Switch Mode

Chapter 129

The operation to occupy the 4th Castle was completed swiftly.

Initially, the number of troops that invaded was so inadequate that not a single person could rest and they had to keep running nonstop.

First, we repaired the hole in the main gate through which we entered.

We left only the repair crew and everyone else began the occupation of defensive structures like the spires and castle walls.

At last, the moment the Empire’s flag was raised on the spire…

Surrendering guards began to emerge from everywhere, and the suppression was completed in an instant.

“Rescue the prisoners! The enemy may initiate a siege at any moment, so we need to prepare for a counterattack!”

The castle’s defensive capabilities had been neutralized for now.

Next, it was time to increase our forces.

Since the enemy suppression troops fled without touching the prisoners, the underground prison must still be filled with knights locked behind bars.

Well, it wasn’t out of humanitarian consideration that the enemy spared them; they were surely held with the expectation of a ransom.

Or perhaps they thought it would be more troublesome to deal with killing them all.

“How many are there?!”

Bursting through the door and entering the underground, we were taken aback.

Inside the iron bars, cramped cells were packed full of prisoners.

There weren’t even enough seats for everyone to sit.

But while everyone was shocked by the number, it seemed no one was surprised by the harsh treatment itself.

This was probably the norm for treating prisoners in this world…

I guess it’s best to forget about the Geneva Convention.


“You came to rescue us!”

“No, I was captured too… this isn’t right.”

The roar of cheers was deafening.

Those slumped down like corpses jumped up, clinging to the bars and shouting.

They had probably been waiting with full confidence.

Believing the suppression troops would never succumb to rebels and would come to rescue them someday.

The number was about 400…

While not all of them could be immediately deployed into battle, it meant our suppression troop numbers had increased more than tenfold.

Up until now, we could only manage limited combat by using the mana of the magicians when it was plentiful, but with this many knights, the options would surely broaden.

Moreover, with sufficient equipment, there was nothing to regret.

Soon, we inserted the key and opened the bars, and the prisoners surged into the corridor like a flood.

Now, the corridor was packed with no room to step.

“Indeed, it’s the Commander in Chief!”

“No, I’m no longer the Commander in Chief.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve resigned, taking responsibility for the defeat of the suppression troops. The current Commander in Chief is Holy Knight Commander, Pelaine Armstrong.”


Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold.

Only then did the prisoners’ eyes turn towards Pelaine, who had pointy ears.

For them, it must have been the first time seeing her face.

“What do you mean…”

“Don’t misunderstand. The reason we could come to rescue you is thanks to Schlus Hainkel and the Commander in Chief. Without their wisdom and bravery, I would have perished too.”


“Have you heard about the outside situation? Thanks to the operation devised by Schlus Hainkel, we successfully managed to strike back at them. Surely, until the moment we win this war, all the strategies will be stored in that man’s mind.”


In that rising atmosphere, I felt incredibly flustered.

I did have some sort of plan for reversing the tide of battle.

If you could even call it a plan, with so many holes and flaws.

So far, that plan had been working splendidly with Pelaine and Cain’s carry, but with so many variables now, there was no guarantee that it would work.

Moreover, I had no idea how to end this war…

Would it be finished once Lorraine surrenders, or do we need to seize all castles? Or do we have to capture and kill all resisting reactionaries to conclude it?

Ending a war is the soldier’s role, not mine.

If possible, I’d prefer to escape rather than get stuck dealing with the post-war arrangements.

“Greetings, I am Pelaine Armstrong, Holy Knight Commander. I’m glad to see you all again. Though you may not be pleased, I am currently leading the suppression troops.”

Pelaine glanced around, arms crossed, her expression unmoving.

Everyone looked at her with discontent.

The bleak reactions were surely as expected by Pelaine.

“Anyone who doesn’t want to follow my orders is free to go home this instant. However, if you join me, I promise one thing. We will achieve victory. I will bury those who brought shame and defeat upon us at the bottom of hell.”


“The infamous enemy’s Vice Commander, Darius, has already been cut in half. Now I aim to capture the Commander in Chief and Prime Minister, Lorraine. Who will join me?”

“I will follow!”

Cain knelt in front of Pelaine.

The Imperial Knight Commander, of much higher status, had sworn loyalty to merely the leader of a private knight order.

“I will obey, Commander in Chief!”

“Please give us orders!”

The sounds of people kneeling rang out from all around.

Before I knew it, all the knights had bent the knee towards Pelaine, bowing their heads.

In a top-down military system, social status, race, and gender held no meaning.

Anyone capable of bringing victory could rise to the top.

“Those with energy, equip yourselves and come out. Enemies are lying in wait beneath the castle walls. We must head out for battle.”

“But the armaments—”

“We are fully prepared.”


As Pelaine stepped forward, the path opened.

The enemy would surely regret not executing all the prisoners in a fit of greed for a measly reward.

“Schlus, that sword you had earlier… will you wield it in battle?”

As we headed outside, Pelaine hesitated and asked me.

Is she referring to Vafe?

“No, not yet.”

“I see…”

Of course, swinging it could create confusion among the enemy.

But I intended to save it for a greater impact.

It was a sword of light after all; bringing it out at night would have a far bigger shock.

Moreover, I had someone to meet now, so joining the battle was difficult.

With sufficient forces gathered, it was best to leave everything to Pelaine and Cain.

I didn’t need to precariously ride behind Trie to oversee everything.

“I can go, can’t I, Schlus? Huh? Huh?”


Trie looked oddly excited.

Perhaps it was because we had only been fighting difficult battles up until now.

Seeing countless soldiers donning armor and wielding swords must have thrilled her.

Now we were truly in a state to crush the enemy with an advantage.

“Go wild. But don’t overdo it.”

“Got it!”

Trie wouldn’t suddenly charge into the enemy lines alone…

She would surely coordinate well with our allies and fight effectively.

I felt reassured.

Leaving Trie behind, I headed toward the area where the guards were tied up.

The guards who had been organized to protect the 4th Castle had been disbanded by the rebels, and now this group of guards was a makeshift team created by volunteers from the rebels.

So dismantling it was only appropriate, but…

“Schlus Hainkel! You can disband the guards! But I wish to fight against the rebels!”

“I want to fight too! Please let me join the suppression troops! I can’t forgive them!”

“Me too!”


Both subhumans and humans were clamoring without exception.

With fierce determination in their eyes, they were looking ready to grind their teeth.

They must have witnessed the rebels’ true nature firsthand.

Witnessing magic that could turn the castle to dust dropping while the rebels frivolously fled, leaving the residents to fend for themselves, they certainly saw the absurdity.

It was a bit ironic that those who invented that spell were now disgusted by the rebels…

Nevertheless, we had completely secured the support of the 4th Castle’s guard.

If we could gain the people’s trust like this, it would be the best scenario.

“Open the main gate! We deploy!”

Cavalrymen equipped in a flash surged out through the main gate.

Having brought enough mounts from the stronghold, we assembled a cavalry unit of about 200.

Considering the gap between enemy and training quality, even facing off against 1000 enemy cavalry would be manageable.

Unless the enemy had a meticulously constructed defensive formation, since they were rushing to attempt a siege in surprise after losing the 4th Castle, breaking through would be no challenge at all.

I felt relieved as I turned back and headed towards the castle’s defensive facilities.

‘Where could they be?’

Once I stepped out of the castle and into town…

I realized I had already lost my way.

I had assumed, with all this uproar, they would come looking for me, but the person I was looking for was still nowhere to be seen.

What if something happened to her? That worry began to creep in.

That would really be bad.

“Over here—”

Just as I was about to shout loudly…

I sensed a distinct reaction of mana.

There was no need to say whose it was.

It was the lingering mana from that gentle touch, the one that had healed me time and again.

Like I was enchanted, I rushed forward and found a large building.

As expected, it was the infirmary.


The moment I swung the door open, a suffocating sense of despair crushed in on me.

My vision and hearing faded.

In an instant, I was plunged into a swamp of darkness.

‘A Mana Vacuum…!’

Was it a trap set by the remnants of the guards?

I had to flee this place immediately.

Just as I turned to dash out…



The soft skin brushed against my hand.

My spirits lifted, as if my excitement was calming down.

I turned back, clasping my hands together.

Although I couldn’t see or hear, I was certain.

I was facing her right now.

The moment I realized that, my vision and hearing snapped back into focus.

“Such a cruel joke, Iris.”

Before me stood the saintess, with her usual kind smile.

Iris was right there.

But I hadn’t expected her to be this close…

“Did it bring back fond memories for you?”


I couldn’t bring myself to say I had no such memories…

“I was just joking. You probably wouldn’t want to bring them back, would you?”

“No, the days spent with you were only joyful memories.”

I was sincere.

‘Memory of True Self.’ That ability relayed not only sensory information but also Schlus’ emotions, however faintly.

When Iris held my hand and led me, Schlus was undoubtedly happy.

Even having lost everything, even his sight and hearing, the mere fact that Iris was there saved Schlus.



“Why are you crying?”


Iris brushed her eyes with her hand.


Tears reflected sunlight as they flowed down, breaking against Iris’s fingers.

Iris seemed surprised as well.

Though it had only been less than two days, was she scared alone in the rebels’ lair?

Or could it be…

It didn’t make sense that Iris, who hadn’t shed a tear while treating villagers during the epidemic, would be crying now.

‘Did she really not shed a single tear?’

Indeed, I had never narrated that she cried in the original work.

But novels don’t describe everything.

If, in fact, during those unseen moments, she had quietly sobbed alone in a shadowed corner?

It felt like a reality check hit me hard.

I still didn’t know my own character well.

“Why could it be… Though I knew all too well. I could see this future too… I was scared. Scared that you wouldn’t come back…”

“Don’t say obvious lies.”

“Yes, it was a lie. Right. It was a lie… Did you fall for my fake tears? Hehe.”

“It was a joke.”


“I understand it was scary. Feel free to cry as much as you want before me, Iris.”


Iris seemed to want to say something as her lips moved.

Maybe she was choosing her words, or choked up, but nothing came out.

At the same time, Iris’s visage began to crumble.

She was trying to suppress her emotions, but it clearly wasn’t working.

Soon, unrestrained tears gushed forth.

“Finally… finally, you recognize me…”


“I was always sincere. I have never lied to you. Huh, yet you kept doubting me…”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t say sorry. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault for not being able to swallow my pride. It’s my fault for acting tough in front of you…”

She seemed well aware.

That because of her bravado, she nearly sent me spiraling into madness.

I had to remain cautious, fearing that this saintess might drown me in her conflicting sentiments.

If we had both been just a little more honest from the start, we could’ve been deeply trusting each other long ago.

“I felt hurt… I resented you…”


Before I knew it, Iris had buried her face in my chest, sobbing.

I couldn’t think of what to say at this moment.

Perhaps it would be wiser to remain silent than to say something unnecessary.

I hardly had memorable success from trying to say the right words to a woman pouring out her emotions.

If I stayed quiet, she might feel a little better.

*Hoo hoo…*

“I feel so relieved. I can’t cry out like this at home.”

“Is it because I’m that easy to approach?”

“Yes, so easy. There’s no one as easy as you.”

The tears had already stopped flowing.

Iris smiled and leaned against my chest.

It was a strange face.

What kind of expression was that?


It took me a moment to realize.

This was a smile.

A true smile.

Not the forced smile Iris always wore, but a genuine, natural one that arose without her even noticing what kind of face she was making.

I had become the only one allowed to see that precious smile.

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not work with dark mode