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Chapter 114

Incident Report

Incident Number: 735E-14

Incident Content: Report on the situation during the escape of Abnormal Phenomenon 735

At around 3 AM on February 8, 2███, the escape incident of Abnormal Phenomenon 735 from its Isolation Room occurred.

Abnormal Phenomenon 735 killed two agents outside the Isolation Room and then began massacring all visible personnel inside the base. The entire base was placed under emergency alert, and the Barrier Wall was activated, but a few researchers, including Senior Researcher █ ███, were left behind after failing to evacuate.

When the Special Task Force, Foxtrot – 02, dispatched from Headquarters, entered the Barrier Wall, Base 17 was already severely damaged due to intense destructive activities.

During the search, the already neutralized Abnormal Phenomenon 735 was found, along with Abnormal Phenomenon 3740, which was temporarily neutralized as well.


Upon confirming the testimonies of the survivors rescued from beyond the Barrier Wall, it was revealed that Abnormal Phenomenon 3740 engaged in combat with the escaping Abnormal Phenomenon 735 at the request of its ‘followers.’

Considering the related incidents and the abilities of Abnormal Phenomenon 3740, it seems plausible to weaponize this abnormal phenomenon. However, the damage inflicted on the base during the confrontation between the two entities caused other issues, such as the escape of other abnormal phenomena.

Most importantly, there was a possibility that the containment failure of Abnormal Phenomenon 3740 itself could occur. As a result, according to the decision of the Management Committee, the plan has been permanently shelved.


Due to the recent incident, there have been reports of personnel prioritizing evacuation to the Isolation Room of Abnormal Phenomenon 3740 rather than the safe house during emergencies.

This is to remind all personnel in Base 17 that such actions are prohibited. While it is true that Abnormal Phenomenon 3740 exhibits a friendly demeanor towards us, this is only because it considers us its followers.

During the incident of 735E-14, the two entities performed destructive actions that could lead to the collapse of Base 17. It has been confirmed that if Abnormal Phenomenon 3740 encounters other abnormal phenomena, it could trigger a serious containment failure.

Should this abnormal phenomenon escape into the outside world, it would surely encounter numerous civilians. Given the behavior of Abnormal Phenomenon 3740 towards those who are not its followers, it is highly likely to result in a serious catastrophe.

While it’s good to cherish one’s life, we must remember that our purpose is to protect humanity.

– Responsible Researcher, Oliver Smith

“Poisonous? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

A numb voice flowed from Oliver, who was kneeling. In front of him stood a being so powerful it was called a goddess, looking down at him with not-so-pleasant feelings. It was clearly a dangerous situation, yet somehow, there was no sense of urgency in his voice.

“New Officer, are you flirting with me right now?”

“That’s nonsense.”

“Nonsense…? Then tell me, what exactly is this thing in my hand?”

Neferloot held out what was in her hand, revealing a small chocolate wrapper from a common brand that appeared to be purchased anywhere, slightly torn, showing its contents. The chocolate inside had a bite mark and revealed a green filling.

“Inside this fruit’s skin, there should only be sweet flesh… Yet, this fruit not only has a different colored skin but the flesh inside seems corrupted as well.”

To ordinary people, it was just chocolate with something extra inside. However, for the goddess, this was a serious issue. Her perception of the world was stuck thousands of years in the past, and the Management Office felt no need to inform this goddess about modern things.

The chocolate she held was given to her under the pretense of being fruits from distant lands that she had never seen before. A bit different-flavored snacks and wrappers with unusual colors would seem to her as merely spoiled or poisoned.

“What happened here? I thought you were responsible for managing the offerings.”

From a distance, it seemed a comical situation, but sadly for Oliver, who was experiencing it firsthand, it wasn’t light-hearted at all. Offerings to gods could invoke blessings but could also bring curses. The tales of those cursed for presenting offerings that displeased gods are common in various myths through the ages, and it was clear that the woman before him would not be pleased to receive spoiled fruits.


Closing his eyes, Oliver sighed deeply within. In truth, he had no intention of offering such polarizing snacks to her. He hadn’t even prepared such things or seen them when he had checked. One of the researchers must have eaten one out of hunger and replaced it with the closest thing available. Of course, this kind of mishap wasn’t the first or second time, and nothing had gone wrong in the past.

Still, wasn’t it a bit concerning that people had become so lax in their vigilance? Oliver firmly resolved to find and discipline the person responsible. Quickly, he thought of an appropriate excuse to say to her.

“Neferloot, that fruit isn’t spoiled. Instead, it’s quite the opposite.”


As he began to respond in a calm voice, a heavenly-sounding voice naturally spilled from her lips just like before.

“As I mentioned before, that fruit is harvested from trees that grow in a vast green maze where you can hear the chorus of all living beings.”

“Ah, I know about that. Isn’t it a place filled with ferocious beasts? I always appreciate your hard work for me.”

“No, I couldn’t possibly ask for thanks from a goddess.”

Even though he was saying all sorts of nonsense, remarkably, he wasn’t explicitly lying. He merely added a bit of embellishment to the fact that chocolate was made from cacao, and cacao trees typically grow in tropical jungles.

Behind him, whispers of researchers murmured, “What’s he talking about?”, “I don’t know, he’s probably just making something up again,” “Ferocious beasts…?” but soon after, it seemed Oliver sensed the gazes directed at his face as he glanced back, and the chatter died down.

“But sometimes, the tree bears fruits that are much rarer than usual.”

“Rare… fruits?”

“That’s right. Because the tree originally grows in darkness, on nights when celestial bodies align and complete darkness falls for a moment, it bears fruits of colors never seen before.”

Words flowed out of Oliver without interruption. Apart from the fact that cacao trees thrive in shade, it was nothing but a bundle of nonsensical lies. However, the goddess seemed to have no awareness that it was a lie and didn’t even think to doubt his words.

“The taste of that fruit is like flowers blooming in your mouth; every noble would appreciate its value, and that’s why I brought it to offer to you, goddess…”

Finally, as he finished speaking, he sneaked a glance at the goddess standing before him—her face already glistening with cold sweat.

“If by any chance, it doesn’t suit Neferloot’s taste—”

“It, it can’t be true! I merely made a ridiculous excuse because I wanted to see you for a moment!”

At that moment, just when he seemed to be exuding a vibe of suspicion, her dignified demeanor shattered, with a trembling voice.

“What a relief. I never thought the goddess wouldn’t recognize the value of that fruit.”

“Of course, I recognized it! I am the goddess of beauty and strength! I knew the worth of such precious fruit even before tasting it!”

Her gaze was shaky. To not betray the expectations of her followers, she struggled to pretend to be satisfied. But despite her pitiful effort, all the researchers watching her had already realized her terrible acting.

“…Y-yeah, right. Ahem! New Officer, I want you to know your efforts have greatly pleased me, but thinking about the hardships the followers must have gone through to bring me something so rare, my heart aches.”

“No, for the goddess, I would do anything.”

“Ah, no…! You don’t have to go that far for me!”

The goddess hurriedly interrupted Oliver’s words. It seemed she truly never wanted to eat mint chocolate again.

“So… make sure to only bring what I used to get from now on. Got it?”

With awkward gestures, she attempted to act dignified. However, there was no trace of the previous grandeur. In her attempt to hide her nervousness, she turned away and subtly observed Oliver’s response—

“I will comply. O Goddess.”

“Phew… Thank you.”

Just as he answered, she entirely forgot that she had been putting on an act, exhaling a loud sigh of relief that echoed throughout the hallway.

“Are you leaving?”

“Yes. I can’t leave the sanctum unattended for too long.”

After an unnecessary, yet potentially large problem was lightly resolved, Neferloot was regaining her solemn appearance while preparing to head back into the Isolation Room.

“And, you should show your face more often from now on. Aren’t you a New Officer?”

“I apologize. However, I must not neglect the maintenance of the temple as it resembles the goddess’s face.”

“Hmm… You put it that way, I have no choice. But don’t overexert yourself. Among the duties of followers, taking care of your health is also essential.”

“I will remember.”

As she expressed her concern for him, it wasn’t entirely wrong. After all, he was in charge of the entirety of Base 17. He worked tirelessly for the facility’s maintenance, that was undeniable.

Of course, even if he wasn’t busy, he wouldn’t personally take time out just to see her.

“Well then, I’ll return to the sanctum. If you ever need to call for me, feel free to—”

Neferloot headed toward the forcibly cracked open enormous door. Just before she fully stepped into the Isolation Room, Oliver felt a sudden tension and inhaled sharply.


Just before fully entering the Isolation Room, she suddenly popped her head back out with a puzzled expression.

“…What’s wrong?”

He asked her with a flustered voice.

The way she suddenly popped her head out felt reminiscent of a cat about to pounce on its prey, instilling unease in him.

However, the goddess did not respond to Oliver’s question and merely stared quietly at the end of the hallway.


At the end of the hallway was someone he already knew all too well.

Not a special person—just a researcher commonly found in the Management Office.

However, for some reason, next to that researcher stood a familiar figure who should be in the office.

“…Who is that?”

As the goddess’s voice echoed with a troubling tone, Oliver sensed that something major was about to happen and clenched his eyes shut.


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