Switch Mode

Chapter 154


〈 Chapter 155 〉 There’s a Reason Demons Are Demons.


“Hey, what’s that sound?”

“Wait a sec.”

Just as we were about to demand an explanation, a bunch of male customers bolted out from the store where the succubus had been flirting just a moment ago.

The men were all fuming, looking like they could devour someone whole with how furious they were.

They unleashed their rage directly at the ever-smiling succubus.

“You crazy b*tches! You said something about breast size!”

“Do you think I came here to see this crap? Are you insane?”

“You f*cking witches! Why the hell are scantily clad guys bragging about hunting deer?!”

But the succubus, receiving all that wrath, responded without a hint of surprise as if it were perfectly normal.

“Oh my! We never lied!”

“Shut your mouth! You said ‘breast size’!”

“Not at all! We said ‘deer guys’! How cool is that? Isn’t it amazing?”

“You little sh*t!”

Unable to contain his anger, one of the men swung his fist at the succubus.

In a flash, her expression turned neutral, and before the man could even react, she grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air.

With little effort, the succubus held him up while he flailed helplessly, and mechanically said,

“Sir, causing a ruckus in the store is unacceptable.”

“L… let go… f*ck…”

“I’ll do as you wish.”

She then tossed him far away without a care.

The men, seemingly part of his group, gasped in horror, but the succubus dusted off her hands and gave them a chilly glare.

“Anyone else want to complain?”

They gritted their teeth but hurriedly fled in the direction where their friend had been thrown.

Once they disappeared, the succubus went right back to her cheerful demeanor and resumed her flirting.

Still in shock from the whole scene, I turned to Jeong Bia for an explanation.

“What the hell was that?”

“That’s how they fish for customers. It’s not uncommon here.”

“Isn’t that cheating?”

“Not at all.”

Jeong Bia said this with confidence.

“This is the world of contests. The ones who get fooled are the ones at fault.”

“If that’s not cheating, then what is?”

“I’m not wrong, am I?”

It’s infuriating, but she had a point.

There wasn’t a single lie in the promotional spiel either.

They just clouded judgment with other alluring elements.

“And if you fall for that here, who can you complain to?”

“Those conniving bast*rds.”

“The succubi always play fair in their contests.”

It’s nonsense, but again, Jeong Bia was right.

Complaining to anyone wouldn’t likely yield a friendly response.

Though they claim to be in the open, it’s hard to get a good reputation in the succubi’s territory.

And such flirting operations seem to have no legal problems.

Jeong Bia insisted they wouldn’t be punished since there’s no deceit involved.

As if to prove her point, I could hear the complaints from other shops around us.

Most of the complaints were voiced by men.

“You bast*rds! Why the hell is a hedgehog really playing the guitar?!”

“It’s pissing me off more since he plays well, f*cking porcupine!”

“You white-bch! Give me back my money!”

“Why the hell is that f*cking hedgehog in Alolan form?!”

Watching the chaos as these guys were being baited like this, made it seem like the succubi really were demons.

Hyeji and Elcia wore expressions of disdain, wanting to escape this situation quickly.

On the other hand, Caressy’s teeth were gritted as she watched the scene.

“I can’t forgive them!”

“Hey, at least the saintess is being a saint.”

It was truly saintly to be genuinely angry about the people suffering.

A touching display of a saintess indeed.

“Does that mean the demons get all the money? They’re supposed to be offerings!”

“Money-maniac (money-obsessed saintess), you b*tch.”

[……No one’s normal here.]

‘Return my touching moment, f*ck.’

Of course, not everyone was angry about falling for such baits.

Just then, a middle-aged man dashed out from a store to protest at the succubus.

“Oh my! What’s wrong?”

“Why’s a dude coming out when you said you’re a f*cking hot employee?!”

The succubus scanned the middle-aged man with a smirk, then fixed her gaze on his lower half, smiling alluringly as she sweetly said,

“But you’re still interested, right?”


The middle-aged man mumbled, lowering his head in embarrassment.

Then, he entered the store as if nothing had happened.

[Now I’m frustrated that I’ve developed a tolerance to this sh*t.]

‘I still have no tolerance, f*ck for real.’

But this way of making money was a bit over the line.

They extorted money from customers without scruples and tossed them away like worn-out trash when they ran out of cash.

And most of it was baiting after all.

“Hey, Jeong Bia. You can just treat loyal customers like this and toss them away?”

“What do you mean? Succubi have never discarded a customer.”

“Then what the hell was that?”

Jeong Bia wore a look as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“We’re just playing a little hard to get.”

“You just pushed them off a cliff, you crazy b*tch.”

“And we give top-notch service every time they come back, no matter how much of a nuisance they are. We’re professionals.”

Jeong Bia now looked at us with a condescending expression.

“When they save up enough money and climb back up, we give them a bungee jump off the cliff. What a thrill!”

“There’s no safety line for that bungee jump, you b*tch!”

With that, Jeong Bia began leading us again.

We wanted to escape the area soon, so we quietly followed her lead.

Even during the move, countless angry shouts filled the air.

The spicy taste of South Korea couldn’t even compare; now we had some seriously spicy succubi on our hands.

Perhaps ‘Killing’ would suit their name better than succubi.


In the middle.

The outskirts were filled mostly with entertainment facilities, but here there were also simple cafes and restaurants.

While there were still plenty of entertainment spots here, the absence of flirting made it seem relatively peaceful compared to the outskirts.

And at the center was a huge mansion.

It looked like something straight out of a wealthy tycoon’s internet pictures.

Surrounded by bars, the magnificent garden and various gold decorations adorning the outer walls flaunted its wealth.

Currently, we stood in front of that mansion.

“This is our house.”


“Surprised? It’s understandable.”

Jeong Bia looked back at us, proudly introducing her home.

Her expression clearly conveyed, ‘You’ve never seen this, have you?’


“Husband! Let’s take some of those gold decorations!”

“Calm down! I want the golden robot!”

“I want the golden dinosaur decoration over there!”

[Oh, there’s a golden mecha dinosaur!]

“Ah, I can’t resist that.”

To us, it looked like a treasure trove.

Meanwhile, Caressy had a nonchalant expression as she observed the mansion.

“What a sh*tty house. I just want to buy it and smash everything.”


Jeong Bia fell silent at Caressy’s remark.

Still, she forced herself to keep at least a semblance of superiority.

It was indeed a grand and wonderful house, but it gave off an unsettling vibe.

It was bright enough to confirm its whiteness even in the dark, but strangely enough, it appeared stained with blood.

“Husband! Someone’s banging their heads against the wall over there!”

It was really red.

In the distance, multiple men were repeatedly smashing their heads against the white walls, splattering red blood all over.

Covered in blood, the men seemed to be in pain, shouting as if they were completely unfazed.

“You cheating bast*rds! Aren’t you the managers?!”

“Give me back my money, you shtty bastrds!!!”

“Bast*rds in charge!!! I don’t care about your positions!!!”

Before long, the men were overpowered and dragged out by succubi emerging from the mansion.

I glanced back at Jeong Bia, whose expression had completely fallen apart as I watched the scene.

“I wonder how much blood was spilled to build that house.”

“……Shut up.”

She couldn’t deny it and turned her gaze away.

Anyway, Jeong Bia tried to lead us inside the mansion, but…

“Sorry. You can’t enter.”

The guarding succubi blocked our approach.

They didn’t seem to not recognize Jeong Bia, but they firmly prevented us from entering the mansion.

“What do you mean?!”

“Sorry, but your father said not to let you in until the wedding is over.”

“I said this is home! Where the hell should I go?”

“That’s none of your business. Just stay out of sight.”

Jeong Bia huffed and tried forcefully to get in.

“If you cause any more trouble, we’ll have to throw you out by force.”


Thanks to the adamant guards, we had no choice but to turn away.

We gathered at a convenience store not too far from the mansion to discuss what to do next.

“Yeah! Who’s the next homeless bastard? Here he is!”

“I have an imaginary house!”

“It’s a special house. Not my house.”

“Shut up, you bast*rds!!!”

Of course, teasing came first.


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not work with dark mode