Switch Mode

Chapter 176

〈 Chapter 177 〉 Chapter 176 – Dad & Mom


Now that I’m awake from a ridiculous dream.

I once again realized that I was locked up alone in a hotel room.

It was definitely Hyeji who brought me here last.

Moreover, Hyeji took my mobile phone and left hers behind.

Whether it was planned or just a spur of the moment, who knows?

At that moment, a voice piece spoke to me.

[Finally, this body makes its appearance!]

‘I could have done without it.’

[You should treasure the existence of a normal person like this!!!]

Feeling a strong sense of emptiness at the thought that I couldn’t escape, I lay down on the bed.

Then, looking at the ceiling, I began to recall how I ended up in this situation.


Just before Hyeji completely lost consciousness.

A hazy figure of a person began to appear in Hyeji’s mind.

“…! …!”

I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

I could only vaguely tell they were desperately shouting something.

Gradually, I focused on that figure’s voice.


“Hyeji! It’s Dad! Hyeji, get up!”

I knew who it was.

Kim Baekhong.

Hyeji’s father.

Kim Baekhong was shouting at Hyeji, who had collapsed.

“The opponent is Kim Shinwoo! It’s Kim Shinwoo who killed me!”

“Ah… Dad?”

“Get up! Get up! Hurry up and stand!”

Even though I knew it was fake, it was a precious family moment.

But I was already exhausted.

I felt like I was about to lose consciousness at any moment.

Just when I thought it would be easier to give up like this.

“Get up and kill Kim Shinwoo!!!”

“Shut up, you bastard!!!”

I immediately regained my senses.

I threw my fist hard at the apparition’s face, feeling a slight tingling strike in my hand.


When I regained my mind, I saw Shinwoo gently touching his face.

He looked quite surprised, as if he hadn’t anticipated the situation at all.

“That spicy punch was definitely from Hyeji.”

Just as the timing was perfect, Hyeji was about to reach out her hand towards Shinwoo when she threw a punch.

He had no idea she would attack and ended up allowing the sudden surprise attack.

Shinwoo was still dazed and had a bewildered expression on his face.

Then Hyeji rose and, instead of responding, activated the stun gun.

­ Pzzzt!

“……Is that really you, Hyeji?”

To prove that she was indeed awake, Hyeji ominously activated the stun gun.

She turned her shoulders as if a bit stiff and nodded while looking at Shinwoo.

I was worried that someone else might be disguised as Hyeji.

“That’s me, you bastard.”

“That’s really Hyeji.”

As soon as he heard Hyeji’s reply, Shinwoo immediately accepted it.

He let out a sigh of relief and opened his mouth to Hyeji again.

“Are you alone?”

“Yeah, still single.”

“No, fuck.”

It was definitely Hyeji.

However, the stun gun, which didn’t match Hyeji’s usual image, gave Shinwoo a sense of dissonance.

But there was a bigger question looming over that dissonance.

“How did you wake up?”

From Shinwoo’s perspective, Hyeji, who had been hit directly by the stun gun.

If she were an ordinary person, she would have definitely lost consciousness.

Hyeji calmly answered the questioning Shinwoo.

“My dad told me to wake up in my dream.”

“Fuck, you were the daughter of a general, huh?”

Anyway, the situation hadn’t improved much.

Shinwoo quickly tried to escape.


­ Crack!

“……I’m screwed.”

There was something constraining his limbs.

It was a very familiar object.

Elcia’s white thorn vines.

“Elcia? Can you let go of this?”

Shinwoo urgently searched for where Elcia was, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Adding insult to injury, suddenly manifested Elcia’s butterflies were swirling around in Shinwoo’s view.

“If you come out now, I’ll let you off the hook, so hurry up.”

Yet still, Elcia was nowhere to be found.

Shinwoo let out a brief sigh.

Then he threw out bait to lure Elcia out.

“I’ll invest all my savings in Elf Coin if you come out.”

“Yes! I’m here!”

Elcia pounced on the bait and suddenly appeared.

Seeing Elcia smiling brightly, Shinwoo opened his mouth.

“I need to get my phone out, so can you come closer?”

“Of course!”

Elcia quickly approached Shinwoo.


­ Whack!


“Let go quickly, you fucker.”

Shinwoo moved his head and bumped into Elcia’s head.

He had tried to control his strength, but Elcia kept rubbing her head as if it hurt.

Still, Elcia didn’t let him go.

Instead, she conjured even more thorn vines to restrain Shinwoo’s body.

“I’m not letting you go at all!”


At that moment, Hyeji was slowly approaching Shinwoo, as if to tell him to give up.

With her gloomy eyes fixed on Shinwoo, Hyeji activated the stun gun once more.

Pzzzt only sounded unnervingly to Shinwoo.

“It’ll be painful, Shinwoo.”

“…It doesn’t seem like it will just end with some pain?”

Hyeji showed no intention of stopping at all.

It was truly a crisis.

Just before Hyeji fired the stun gun, Elcia approached Shinwoo with a bright smile and said.

“Master! If it hurts, please raise your hand!”

“Why would I raise my hand? Are you going to let me go?”

Upon close inspection, Shinwoo realized that Elcia had tied him up in such a way that he could raise his hands.

He optimistically hoped that Elcia might release him halfway.

When Shinwoo looked at Elcia with hopeful eyes, she cheerfully said.

“That’s because it’ll be easier to move you when you faint later!”

“Fucking hell.”

With those words, all of Shinwoo’s expectations vanished like snow.

Simultaneously, Hyeji fired the stun gun.

­ Pzzzzzzzt!!!!


Shinwoo screamed bizarrely and fainted.

Still, Shinwoo fainted with his hands raised high in accordance with Elcia’s instruction.

As Elcia’s bindings released, Hyeji caught the collapsing Shinwoo.

“Let’s go. To the Room of Truth.”

And thus, Hyeji and Elcia dragged Shinwoo, whom they had captured, back to the hotel, their peculiar smiles licking their lips.


Even now, it hurt like hell.

At least I took comfort in the fact that it was relatively mild compared to Hyeji’s usual firepower.

[Still, you’re not crispy on the outside and moist on the inside like someone else.]

‘You little fuck? Is Garrosh your chicken?’

No matter how much I messaged Hyeji, she was no longer responding.

She was probably too busy blocking all the succubus contacts coming in on my phone.

With a glimmer of hope, I decided to seek help from the outside.

I still remembered my mom’s phone number.

Calmly entered the familiar number into an unfamiliar phone and made the call.

Unlike when I called from my mobile phone, Mom answered quickly.

­ “Hello.”

“Mom. It’s Shinwoo.”


­ “You fucking Chosun bastard! Stop with the voice phishing!”

“No, fuck.”

The reception and the unfriendly response were two completely different things.

Just a few seconds into the call, she didn’t seem to believe me at all.

I thought she might hang up like this, so I hastily continued speaking.

“I’m calling from Hyeji’s phone! Check my profile in friend requests!”

­ “If you’re lying, you’re dead, you bastard.”

Then a little later.

­ “It’s real?”

“I told you! I said I was calling from Hyeji’s phone!”

But Mom’s suspicion didn’t wane.

In fact, her tone sounded even more aggressive than before.

­ “You Chosun bastard! You’ve kidnapped Hyeji!”

“…There’s a possibility I have Hyeji’s phone, you know.”

­ “Stop mumbling!”

Mom replied firmly to my words.

Before I could even counter, Mom continued.

­ “There’s no way Shinwoo would be in a romantic relationship where he’d change phones with Hyeji!”

“What makes you so sure about that, Mom?”

Mom spoke with unwavering belief.

At this point, I felt incredibly wronged.

Did she seriously think her son couldn’t even have a girlfriend?

[Is that why you can’t have one?]

‘Shut up.’

However, Mom continued as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

­ “Shinwoo wouldn’t even have the intelligence to notice if someone liked him!”


­ “He’s just an idiot!!! My dog is smarter than him!!!”

[So your mother was a Hunter? You really know how to throw a deal!]

‘You little bitch.’

That hit kinda hard.

It was even hard to argue back.

Because it was true.

But Mom’s tirade showed no signs of stopping.

­ “You Chosun bastard! Can’t you just let Hyeji go?”

“That mom is my mom too, you know.”

­ “I’ll trade Shinwoo for Hyeji!”

“Don’t do a barter, fuck.”

Mom treated me way too poorly.

Then she sighed deeply, and in a slightly resigned voice, she said.

­ “Let’s assume for a hundred times that you are Shinwoo.”

“Please don’t assume, just admit it.”

­ “So where are you right now?”

For a moment, I was at a loss for words.

But since there was no other choice, I decided to tell the truth.

“……Um, I’m in a hotel at [Healing Succubus, South Korea].”

At that moment, Mom screamed in horror.

I was startled too.

It was the first time in my life that I heard Mom sound this shocked.

­ “You little bastard! Are you taking Hyeji to a brothel to sell her?!”

“No, fuck!!!”

­ “I’m going to kill you! You little Xi Jinping bastard!!!”

Before I could respond, Mom hung up.

Hearing the call disconnect, I just wanted to give everything up.

At that moment.

“Shinwoo, have you been behaving yourself?”

“Master! It’s time for judgment!”

Hyeji and Elcia entered the room.

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not work with dark mode