Switch Mode

Chapter 130

Daniel McLean acknowledged it.

In defensive swordsmanship, Valtory Mayas was certainly outstanding. That he said this meant that Valtory had not just effort but talent too.

No matter how talented he had been since he was young, he was only 17.

He was used to 1:1 duels, but dueling in a 1:2 situation was almost new to him, and as Eve and Tana pressed in, he started to falter.



With Eve’s low kick hitting his calf and Tana’s change in offense, Valtory had no choice but to fall on his behind.

“See? That’s it!”

May, who was shaking her fist and swinging it around, looked just like an uncle waving a horse’s reins while excitedly watching the low kick she had taught during the duel.

Tana then kicked Valtory’s hand away. As a result, Valtory dropped his sword, which Eve quickly grabbed.



Tears welled up in Valtory’s eyes as he realized his defeat was almost certain.

His brother, Ben, rushed in to cancel the duel, but the tide was already firmly in their favor.

Tana and Eve continuously recalled the advice Daniel had given, maintaining their tension until the end.

“No way!”

In the end, Ben also loosened his grip and fell to the ground, losing his sword.

The twins turned simultaneously to the royal servant acting as the referee, who, despite their pleading gazes, declared coldly and quickly.

“The winner is Tana Krista. Valtory Mayas, please pack your things and prepare to head to the royal palace.”

“Please! No!”

Huk, Aaaaang!

Ben immediately knelt and banged his forehead against the ground, and Valtory sobbed, denying reality.

The moment their dream of being twins for 17 years crumbled was both brutal and pitiful, and memories of the past when they had ignored Tana flashed through their minds like a dream before death.

The twins hadn’t neglected their training.

As children of a prestigious family, they swung their swords every day, diligently building their future.

But what was important here was…

They had underestimated Tana Krista far too much.

And they never thought they would be so thoroughly conquered.

The twins had simply come for a duel, but Tana Krista had come prepared to duel with them.

These two things made a significant difference, and the results now proved that.

“Enough, both of you. Didn’t you know this kind of result was possible?”

Belin Mayas, their elder brother, stopped them. Belin had already realized through his duel with Daniel McLean that Daniel had perfectly conquered the twins.

In fact, he somewhat anticipated such results.

“Your behavior is only going to make our father more troubled. Valtory, go pack your things.”

“But, brother!”

“Ben! You lost because of your arrogance, how low do you intend to stoop?”


Blood seeped from Ben’s tightly clenched fist. Each word was true, leaving him unable to protest or even whine.

Moreover, the fact that their father would be troubled was something the twins certainly did not want.

Belin Mayas had already explained to the twins and Tana Krista the reason why the Third Princess specifically asked for a maid from the Mayas family.

The current king’s condition was serious.

This meant the long-standing light illuminating the kingdom was fading while another sun was rising.

The First Prince Oliver de Frisia.

He had won over the Third Princess, Elise de Frisia, as his supporter and was keeping a daughter of the Mayas family close as Elise’s right-hand.

Whether the Mayas family was one he could trust by his side or not, and whether they would turn against him, or dedicate themselves to this kingdom together.

In short, this was an exam set by Prince Oliver, with Princess Elise as a figurehead.

It was such an easy question, but to answer it required the cruelty of spilling the blood of the family.

The head of the Mayas family was merely choosing to write the answer with his own blood, with that blood just now decided by Valtory.

Tana approached Valtory, gently placing a hand on her trembling head and whispering softly.

“Don’t ignore me next time, okay? Even if I’m a branch family, I’m still a year older than you.”


Valtory glared at Tana with tears in her eyes. But she couldn’t say anything. She had lost, and she had won.

Even considering that an extraordinary entity named Daniel McLean was backing her up, Tana’s efforts could not be dismissed.

In the end, it was Tana and Eve who absorbed and accepted all of that.

Tana took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the girl’s tears before embracing her.

“From now on, be sure to greet my friends properly as seniors, okay?”


As Tana released her arms, smiling and winking at Valtory one last time, she stood up. The consoled girl stared blankly at her back.

“Everyone helped, I’m sorry. Even if we’re from different branches, I am still a bit your sister.”


Eve couldn’t help but tear up as she took a respectful stance regarding her decision.

Tana took a deep breath and declared to the royal servant.

“I will go as a maid.”

And so, today.

Tana Krista left Aios Academy behind.


The royal family’s direct carriage was called the Cheonggeuk Chariot. It meant that it could rush to the ends of the continent, even those miles away, faster than any carriage in the continent, and it was made of steel, giving it great durability.

To carriage enthusiasts, it was truly a dream carriage, and seeing this would be a lifelong bragging rights for them.

“Here it comes.”

Of course, how could the fruits of technological advancement be just sweet?

The horses that could pull this carriage were extremely limited, and the ones steeped in drugs and magic had lifespans that were far shorter than other horses.

Elise steadied her breath upon seeing the Cheonggeuk Chariot approaching her mansion. Given the speed of the carriage, she hadn’t even heard who was coming.

“Shall we go, Bertia?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Taking a deep breath, Elise didn’t lose her grace but hurriedly left the room and descended the stairs.

Normally, a princess wouldn’t need to personally come out to meet just a single maid.

However, for her, recruiting a maid was a type of distress signal. It was a call for help, and it wondered whether the other side fully understood this.

The Cheonggeuk Chariot standing in front of the mansion was shaking violently. Even the coachman driving the carriage looked flustered.

Elise beckoned the coachman to open the carriage door, and he bowed deeply in accordance with manners but hesitated, still holding the shaking carriage door, looking uneasy.

Finally deciding, he firmly opened the door.

Elise, Bertia, and the coachman instantly realized that the Cheonggeuk Chariot had excellent soundproofing when the door was closed.

“I saw it! I saw it! You trash! Aren’t you sorry to Eve?”

“No, there was nowhere to hide! Shall I just get caught? Besides, I was closing my eyes!”

“Shut up! I saw your face when you went into and came out of the skirt!”

“W-wait! You’re making me out to be the bad guy! You’re the one who suddenly told me to come in!”

Wearing a vintage dress, Tana was acting completely unbefitting, while across from her was a black-haired boy yelling in annoyance.

Daniel McLean.


As soon as Elise saw his face, she wanted to leap into his arms.

“Please, get back!”

“Yes, understood.”

The coachman, who had been nervously worried about getting caught in the crossfire, bowed deeply at Elise’s command and scurried away.

“You’re still the same.”

Bertia awkwardly spoke with a smile, and Elise nodded.

She noticed her cue.

Even Daniel McLean had come directly to rescue her.

“Daniel! Daniel! Ahh, Daniel!”

Overwhelmed with emotion, Elise stepped forward to speak.

“Be quiet! I’m in the middle of talking! Do you know I’m being accused of sexual harassment? Once at the academy, and then again with Tana! How is this even happening?”

“Then just don’t look! Is it so hard to simply keep your eyes shut?”

“I only saw when I went under the skirt!”

“You admitted you saw! You just said you didn’t see until now! And why did your expression subtly change after you came out?”


Bertia tried to mediate, hoping to preserve the princess’s dignity that had been ignored from the very start.


However, the princess held back her urge to blush, biting her lip as she clutched her body.

“To be honest! Why were you wearing something like that? Doesn’t that mean you’re practically naked?”

“You! You! Do you think I wanted to wear that?!”

With her face turning bright red, Tana lunged at Daniel with her fist ready, but he skillfully dodged her punch in the narrow carriage.

“Ugh, oof.”

“……It seems you’re feeling it after a long time.”

Bertia sighed, realizing how foolish it was to try and resolve this situation.

‘The clouds look beautiful today.’

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