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Chapter 153

〈 Chapter 154 〉 Chapter 153 – Prostitute? No, Succubus.


While charging through the night air as a pouch, Piece gasps dramatically as if it just realized something.

[Oh! Now I understand why Jeong Ahyeon was so mad about the team name.]

‘Sigh. If it’s a Succubus, I guess she could be sensitive.’

The team name for Jeong Ahyeon and me is Cheonma Giseungwi.

A truly traditional martial arts team name.

At the same time, I remember that Jeong Ahyeon is a descendant of a Succubus.


The optimal female-leading position to activate the succubus’s Clerical Festival, Cheonma Chakjeong.

It’s no wonder that in media or novels, the first appearance of a Succubus is usually in the Giseungwi position.

In the end, Giseungwi is the very identity and symbol of a Succubus.

[Looks like you had a shallow thought.]

‘Sob. This time, I will reflect while looking at the Succubus positioning material.’

I undeniably put something precious like that casually in the team name, so she had every right to be mad.

From now on, I decided to choose between the Normal Position and the Junior Position for the team name.

Currently, in the taxi, there are 4 others besides me.

Jeong Bia is sitting in the passenger seat, and the rest are seated in order: Elcia, Hyeji, and Caressy.

At that moment, I hear Elcia’s excited voice.

It had a slightly broken quality.

“8 cylinders! 8 cylinders! 8 cylinders!”

And there’s a pouch in tow.

The taxi is racing like crazy.

It’s rude not to shout 8 cylinders.

The moment I turned my head, I saw Caressy peering outside through the open window.

That indifferent yet slightly haughty gaze.

It’s a gaze that couldn’t help but exude arrogance because she had so much.

I couldn’t suppress my impulse at all.



Caressy had a hint of confusion on her face.

To catch Caressy’s attention, I shouted once more.


Then Caressy broke into a grand, haughty laugh.

Leaning on her arm, she fanned me as if to keep going.

“Nya-ha-ha-ha! Good! If you praise me louder, I’ll give you Aqua Cola!”

Caressy really looked at me.

An indescribable joy enveloped my body.

“The Immortan Cat has seen me!!!”

“Shut up!!! You fucking dog!!!”

Gone was the previous relaxed Caressy.

She straightened up and scolded me with a look that begged me to shut up.

“The common trait between Immortan and a dog is only ‘ji-ot’!!!”

“You saw me directly!!!”

Of course, whatever Caressy said didn’t concern me.

At that moment, Elcia, who was shouting 8 cylinders, and Hyeji, who was slightly dozing off, fabulously interrupted.

“Kyaa!!! The Immortan Cat has seen the Husband!”

“Don’t be delusional, Shinwoo! The Immortan Cat just looked at the horizon!”

“No! She turned her head and looked directly into my eyes!!!”

“None of that is true, so shut up!! Please!!”

Caressy’s tail began to puff up just a little out of anger.

“We’re all chosen by the Immortan Cat!!!”

“Look! Today is really an amazing day!”

“Immortan!!! Immortan Cat!!!!!!!”

“You fucking dogs!!! Just call me Cat instead!!!”

Caressy finally realized that calling me Cat sounded significantly better.

But it was too late.

The phrase “Immortan Cat” had already lodged itself firmly in our minds.

At that moment, Hyeji and Elcia looked at me with desperation and shouted.

“Husband! Where should we go now!”

“Shinwoo! Tell us the destination!”

Ah, Hyeji and Elcia.

My lost little lambs wandering around.

I will become the signpost for those little lambs.

“Valhalla!!! We’re all going to Valhalla!!!”


“Let’s go!!! To the heaven of warriors!!!”

“Valhalla is bullshit!! You just get lost in heaven!!!!!!”

Caressy leaned out of the window, muttering a prayer.

At that, the Beast God seemed to see my actions as sacrilege, and the air began to tremble as if lightning would strike under the quiet night sky.

I shouted loudly to leave evidence that I was here just for a moment.


Hyeji and Elcia, watching me, leaned out of the window in emotion.

Then they intertwined their fingers and lifted them up over their heads.

“We’ll remember!!!”

“I’ll remember!!!”

As soon as those words ended, lightning struck my head several times in succession.

Naturally, since they were lodged in my head, there wasn’t much shock, but my body twitched a little, and smoke began to rise with soot.

Hyeji and Elcia, who had kept their gaze fixed on this all without averting their eyes, wiped away tears that were starting to swell in their eyes.

“Sob! Husband will shine brightly in heaven forever!!!”

“It was terrible!!!”

Seeing this, Jeong Bia expressed pity towards Caressy.

“……You’re going through a lot, Saintess.”

“This is shitty…normal people are needed more…”

Today, Caressy particularly missed Jeong Ahyeon’s absence.

At that moment, the third-party taxi driver smiled slightly and said to us.

“Students. Hold on tight.”

Moved by our appearance, the taxi driver pressed down harder on the accelerator.

Then he calmly said to make sure we heard him.

“This taxi is a bit rough, isn’t it?”

With those words, the taxi began to accelerate madly.

The taxi, relentless in its speed, finally arrived at its destination and came to a stop.

The place where the Succubi gather.

Finally, we stepped into that place.


Jeong Bia tried to pay the taxi fare, but the meter just coldly announced there was insufficient balance.

In the end, Caressy sighed and paid for Jeong Bia.

“Saint, Saintess!”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Jeong Bia had a deeply touched expression as she held Caressy’s hands.

“Thank you so much! Saintess, really thank you!”


At that moment, tears began to well up in Caressy’s eyes.

Jeong Bia expressed her confusion at Caressy’s sudden display.


“Sob… no one has ever thanked me like this normally…”


Finally, tears rolled down Caressy’s cheeks.

“There are only crazy people… normal people can’t survive…”


Jeong Bia comforted Caressy wordlessly, patting her shoulder.

Seeing that, I approached Caressy and patted her on the shoulder.

“You’ve been through a lot.”

“If you think about it, it’s all your fault!!!”

‘Is that so?’

[You heartless bastard.]

Anyway, we stepped into the realm of the Succubi.

Looking around, I let slip a word filled with mixed emotions.


It really was a place where Succubi lived, as there were countless entertainment facilities everywhere.

Bars. Gambling houses. Pubs. And so on.

Moreover, there were also many massage shops with clear ulterior motives and places lit only by red lights without signs.

Supporting that, many motels and hotels were haphazardly scattered around.

Certainly, it was a place full of diverse and numerous entertainment facilities, fitting for Succubi.

Corresponding to that, there weren’t any two signs or decorations that were the same.

However, there was one commonality.

That was the Succubi themselves.

To survive in this era of infinite competition, the Succubi were diligently soliciting customers.

“If you come now, I’ll give you a discount!”

“Full course! More than in Busan’s full course!”

“Our employees are waiting to please you!”

Outfits that were more embarrassing to call clothing than just skin-tight garments.

All equipped with seductive voices and an intoxicating scent that could numb one’s senses.

Wings adorably flapping from their heads and waists. Tails swaying gently along with the solicitation.

Succubi were fully armed with everything to tantalize the male heart.

But I could not properly absorb this sight.

“Lower your gaze, you little shit.”

“If you take your eyes off, I’ll kill you!”

Hyeji and Elcia were glaring at me with Ax Eyes.

‘Sob! Valhalla is here!’

[Quit whining and hurry up to find Jeong Ahyeon!]

It felt like a single step would allow me to step into heaven, but if I moved, I felt like Hyeji and Elcia would really send me to heaven, so I swallowed my blood tears and held back.

I could only move my feet more gloomily than ever.

It was like a monk resisting the temptations of Mara and embarking on a path of suffering.

Meanwhile, Caressy was grinding her teeth, as if she couldn’t endure this space.

“I need to erase all these profane bastards!”

“Saintess! Please hold on! The life of the Succubi is precious too!”

Jeong Bia urgently stopped Caressy.

Jeong Bia then sighed and regained her calm expression.

“Everyone, follow me.”

Jeong Bia started to guide us somewhere.

Just then, a Succubus from the shop next door came out.

The Succubus’s outfit was quite provocative, barely covering her important parts as she was wrapped in strings instead of clothes.

She casually glanced around and then spotted us, coming our way.

Then she seductively flaunted her chest and called to us in a sweetly whispered voice.

“Come see the fucking awesome deer guys!”

Fucking awesome chest size?

I couldn’t hold back.

Indeed, a sign depicting an unusually large chest caught my eye.

In an instant, a killing intent surged from Hyeji and Elcia as they saw me.

“Weren’t you told you’d die?”

“I think the Husband should be tied up a bit first!”

I suddenly found my life threatened.

But this time, I absolutely couldn’t yield.

I had to witness for myself just how awesome those breasts were.

However, Jeong Bia forcibly turned my steps away.

Out of sheer frustration, I expressed my resentment towards Jeong Bia.

“Hey!!! Just let me take a quick look!”

“Don’t fall for something like that.”


Even Hyeji and Elcia, who were trying to deal with me, suddenly wore puzzled expressions.

But Jeong Bia just remained silent, gazing back at the previous shop.


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