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Chapter 148

〈 149화 〉 148화 ­ VS CATS (4)


Caressy swung her divine power-infused cat tail at Jeong Ahyeon.

“Get this sh*t out of here!!!”


Jeong Ahyeon flew away after getting hit by Caressy’s tail.

Fortunately, thanks to the defensive coat she was wearing, she didn’t get seriously injured.

However, she ended up fainting after being thrown far away by Caressy’s counterattack.

Looking at her, it seemed impossible to expect help right away.

As I quickly checked Jeong Ahyeon’s condition, I rushed at Caressy, but—

“I won’t let you pass!!!!”

Peria blocked my way.

Although his divine power had completely vanished, he was still holding firm as if his body could still move.

Meanwhile, Caressy yelled with a twisted face out of anger.

“Lord!!!! Give me the strength to take out these f*ckers!!!!!”

The massive sphere in Caressy’s hands began to grow rapidly, unlike before.

As if even God couldn’t tolerate HAL, the divine power sphere responded to Caressy’s shout and expanded quickly.

I tried to dash past Peria towards Caressy, but he blocked my path.

At the same time, Peria drew his sword from his waist and swung it towards my head.

“Give up!!!”

My body was leaning forward to rush at Caressy.

Besides, I was unarmed, just using my bare hands.

So, I focused.

To think of a way to break out of this situation.

It didn’t take long for an entity that could help me to come to mind.

As soon as my thoughts wrapped up, I slightly leaned back and dodged the incoming blade.

Then, without a moment’s hesitation, I thrust my head towards the sword and activated my technique.

[Choco Hyung’s Secret Technique (??)­ Chupacabra Bite/]

My strong teeth clamped down on Peria’s sword, threatening to break it.

A sharp shock hit my teeth.

At the same time, with a bit of a metallic taste and some blood from a slight tear in my mouth, I tasted metal.

Peria looked at me with a face of disdain.

“What are you doing? You ain’t no dog!”

“Tsukuhung Ughuz Mu!!! (Don’t insult Choco Hyung!!!)”

But that wasn’t enough.

Peria tried to retrieve the sword while I was still biting down on it.

So, I wouldn’t stop.

I thought once more.

About my meeting with Choco Hyung and the technique I tasted there.

I gained a new understanding.

And that technique was about to be unleashed right here.

[Choco Hyung’s Secret Technique (??) Link Attack ­ Death Rolling/]

I struck Peria’s right arm holding the sword with my left hand.

Of course, that intense impact traveled through my teeth right to my head.

My teeth throbbed, and my vision was blurred, but I forced myself to endure.

Meanwhile, Peria momentarily lost strength in his right hand due to the sudden assault.

Even so, it wasn’t enough to make him drop the sword.

But that was enough for me.

Seizing the opportunity, I recreated the death roll that Choco Hyung had done to me.

With my teeth firmly clamping onto the sword, I flexed my legs and performed a backflip.

I then attempted to execute the death rolling on the sword held by Peria.

Peria, caught off guard by the unexpected force’s direction, released his grip on the sword.

Now, it was my turn to take the sword.

“What do you plan to do with just one sword!”

“The leather from Kaget is a bit pricey! About 3 times!”

Peria skillfully drew up his shield with his left hand to block my attack.

As a result, my sword had slightly penetrated the shield’s cracks.

Using my right foot as a pivot, I spun back and struck the pommel of the sword embedded in the shield with my left elbow.


The sword was lodged more deeply into the shield than before.

With a sound of something breaking, the entire shield formed cracks.

This was my chance.

Using my left hand, I gripped the sword’s hilt embedded in the shield in reverse and infused it with magical power.

At the same time, I condensed three units of Cheonma Repulsor’s magical power in my right hand and slammed it into the shield.

Peria, realizing what I was about to do, looked panicked.

“Stop, stop!!!”

“If you’re a man, pick up a massive sword instead of a shield!!!”

Various sounds echoed.

The intense sound of an explosion, the metallic clinks from shattered sword fragments brushing past, painful groans.

And finally, the sound of the shield shattering like a fortress.

With those sounds, I took another step forward.

And once again aimed my Cheonma Repulsor at Peria’s fading figure.

Just when I felt a bit of relief thinking this would be the end and rushed towards Caressy—

“Where do you think you’re going!”


Peria still stood in my way.

Even though his armor was completely shattered and blood flowed from his body, I thought it was miraculous he was still holding on.

Just before Peria lunged at me, a number above his head increased.

It was the first time I saw Peria’s regression since we started fighting.

Of course, it was natural for mirror fragments to appear since we were close.

I checked the future Peria experienced through those mirror fragments.

In that future, I, too, was kicking Peria’s left temple after avoiding his left-hand body blow by jumping over it.

As reality returned, Peria launched a body blow with his left hand, just like in the future.

At the same time, he pulled his right hand to defend his left temple.

It looked like he was trying to catch me the moment I tried to kick him.

So, I made my choice.


“What, what did you say!!”

I took the hit from his body blow with my left hand.

I felt a crack in my ribs and blood surged into my mouth.

Using that, I launched my final strike.


A Dae-ri nim!

“Heavenly Breath!!!!!”

I spat the blood filling my mouth at Peria’s face.

Although it was a flash in the original story, I thought it was somewhat similar since Jesus shed red blood.

Suddenly, blood flew into Peria’s eyes, and he began to rub them madly.

Taking that chance, I placed my left palm against Peria’s solar plexus.

When Peria felt my palm, he burst out laughing.

“Hahaha!!! You’ve already used all six shots of the Cheonma Repulsor!”

“This is only the max capacity of six shots.”


Peria widened his eyes in surprise, while rubbing them.

As he tried to throw a punch to shake me off, it was already too late.

My left palm began to condense magical power once again.

“Max is eight shots.”

“There was no mention of that!”

“Of course not.”

And the condensed magical power exploded.

“This was mentioned in this chapter.”

“Such nonsense—!”

Before Peria could finish his sentence, another explosion erupted.

This time, there was no miracle.

Peria collapsed to the ground.

I was about to rush toward Caressy when—

“I’m ready!!!”


I was a bit late.

In Caressy’s hands, there were two large yellow spheres floating.

One thing was certain.

If it hit me, it would end in one shot.

I frantically shouted, pointing at the spheres.

“Stop the New Year Burst!!! It will break the balance of the story!!!”

“Stop saying things that will get you reported!!!!!”

[What balance are you talking about when Hyeji is also here?]

‘Sh*t, that’s true.’

Looking at the spheres, I made a proposal to Caressy.

“Why don’t we call it a draw?”

“It’s over!!!”

Caressy threw one of the spheres in his right hand at me.

The sphere flew toward me—not fast, not slow.

At the same time, the shape of the sphere slowly changed into a cat’s six-ball.

It was too big to dodge.

In the end, I had no choice but to take it.

[What do you plan to do!]

‘Gotta try something.’

My last remaining right hand’s magical power tattoo shield at 9 o’clock.

It could cover my body, but compared to the oncoming six-ball, it was ridiculously small.

Just as I gathered strength into the hand holding the shield—



Something was placed on my head.

It was an object very familiar to me.


My defensive coat.

It had been put on me by Jeong Ahyeon, who’d regained consciousness.

Suddenly, Jeong Ahyeon snatched my shield and charged at the incoming six-ball.

And even in the face of the six-ball, she didn’t back down but slammed the shield into the ground.

Finally, she glanced back at me.

“Hey! Jeong Ahyeon! What are you doing!”


Jeong Ahyeon’s face was quite tense, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

But she didn’t run away. With a determined look, she said to me,

“I don’t want to lose.”

“Get back here quickly!”

Jeong Ahyeon poured all her strength into creating her last summoned beast.

It took the form of a slime, the amorphous being she had summoned when teaming up with Hyeji.

It was indeed large, but still inadequate compared to the flying six-ball.

Now that I was finally ready to pull her back, I sprinted forward, but the distance was too far.

I had judged the situation too late and couldn’t sprint sooner.

Jeong Ahyeon looked at me and gave a slight smile.

“So don’t let Gongja lose either.”


Jeong Ahyeon turned her back to me, staring at the six-ball.

And quietly spoke one last word.

“It’s a promise.”

In that moment, the six-ball and the slime collided.


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