Switch Mode

Chapter 168

〈 Episode 169 〉 Episode 168 – Wizard (4)


I sensed the looming pain and shut my eyes.

But when I opened them, the scene before me was slightly different.

A huge white figure.

An alien sight as if it were burning with something white.

A massive pair of horns sprouted from above its head.

It looked human, but was clearly not human.

That being was holding the spear that was flying towards me.

I was extremely surprised, but Rick was just as shocked.

“What the heck is that?!”

“This is how it’s used.”

At that moment, Jeong Ahyeon limped towards me on her injured leg.

She wore a wedding dress just like before, but something had changed.


A large pair of bat wings sprouted from Jeong Ahyeon’s waist.

They resembled the wings of succubi, but were significantly larger than those of other succubi.

Seeing that, I said to Jeong Ahyeon,

“What’s with the wing avatar? Is that a ‘Den’? Even mobile’s out too.”

“I don’t know how it happened. But one thing’s for sure.”

Jeong Ahyeon turned her gaze towards me.

“I think we can win.”

“Then there’s no problem.”

She smiled slightly at my words.

Then, she immediately hardened her expression and said to Rick,

“Get lost.”

At her words, the being that snatched Rick’s magical spear hurled it back at him.

It was at a speed incomparable to when I had thrown my sword earlier.

Rick’s left arm was ripped off with ease.


Rick screamed as he clutched the stump where his arm used to be.

But that arm wouldn’t return.

With bloodshot eyes, Rick glared at Jeong Ahyeon with hatred.

“Are you trying to become a succubus now?!”

“I don’t care about that.”

Jeong Ahyeon looked at Rick with a cold gaze.

“I have the power to crush you right now. That’s all I need.”

“Don’t think you’ve won just because of this!”

Perhaps thanks to that hatred, blood continued to pour from Rick’s left shoulder, but he paid it no mind anymore.

Instead, he pointed his wand at us and shouted in a chilling voice.


Ice shards flew at us from all directions.

The sharp ice shards looked dangerous if hit, and tiny water vapor crystals formed along their path as if the atmosphere had frozen.


“Is that all you have? Is that what you used to bully my lady?”

The being in front of me stomped its feet and swung its arms dramatically.

With just that, all the flying ice shards disappeared.

Jeong Ahyeon’s expression was cold enough to kill someone with just a glare.

Then Rick shouted as if he had understood something.

“I get it! You summoned Ifrit!”

“That’s right.”

Jeong Ahyeon replied to Rick calmly.

As soon as I heard the word Ifrit, I reflexively responded.

“I see! That’s the Water Spirit King Ifrit!”

“No! I’m talking about the Fire Spirit King!”

While Jeong Ahyeon hurriedly denied my words, Rick laughed maniacally.

“Hahaha! That kind of being can be easily crushed with a stronger fire!”

“Go ahead and try.”

Immediately, Rick began chanting.

This time, it was a bit different.

“Devour everything, my golden flame.”

A sequence of three-character words.

Not independent spells, but stacked for a single magic.

In accordance, a fireball larger than Ifrit began to form in front of Rick.

We wouldn’t lose either.

I commanded Ifrit, “Go! Ifrit! Hydro Pump!”

“Stop screwing around!”

Ifrit! Ifrit!

Somehow, I felt like Ifrit was responding to me.

Without hesitation, Ifrit stretched out his hands and began emitting a Hydro Pump.

Upon witnessing this, both Rick and Jeong Ahyeon expressed shock and anger.

“Why is water coming at us?!”

“What the f*ck! Why has it turned into a water attribute?!”

Even the piece, watching it all, couldn’t hold back and yelled at me.

[I’ll kill you! You bastard!]

‘For reference, the Fire Spirit King is Elkwinnes.’

[You b*tch!]

The Hydro Pump shot out by Ifrit hit Rick’s fireball and started to erase it in an instant.

The effect was truly incredible.

With a dumbfounded expression, Jeong Ahyeon created another spirit.

This time, it was smaller than Ifrit, appearing as a woman draped in a veil made of water.

As soon as I saw it, I shouted, “That’s the Spirit of the Volcanic Undine!”


Jeong Ahyeon sighed and, seemingly losing her grasp on reality, called out half-heartedly.

“Receive the baptism of fire!”

“Why again?!”

“Fire Big Letters!”

While Rick, in panic, shouted at Jeong Ahyeon, a Fire Big Letter flew from Undine and scorched Rick.

As Rick’s agonizing screams echoed, I began gathering starlight in my right palm.

Blood splattered from my injured right arm due to the circulation and condensation of magical power, but I didn’t care.

Finally, when the starlight gathered, I looked at Jeong Ahyeon and said, “Hey, pretty succubus lady. Could you do me a favor?”


Jeong Ahyeon responded with a slight smile.

I subtly pointed to my right arm with my head and said to Jeong Ahyeon, “Could you help me lift my hand?”

Jeong Ahyeon walked silently towards my right side.

Blood was seeping from her injured left leg, but she persevered and walked steadily.

I smiled sheepishly at the approaching Jeong Ahyeon.

“Is it okay to ask?”

“Of course, it is.”

Jeong Ahyeon cautiously began to support my arm.

Thanks to that, I could turn my palm toward Rick.

“You should’ve said so earlier.”

Jeong Ahyeon, looking at my face, smiled a little brighter.

Then suddenly, I recalled Jeong Ahyeon saying she wanted to become Cheonma all along.

“You finally became Cheonma, huh?”

“Are you saying me?”

Jeong Ahyeon asked back, surprised.

Seeing her like that, I grinned.

“Yep. Genius Mage.”

Jeong Ahyeon’s eyes shifted from surprise to slight dismay.

Moments later, she began to smile bashfully.

“Hehe. That might be true. Anything is great with you, Gongja.”

Meanwhile, Rick extinguished the fire on his body with magic.

Then, in a medium-well state, he shouted at us.

“Fall down! Why won’t you just give up?!”

We exchanged glances.

And without anyone saying anything, we spoke in unison.

“”Because we promised.””

Rick no longer replied to our words and, trembling, raised his wand to aim at us.

Then, in a completely different, chilling voice, he began the chant.


As soon as he finished chanting, Rick began to cough up blood.

It was likely brought on by the backlash of using strong magic.

Simultaneously, an overwhelmingly terrifying black magical power shot forth from his wand.

An eerie attack as if it wanted to steal the lives of all living things.

However, we didn’t step back even a little.

Instead, we braced ourselves so we wouldn’t fall.

We focused on our fading vision.

While Jeong Ahyeon supported my arm, white magic flowed from her into my starlight.

Then the translucent starlight turned into brilliantly shining starlight.

A person with unmoving arms.

A person with an injured leg.

Together, those imperfect two became one complete star.

A starlight that shone even brighter than before.

And against the incoming death, the star flew from my palm like a meteor.

[Cheonma & Cheonma Laser (?? & Genius Mages Laser)/]

Seeing that, Rick’s face twisted in despair.

Even while vomiting blood, he hurriedly recited a chant to protect himself.

“Block, block it!”

A thick wall of blue magic appeared before Rick.

And then, as if he could no longer hold on, he collapsed on the spot.

Meanwhile, the white meteor pierced through everything.

Ifrit, Undine, the magic summoned by Rick, and even the barrier Rick left behind.

Although the power was reduced by the barrier, the moment it hit Rick, a massive explosion occurred.

As a result, Rick’s figure was sent flying far away.

Simultaneously, the barrier created to protect the onlookers began to disappear.


We won.

A hard-fought victory.

Meanwhile, Jeong Ahyeon stepped slightly away from me and cautiously asked,

“Gongja, may I see something for a moment?”

“What is it?”

Then she lightly lifted her wedding dress to show me and asked.

Her face was flushed as if embarrassed, and her tone slightly tense.

“Uh, what do you think?”


“…Does it suit me well?”

Although it was torn and dirty, the wedding dress was still beautiful.

Moreover, with the succubus wings that had sprouted from Jeong Ahyeon’s waist.

It was indeed a sight that was both beautiful and a tad seductive.

Watching it, I snapped my fingers, expressing my feelings as they were.

“You know, you have the makings of a Great Demon, right?”

“Please die already.”

Jeong Ahyeon recited a line I had seen somewhere.


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