“So don’t ever say you can’t date anyone again!”


I couldn’t respond.

It made sense; I was still hesitating.

Not getting a reply, Hyeji shook my hair once and shouted loudly.

“You’re f*cking my boyfriend starting today!!! Got it?”

The words were strong.

But despite what she said, Hyeji’s face was incredibly red.

Yet, embarrassingly, I was still hesitating.

“Hyeji, I’m still not ready to date anyone—”


But Hyeji didn’t hesitate with her bullet.

She had somehow conjured a handgun in her hand.

With that, the bullet grazed past my ear.

I felt Jeong Ahyeon jumping in shock behind me from the sudden attack.

As Hyeji held onto my hair, she ominously said.

“The choice is only for the strong, darling.”

“……I’ll do my best.”

I cast aside my hesitation.

I was afraid of what might happen if I refused here, so I obediently answered.

Then, Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon began to push back.

“That’s not fair! Cutting in line!”

“How could you get ahead of me?”

“Shut your mouths, you bastards.”

Hyeji glared fiercely at Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon.

Then, she immediately dashed into my arms and started to hug me tightly.

“I liked you first!!!!!!”

At those words, Elcia wore an expression of embarrassment, and Jeong Ahyeon averted her gaze slightly.

Hyeji shot a fierce glare at the both of them.

“After I fought so hard and saved you! You’re trying to take Shinwoo away!”



Both seemed to be silently listening to Hyeji’s words, perhaps feeling guilty.

Hyeji wasn’t wrong.

If Hyeji hadn’t helped, there’s no way I could’ve saved Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon.

“Do you know what’s even more f*cked up?”

Before we knew it, Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon were sitting side by side.

Seeing their heads down, Hyeji lamented.

“Knowing you guys had it rough, it’s so f*cked up that I can’t push you away.”



The two looked at Hyeji with a mix of regret and gratitude.

If Hyeji had harbored any malicious intentions, both Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon would barely be alive.

However, Hyeji didn’t do that.

Though she wanted to monopolize, she chose another option instead.

I found it admirable. It must not have been an easy decision.

And I felt sorry. I could tell she had gone through a lot of emotional turmoil.

I hugged Hyeji a bit tighter.

Hyeji gave a slightly satisfied expression, then narrowed her eyes and dramatically asked Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon.

“Hey you two. Will you give up on Shinwoo even now?”

Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon exchanged glances.

After a silent agreement, both spoke at once to Hyeji.

“Sister, I’m sorry. But I can’t give up either.”

“I apologize to my sister, but I also have no intention of giving up.”

“……F*cking bitches. I knew it.”

Hyeji cursed under her breath, while Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon only gave wry smiles in response.

But Hyeji no longer shoved them away.

I cautiously spoke to Hyeji.

“Hyeji, are you okay?”

“Of course I’m not okay.”

Hyeji sighed deeply.

Then in a slightly gloomy voice, she muttered.

“I didn’t want to give in at all, but it can’t be helped, can it, f*ck.”

A harem doesn’t just form because a guy wants it.

There needs to be understanding and agreement among the female members for it to come into being.

Ultimately, the female members must be willing to give way to one another.

“I guess being the first to fall for you was my fault.”

Hyeji’s face carried a smile mixed with relief and regret.

It couldn’t have been easy to yield like that, after all.

She was truly an extraordinarily understanding girlfriend.

Still feeling a bit frustrated, Hyeji started to hit my chest with her small fist.

I thought about just taking it as a bit of anger relief, but.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

“…..Hyeji? This really hurts.”

“You deserve to be hit more!”

It was incredibly painful.

Hyeji’s punches hit precisely where it hurt the most.

Suddenly, I began to struggle to breathe.

It was a crisis.

Just as I felt like I might lose consciousness, Hyeji’s fist finally stopped.

I took a deep breath, realizing once more the value of oxygen.

[I’m alive.]

‘That was close.’

On the other hand, Hyeji suddenly began to speak seriously, as if she had made a decision.

“But there’s definitely something I need to do.”

“What is it?”

Soon, Hyeji yanked my hair and kissed me.

The suddenness of Hyeji’s action almost made me lose my mind.

No, I think I was half out of it.

As Hyeji looked at my dazed face, she started to smirk.


“The first kiss is mine.”

Then Hyeji quickly turned her gaze towards Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon.

Her look seemed to say that she would not give this up under any circumstances.

“Any complaints?”

Once again, Elcia and Jeong Ahyeon exchanged silent glances.

Then they replied to Hyeji in unison.

“Then I’ll go next!”

“I’m okay whenever, really.”

“Yeah, you f*cking bitches.”

Hyeji cursed, but her tone was surprisingly generous.

It seemed there was no longer any ill will.

Soon, Hyeji began asking me about the feeling of my first kiss.

“So Shinwoo, how was it?”

Hyeji’s face was quite flushed.

Like it might burst if just slightly provoked.

“About the first kiss?”



Hyeji couldn’t contain her bashfulness and quickly turned her head away.

She just let her gaze fall on me.

With a slightly awkward smile, I said.

“My teeth hurt.”

“……Actually, mine hurts a bit too.”

After our sudden kiss, my teeth had clashed against Hyeji’s.

At the same time, my lip had torn slightly, and blood trickled out.

Our first kiss.

Unlike what was depicted in other novels,

It tasted of a bit of pain and a hint of coppery blood.


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