Switch Mode

Chapter 151

〈 152화 〉 151화 – A Ninja, No, a Mage Appeared!


A black robe with a red ribbon, and a black pointed hat.

In one hand was a small wand, hovering above what appeared to be a blue magic circle.

Suddenly, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man, clad in typical wizard attire, appeared in front of the awards stage.

He spoke to me fluently in Korean.

“Get lost!”

“What the hell? Are you gonna pay me?”

Meanwhile, Jeong Ahyeon’s face had grown extremely cold.

A chilling hatred radiated from her, something beyond mere disdain.

“I upheld my end of the bargain, so what are you doing here?”

“Funny! You’d risk your life to cling to such a pathetic thing.”

“Get lost. I have nothing to do with you anymore.”

“Who decided that? Everyone, come with me!”

At that moment, a good ten mages slowly began to reveal themselves.

As if they were waiting for us, they seemed ready, each holding their weapons aimed at us.

They all looked different, but one visible commonality was that they were all wearing the same wizard attire and were female.

The man shouted to the two women closest to us.

“Go and bring that girl!”

Without responding, the two women silently approached Jeong Ahyeon.

Jeong Ahyeon growled at the approaching women.

“Don’t touch my body!”

“Do not resist.”

“Come quietly.”

Just as they were about to lay hands on Jeong Ahyeon, I swatted their hands away.

I glared at them coldly and said quietly.

“What are you doing?”

They seemed to want guidance on the current situation, staring silently at the man.

The wizard man pointed at me angrily.

“What are you doing interfering?!”

“Business relationship.”

The man snorted derisively and continued.

“Hmph! I am that girl’s fiancé!”


“That’s right!”

I sent a look to Jeong Ahyeon, asking for an explanation.

Jeong Ahyeon mumbled painfully.

“Someone not even worthy of being called ‘father’ forced us together.”

Her eyes looked more depressed than ever.

However, the man, seemingly unbothered, shouted again.

“Ha! Nonetheless, I remain her fiancé!”

“This is a different promise!”

Jeong Ahyeon retorted harshly at the man.

Just as I was about to pull Jeong Ahyeon towards me.

“Don’t touch another’s fiancé!”

A sinister blue magical power began to seep from the magic circle in the man’s hand.

He looked poised to attack at any moment if I made a move.

Seeing this, Jeong Ahyeon made a troubled expression and slowly approached the man.

“Master, do not target him. I will go on my own.”

As Jeong Ahyeon walked slowly toward the man, he lifted the magic circle from his hand, as if his business was finished.

Then the woman next to him spoke to him.

“What should we do with that man?”

“At least make him unable to use a limb—”

Before the man could finish his sentence, a number appeared above his head.

Suddenly, he started trembling all over in fear and muttered.

“W-what is that! That red demon!…”

“…What’s wrong?”

As the woman asked the man for an explanation, he spoke in a panicked manner.

“Under no circumstances! Do not touch her! Not even a scratch!”

“……I’ll be careful.”

“We’re all gonna die. It’ll be the end.”

The woman looked puzzled, but she just stared at the man with pity and said nothing more.

At that moment, someone shouted and barged into the sparring ground.

“What the hell is going on! This is definitely different from the agreement!”


The intruder was Jeong Ahyeon’s sister, Jeong Bia.

“Didn’t Ayeon say if she wins, there’s no engagement?!”

“Did you actually believe that? If you interfere, even her sister won’t end up well.”


As the man’s magical power targeted Jeong Bia this time, she cursed but stopped advancing.

Jeong Bia was pretty good at fighting, but not charging indicated the opponent was quite skilled or there was another special reason.

Meanwhile, the man ignored Jeong Bia and lined up the women, including Jeong Ahyeon, next to him.

“Alright! Let’s all head back!”

With those words, large wings made of blue magical power sprouted from the man’s back.

At the same time, something resembling a handle extended from it, and all the women firmly grabbed it with both hands.

As the man prepared to take off, I stepped in.

“Hey, f*ckface, stop.”


This time, I slowly approached the man.

With a genuinely terrifying expression, he attempted to aim the blue magical power directed at me.

At the same time, the women holding the handles also seemed ready to attack me.

“Hey buddy, are you seriously thinking of flying away?”

“Of course! What are you gonna do about it?!”

I said seriously to the man.

“Are you not wearing a seatbelt?”


“Follow aviation laws, you jerk.”

“Sorry, I forgot.”

As the man murmured something, straps that looked like seatbelts emerged from the handles.

While the other women hurriedly buckled up, I approached Jeong Ahyeon, who was positioned at the edge of the wings.

Jeong Ahyeon put on a forced smile as she looked at me.

“Master, I’m fine.”

“Yeah, don’t worry too much.”

While buckling her seatbelt, I spoke calmly.

Her voluptuous curves, which usually remained hidden under her dobok, were now clearly outlined by the seatbelt.

I looked at her with great kindness.

“I’ll make sure to use your money well in a crucial place.”

“No! Stop right now! F*ck!”

“Hey, quick take off!”

Worried Jeong Ahyeon would fall, I tightened the seatbelt as much as possible, ensuring it wouldn’t come loose and quickly distanced myself from her.

Jeong Ahyeon struggled, trying to grab my collar, but the tightly secured seatbelt limited her reach.

Just then, as the man began to take off, Jeong Ahyeon shouted at me, her eyes filled with fury.

“F*cking Master!!! I’ll kill you!!! Whether I live or die!!!”

With that, Jeong Ahyeon was suddenly airborne.

I waved at her, surprised by the unexpected momentum of her flight.

“Thanks, Midori!!!”


In the end, I had to receive the awards alone.

After a brief opening speech, I accepted the prize money meant for Jeong Ahyeon all at once.

After receiving the certificate, I shoved it carelessly into my pocket.

After all, a piece of paper signed by a piglet is worth no more than kindling.

Just then, a piece yelled at me.

[What the f*ck are you doing while the heroine is being captured!!!]

‘Ah, there’s nothing I can do right now.’

To be honest, the fatigue accumulated from the final match was at its peak.

Honestly, it didn’t seem like I would lose even if I fought, but I couldn’t guarantee a perfect victory.

I spoke to the still-fuming Piece.

’And there’s one more thing.’

[Huh? What do you mean?]

Instead of answering Piece’s question, I looked at Jeong Bia, who still wore a dazed expression.

Jeong Bia, noticing my gaze, started to approach me.

“It looks like I need a lot of explaining?”

“…Fine. Follow me.”

Thus, I, Hyeji, Elcia, and Caressy followed Jeong Bia into a room deeper in the library.

I thought Caressy would just head back, but she decided it looked fun here compared to the silly Holy Knights.

“Where is this?”

“This is a resting area exclusively for library staff.”

It was indeed a neat space, and despite the slightly worn items, they looked well-maintained as if they were cleaned regularly.

“Master! This place is heaven! There are more snacks than in the professors’ offices!”

“Hey, Kanp, don’t cause a ruckus here too.”

“Oh! Hyeji unni! There’s a book called ‘Re: Zero – Starting Life in Another World’ over there!”

“F*ck! Where is it?!”

Watching Hyeji and Elcia act wild, Caressy spoke seriously.

“Everyone’s acting like children. It’s so childish I can’t stand it.”

“Caressy, when did you get into the box? Where have the contents gone?”

“…….Suddenly collapsed over there.”

At my words, Caressy diverted her gaze slightly.

Seeing this, Jeong Bia sought my assistance.

“Please, calm them down.”

“Calm them down?”

I called the three girls over.

“Kids, this is a place managed by the library staff, right?”

“Yes… that’s true.”

“I was just here to look at books.”


Everyone started to settle down.

I patted everyone on the shoulder and said.

“So, even if we mess things up, she’ll clean it up for us!!!”

“No, f*ck! I asked you to calm them down!”


Jeong Bia cursed, but it was already too late.

After a while of mayhem, having demolished nearly all the snacks, we finally could talk.

Jeong Bia clutched her throbbing head and faced us.

“So what do you want to say?”

“Hurry up! We have to eat that!”

“Hey! Can’t we borrow any books here indefinitely?”

“Isn’t there any catnip air freshener here?”

“Ha…. I can’t believe I have to ask these brats.”

Even after all the commotion, the fact that no one came looking for us indicated this was indeed a soundproof space.

It turned out to be the perfect place to have an important discussion.

Jeong Bia composed her expression and immediately bowed her head to us.

“Please, save my sister. I’m begging you.”


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