Switch Mode

Chapter 59

“Calm down, Hephaestus.”

Hoo… Sss… Hoo…

Mariel looked quite flustered, and I was no better.

The plant that the crime organization was cherishing was created by Hephaestus’s master…

Of course, thinking of Yuria from the game, I know she’s not someone to be kidnapped by such a pathetic crime organization.

That means…

Yuria has encountered something bad with a very powerful being.


Yuria might be… affiliated with that organization.

Moreover, the fact that the members of that organization tore off leaves to bring back to the boss means they understood the plant’s potency well.

“Alright. Now… can I ask what I want?”

Hephaestus, seemingly calmer than before, opened her mouth with a determined look.

“Yes, you’ve worked hard. First… you’re saying that the Eliximona, which Hephaestus knows, looks exactly like the plant Mariel described?”

“Yes. Absolutely… I remember clearly. My master always moved it to a portable pot when going far away. So I remember it well. Besides… he took it on this request too…”

Upon hearing Hephaestus’s words, Rubia nodded slightly.

“Eliximona… Eliximona. Definitely a plant I’ve never heard of. Do you happen to know what the leaves do?”

“No… I just know it’s amazing, not the specific effects…”

Hephaestus’s voice gradually decreased, trailing off as she lowered her head.

Rubia too seemed to be lost in thought, tapping her chin.

Silence crept in, heavy and suffocating.

I broke that silence.

“Then, shall we… go back to Ursphere… ugh…”

Suddenly, all eyes turned to me, and I stiffened up…

Just three people!

Can’t I even speak among these three?! This is ridiculous!!

But, wait… everyone’s expressions look so bad…

What if they take it out on me…?


As I nervously hunched over, Rubia slowly held my hand.

“Noah, it’s okay. Just keep talking.”

Rubia’s warm grip seemed to melt some of my tension away.

“Hoo… Hoo… How about we head to Ursphere…? Since Mariel… running away means she has no idea of her general location… ah, or maybe she does…!”

“That’s definitely a possibility. Mariel, do you by any chance know where you ran from?”

Rubia turned her head to Mariel with a louder voice upon hearing my words.

Mariel flinched as if surprised, then finally spoke.

“Um… yes, I can tell you if we go to Ursphere, but… that…”

“Yes. You just need to take us close. The rest we can handle. Right, Noah?”


Suddenly, me?

I tilted my head in confusion when Rubia whispered softly.

“Can’t you use your senses to see inside the buildings?”

“Ah…! Y-yes, that’s possible…!”

Is Rubia a genius?

She totally is!

“So, Mariel, just tell us the location and you can go somewhere safe. You can go to a temple or a hospital as I’ll convey the information.”

“Then… I understand. I will tell you.”

Mariel nodded firmly with both fists clenched.

At the same time, Hephaestus lifted her head, looking slightly relieved.

“But it’s impossible to go down right now. Let’s sleep well tonight and set off early tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. Got it… But, but… what if-”

“Hephaestus, it’s fine. It won’t happen.”

“Y-yeah, but… ugh-”

“It’s okay. Nothing to worry about will happen. So let’s sleep tonight and talk again tomorrow.”

With one hand grasping mine and the other patting Hephaestus’s shoulder, Rubia looked like a truly benevolent saint.

“Thank you so much, Rubia… really…”

“Don’t mention it. Also, wash your face before bed. You’ll wake up with a swollen face tomorrow.”

“Okay… got it.”

While Hephaestus trudged toward the basin filled with water, Rubia turned her gaze to Mariel.

“Mariel, I still have questions to ask. But for now, please get some rest. You need your strength to move tomorrow morning. We have a lot of luggage, so it’ll be tough, but you’ll need to walk to the entrance.”

“Ah, yes. Understood.”

Mariel got up with determination and headed towards where Hephaestus was.

Then Rubia turned her head toward me.

Watching Rubia’s busy expression, I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.

“Noah? Is something good happening?”

“Hehe… Uh, no… I just thought it was funny seeing Rubia so busy…”

“I’ve got a headache and a sore neck, and you’re saying I look funny?”

With her voice filled with sarcasm, Rubia immediately pinched my cheek hard!

Meeek! Ah, oh no…

Puhuhuh! Ugh, you’re so ugly. Noah, get ready for bed quickly. We have to wake up early tomorrow.”

After releasing my cheek, she patted my rear lightly.

“Then I’ll go brush my teeth and be right back.”

“Alright. Hurry back.”

I waved off Rubia and slowly walked toward my backpack.

I thought I heard Rubia mutter something to herself on the way.

Not that I can see ghosts…

This world has no cellphones, so it must just be my imagination, right?


As Rubia suggested, we woke up early in the morning and packed our bags, setting off for Ursphere.

Maybe it was because Mariel was an ordinary person and her stamina was low; we were moving a bit slowly, but we managed to arrive at the entrance before dusk.

The first climb to Karahan was… a little anticlimactic, contrary to my resolve.

“This place is still so noisy.”

Hephaestus scanned the surroundings with a sharp tone.

“Uh-huh… It sure is…”

I too looked around.

I wasn’t feeling resentful like Hephaestus was… I was just really hungry…

Having rushed down without eating a single meal, my stomach was growling…

But even suggesting food felt too heavy for the atmosphere, so I just quietly clutched my grumbling belly and trudged along.


“So, what should we do now? Should we head straight over or rest and go in the morning?”

Rubia asked about our next plan.

“Logically speaking, I think resting thoroughly and going when we’re in good condition is best. But…”

“…I think so too.”

Hephaestus chewed on her words, lowering her head.

I knew she was itching to go see what’s up…

“I’m fine with whenever.”

Mariel meant she’d agree with whatever decision was made…

Rubia and Hephaestus turned their faces towards me.

“Uh, um… Ah…”

“Speak comfortably, Noah. Honestly, although I’ve been talking a lot, your opinion is the most important.”


“If something unexpected happens, the first person connecting with the enemies will be… you, Noah. I’ll try to deal with it before that happens if I can, of course…”

Hmm… That’s true.

I silently widened my senses to closely observe Hephaestus’s expression.

A face twisted in distress.

Lips pressed tightly, as if she were holding something back.


If I were in that situation…

If Rubia had been kidnapped…

“We go right now…”

I didn’t even need to think further.

“Huh? O-Okay, are you alright…?”

“I-I’ll… but…”

Hephaestus’s expression brightened a bit before it darkened again.

This is embarrassing to say…

Clutching the hilt of my sword and biting my lip…


The sound of my stomach echoed through the street.

Hephaestus tilted her head.

Rubia looked amused and confused…

And Mariel… Mariel’s expression was… anxious?

“Let’s eat before anything else… I’m… so hungry…”

“Oh, right. We haven’t eaten…”

Only then did Hephaestus finally realize we were starving.

“Yes, we should eat first…”

Rubia still had that amusing expression.

Mariel… did she smile?

Just barely.

It wasn’t visible on her face, but her very slight muscle movement seemed to draw a smile.

“Excuse me, but… can I go to the restroom…?”

Mariel, who had just wiped off her previous expression, opened her mouth, looking shy.

Something feels off…

“Uh, yeah. Go ahead.”

“Then I’ll-”

“Hephaestus. Should we check out some restaurants while we wait?”

Rubia interrupted Hephaestus, who was heading toward the restroom, grasping her shoulder, anchoring her in place.

“Uh…? What? No, I’m going to the…!”

“Should Noah come with you?”

“Uh…? O-Okay…?”

I felt some pressure from her expression.

It was one of those looks demanding I nod my head without question, forcing my approval.

“Alright, Mariel. We’ll look around this area.”

“Ah, yes. I’ll be back quickly.”

As soon as Mariel disappeared, Rubia’s previously warm smile turned serious.

“Everyone, listen up.”

As soon as Mariel was out of sight, she wore a grim expression.

“It’s certain that Hephaestus’s master is not at the Red Scorpion’s hideout. The probability that Eliximona is also not there is high.”

“Huh? Wh-what does that mean…?”

“We don’t have time, so questions later. First, listen to me. And here.”

Rubia pulled a small stone from her pocket.


It was the location-tracking artifact pulled out of Mariel’s abdomen.

But didn’t they say it would break if mishandled?

“It’s not one that’s operated remotely; it needs to be activated by the user.”



After a brief pause, Rubia continued speaking.

“I could understand up to this point, but when she saw me… she started rubbing her belly like she was searching for something.”

Closing her eyes and quietly grinding her teeth, Rubia then spoke with a voice that sounded like it was marinating in anger.

“Those bastards… I’m pretty sure they’re with the Red Scorpion. No, I’m certain.”

“Uh, um…?”

Amid Hephaestus’s startled tone, I heard Rubia’s puzzling muttering.

“They have the audacity to touch what’s mine? They will pay for it!”

The look on Rubia’s face, fierce like a fierce spirit, was directed at me.

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not work with dark mode