Switch Mode

Chapter 541

Recently, it felt strange how often I found myself at the Student Council.

Thinking that it would soon become my daily routine gave me a peculiar feeling, but anyway.

“Mi-Mika, what brings you to the Student Council today?”

“Could you check if Acting Student Council President Nanagami Rin is available to meet with that person?”

“Uh, please wait a moment. I’ll confirm that right away.”

Standing in the foyer of the Student Council building, I tapped my toes on the ground. I didn’t have time to waste like this.

I thought it would look best to contact Rin first procedurally, so I hadn’t bothered to reach out to Kaya separately.

Even if it was just a short amount of time, if I’d waste valuable time like this, I might as well have just set up a meeting directly through Kaya.

Tap, tap. Tap.

With my arms crossed, I wiggled my feet against the floor for a while.

“Miika, I’ve just received orders to bring you in. Please follow me.”

A Student Council member with a vaguely blurry presence stood up to guide me to Rin.

Still, since I apparently had some reputation and influence that followed my name, it took less than five minutes for this whole process to happen. I guess that’s a relief.

Once I was led into the office of the Chief Administrative Officer of the Student Council, I looked down at Rin, who was seated and reading documents.

Eventually, Rin removed her glasses and set them on the desk, meeting my gaze.

“…Hello, T-party host. While I should say it’s inappropriate for you to come like this, I understand that the circumstances warrant it.”

“Ahaha. The teacher has contacted you too.”

“To clarify, we were the ones who reached out first, but the teacher did give a hint. The existence of another Misono Mika. I couldn’t gather the details, but it doesn’t take much to infer that it could cause great chaos in Kivotos. Seeing you come here directly…”

“…Heueng. It’s a bit different. I don’t think the teacher has detailed information on the current situation. I do, though.”

“I see.”

Rin placed her hands together on the desk. Observing her, I voiced my request.

“First of all, I’d like you to gather the Student Council members.”

“It’s not permissible without a justifiable reason, and declaring a summons as an external party is especially not allowed.”

“A justifiable reason? Of course I have one. If there hadn’t been one, I wouldn’t have made such a request to Rin-chan.”

“Haa… How many times must I say it? Please don’t call me Rin-chan. First, let me hear that justifiable reason, and then I’ll decide.”

Seeing Rin frown at the title I used made me chuckle. I stepped closer to her desk and placed my hand on top of hers, which were neatly piled.

“I want to make one thing clear. Right now, I’m not the T-party host.”


Rin’s eyes widened in surprise as if my words were entirely unexpected.

“Yep, I’m not the T-party host of Trinity. And with the agreement of a vast majority of the Student Council members. If it’s something that can happen here today, I’m sure the clever Rin-chan can understand, right?”

“Nomination as President of the Student Council…”

“Hahaha, yes! That’s right.”

“However, I heard that you refused the position of Student Council President, Mika.”

“Hm? That’s true. I had declined. But after talking with the teacher, my thoughts shifted a bit, and I was convinced that now is the right time for me to step in.”

I had never thought about changing my affiliation right after talking with the teacher. I planned to wrap up my tasks and leisurely move over to the Student Council.

In that sense, I found it sad that the situation forced my hand.

“So the situation is that serious. Understood. I’ll immediately trust you and the teacher, and summon an emergency meeting.”

Alright. That’s step one passed.


One by one, the members began to gather in the Student Council Meeting Room.

“Hey, Rin. What’s this sudden summon? Is that energy still…”

“Momoka. We’ll explain the details to everyone, so please take a seat for now.”

“…Huh? Who’s that person?”

“Sit down.”


Surprisingly, Momoka, the Traffic Office Head, was the first to respond to the summons. After her, department heads I’d never seen before began to appear one by one.
Cultural Affairs Head, Health Office Head, Talent Resource Head, PE Head.

“M-Mika…? Rin-senpai. No, Chief Administrative Officer. What is…”

“Haa… Coordinator Head, just take a seat.”

The Coordinator Head, Ayumu.


Finance Head, Aoi.


And finally, the Defense Office Head Kaya, who saw me and immediately fell backward in shock.

“Can someone please get the Defense Office Head back in her seat?”

Rin said this after looking at Kaya with a hint of disappointment, and so the Student Council members gathered together.

I committed their faces firmly to memory.

These would be the ones working with me.

“I anticipate many of you are bewildered by this surprise summon. For this matter, instead of me, the former T-party host, Miisono Mika… No, the T-party Host will explain.”

“I’m the T-party host? Heh, I haven’t heard anything about that person stepping down. Munch munch.

Leading the way with her potato chips, Momoka slowly glanced around the meeting room as I casually smiled. The secretary, standing at one side of the room, began to take notes.

“Hello, everyone ☆”

“…Oh. You have quite a tiring personality, huh?”

I let Momoka’s comment pass and smiled brightly.

“I have no major contradictions with Rin-chan’s introduction. Currently, I am indeed the former T-party Host of Trinity. Yup, just haven’t officially stated my position at the T-party yet.”

“May I ask why?”

Aoi asked me. I couldn’t help but grin at her icy glare.

“The reason I stepped down as the head of the T-party is that the place where I am most needed is not the T-party at the moment.”

“…I understand.”

Seemingly grasping the purpose of my visit, Aoi nodded and fell silent. I could feel her observant gaze, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

“Hm… It’s strange, a dream of all things, that you’d come to become the Student Council President…”

And around that time, a Halo reappeared over Kaya’s head, who was still out cold. After muttering various things in a daze for quite some time, Kaya suddenly froze.

Her gaze had confirmed my presence in the Student Council Meeting Room.

“Heueng. To think I would appear in Kaya-chan’s dreams, how troubling. It seems being overly charming can also be a problem. Yep.”

“M-Mika… Am I still dreaming?”

“Not at all~? Unfortunately, this is reality. No, or perhaps this is unfortunate for Kaya-chan☆”


Kaya stared blankly at me as if she might faint again at any moment. She appeared genuinely shocked.

Thinking back, my intentions before discussing with the teacher were quite firm; I had absolutely no plans to become the Student Council President.

My mere presence in this room was bound to be a shock for Kaya.

Come to think of it, just my being here could cause Makoto to go into a frenzy.

“Rin-chan called this meeting today for a reason, and I’ll share it directly. Yup, to be straightforward… I’m here to fill the vacancy left by the missing Student Council President.”

I could see the student council members visibly shaken by my words.

Regardless, I continued to express my thoughts.

“Uh, normally, I’d have taken my time to announce my intention to become the Student Council President next month… But the situation has gotten a bit tangled, hasn’t it?”

“What situation are you referring to?”

“I can’t say for sure if there’s a record left in the Student Council, but we are on the brink of an invasion by a supernatural phenomenon known as color. Yeah, it’s a crisis situation, more than just a mere crisis.”

At this point, it seemed the members began to nod, understanding what I was conveying.

“In times of crisis, a competent, strong leader who isn’t afraid to move forward is required. Someone so remarkable that any academy in Kivotos would recognize them. We need such a superhuman.”

Hearing Kaya’s words, Rin closed her eyes. I understood that her earlier comment was partly a jab at her lack of trust as the Acting Student Council President.

“It’s a bit sudden, but I don’t have any particular issues with it either. Originally, the conclusion reached in internal meetings was if this person was willing to step up, that would be acceptable. What does everyone think? Nom.”

“I have no objections.”

“Me neither.”

One by one, the members started to throw in their votes in favor of making me the Student Council President.

“I think it would be best to hold the inauguration ceremony after overcoming the crisis situation you mentioned.”

“Haaam… Being a capable individual is something we can confirm, so as long as there’s no favoritism towards Trinity, I’m fine with it.”

The numbers continued to rise.

“I have no issues either. I look forward to working with you.”

“Naturally, I support this. Fufu.”

With Kaya and Aoi expressing their support, Rin was the only one left without a response.


Rin stared at my face for a while before slowly parting her lips.

“I have one question I’d like to ask. Is this crisis situation similar to the incident that occurred in Millennium previously?”

“…At the very least, it’ll be that level. It could be even more dangerous.”

When asked which was more dangerous, the color or the Nameless Priests, I would answer it’s the color. It was something utterly incomprehensible to us, and unlike Aris, there was no one to help us.

The possibility of the real Mika backing us up… Well, I think it’s almost nonexistent. Her seemingly resigned attitude speaks volumes.

It would be fortunate if she didn’t become our enemy given her exposure to color.

“…In that case, I will also agree to your assumption of the position of Student Council President, Mika. I look forward to working with you moving forward.”

Rin bowed her head towards me. While there might still be more steps to officially become the Student Council President, given that I had received unanimous support from the members, it could be said that there were no obstacles left.

Ahaha. I had vowed to never become the Student Council President.

It turns out there really isn’t such a thing as a definitive “never” in this world…

Well, anyway.

“Please assemble an emergency press conference.”

From now on, it’s time to take command swiftly and prepare to move forward.

…Now that I think about it, by leaving the T-party and joining the Student Council, have I become a traitor to Trinity?

I wonder if I’ll end up earning the title of witch soon.


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