Switch Mode

Chapter 160

Dark cave.

In that corner, the abyss wriggled and moved.

In an instant, one of the pale-faced corpses sprawled on the ground twitched.

|Damned, damned, damned, damned!!!!!!|

The corpse opened its eyes and began to curse.

It was the moment Luna’s spiritual body possessed it.

The Great Demon slipped out from the abyss, opening its eyes to reveal pitch-black pupils.

|What’s going on?|

|That damned human! That bastard! Aaaaargh!!!!!!|

|Calm down and speak slowly.|

|Does it look calm?! Does it look calm?! My Kali! Ah! My perfectly crafted Kali! Aaaaah…!|

Luna was clawing at her own face in self-harm.

The Great Demon decided that it was impossible to hold a normal conversation this way and crawled back into the abyss.

A long time passed.

After smashing all the corpses, Luna finally calmed down and brought her excitement under control.

Now it seemed like a conversation was possible.

The Great Demon then cautiously emerged again, facing the panting Luna.

|What’s going on?|

|Yoo Jin… that bastard… took my Kali…|

|Try to say it in a way I can understand.|

|The body of Kali I resurrected with great magic!!! The remnants of that body torn apart by Sola are now in Yoo Jin’s hands! And somehow, he has put Kali’s soul in there and is teasing her like crazy!!!|


Luna was once again overwhelmed and could not contain her excitement.

The Great Demon momentarily lost its words and shut its mouth.

It was certainly an understandable reason to have a fit.

Luna’s obsession with Kali was enormous, both when she was alive and even after death.

She thought Kali, who was torn apart by Sola, could no longer regenerate and was completely dead.

She never imagined a part of her body could have regenerated and ended up in Yoo Jin’s hands.

|This is dangerous…|

And that was an unpleasant fact for the Great Demon as well.

Kali was a key figure among the Four Heavenly Kings, managing all monsters.

If Kali is now in Yoo Jin’s grasp, it meant their information is being picked off in real-time.

Of course, changing the command structure of the monsters was easy.

However, allowing information about the Four Heavenly Kings or ‘that person’ to leak out would be far too fatal.

With their strength already lagging, falling behind in information would mean they could be ‘hunted’ without a doubt.

Ultimately, all they could rely on was Kali’s loyalty…

The Great Demon shook its head and immediately gave up.

It was already well aware that Kali was crazy about handsome men.

Probably, Yoo Jin would easily extract the information he wanted from Kali without much effort.

Kali could safely be regarded as having switched sides.

|Kali must be waiting desperately for me. I have to rescue her quickly, I need to go help her, I must save Kali!!!|

Of course, it decided not to say such things to Luna.

She was still a pitiful soul trapped in delusion, unable to overcome the pain of unrequited love.

|I will execute the plan!|

|Calm down, Luna. We may not have all preparations in place yet…|

|No need! I might lose Kali right now! I don’t know what that bastard will do to Kali, how can I delay any longer! I can’t wait! I must rescue Kali before he hypnotizes, brainwashes, and tortures her! Before Kali shows him a ‘strange face’!!!|


Luna started rampaging wildly.

The Great Demon sensed it instinctively.

This was something that could not be stopped.

No matter what it did, stopping her was impossible.

The Great Demon decided to give up early and join in on the early activation of the plan.

|That might be the right answer…|

It was a judgment that held some validity.

Since Kali had fallen into that bastard’s hands, they needed to eliminate him before he gained critical information.

Even if they weren’t fully prepared, it might be better to move as quickly as possible.

|The beginning is Elvenguard, filled with spiritual energy!|

It was time to bring death to the land of elves.


“Is that true?”

“I heard so.”


Kali replied bluntly, stuffing bread into her mouth.

She was so hungry that her hunger was soaring after collapsing from starvation.

It was a catastrophe borne from not realizing humans required this much calorie intake.

Meanwhile, Yoo Jin sitting across from her remained outwardly unexpressive but was deeply troubled internally.

“So… the Abyss is not just one world, but ‘that person’s’ soul?”

“Yep. I believe ‘that person’ exists in the form of a spiritual body. But that spirit is so powerful that it creates the illusion that there are substances in the space where the spiritual body exists. For low-dimensional beings like us, it’s safe to say it’s illusion rather than reality, as we have no ability to distinguish between the illusion and the reality.”


The Abyss was not, in fact, a world.

It was the innards of Draken in the form of a spiritual body.

The extreme headache and pressure Yoo Jin felt in the Abyss were nothing less than the overwhelming presence of a colossal spiritual body.

‘Indeed. It’s a good thing I erased that memory; I almost went insane.’

Spirits like fairies or lesser spirits generally don’t have much effect on the real world.

But when they grow large like a Great Spirit, they can begin to interfere with reality.

What if that spiritual body has a ‘world’ level of size?

They would possess the power to create reality.

That was the essence of the Abyss and Draken.

“‘That person’ shows great interest in this world. They pass on ‘will’ to us whenever they get the chance…”

The reason the Abyss is called the Abyss is that it lies just across the dimensional barrier.

It exists on the opposite side of this world.

But that assumption is wrong.

A tear in the dimensional barrier leads directly to the Abyss, not because the Abyss is close to or just across from this world.

It’s because Draken has shown interest.

Having opened a passage to convey ‘will’ across vast dimensional spaces.

So, it merely looked like opening just one wall would link them directly to the Abyss.

“Wait a moment; I’ll go get some water.”

“Okay. Do that, Mi Jeong.”

Yoo Jin felt his insides roiling.

His mood was strange, and his insides felt nauseous.

An unpleasant sensation clung to his body.

Yoo Jin had always thought there was another world called the Abyss on the other side.

In reality, every hole he made in the dimensional barrier invited Draken to pull him in.

Draken was an existence far grander than he had imagined.

He had been making the wrong analogy all along.

An invincible boss monster in a room?

No, Draken wasn’t just that; it was an existence itself, an invincible cheat-level monster.

Yoo Jin wasn’t even sure if calling it a monster was appropriate anymore.

‘It seems like hunting Draken is becoming increasingly distant, but I’ve found clues to catch the Four Heavenly Kings.’

From the last great upheaval.

Yoo Jin recklessly speculated that it was the power of Draken disappearing.

With Kali’s help this time, he confirmed that his hypothesis was correct.

In other words, the Four Heavenly Kings could neither receive Draken’s help nor make contact.

So, the Four Heavenly Kings were now abandoned by Draken.

They had lost their mission and responsibility to guard the Dungeon and were now out of work.

‘From now on, they have to fend for themselves.’

The problem was that scoundrels like Luna and Belphegor wouldn’t just sit quietly because they became unemployed.

The Four Heavenly Kings had made far too many enemies until now.

Living a normal life from here on out was impossible.

They would definitely be seeking out a powerful move to overcome this desperate situation.

And the only devastating plan they could use without borrowing Draken’s power was one.

‘The Undead Army.’

Though it required extensive preparations and a long time,

There was no other plan more optimized for wreaking havoc in this world.

Now that they could not rely on Draken’s power,

They would surely attempt to conquer the world with this ‘one shot.’

“Where is this…?”

“This is Elvenguard. Long time no see?”

“Ah, yes. I definitely remember coming here, but strangely, I can’t recall what I did here.”

Having arrived in a forest rich with mana,

As the gigantic tree loomed in the middle, Kali awkwardly replied.

It was a lie, but also not a lie.

The fact that she didn’t remember was true.

But she had a hunch about what she did here.

‘Past me must have definitely tried to destroy the World Tree…’

Historically, elves have been troublesome beings.

They were the ones who monopolized the rich spiritual energy of the World Tree.

They worshipped the World Tree as a god and sought monopoly for it.

Elvenguard must be destroyed so that the roots of the World Tree reach the ends of the planet.

The spiritual energy and mana of the World Tree must be evenly spread throughout the world.

Past Kali must have been possessed by such beliefs.

And perhaps, no, she definitely must have killed countless elves in that process.

Casually, like squashing bugs.

But for some reason, Kali was reluctant to speak of it.

It felt like she shouldn’t let Yoo Jin know she remembered killing elves.


Yoo Jin would be viewing humans as bugs if he were a Four Heavenly King.

So why was she hesitant?

It was something hard to articulate—a realm of animalistic instinct.

The moment she told this man she remembered everything,

she had a gut feeling that her life would come to an end.

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not work with dark mode