Switch Mode

Chapter 63

“Who are you?”

A raucous voice echoed in the room.

At the same time, Rubia turned her head.

“Human? No, a beast?”

The pain was gone, but I forced my screaming body to rise.

I stumbled several times, my legs wobbling, but I finally stood up and grasped the Great Sword.

“Not a beast… then a monster?”

Rubia swallowed her breath.

“Aha… a demon?”

As the woman’s lips curled slightly, Rubia’s mouth opened.

“Sha, rlotte?”

“Huh? What… what’s going on? Rubia?”

The mocking face from earlier softened instantly.

The previously twisted lips now balanced out into a bright smile.

“Why are you here…”

But Rubia’s expression slowly began to rot.

“Wow… that mighty chest of yours is still the same!”


What did she just say?

“That vulgar mouth of yours is still the same too.”

Rubia, who had been crying until she was exhausted, regained her energy.

Vigor…? Killing intent…? Well… whatever, she’s full of spirit now!

“Ugh, Rubia really shines when she’s insulting… heh… huff…”

“Crazy woman…”

Rubia’s expression twisted further.

The woman named Charlotte entwined her legs and seemed ecstatic.

“Hmm… by the way, what’s that next to you?”

Charlotte’s gaze that was directed at Rubia shifted back to me.

Her previously excited voice had calmed significantly.

Clear hostility was directed at me.

“Not that it matters.”

Rubia blocked my view.

“Looks like this kid here is the one who caused all this. Even if he’s your acquaintance, it’s hard to overlook this, don’t you think?”

Charlotte made a sharp expression again as she slowly let down Hephaestus, who was draped over her shoulder.

“Wow… what’s all this? It feels like a real demon just passed through.”

Then, she walked over to me, continuing to speak.

“Well, I know they’re bad guys, but this is too much. People and people—”

“It’s a monster.”

Rubia’s firm voice interrupted Charlotte’s casual words.

“Hmm? Did I mishear?”

“You heard correctly. It’s a monster. No, it would be right to call it a beast.”

Charlotte stopped in her tracks.

“… Really?”

Her stiff face turned towards me.

“A beast… a beast…”

Then, she picked up a piece of meat from the ground, looking my way.

gulp – Rubia, with a tense expression, swallowed dryly.

After staring at that scene for a while, Charlotte burst into laughter.

“It’s not a beast, it’s an insect. It’s a scorpion. A very red scorpion.”

“Phew… That’s right. It’s an insect.”

A sigh of relief escaped Rubia’s lips.

So what’s going on right now?

Who is this Charlotte person complimenting Rubia’s chest, and why is Rubia so tense?

“Rubia. Don’t you have a reason to answer now?”

A smile formed on Charlotte’s lips.

“Right… I was hired—no. She’s my friend.”

“Ha… Ru, Rubia…!”

Not hired adventurer but friend…!!

My body, already feeling like it could break, suddenly felt buoyant again with Rubia’s words.

“Hehe… friend~”

“Hmm? Friend?”

However, unlike me, Charlotte’s voice had plummeted.

“Yes. An irreplaceable, precious friend.”

Rubia declared resolutely, gripping my hand tightly.

Gah!…! Rubia! Are you trying to kill me?!

“It’s making me… quite jealous, you know?”

With a distorted expression, Charlotte stepped toward me.

“I asked you to start as friends, and you declined.”


“Didn’t even flinch for my money.”


“Rubia, who wouldn’t sway at my power…”


“And now she calls someone else friend?”

As Charlotte’s breath came close enough to be heard, she reached her hand out.

At the same time, Rubia snatched that hand away.

“Charlotte. I said she’s my friend.”

“Wow… no, huh.”

With the other hand, Charlotte roughly tousled her bangs and released an aura of sharp magical power.

Divine Power surged ferociously from Rubia’s body too.

As the mood started to heat up…

“Your friend is asking if she can get a little handsy with your chest, is that so bad?”

A strange sound came from Charlotte’s lips.

“Yes. Absolutely not.”

Rubia seriously responded to that nonsense…

“It doesn’t look like there’s much to grab, but let me just touch it slightly. Just to feel it.”

Wha, touch? Just feel…?

“I said no.”

“Then how about that rear?”

“Get lost.”

“Man, what a disappointment… But hey? Did Rubia put a stamp on it? Then I’ll give up.”

“Wh, what… huff…”

Rubia, who had been hesitant, hung her head low.


Then, Charlotte’s other hand, which had once smiled, reached out toward me.

As I tried to subtly slip away…

“Yes. It’s mine.”

From Rubia’s mouth, weird… words came out.

At the same time, Charlotte’s hand halted in mid-air.

“… Did I mishear?”

“Your hearing isn’t great today. You heard me right.”

An awkward silence enveloped the room.

Feeling this silence was too suffocating, I gently tugged on Rubia’s sleeve.

“Ru, Rubia… who in the world are you…?”

Who can casually say such crazy things?

“Ah, um… this human is—”

Before Rubia could finish, Charlotte spoke first.

“What? You were just closing your eyes, so I thought you were—”

“… Yeah.”

I nodded hesitantly.


The truly shocking reaction came back.

“Whoa, damn… that’s even hotter.”

What… what did she just say?

“Uh, huh…? Yeah…?”

“Seeing you up close makes you cute, and your lower body seems sturdy, yet your body looks soft… huff… hard to resist.”

Charlotte wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, starting to breathe heavily.

She began rubbing her legs together… what the heck is this person?

“Don’t look at me.”

As Charlotte’s breath became increasingly ragged, Rubia completely blocked my view.

“Hey, isn’t it a bit too much to not let me touch or even see?”

“Your gaze is filthy.”

“What am I supposed to do about being born this way? If you’re upset, go ask my mom over there.”

That tone didn’t match the elegant voice at all.

But seriously, who is this person?!

“Well… anyway, you said I don’t know who you are, right?”

“Ah, um… yeah.”

Charlotte cleared her throat and, unlike before, spoke slowly and solemnly.

“Um- Um… My name is Charlotte von Sunrise. The third princess of the empire, responsible for the royal family’s disgrace.”

The third princess…?

Responsible for disgrace…?

But, a princess???

The emperor’s daughter???

“Uh, ugh…! Y-you’re a princess?!”

But wait.

Why… is she acting like this…?

If she’s a princess, she’s someone really important…

But Charlotte seems like a total punk…

Her tone is rough, her expressions are rough… her posture too… she’s totally a punk…

“Everyone else recognizes my blonde hair and bronzed skin immediately, but you don’t, so your reaction is just refreshing… heh… so tasty.”

Blonde… tanned…?

And a punk…?!


Something… something about approaching her feels like a disaster waiting to happen.

As I slowly backed away, I pulled Rubia a little closer.

Rubia, I don’t think getting close is a good idea either…

“… Hah… yes. That’s right. Charlotte is a princess. Though whether someone like this should be called a princess is up for debate.”

With a slurp Rubia spat out a harsh curse right in front of Charlotte, then came over and roughly pulled me in.

“Anyway, don’t touch.”

Because I’m hers.

Rubia’s quiet voice wrapped up the conversation.

“Wow, huh… wow…”

Charlotte, who kept exclaiming in admiration, spat on the floor and pulled a rectangular box from her pocket.

It was a cigarette.


Lighting it with a flint, Charlotte exhaled a deep sigh mixed with smoke as she muttered.

“Is Rubia really that delicious…?”

Though I couldn’t see her eyes, a heavy sense of unease wrapped around my body.

Following my instincts, I wrapped my arms around myself and hid behind Rubia.

“Anyway, what brings you to Ursphere?”

“Of course I’m here for a request. Then I heard a loud noise and came here.”

A request?

The princess?

“Why? Surprised to hear a princess taking jobs?”

Snicker- Charlotte laughed and asked me.

“Um… yeah.”

“Princesses can be adventurers too, you know. So here I am.”

Charlotte playfully tapped her great sword hanging at her waist.

“How about it? Pretty cool, right?”


“I’ve got plenty of money. Like a lot.”


“And power, too. I’m the emperor’s daughter.”


“See? Mine might be smaller than Rubia’s, but they’re still pretty big.”

“Ah, um…”

“Man, is this really big? Why’s your reaction like that?”

Charlotte cupped her breasts with both hands and shook them.

Even though I couldn’t see them… I turned away, feeling embarrassed.

“Noah, don’t talk to people like that. Speaking of which, how’s your body? Are you okay?”

Rubia turned back toward me, slightly bending down to check my face.

“J-just a little dizzy…”

“Does your body hurt? Any injuries… agh, how much pain could you have been in…”

She gently poked and prodded my arms and legs.

“How’s your mind? Feeling… um, anything strange like craving something…?”

“Uh, eep… yes. I’m fine.”

After Rubia embraced me tightly with a worried face.

“It seems so… hmm…”

Charlotte laughed lightly, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

“Rubia, and um… what’s your name?”

“… Uh, is it okay to tell you…?”

“Don’t tell her.”

“Hey! What could I possibly do with just a name? Am I going to poke holes thinking of it or twist my nipples? Man, this is too much.”

I really feel like I shouldn’t reveal my name.

For real.

Anyway, I know my name, but the princess doesn’t know mine…

“No, it’s Noah… Shin Noah.”

“Your surname is Shin, and your name is Noah?”


“From the East?”


“You’re an adventurer?”


“Gold rank?”


“Riiight. A demon.”



“A blood-drinking demon. I didn’t think the rumors were true, but this is shocking.”

Charlotte rubbed her forehead.

“Ugh… okay, let’s move. I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”

Rubia tugged me closer.

“Got it. I won’t touch you, so hurry out. Don’t you want to end up caught by the Knights?”

“The Knights?”

I stretched my senses slightly.

Then, I could see a group of knights rushing this way.

I quietly turned my head and whispered into Rubia’s ear.

“Um, uh… Rubia… they’re really coming…? 21 people…”

Rubia’s body jolted.

“Where are we going?”

As Charlotte walked toward the door, she simply turned her head and smiled.

“To the hideout. I’ll give you a self-pleasure device as a gift. I’ve got some used and some new, so take whichever one you like. If you need instructions, I can tell you. Live.”

… I don’t want to go.

I think I’d rather just get captured…

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