Switch Mode

Chapter 118

*Fidget fidget…*

Finally, I felt at ease after noticing that soft texture on my fingertips.

After confirming that no one was around, I pulled out a handkerchief.

A cute white handkerchief with a pink ribbon, just like its owner.

*Huff… ha…*

I couldn’t hold back and brought it close to my nose for a sniff.

It still held Emilia’s lingering mana.

I savored that unique scent.

Anyone seeing this might call me a pervert, but there was a reasonable cause behind it.

Distinguishing Emilia’s mana scent was crucial.

I found her last time I was kidnapped thanks to it.

But what if I forgot that scent after being apart from her for a whole week?

What if I returned to the Imperial University and faced a situation where I had to find Emilia by that lingering scent?

Just the thought sent shivers down my spine.

Because of this, I had to periodically sniff the handkerchief to ensure I never forgot Emilia’s scent.

Of course, if I smelled it too often, my own scent would mix in and render it useless, so I was being careful.

If I were guaranteed that my scent wouldn’t linger, I would have buried my face in that handkerchief all my free time.

*Hmm… should I head back now?*

Yeah, I had to go back.

Even though the atmosphere was heated from the duel, the military meeting was still ongoing.

Cain had sacrificed his honor just to gather the knights under Pelaine’s command, so it was our turn to act now.

*What’s going on here…*

Erica yawned loudly as she staggered along.

She was exhausted from just standing still amidst the unusually excited knights and hearing their loud cheers.

What in the world was the Commander-in-Chief saying that had everyone in chaos, only to agree with one duel?

Erica found it utterly incomprehensible.


Next to the mansion, she spotted Schlus Hainkel standing alone.

His expression seemed anxious.

He looked like he was engulfed by unease.

Yeah, it was like someone suffering withdrawal symptoms from an addiction.

With trembling hands, he rummaged through his pockets—


He pulled out a white handkerchief.

What was that?

A ribboned handkerchief was definitely not something a guy would carry around.

An adult woman would usually use one adorned with frills or embellishments.

That handkerchief could only belong to a little girl.

And Schlus brought that handkerchief to his face—


He lunged at it and began inhaling deeply through his nose.

At first, I thought he was wiping his nose, but no, it wasn’t that.

Schlus was repeatedly taking deep breaths.

Watching him blankly, the only thought in my mind was—

*What a perv…*

That creep.

Disgusted, Erica turned on her heel—

“Erica? What are you doing here—”


She ran straight into Iris.

In that moment, Erica thought it would be bad to let Iris see Schlus.

At the same time, she didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping on Schlus.

Driven by those two desires, Erica desperately drew a spell, conjuring a Recognition Interference Barrier that enveloped herself and Iris.

An intricately hidden barrier that no one could detect.

If Schlus was sensitive, he might have noticed it.


“Wait a moment.”

I covered Iris’s mouth and waited a few seconds.

But Schlus didn’t walk over or peek his head in our direction.

I had successfully hidden the barrier…

Against that Schlus Hainkel.

I felt more accomplished than when I had beaten the teachers at spell calculation speed back in the academy.


“Oh, sorry.”

Finally realizing Iris was still there, I removed my hand.

“What on earth is going on?”

“Nah, Iris, did you perhaps…?”



Did you give Schlus a handkerchief once?

Or maybe has your handkerchief been stolen recently?

I wanted to ask, but the words got stuck in my throat.

I simply couldn’t bring myself to ask.

I was afraid of the answer.

Whether Iris was right or not, it would feel weird anyway.

*Ugh, I’m losing my mind.*

Thinking about it, everything surrounding Schlus seemed suspicious.

Iris seemed to have met Schlus in the past, and there was also that engagement scandal with the Crown Prince.

Although the Crown Prince had stopped wearing the ring lately and his voice had quieted down…

Not to mention, that overly friendly attendant…

Or the daughter of the mercenary who pledged loyalty as if promising eternity…

Not to forget that quirky genius who followed Schlus around so closely…

Somehow, it felt like I was the only one who didn’t know Schlus well.



I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

I finally decided to ask the question that had been frustrating me all along.

“What’s the deal with Schlus Hainkel? You must have met before coming to the Imperial University, right?”


Iris opened her mouth slightly in surprise and then smiled brightly.

It was somewhat annoying.

As if saying it was a question she had been expecting.

If Iris was as meticulous as I thought, she must have been prepared to answer this sudden question.

But if she thought she could squirm away like an eel, then she was mistaken.

This time, I wouldn’t let go until I got a satisfactory answer.

“Yes, long ago. We met ten years ago.”

“*Ten years ago…?*”

That was an unimaginable answer.

If Iris was saying it, it couldn’t possibly be a lie.

“You asked what kind of relationship we had? It’s hard to say outright… But let’s put it this way. Schlus is the only one who knows my true self beneath the mask.”


Iris placed her finger on her lips, as if it were a secret, and then, smiling, she walked past me and headed back to the mansion.

I stood there dumbfounded, staring at Iris’s retreating figure.

The only one who knows what’s behind the mask means…

That Schlus knows what I don’t even see in front of my longtime friend?


It was strange.

Hearing that made me think I would feel more hatred towards Schlus.

Yet, oddly enough, I felt betrayed.

By Schlus, not Iris.

No, it wasn’t exactly betrayal, but something different.

As I tilted my head and pondered, I—

*Jealousy? N-no way…*



I jumped at the deep voice behind me.

Schlus was standing right behind me.

“Let’s return to the military meeting. There’s something you need to hear.”


He lightly tapped my shoulder and headed towards the mansion.

I noticed Iris’s face lighting up when she saw Schlus beside her.

The two, who had been slightly apart, quickly grew closer, their hands nearly brushing as they began to chat.

Watching their backs, I felt a strange flutter in my chest.

It was hard to describe that peculiar feeling.


“Since that day… it seems this is the first military meeting.”

In the solemn atmosphere of the mansion, Pelaine looked around as he lowered his voice.

“We barely managed to hold our ground after barely entering the fortress while being chased by the enemy for three long days. But the situation has changed. The reliable Imperial Knight Commander has returned, and reinforcements have arrived. I believe it’s time for us to unite and launch a counterattack. Any objections?”


The knights responded in unison loudly.

I wondered if those were the same guys who had argued with Pelaine before the duel.

Of course, some still crossed their arms and looked displeased, glaring at Pelaine.

Yet, none of them dared voice their dissent.

In the end, they must have been in complete agreement that they should counterattack against the enemy that took their comrades.

“First, let me address the pressing issue we currently face. The most urgent matter is, of course, the enemy forces surrounding the fortress.”

It was certainly a thorn in our side.

While they were somewhat scattered, the enemy was certainly encircling the fortress.

“Right now, we’re facing only infantry, so it’s not a huge burden, but once the enemy starts constructing siege equipment, things will get tough. By then, we may not even be able to escape.”


Certainly, that encirclement wasn’t completely impenetrable.

If they put their mind to it, knights could break through.

We had already carved a path through the enemy on our way to the fortress and when rescuing the Imperial Knight Commander earlier.

However, that wasn’t the case for civilians.

Anyone attempting to approach the fortress would be blocked by the enemy.

They wouldn’t be able to receive supplies from the merchant guild hired by the suppression army.

“We’re already suffering from chronic supply shortages. Except for drinking water, we’re running low on everything. It’s urgent to sweep through the enemy ranks and break the siege before they even think about it.”

“I’m in agreement with that. The enemy is underestimating us too much.”

Cain nodded, joining in.

“When dawn breaks, we will launch an attack. The goal is to dismantle the siege. If enemy cavalry appears, we will avoid confrontation and focus on preserving our forces. Then the assault formation will…”

“Oh, I have something to say regarding that.”


I couldn’t hold back from interrupting the meeting.

The mages had finally come to reinforce us.

We didn’t need to fight in the same way we had before.

“If enemy cavalry appears, we will conduct a countercharge and engage them.”

“What did you just say?”

Pelaine’s eyes widened.

But that didn’t stop me from speaking.

“The mages will be deployed in the assault formation.”

“Mages? What if they get captured by the enemy?”


Cain frowned and protested.

In response, Pelaine simply gazed at me in silence.

Definitely, that was a common perception regarding mages in battle.

They could unleash overwhelming firepower for a couple of shots but would quickly become dead weight.

Thus, having mages come out of defensive positions to attack was practically a death sentence.

There were even assassins like Hertlocker specializing in hunting down recklessly bold mages.

Of course, we could disregard monsters like Sergey, who could single-handedly smash a castle.

“We will participate in the assault formation, but we will operate defensively. The goal isn’t the enemy’s infantry. It’s to aim for the annihilation of the enemy cavalry if they launch a large-scale sortie.”


I had a reason for not overusing grandiose spells since coming here.

We had five top-tier mages of the Empire among us.

Well, it would be three if you excluded Trie and me.

In any case, if the enemy dared to launch an organized charge, completely unaware of that fact…

That would be the moment we would surprise attack!

We absolutely needed to utilize the magical power our enemy didn’t possess.

“The enemy is overconfident. Meanwhile, we are far more intimidated.”

The knights were forcing morale, but the general soldiers were clearly exhausted.

It was nothing short of a miracle that they had held out for three days without sleep, considering their morale was down.

“To boost our morale, we need something other than trivial matters. We need a monumental battle. A meaningful counterattack. A significant victory that will deliver shock and fear to the enemy. We came as reinforcements for that victory.”

“If we deal a heavy blow to the enemy cavalry… that should definitely raise morale.”

“But that’s not where it stops. We will snatch the 4th Castle in one go.”


The knights looked at me and my party with disbelief.

Their expressions seemed to say, “Me?”

Yes. It’s your turn to do it.

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