Switch Mode

Chapter 133

There was a lot to do.

Since the 4th Castle had already fallen into the hands of the rebel army, it couldn’t just be left untouched.

Administrative management, politicians, rich folks, and so on…

I rounded up everyone I suspected.

I had to imprison only those who seemed to be collaborating with the rebels.

Depending on the level of collaboration, an execution ceremony might need to be held in the plaza.

Of course, the betraying mage mercenaries were all captured and sent back to the institution.

There, according to the Emperor’s judgment, they would receive appropriate punishment.

On top of that, the supply goods to be organized were overflowing the warehouse and laying all over the streets.

It was a mishap that occurred as we received all the supplies we hadn’t gotten for the past few days at once.

We had to classify the food items, separating the perishable ones from the durable ones and determine the order for consumption, and may even have to rent an additional warehouse.

“Hmm. It’s so quiet.”

Of course, that wasn’t my job.

It was supposed to be the work of Pelaine and Cain.

Thanks to that, the imperial mage students, including me, got to have a brief period of rest.

From our standpoint, the number of troops and land that needed managing had suddenly increased, so a check-in was necessary.

“I should learn how to ride a horse.”

Though temporary, I was now a knight directly under the Emperor.

Yet, not knowing how to ride a horse was quite ridiculous.

I couldn’t keep riding behind Trie or Pelaine every time I went into battle.

I needed to learn whenever I had the chance.

“Where could Trie be?”

She was probably lazing around too.

Maybe she was at the military camp.

I left my residence and walked through the bustling streets.

The 4th Castle, which had been feeling grim due to the civil war, was regaining its vibrancy after a long while.

Thanks to the supplies the suppression forces couldn’t manage, everything was sold to the residents.

While other castles were probably still under tight blockade and hadn’t been able to hold markets for months by now, this atmosphere was turning out to be a good weapon for winning the people’s hearts.

As I passed through the market—


I spotted a familiar back of the head.

Hair sticking up in spikes over the silver-colored crown.

It had to be Erica.

“What are you doing here, Erica?”

“Uuuhm, Schlus?”


As I approached, I saw her munching away on a donut.

Chocolate was smeared all over her mouth…

Reflexively, I almost took out my handkerchief to wipe it but realized it belonged to Emilia, so I put it back.

I couldn’t let something precious like that get dirty.


I wiped the black bits stuck to Erica’s cheek with my thumb and sucked on it.

It was chocolate.

After a long time, I was tasting that sweet flavor again.

Suddenly, I missed Choco Pie.

“I thought I told you not to leave the residence if possible.”

“Why? Who do you think you are to suppress my freedom?”

“There could be remnants of the rebel army trying to kidnap you.”


“Now, do you want to feel your freedom being suppressed a bit?”


Erica, who had been rebellious, sealed her lips tight.

It was just a regretful thing that she didn’t understand everything was for her own good.

“When going out, you must leave a record and take a guard with you. There should always be suppression forces waiting at the residence.”

“Got it…”

“But what is this?”

“Can’t you tell? It’s a donut.”

I tilted my head.

Even though there were plenty of supplies and food right now, there couldn’t be the luxury of making lavish donuts coated in chocolate and sugar.

Even if they did, the price would be sky-high.

“How much does this cost?”

“It’s not for sale separately… I baked it because you ordered.”

“How much will you sell it for?”

“I think I’d have to charge around 1000 Tirion per piece…”

As expected, it was a terrifying price.

I couldn’t call it a rip-off; sugar was in scarce supply.

“Erica, do you have that kind of money?”

“What do you take me for? I’m the daughter of the Lichtenburg family!”

“And how are you planning to pay for it?”

“Well, with a check.”


A sigh escaped me involuntarily.

This foolish girl.

“Why? The Lichtenburg check is almost trusted like cash! No one has ever been refused payment until now!”

“Erica. Have you read the full proclamation from the suppression army concerning the southern residents?”

“Yeah, I read it.”

“It explicitly promised not to requisition anything. But if you pay with a check, isn’t that requisitioning?”


No matter how trustworthy a check may be, if it were requisitioned, it’d go against their promise.

The suppression army was just beginning to build momentum, so the trust relationship with the residents was incredibly important.

I couldn’t let such little matters strain that relationship.

“Ah… what should I do? I’ve already eaten six of them!”

Only then did Erica fully grasp the situation, her eyes starting to roll.

Six? How much was that?

In an instant, she had devoured Emilia’s salary for three months.

“Sigh… Stand up now. And for now, let’s head back to the residence. Come back out with a guard if you want.”


I took out my wallet and handed the owner a few bills.

Erica, watching that scene, looked anxious.

I pulled on Erica’s arm and headed toward the residence.



There was nothing to thank for.

Compared to the money you received from your mother, this was just a drop in the bucket.

But I couldn’t say that out loud.

Having come this far with Erica, I couldn’t reignite her hatred now.

“Y-you can let go of my arm now. I get it. I’m going to the residence, so it’s not like I’m dealing with a disobedient child…”

“Honestly, it feels like I’m dealing with a child.”


“Be aware of your status, Erica.”

“I know. Daughter of Lichtenburg…”

“Besides that, aren’t you a magician who captured a castle with just one spell against the rebel army? If you were to get lost, it would be a huge loss for the entire continent. Please be mindful of that when you act.”


Erica could be proud of that.

It was the moment a magician transcended from a tactical weapon to a strategic asset.

It was a totally different level from the inefficient magic I had used in Whist Forest that scattered firepower in all directions.

If it had been used, the 4th Castle would have turned to ashes, leaving nothing but stone walls behind.

That was magic so precise that it concentrated firepower only inside the castle.

“Right! This castle is practically mine!”


Suddenly, her confidence shot sky-high.

I just hoped she wouldn’t brag about it everywhere.

Even if she did, I just wished she’d return safely to the institution.



With that, the conversation dwindled, and an awkward silence settled between us.

I had expected her to chatter more confidently but soon, Erica was silently walking alongside me, occasionally glancing at me.

Finally, Erica steadily opened her lips.



“About that guard… do we really need one?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well… if you’re right next to me, wouldn’t it be enough?”

“I was only planning to take you to the residence and go to the military camp afterward.”


Erica’s face suddenly turned beet red.

It seemed she had misunderstood that I wanted to spend leisure time wandering around with her.

Though I had some free time, I wasn’t free enough to spend all day with her.

“We’re almost there, Erica.”

“I’m not going in.”


“I’m going to follow you. I have nothing to do anyway… do you want to check something out today?”

“Suit yourself.”

I had no intention of offering her protection, but if she chose to tag along, I was willing to ensure her safety.

Though it might be boring.

I was just going to learn how to ride from Trie and discuss future plans with Pelaine.

“Just a warning, it will be very boring.”

“There’s no way! I’ve never been bored following you!”


Is that so?

I guess I was like an amusement park for Erica.

Well, trouble and incidents always seemed to follow me wherever I went.

Sometimes, I even initiated them myself.

“So why are we going to the military camp?”

“I’ll be attending a meeting… and I want to learn horse riding from Trie.”

“Huh. Are you going to learn it over there?”


Erica pointed towards a makeshift riding area where a few knights were practicing.

Among them was one knight who seemed to be particularly struggling on his horse…


“Ugh! Ugh! Please stop! Don’t throw me off!”

“Isn’t that Aintz?”

“Seems like it…”

It was none other than Aintz.

He was riding wildly on a horse like he was in a rodeo.

Ouch. His butt must be hurting.

“Stop holding the reins! Hold the reins! Hold the reins!”

“Isn’t that Trie?”

“Looks like it…”

It seemed Trie had a guest for riding lessons.

I thought Aintz wasn’t that close to her, but it seemed she was teaching him now.

I had initially planned to monopolize her time for learning all day, but with Aintz around, my chances were halved.

“Useless guy.”


Of course, I was joking.

If he hadn’t been there, we wouldn’t have been able to pull off such a significant counterattack that dramatically lifted the spirits of the suppression army.


“Huh? Master! What brings you here?”

“I also want to learn how to ride horses.”

“Oh, really? Aintz. Get out of the way.”


“Master wants to learn. You’ve been doing this for two hours with no progress, so it’s time for you to hand it over to Schlus.”


Wow. That’s a bit harsh.

I thought they were good friends, but it didn’t seem to be the case.

“Or how about we do this instead?”


At that moment, I felt someone firmly grip my shoulder from behind.

A *creaking* sound.

And that heft.

Plus, from that androgynous voice, I could tell without looking that it was Pelaine.

“Trie, you can focus on teaching Aintz. I’ll teach Schlus.”

“But you’re the Commander in Chief! Aren’t you supposed to be doing something important somewhere?”

“Hehe. I got kicked out. I was so bad at my paperwork that I was just a hindrance…”


Oh dear.

She may be sharp in battle but seems weak when it comes to numbers and paperwork.

“No way! You teach Aintz. I’ll teach Schlus.”

“Huh? Weren’t you the one teaching Aintz first?”

“Schlus is a key asset. I should be the one to teach him to ride.”

“I probably know how to ride better than you. I train every day!”

“I’ve already trained Schlus in swordsmanship, so I’m his master!”

“What does that have to do with horse riding?”

“Not good! Schlus! You decide!”

“Wait, what?!”

I was dumbfounded, unable to follow the sudden flow of conversation.

Why were they fighting all of a sudden?

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not work with dark mode