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Chapter 142


Daniel McLean was a human, but if he had turned into a magical beast, he would become a beastman, an existence transformed by magic.

Because of this, unlike many other ancient beasts, he did not possess unconditional hostility and aggression towards others.

Instead, he showed goodwill to the honorable and had compassion for the lost souls, guiding them like a signpost.

However, in his current state, he exposed fierce killing intent and bared his powerful fangs, threatening the group.

“Are you also remnants of them?”

The one who immediately reacted to Kurika’s question was Adriana, who was kneeling alone among the other petrified companions.

“N-no! We came in fact to wipe them out!”

Even as she spoke, she wondered if he would believe her, but Kurika hesitated for a moment before accepting.

“I will believe you. So, you are the ones erasing the traces of these foolish beings.”

“Yes! That’s right!”

Adriana had no idea how Kurika knew such things, nor did she care to understand. He was a man full of mysteries.

“Then, leave. Don’t step foot here again and return to your land.”

“I’m sorry, but we cannot.”

Everyone was too pressured to speak properly, but Elven Eris voiced her opinion without hesitation.

“We were pursuing her to find medicine for our kindred who were harmed by the Tudogs. We cannot retreat like this.”


Intrigued, Kurika inquired further, and Eris took a breath before continuing. Speaking with him felt like a fiery warmth tightening around her entire body.

“Because of their medicine, one elf girl and three humans, a dwarf, and a beastman became Dragonkin. We wish to cure the curse-like phenomenon.”


While looking around the dark laboratory, Kurika responded with a sigh of disappointment.

“I’m sorry, but there is no cure.”


“Could you allow us to take a look around?”

Eris was about to say something, but it was Dwarf Hatsim Velok who interjected. It was the first time Adriana realized he could speak so politely.

Understanding that dwarves are generally rough in speech was one thing, but he also seemed to know how to converse politely.

However, despite the dwarf’s humble bow, Kurika made it clear.

“No. There are far too many great and small secrets here that this continent cannot handle, originating from the Forest of the Demon Realm. I cannot show it carelessly.”



Even though his voice remained the same, the atmosphere abruptly changed. Kurika, who had cut off the dwarf’s words, looked at the four of them and said.

“Now go back.”

Kurika’s stern order indicated he would not entertain any further conversation. Adriana, slowly rising, whispered to the others.

“We must go. If we provoke him, we’ll all die.”

“Ahem, I think the same. Sorry to Katrinna.”

Hatsim agreed with Adriana, but unfortunately, the other two members of the party did not share that sentiment.

“Sorry, but we can’t. Selim and Diana are waiting for us.”

“I too am a servant who has received the Beast King’s orders. I cannot retreat. Moreover, there is one thing I want to confirm.”

“You two should leave. Especially you, Adriana. There’s no need for you to fight.”

“That is true, but……”

Hatsim and Adriana locked eyes. Honestly, neither truly wanted to fight, nor did they wish to encounter such a monster ever again.

Fighting for their lives against such beings was not simply a matter of loyalty, and it was hard to muster the resolve.

Yet, the stout dwarf gripped his determination like a walnut, taking a step forward.

“Ha! Right! If I turn tail at the sight of a fur-flying beastman, I’ll be kicked out of the village even as a Maester!”

Whoosh, he spun his axe and boldly stepped forward, ready for action.

In Adriana’s case, she joined for slightly different reasons. The organization known as the Tudogs, born from the witch’s dark tradition.

She knew she could escape without any issue, but fear of Kurika she had heard about through many witches made it even harder for her to firm up her resolve.

“Aah! I don’t know!”

Nevertheless, Adriana summoned her mana and declared her intention to join the fight. Though their opponent was an all-powerful monster, they were not exactly pushovers themselves.

She was an elite witch of a clan known for its expertise in mana and magic on the continent.

Leading the Beast King’s direct subordinates among beastmen.

One seated upon one of the seven thrones of the dwarves, a Maester.

And finally, the pride of all elves, the Guardian of Yggdrasil.

If they all decided to launch an invasion, they could easily turn a village, not to mention a decent-sized city, into an utter chaos.

As Kurika stepped forward, he asked.

“Truly, are you all prepared?”

Just the weight of his murderous intent made her feel like she wanted to kneel, and a strange nausea welled up from within her.

Despite the foreboding atmosphere, the four of them drew their weapons and steeled themselves. Kurika nodded in understanding and began to approach slowly.

“Emperor of the Demon Realm, Kurika. I bow to you, who have overcome fear.”

The wolf’s eyes, having spotted its prey, were fixed squarely on the four of them.

“I hope you survive.”


Kurika’s black claws stretched out menacingly. The muscles bulging from his shoulders clearly showed beneath his thick fur.

“I will lead the charge!”

The dwarf was the first to step forward.

Hatsim Velok, responsible for the vanguard of this party, raised his axe. He knew better than anyone that thinking he could win or even land a blow was arrogance.

He would defend no matter what.

Leaving the attacks to the others, he would serve as a small but sturdy wall.

“It’s light.”

However, the wall fell helplessly, bashing through the laboratory’s items and crashing to the ground. Hatsim was knocked out with just one strike.

Still, those behind were not discouraged, and they took advantage of the brief opening Hatsim had created to thrust forward.

Regua’s spear and Eris’ sword came from both sides as they surrounded their opponent. Given the cramped space, their numerical advantage could quickly lead to a pinning situation.


Kurika’s thick claws effortlessly blocked the weapons of the two. He swung his hands to sweep them away, but it was met with resistance.

“……Is this magic?”

As the whirlwind swirled around Eris, Kurika felt that his hands and feet were bound by invisible chains. To bind him with mere wind, this elf was no ordinary foe.

As the two blocked Kurika’s hands, a torrent of blue flames erupted from the front. The dazzling azure flames lit up the dark laboratory and began to cling onto Kurika’s body, spreading all over.

“Excellent, young witch.”

Kurika calmly evaluated the magic that had been unleashed with the intent to take his life, as if savoring a meal on the other side.

Adriana, her pride dented, prepared a stronger spell, but.


As the wolf exhaled, the flames that had been raging in Adriana’s hands suddenly vanished.


Adriana, in shock, looked at her hands. However, that trivial action could turn into a significant blunder against the opponent.

With a furious swing of his hands, Kurika sent Eris and Regua flying and charged towards Adriana, already ablaze.

“By the covenant, I shall not kill you.”


Just from locking eyes with him so close, Adriana fainted and fell limp.

As their master lost consciousness, the blue flames that had engulfed Kurika’s body naturally vanished.

“Ha. Ugh.”

Eris struggled to raise her body, leaning heavily against her sword. Despite Kurika having dispatched the other three instantaneously, she still intended to fight him.

“Young elf, you are remarkable.”

Kurika genuinely admired Eris.

“I have people I need to save.”

Eris, with her staff in her left hand and sword in her right, summoned the powerful wind from her fingertips to rumble fiercely at the enemy.

Holding her staff and sword together, she assumed a thrusting position. The gust enveloping her became both a spear and a shield.

“Come, let me welcome your untainted belief. I, Kurika, will receive it personally.”

Kurika opened his arms, standing in a perfect vulnerable state.

However, Eris felt no sense of superiority or shame. Their opponent was that strong; her only focus was to overcome him.

Complacency was also an opportunity.

This was not a duel, but a battle.

With a powerful push from the ground, Eris thrust her sword forward. A small storm wrapped around the sword and staff, increasing its power, and it reached the wulf’s chest.

“What the……!”

A tiny drop of blood merely formed on his thick muscles; she couldn’t inflict a critical wound on Kurika at all.

Still, Kurika clenched his fist and responded.

“Excellent, proud elf.”

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