Switch Mode

Chapter 9

Following Nagisa, I discreetly scanned my surroundings. I memorized the locations of major buildings like the cathedral, central library, and general hospital. In reality, the academies in Kivotos are closer to government facilities than traditional schools, meaning those places should be regarded as national important facilities.


As I entered the T-party building, the officers in T-party uniforms came rushing towards me, startled. Since Nagisa isn’t a particularly strong character in terms of combat, perhaps they’re more sensitive about her safety.

“Where on earth did you disappear to yesterday?! You understand that you should at least give us a heads-up for preparedness, right? Just thinking about the trouble we went through looking for you yesterday… Ugh…!”

“Oh, I’m sorry! Something urgent came up, and I just couldn’t inform you all.”

“…And Mika-san! Skipping without notice! How could the host of T-party do something so irresponsible… Aaaah!!!”

Wow, this friend is really passionate. The way she grabs her neck at the end is perfect. If you think about it, my position is almost comparable to that of a president, yet she can speak so boldly to me. I have to admit, that’s quite brave.

But… is she collapsing like that because she lacks the confidence to handle the aftermath? Honestly, that’s a reasonable suspicion. It’s something that might happen in Trinity.

“I’m sorry! It seems this one ate something wrong! Someone take her to the Rescue Knights!”

Upon hearing the mention of the Rescue Knights, the representative officer visibly flinched. I was convinced that the fainting was an act. Just the thought of living here gives me a headache, my heart pounds, and I feel nauseous. I’m really going to lose it…

At this point, wouldn’t it be easier to embezzle some funds and make a run for it?

Maybe I should transfer to Abydos and go AWOL, becoming part of the lame second-string duo with Hoshino. Then, when Hina appears for the first time, her surprise of “Hoshino… Is that Takamachi Hoshino from Abydos?” would be priceless. I could also imagine her saying, “Wait… You’re the runaway angel from Trinity, Misono Mika?”

Of course, that kind of scenario would never happen, but honestly, enduring until the original story begins seems tough. And even if the original begins, what changes?

I’m really staying because of Nagisa and Seiya. Even if I abandon Trinity, Arius won’t just stand idly by. Those two are utterly powerless in terms of combat, so I have to at least play the role of a shield for them. Ironically, the original Mika ended up smacking their feet with her shield…

In this situation, I can’t just sit still. If I’m not careful, the authority of the leaders could be undermined, and anyone could rise up. That is definitely not a desirable outcome.

“Umm~ I just needed some ordinary time for a little Iltal yesterday! I guess the stress of being a host became too much, and I rather unintentionally blew up? Still, I’ll take our officer-chan’s harsh words to heart and become a diligent host for T-party from now on☆”

With my eyes closed, I approached the officer pretending to faint and lightly patted her shoulder. Of course, I controlled my strength properly. If I didn’t, she might really hurt herself.

Seeing her flinch upon my touch confirmed my expectation that she was indeed pretending. Still, since she scolded us without a filter, I’ll let that slide. Realizing her act was exposed, she should know better next time.

Well, I only did this much because it was annoying how she pretended to pass out. If she had stood there with a strong attitude saying, “I will take the punishment for this rudeness!” I would have wanted to praise her instead.

Anyways, I don’t see a reason to wake her up to scold her, and with that attitude, she probably isn’t from the Pater Faction, so I’m not inclined to push it further. For my happy ending, I should at least minimize karma and maximize allies.

“Oh! By the way! Right now, the leaders have something urgent to discuss, so you don’t have to follow us~ Everyone, keep up the good work, and see you later!”

“Yes, as Mika-san said. Everyone, let’s get back to our tasks. Those who had scheduled duties, please feel free to work on them autonomously during the morning hours. Well then, good luck everyone.”

I gave a subtle glance at Nagisa, and she immediately understood. She quickly issued detailed directives and began walking ahead again. As the host, I couldn’t just sit in silence after being scolded, so I had to take initiative even though I still had no clue where to go, making me helpless.

By the way, I’m not sure how to approach Seiya when I meet her. She won’t start with a prophecy or something, will she?

…Probably not?


“Mika. Fortunately, you seem to visibly have no problems, but I must request an explanation regarding why you worried me and Nagisa yesterday.”

Thank goodness. It seems either she hadn’t seen me yet or just hadn’t noticed. I think it’s more likely she hasn’t seen me.

“Seiya-chan, that is…”

“No, Nagisa-chan. I will explain. I think that’s the right thing to do.”

“…Understood. However, I want to tell Seiya-chan one thing.

“Hmm? What is it, Nagisa?”

As Seiya tilted her head looking at Nagisa, it confirmed my assumption that if you’re a named student, your appearance alone would be pretty much unfair. However, unlike Nagisa and me, Seiya’s small stature, fox ears on her head, and her entire look leaned heavily towards the cute side.

Glaringly rotten human… execution… Ugh, my head!

“Even if what Mika says sounds like the most absurd lies, please don’t doubt it. I will guarantee that everything she says is the truth, so please listen seriously.”

“…If Nagisa is saying that, it must be something terribly serious. Alright, Mika, please go ahead and explain. I’m quite curious just how ridiculous and absurd this story may be to warrant Nagisa’s remark.”

Common sense dictates this place should involve a serious conversation. My reasoning is screaming that. It must be so.

Nagisa, even if we’re close friends, to guarantee someone, isn’t that a grave error? Is she unaware that’s taboo among taboos?

Now, I’m unsure if I’m influenced by Mika or if this is just my inherent nature. I feel like a predator drooling over a delicious prey before me.

“Seiya-chan, here’s the deal…”


With a rather serious expression, Seiya looked at me. Is she truly prepared in case I decide to joke around in this situation?

No. The guard she usually maintains was effectively neutralized by Nagisa’s previous intervention.

Then how could a sparrow pass by a mill? For Misono Mika to refrain from pulling a lighthearted prank in a situation like this is simply absurd. It can’t happen and shouldn’t be allowed.

Perhaps I’ve blended more with the original Mika than I initially thought. I feel like the consciousness is only my own, while everything else seems to connect more closely with Mika than with me.

I had no intention of taking “if you can’t avoid it, enjoy it” this far. It seems there were no choices for me from the start.

“Wow, this isn’t easy. Well, I’ll say it. Seiya-chan, listen well. As of yesterday, I’ve decided to date Nagisa-chan! So today marks our second day! You know, I never thought Nagisa-chan would be such a passionate person☆ And also—”

“…What nonsense are you spouting, Misono Mika!!!!!!!!!!!”


Uh, Nagisa…? Where on earth did that roll cake come from? Do you have a separate dimension just for roll cakes and tea time supplies?

“Nagisa-chan…? Even so, that’s really not how it works…”

“Shut your mouth, will you! No, I’ll make you shut it myself! Clearly, you haven’t forgotten! Including the grievance of having played with me, I will never forgive you!!!”

Slowly backing away. There’s the door I entered right behind me, but running away through that isn’t very desirable.

The relationship between Mika and Nagisa has always been the same. Mika pulls a prank while Nagisa usually falls for it like, “Did you get played again, Nagisa…?” and then Mika intentionally receives her punishment.

With Mika’s physical capabilities, there’s almost no chance of her being beaten by Nagisa, so the unspoken rule between them is that they charge each other for pranks.

But this is my first time experiencing that, so I’m a bit scared…? Plus, Mika’s mouth is surprisingly small… That can’t really fit!

“…I understand that Mika acted like Mika once more, but Nagisa, what was that about? So you haven’t lost your memory, huh? You weren’t going to claim that Mika had amnesia, were you?”

“…Hah. Yes. It seems that I ended up revealing this with my own mouth, but you guessed right about Seiya-chan. I know how absurd it sounds, and that’s exactly why I said Mika’s words are factual, yet to make such a joke makes me reconsider its validity!”

An uncomfortable silence settled in. No one could immediately find the words. Seiya looked at me with a sympathetic gaze, and Nagisa… her kindness truly reminded me of how fragile she could be.

The fact that I didn’t crumble immediately upon hearing Seiya’s words displayed Mika’s inherent strength. It was after reaching the critical misunderstanding of having killed a friend that Mika started to collapse. In such extreme situations, anyone can be driven to the edge, so one shouldn’t judge Mika’s mental fortitude based on that.

However, ‘I’ had already crumbled once yesterday. I’m just an ordinary person who could potentially collapse again with Seiya’s words acting as a catalyst.

So, the fact that Seiya is concerned for me even during this situation, and Nagisa, who sincerely helped me—both are now shackling me.

“…Hahaha, Seiya-chan. Of course, I’m okay☆ So please don’t make such a sad face! And Nagisa-chan, no matter how pretty the original is, that face won’t cut it, so hurry and stop!”

I will protect T-party no matter what. I won’t let the bond between the three of us fracture.

That is the only repayment I can offer to you two who extended a hand to me when I was at the edge. The only way I can repay you for what should have been a happiness for all three of you, is to ensure you remain untainted by this foreign presence.


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not work with dark mode