Switch Mode

Chapter 93

“Anyway… since we can’t figure it out ourselves, should we just practice a bit?”

“…Is that okay?”

“Yes. I don’t really have a bad feeling about this.”

“Hm, I guess that’s true…”

It definitely doesn’t feel dangerous.

It seems so deep inside, it can only be felt if I concentrate really hard.

Rather than dangerous, it feels kind of… stupid.

Alright. Let’s give it a try.

“Okay, I’ll try practicing.”

“Then, lie down. Lie down and feel like you’re stretching your magical power.”


“Yes. You can either do it for real or just imagine it.”

“I-I’ll try.”

I lay down carefully so the Great Sword wouldn’t tear the bedspread.

At the same time, Rubia flopped down beside me.

“W-why are you lying down, Rubia…?”

“Just because. Now, come on, stretch!”

“A… alright.”

After nodding slightly, I stretched my limbs up and down.


“Stimulate the magical power inside you!”


As the energy inside me reacted to my actions, it jolted- and shook.

“Whoa, oh…! It just moved!”

“Ahah… yes, well done. Now try again. Come on… streeeetch-!”


This time, I stretched even bigger.

I was stretching so hard it felt like my limbs would tear, stimulating the energy.

The energy that had trembled before was now wriggling- and starting to rise.

“Oh, ohhh…!”

At this rate, I could probably start using it right away, right?

“Rubia…! Now! Right now…!!”

“Can you feel it already? Then shall we gather it where my finger is pointing?”

“Yes! Quickly… wha-what are you doing…!”

“We don’t have time to waste! Just do it!”

“Ugh… Rubia’s a pervert! Rubia’s so mean!”

I had a lot to say, but the feeling was starting to fade, so I reluctantly decided to follow Rubia’s instructions.

I grabbed the head of the divine power that was gently spreading throughout my body.

And then, I pulled it straight to Rubia’s fingertip at my navel.

The tingling sensation began to pool at my belly button.

“I-I did it…”

“Okay… now let’s move it here.”


I tightened my grip on the energy trying to escape and moved it more forcefully.

The resistance was rough, but it seemed it couldn’t overpower its master and gradually became gentler.

This foolish girl.

It would have been great if she listened from the start.

“It’s done…!”

“Now let’s try pulling it out.”


“It’s like releasing the gathered magical power outside your body.”


“Yes. Well… to put it simply… it’s like sneezing.”

Something about that explanation feels really vague.

But first…

“Then… Could you, uh, tickle my nose for me?”

“Heh… I didn’t say to actually sneeze!”

Are you… mocking me?! Are you laughing at me?!

“No! I just… don’t know what else to do!”

“Got it. I’ll give it a shot… heh heh…”

Rubia’s pleasantly scented hair began to tickle my nostrils.

“E-ehh… ughhh… ahhh…”

As the tickling persisted…

“Achoo! Hah-choo! Ah-choo!”

I sneezed three times, feeling rather refreshed.


“Oh… oh! Noah! It worked! It came out!”

“Whoa… really? Where… is it…?”

As I tilted my head, Rubia’s finger brushed my upper lip.

And then… she smiled brightly and said.

“It’s snot!”



“Whoa… Noah, you’re really getting good now?”

“Don’t talk to me…”

This is insane.

Okay, spilling is fine.

But why… why are you wiping it with your hand?!

That filthy thing!!

I’m really annoyed.

“It was just a joke…”

“Enough, Rubia, I don’t like you. Go away.”

I pushed away Rubia, who was sneaking up on me, and focused solely on the movement of my magical power.

It’s similar to the magical energy the monsters use.

It’s also somewhat like the divine power that Rubia uses.

But, it seems like it’s a bit different from what ordinary people use as magical power.

But you know what… if I had to pick, it’s closer to magical power, so I decided to call it that.


From my pinky to my middle finger.

From my middle finger to my arm, from my arm to my shoulder, from my shoulder back down to my arm.

My control over the magical power has clearly improved. No, it’s simply become perfect.

Right. Ever since I embarrassingly sneezed it out.


According to Rubia, the color of my magical power is a dark red.

Rubia said it was pretty because it resembles the color of my eyes.

Well, I’d rather not have weird rumors spreading… why on earth does it have to be a foreboding dark red?

It would’ve been better if it were bright red or jet black…

“Now… I’m going to tell you something truly amazing… are you not going to listen?”

“…Ah, I won’t listen. I don’t like you.”

I turned my head sharply.

Speaking of which.

The day my body started to have magical power has come…

I’m a bit… very touched.

Now, what should I do with this…

For one, it seems like I can’t shoot magical power out like Rubia.

Forget shooting, I can’t even form it.


“How are you going to use it?”

Rubia, who had stuck by my side, crossed her arms.

“I’ll show you.”

“Enough… don’t talk to a snot-nosed brat like me.”

“Pfft… Ah, no… Come on, Noah, you’re cute even with snot!”

“Ah, no, that’s gross…”

“Not at all. I like that side of you, too.”


In the end, Rubia loosened her arms and hugged me tightly.

Honestly, I was really angry just a moment ago.

I was annoyed, but then I felt like getting mad over it was petty… and that made me even angrier.

Huh? I’m feeling all these mixed emotions…

But as I hugged her and smelled Rubia, I felt a bit… relaxed.

This is why… this is why I didn’t want to let her close.

“Alright, I’ll only let you this once…”

“Hehe… Got it.”

“Really… I mean it.”

“Okay, okay. Thank you.”

I let my magical power scatter about and leaned my head against Rubia’s body.

It feels soft.

“So… how do I use this?”

“First off, Noah can’t visualize it like I can, right?”


“Then, you can use it for physical enhancement.”

Physical enhancement?

“I can’t enhance my body, but… um, let me show you the feeling.”

I nodded and lifted my body from Rubia’s lean.

“I’ll begin.”

Focusing my senses, I pictured Rubia’s divine power.

The power began to slowly bloom outward, seeping deep inside my skin.

“Like this… do you get a sense of it?”

“W-wait a sec…”

The divine power that had entered inside spread through my muscles and blood vessels.

It felt like fine and wide coating over them.

At the same time, it circulated continuously, maintaining an unbroken flow.

“Hmm… I think I get the principle…”

Without letting what I just saw slip my mind, I immediately attempted it.

Just like Rubia had shown me… pulling magical power up from my entire body…

“At first, it probably won’t go well.”

But can coating the surface like that really enhance me?

“I heard it usually takes an ordinary person around 6 months to a year to reach this level.”

Would it be better to let the power seep deeper and strengthen each muscle fiber instead?

Why not do it that way?

Hmm… maybe it’s because controlling it is tough.

“So, Noah, don’t be too impatient. Take your time.”

Ah… can I picture it because it’s drawn in my senses…?

Though I can’t feel it, I draw the magical power up and let it seep into various muscle parts. Not into a lump but into each muscle fiber.

“Right now, you’re strong enough. There’s no need to rush… huh? What, what’s happening…?”

As I poured the magical power into every bit of muscle, into every blood cell running through my veins.

The blood that had been flowing quietly in my veins sped up.

I could feel the muscle tensifying, and the force of contraction becoming stronger.

My body feels light.

“Noah… did you just succeed?”

“Y-yeah…? I-I guess so?”


What should I say when she asks how…?

“I just… worked hard…?”

“No, it’s not like it works just because you say it does…?”

“Umm… it kinda works, you know?”

Rubia pinched my cheek, her expression turning completely incredulous.

“Don’t go telling people that or you’ll get knocked on the head.”

“Ugh… I’m really not!”

“Hmm… So do you feel any changes?”


Besides feeling light and refreshed…

“I think I’ll need to use my body to find out…”

“Then, would you like to swing the Great Sword around?”

“Here? Without going outside…?”

“Yes. Just clear away all the clutter and do it. Like last time.”

I was a bit hesitant.

It’s true… if I go out, I’ll need to wear proper clothes, wrap a robe around me, and walk outside…

“Um… what if I break something…”

“Just pay for the repairs to Charlotte. I’m sure she won’t get too mad.”

“If that’s the case… I’ll give it a try here.”

“Pfft… good idea.”

Rubia immediately got up and started to move the table and chairs aside.

And before I knew it, enough space had opened up for me to swing the Great Sword.

“Is this good enough?”

“Yes, it’s plenty.”

There was enough space to swing it and take a step forward afterward without any issues.

With all this room, if any furniture gets damaged, I swear…

I’ll start calling Rubia “Sister.”

But if I don’t?

I’ll cut off her jelly privileges. For real. I’m putting everything on the line.

“Then I’ll give it a try…”

Once I saw Rubia step back, I tightly gripped the Great Sword.

The leather wrapped around Carpen’s hilt crackled- with tension.


Calming my breath slowly.

I stepped forward.

With a steadfast motion, I swung the Great Sword over my shoulder.


“Uh… Noah…?”

To the left, the right, and in front.

Three walls collapsed, and of course, all the furniture in sight shattered.

All that remains is the bed and the sofa…

Creeeak- BOOM-!

“What the heck? Is this a raid?!”

Charlotte burst in.

Thud- thud- thud!

“Lady Rubia! Sir Noah! Are you alright?!”

Yuria climbed up the root of the trees.

Thud- bang-!

And then the ceiling caved in.

“Rubia… sis…”

I managed to save my jelly in the end.

And Rubia said.

“Haah… this was all Noah’s idea first. I… I’m not at fault.”

She licked her lips.

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not work with dark mode