Switch Mode

Chapter 77

“Come in.”

Creek– As the door opened, Hephaestus, dressed in a fluffy fur coat, entered.

“Phew… Is Noa unnie… still asleep?”

“Oh, it’s you, Hephaestus. Yes… she’s still sleeping.”

It had been over a week since the equipment was completed.

Noa was still asleep.

“The problem is… there isn’t one, right?”

“Yeah. No problems at all. That’s what’s weirder.”

Noa, who had been asleep for almost a month, seemed perfectly fine.

Her breathing was steady, and her complexion was the same.

There were no signs of weight loss, and Yuria’s mentions of the Elixir’s side effects didn’t show on the surface either.

One thing that had changed was…

Magical power had begun to swirl within Noa’s body.

Originally, there hadn’t been a single speck of magical power in Noa’s body.


After about a week of her sleeping, a faint magical energy began to manifest, and now it swirled around her body far more than that of ordinary holders.

For now… I think Noa fell into this deep sleep to adapt to the magical power…

But I don’t really know.

From me to Yuria, Charlotte, and Revuze.

We looked through all kinds of books, sought advice, and inquired everywhere, but they said such a case had never been seen.

“Did you eat?”

“I was going to eat with Rubia unnie. She hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday.”

“Well… I see. I just haven’t had an appetite…”

“Still, you have to eat! If you don’t, Rubia unnie will collapse!”

With a thump– Hephaestus dusted off her hands and put down the basket with a sly smile.

“I brought a bit of jelly just in case… This time I’ll have to take it back again…”

Hehe… No need to bring it. There’s a huge pile of it here.”

“Wow… Is all that jelly?”

“Yup. A whole lot, isn’t it?”

Charlotte and Yuria had been bringing jelly every time they visited Noa, piling it up to the point it covered half the window.

Half of it was from me, but…

“By the way… It’s really gotten cold. It’s snowing more and more.”

“Ugh… I know. Aren’t you cold? I’m still feeling chilly inside…”

Hehe… Alright, give me your hand.”


Hephaestus hesitantly reached out.

I took her hand and sent a bit of Divine Power to warm her up.

“Oh, whoa! It’s warm!”

“Right? It should last for about a day. Just take off your coat and relax.”


Hephaestus tossed her coat aside with a bright smile and opened the basket.

“Ta-da! Master’s special sandwich!”

“Wow… That looks delicious!”

“Yeah. There’s a bit too much greenery, but… it’s still tasty. She insists on making sure you eat all these healthy greens!”

Hehe… Sure, I guess I will.”

Though I had no appetite… I felt obliged since she made it for me…

I picked the thinnest sandwich from the dozen or so in the basket.

Hephaestus’s expression looked unsatisfied.

Keeping an eye on the younger sibling…

I took a bite out of the sandwich.

“But… Ursphere is going to be tough.”

“Why suddenly?”

“Well… Noa, the Master, and the Princess can use magic, so they’re fine. But those like me who can’t control magic will struggle when there’s this much snow. It’s all slippery… What’s the point of having protection without being able to use magic freely?”

Clapping her hands together as she complained, Hephaestus turned to look out the window again.

Hehe… That’s true. It’s quite unfair.”

Nodding along, I took another bite of my sandwich.

This time, it was a nut cream sandwich.

It was delicious.

After swallowing the bite with coffee, I spoke up.

“But still… We have to understand that this much snowfall is due to Tylant’s seal.”

“Yeah. Even with the seal, it’s this strong… If it gets released… Ugh! I don’t even want to imagine!”

Hephaestus shivered, as if recalling Carpen’s nightmare.

I patted Hephaestus’s shoulder and reached for another sandwich.

After repeating this a few times, we quickly finished.

“Thanks for the meal, Hephaestus. Make sure to tell Yuria I ate well…”


Finally, I was full.

I thought I wouldn’t be able to eat after not having food for a while… but it all went down smoothly.

“Well, I’ll be going now. You should rest too! Aren’t you staying up too much? You look like you have huge dark circles under your eyes!”


I couldn’t feel it by touching, but subconsciously I brought my hand to my eyes.

“Actually… I was lying. I just guessed. You really do look like you haven’t slept.”

Seeing Hephaestus with a shy smile made me feel a sense of satisfaction.

At first, she seemed a bit uncomfortable calling me ‘unnie’, but now it doesn’t seem to bother her at all… and that felt nice.

“Sheesh… Anyway, let’s hurry. I’ll take you there.”

“Huh? No way… I’ll go alone. You stay by Noa unnie’s side.”

All bundled up in her coat, Hephaestus smiled brightly and opened the door.


At the same time, a stronger wind began to batter against the window.

“Maybe I should’ve taken you instead.”

“…I-I’m fine. I’m not a kid… I can go alone.”

With the corners of her lips twitching down, Hephaestus forced a smile and dashed out before I could stop her.

Hearing her footsteps fade, I stood up and looked out the window.

To keep an eye on Hephaestus leaving.


Three hours later.

The snowstorm intensified.

It began to blow like mad.

The snow falling from the sky turned to fog, blanketing the city.

The waves were so high that you couldn’t see the building right in front of you.

Without magical protection, one couldn’t walk; the wind pushed the body back.

People began to go missing in the city.

The first victim was…



A wind so strong it was hard to open my eyes blew past.

I desperately held my head high, fortifying my Divine Power.


This was already the third time.

I called Charlotte’s name three times, but there was no response.

The wind drowned out my voice.

Reluctantly, I sent a gentle pulse of Divine Power toward the back of Charlotte’s head.

Only then did Charlotte stop and turn to me.

There was no snow falling around her.

Perhaps because she was wrapped in flames of magical power, the snowstorm seemed to steer clear of her.

I wrapped my Divine Power around me heatedly, but it didn’t have the same effect as Charlotte’s.

“Charlotte! Where’s Yuria?”

“I don’t know! She went out alone looking for Hephaestus! Crazy girl!”

With a click of her tongue, Charlotte began to walk forward again.

“Charlotte! Can’t you shoot a firework into the sky? My Divine Power is hidden by the snowstorm!”

After pondering for a brief moment, Charlotte quickly figured out what I meant and shot fireworks into the sky, bang- bang-.

The fireworks shot up into the sky, spreading out and asserting their presence against the snowstorm.

The intent was to signal that we were searching in this direction, so please move to the side.

With someone as capable as Yuria, this snowstorm wouldn’t be a problem, so we meant we could spread out to search.

I hoped she understood properly…

“Great! Charlotte! I’ll check another area, so keep shooting them!”

“Got it! Be careful!”

I gave Charlotte a bright smile before turning right and starting off.

I kept calling out for Hephaestus as I wandered around.

It had already been about six hours.

We had roughly thirteen left…

It shouldn’t be a problem.

I shook my head, shaking away useless thoughts.

She must be alive.

I had wrapped my Divine Power around her, and…

She was a kid who had notably dodged the remnants of shadows scattered by Kalt.

She must have evaded this easily.

I thickened my Divine Power as I moved forward.

About half a day passed.

Beyond the curtain of snow…

A tremendous uproar surged skyward like tree roots bursting through.

At the same time, flames rose from the same spot.

Did I find her?

I turned and hurried toward the flames.

After about 20 minutes, Charlotte’s fireworks came into sight.

Right in front of our hideout.

I practically dashed toward it.

“Charlotte! I found Hephaestus… huh…?”

Yuria was sitting on the ground, holding a rock in her hand.

Charlotte was staring blankly, clutching a rock.

The very rock Hephaestus had cherished.

The one Yuria had created.

The rock that allowed them to feel each other’s status.

That rock…

Was in Charlotte’s hand.

And in Yuria’s hand.

The rock that should have belonged to Hephaestus…

Was right here.

Yuria’s trembling eyes looked at me.

Charlotte’s lost gaze floated in the air.

What expression was I making right now?

What kind of look was on my face?

Am I crying?

I didn’t know.

But… I can’t afford to lose it too.

I took a breath and composed myself, approaching my companions.

I spread my Divine Power with all my might, blocking the intrusion of the snowstorm, even if just for a moment.

Then I spoke softly.

“First… let’s go inside. We’ll regroup and then head out again.”

Charlotte looked at me with vacant eyes.

Then she shook her head.

Grinding her teeth, she denied it.

“No! She’s alive. Definitely.”

A glimmer of light returned to Yuria’s eyes.

“Yuria, let’s go inside quickly. We’ll warm up and come out again. We’ll find her this time. It seems she’s taken refuge in the nearest house. Hephaestus… being who she is, she could definitely do that.”

“Y-yeah? She’s cunning, though… certain… smart… She’ll definitely be alive…”

“Yes, I think so too. Charlotte, you should come in too. Let’s set our directions and ranges, then head out again.”

I pulled Yuria to her feet and grabbed Charlotte’s arm.

With that, we forcefully pushed open the door and all entered, heading up to the top floor.

After leaving Yuria with Charlotte, I headed to my room to check on Noa’s condition.

Just in case…

If Noa had awakened… I would quickly be able to find Hephaestus.

Relying on hope isn’t wise, but…

For Hephaestus right now, I could allow myself to be a little bad.

As soon as I opened the door…


The view outside caught my attention.

It was clear.

The madness of the snowstorm that had been raging up to that moment had vanished.

No, it wasn’t gone.

It was gathering in one place.

Following the direction, I shifted my gaze.

At the summit of Karahan.

There was a magic circle painted like the sky, and at its center, a small sphere was emerging.

All eyes in Ursphere were drawn toward the small sphere.

It was swelling in size.

The ever-growing sphere…

Covered the sky.

And then.

The magic circle inverted.

The sky…

Was pouring down.

It crumbled.

Flowing along the mountain range.

Flowing and flowing, it rippled across the mountains.

The ripples settled and turned into waves.

The waves erupted into a tsunami.

Thus, the erupted tsunami became an ocean.

The ocean turned into a disaster.

And descended upon the world.

A snow avalanche.

Could mere human words express that disaster?

An indescribable white disaster approached.

At this rate, Ursphere would surely perish.

There was no escaping it.

Where was Hephaestus?

Could Yuria and Charlotte… and my powers stop that?

What on earth…


First, move.

Shaking off the terror, I turned away.

And then.


In that spot…

“Hello, Rubia.”

A pair of clear red eyes.

The long-awaited person.


“Yeah. It’s been a while.”

She was looking directly at me.

“I have so much to say and things I want to do… I want to eat all that jelly piled up there too.”


Had risen from her spot.

“Looks like there’s not much time.”


Toward the new Great Sword made by Hephaestus.

“I don’t know what will happen, but… once it’s all over…”

She walked straight.

“Can we talk a bit?”

“No… is it really you…?”


Noa grasped the Great Sword.

“Something… something feels odd—”

“It’s okay.”

And smiled.

“Hmm, Hephaestus… see that blue roof? She’s inside there, trembling. So hurry and take care of her.”

An absurd smile.

“Please tell her thanks for the Great Sword.”

So heartfelt.

“I’m so happy that Rubia was the first person I saw when I opened my eyes.”

So sorrowful.

“Well then, I’ll be off.”

A sad smile.

Noa turned her back and stepped outside.

She went down the stairs.

Her footsteps grew distant.

And then… they no longer could be heard.

I turned my gaze back to the window.

What was bearing down…

The avalanche that sought to cover the sky…

That sought to erase Karahan…

And Ursphere.



Split apart.


That day…

Humanity witnessed not the challenger against God,

But the first and last ‘adversary’ that stood against God.

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not work with dark mode