Switch Mode

Chapter 161

It’s been a while since I’ve headed to Elvenguard.

I thought that since it’s the place where the long-lived elves reside, it wouldn’t change much over time.

However, from the very beginning of the journey, an entirely different landscape unfolds before me.


The road leading to Elvenguard is crowded with people.

Judging by their attire, most of them are mercenaries and traders.

What’s going on?

“What happened in Elvenguard?”
“Weren’t you headed there to find out too?”
“What news?”
“There’s a dungeon in Elvenguard now. It’s pretty tough, so they’re looking for mercenaries to handle it. The reward is a territory in Elvenguard, so it’s complete chaos over there.”


I can’t believe this is happening.

Honestly, the news of a dungeon in Elvenguard is less surprising than the fact that Elvenguard asked for help from outside.

To think elves, who are practically corpses without their pride, would endure such humiliation.

It seems they’ve learned a lot since the Kali incident.

“Where is it? Is it in the World Tree’s underground?”
“No. I heard it’s a bit far from Elvenguard… Apparently, the advance team from the Mercenary Council is trying to assess the dungeon’s level, but it’s not easy to get to the boss room. Casualties have already been reported, and there’s a good chance they’ll earn black stars after the red ones…”

I wonder if it’s not invading the World Tree.

In that case, there’s no need to rush.

However, from Elvenguard’s perspective, they’d prefer to quickly deal with the dungeon to avoid any major disasters, given their history.

“That’s right. A wise decision.”

And it is a wise choice.

Because the newly generated dungeon isn’t a natural one.

Now that Draken’s powers have been fully reclaimed,

Only the Four Heavenly Kings can create dungeons.

A unique dungeon.

Luna or Belphegor’s unique dungeon exists in Elvenguard.

In other words, Luna or Belphegor’s main body is currently in Elvenguard!

“This must be a signal aimed at me, right? Now that the powers have been reclaimed, only the Four Heavenly Kings can create dungeons. So they’re asking me to come look for them, aren’t they?”
“Most likely.”

I can’t disagree with Kali’s statement.

They must have realized that Kali has been resurrected.

And they’ve probably used the unique dungeon as a means to inform Kali of their whereabouts.

But why Elvenguard of all places?

Elvenguard, filled with mana and spirit…


“The Undead Legion…!”

To form an Undead Legion, immense mana and spirit are required.

And the environment of Elvenguard can satisfy that requirement.

If only given enough time, they could summon an Undead Legion that rivals knights in fighting power.

Creating a unique dungeon means they’re prepared for an all-out confrontation.

This dungeon is not only a signal calling for Kali but also a provocation to me—inviting me to come stop them if I can.

“I have no choice but to go.”

I can’t refuse.

They’ve drawn a line in a place where there’s no escape; I have to face them.

This will likely be decided here.

Whether I die or the Four Heavenly Kings are utterly wiped out…

Only one of those futures awaits.

“First, let me unpack my things in Elvenguard.”
“Are you sure it’s okay to enter Elvenguard?”
“Of course. The Priestess is an acquaintance of mine.”
“Wha… what?! What on earth…?”

Kali stares wide-eyed at me in surprise.

But soon, the bewilderment fades from her eyes, replaced with respect.

It seems she’s inferred that I’ve established a connection with the Priestess in my role as a spy.

The reality is, quite the opposite.

“Then there’s no need for worry! If I ask the Priestess, I might be able to enter the dungeon alone. Then we can meet the Four Heavenly Kings without arousing suspicion.”
“Exactly. That’s the idea.”

Kali has hit the nail on the head.

We get priority over the mercenaries and enter alone.

From within, we take down the Four Heavenly Kings.

If it’s Luna, I could easily neutralize her by taking Kali hostage.

If it’s Belphegor, I could overwhelm him with brute force.

…If only that were the case.

It’s pathetic that something so trivial makes this impossible.

“Let’s go then…”

Rubbing my pounding head, I step into the plaza packed with mercenaries.

It seems that, since Elvenguard rarely hosts visitors, there’s not much space to accommodate so many people.

After a brief moment, I see a silhouette in the distance, a woman with blue hair who seems familiar, drawing the crowd’s attention.


In an instant, a hush falls over the crowd, and all eyes turn to the front.

Mia hasn’t said anything yet.

I doubt any human can resist the magical allure of an elf.

“Greetings. I am Mia, Priestess of the World Tree. I believe you all came after seeing the recruitment for dungeon conquest in Elvenguard. Our Elvenguard will support you in every way for your convenience and the success of the dungeon conquest. To prevent chaos, we will determine the order of attempts at our discretion. Now, let’s separate those who formed parties from those who came individually—Whoa?!”


Mia, who had been calmly explaining, suddenly screams.

And at that moment, all eyes shift toward me.

What’s going on? Suddenly they’re all looking at me…

Mia is pointing at me, her lips trembling.

“Yoo…! No, you! Come back here for a moment!”

“What? What’s going on?”
“The Priestess is calling you specifically?”
“What kind of guy is he?”

I was planning to approach quietly later, but now I have no choice as Mia recognizes me first.

As I take a step forward, people part to make way.

I follow Mia’s gesturing toward the interior.

“Okay. I’ll continue guiding you from here. Those who formed a party should gather here, and individuals should register over there…”

“Yoo Jin!”

As soon as we enter the small room, the voices from outside suddenly stop.

A barrier has been erected.

In that moment, Mia’s expression changes completely, and she suddenly hugs me with a trembling voice.

Mijeong and Kali’s expressions slightly stiffen.

“I was worried about you…”
“Worried? Why?”
“Because! I couldn’t reach you! Do you know how much mail I sent? What on earth happened?!”

The timing is just bizarre.

Did I try to contact her right when Linda took her own life and became incapacitated?

Of course, she wouldn’t have received news from me.

“I’m fine. It’s just that the communication device broke down… Were you calling me because of the dungeon?”
“Yes, that’s right. Can you help us?”
“I must help if I can…”

“Here’s the map of the dungeon as far as we’ve gathered. Monster appearances, and so on…”

Before I had a chance to reply, Mia pulls out various materials and shows them to me.

It seems she hasn’t fully grasped everything about the dungeon yet.

But this gives me a general idea of its structure.

With this structure…

This must be Luna’s unique dungeon.

Given that the monsters are predominantly of the undead type, it’s certain.

“A large amount of demonic energy has been detected inside. It’s a dungeon likely created by a powerful entity similar to that spider monster that invaded the World Tree. We haven’t uncovered all the schemes yet, but that makes it even more unsettling. What trouble could arise this time…”

“First, start preparing the Elvenguard residents for evacuation. Also, look for places to shelter them in advance. If we fail the dungeon conquest, Elvenguard will face destruction.”

We must prepare for the worst.

During the great fire, the spread of flames was slow enough that the evacuation could be completed.

But if the Undead Legion comes, most people won’t be able to escape and may end up perishing.

We must have quick evacuation preparations ready.

While it would be best to avoid evacuations altogether by succeeding in the dungeon conquest,

Without prior arrangements, there would be no place to accommodate so many residents, and fear might spread too widely among them.

The best outcome is indeed to succeed in conquering the dungeon to avoid any need for evacuation.

“Do you know anything about the enemies?”
“I do, but I don’t think I can be much help. The best approach is to provide the mercenaries attempting the conquest with information about the enemy.”
“Huh? Why is that?”
“If I enter the dungeon… Ha. No, it would be quicker to show you directly. Guide me to the dungeon.”

Why do I feel that I won’t be much help?

The answer is simple.

It’s often better to show than tell a hundred times.

I follow a bewildered Mia as we leave Elvenguard, making our way to the wetland via the controlled road.

Elf soldiers, stiff with tension, salute Mia.

Without stopping, we arrive at the entrance of the dungeon.

Before us stands a massive stone door.

In fact, there’s no need to enter this door.

I place my hand on the stone door and look back at Mia.

[The Priestess Jill’s Blessing strengthens the dungeon’s monsters.]
[Witch Yulia’s Curse weakens the dungeon’s monsters with mild toxicity.]
[Frost Duchess Yerina’s Grudge cools the dungeon down.]

“If I go in, it becomes like this.”

Frost seeps into the stone door, and chill spreads all around.

As the sounds of rampaging monsters echo from inside, Mia’s face turns pale.

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not work with dark mode