Switch Mode

Chapter 533

BAM! I’m now live at the scorching venue where the Eden Treaty signing ceremony is about to take place! The High Cathedral of the Union, where the official agreement between Gehenna Academy and Trinity Academy is set to be signed! Here, I’ll deliver the historical moment these two academic rivals – no, more like cats and crows – are about to face!

A girl in an outfit that clearly shows off her underboob, Kawaru Sinon, the star reporter from Kronos School’s press club, held a microphone and looked at the broadcast camera.

“Now, if you look behind me, you can see the main hall of the cathedral where the ceremony is happening. Wow, it’s got some serious presence! For those viewers who might not know, this is a historic place where the First Council of Trinity was held in the past!”

“Let’s just say Trinity is the academy with the largest influence in Kivotos… Huh? You want me to keep my comments neutral? It’s not bias, it’s a fact… Ahem. Okay, okay! I’ll try to let today’s desk shenanigans slide.”

“Back to the point, the High Cathedral represents Trinity’s unity! The Trinity leadership suggested this place, and Gehenna agreed to hold the ceremony here considering its symbolism! That’s the background info we received from our sources.”

Sinon, who was smoothly delivering her lines, suddenly lit up.

“Could this be the whole truth?”

At that moment, a response from the Kronos School desk popped up, saying, ‘That crazy girl has started again.’

However, they didn’t stop Sinon.

There was no reason to.

The reactions to the news from Kronos School were best when Sinon started her nonsensical chatter.

In other words, it was necessary evil.

Of course, Sinon had the advantage of being charismatic and having excellent vocal skills. She was practically stress-free, preventing any broadcast mishaps.

Despite being just a reporter, she had her own solid fan base. After all, there was a reason she called herself the face and idol reporter of the Kronos School press club.

“As many of you know, the current host of the Trinity T-party, Misono Mika, is highly regarded as a student council president. The most perfect and great student council president who will bring Trinity glory once again! Hmm, is that even relevant…?”

“Oh! I take that statement back! Her fans won’t let me off easy! I like Blooming Buds too, just give me a break! Huh? You want me to tone down my personal feelings? Seriously, the only thing we have on our desk are Mika fanatics…”

“Anyway! To nominate her in the absence of the current student council president, who is missing, and garner significant support, she’s definitely proven her capabilities! She’s famous for being quite a romantic expert! Rumor has it that the entire T-party is her harem, and I think that rumor holds some weight!”

At this point, Mika, who was in the middle of the signing ceremony inside the cathedral, felt a tickle in her ears. It seemed someone was badmouthing or perhaps praising her.

Most likely the latter.

“The host’s influence stretches across all academies, even to the rival Gehenna! Even the head of the student council, known as the strongest in Gehenna, fell under her charm!”

“…Huh? How do you plan to deal with the aftermath of such wild statements? If it’s urgent, why not throw in some charm? Wouldn’t that make them more forgiving?”

“Anyway, it’s likely that the host’s influence strongly guided the location choice. So it’s not a big leap to say that! Now, let’s move to some historical footage.”

As Sinon finished speaking, a visual on the background appeared, displaying information about the First Council.

Quickly brushing through it, Sinon returned to the topic of the Eden Treaty.

“You all know that once the Eden Treaty is signed, the Eden Treaty Organization, ETO, will be officially established! This isn’t just between Trinity and Gehenna, but also involves SRT balancing both academies. It’s already been piloted.”

“SRT will hold its ground between the two warring academies to resolve conflicts! The temporary Eden Treaty Organization has already received positive reviews for significant results and will be officially established, so students of both academies should feel a sense of security!”

“Those two mega-academies in Kivotos, which fought like cats and dogs, are heading towards peace! What will the student council be doing during this remarkable event? Let’s take a look at the urgent press conference from the student council just moments ago!”

The broadcast switched to the student council press conference, and one story stood out vividly.

“Wait a minute, Chief Administrative Officer! So you’re saying the student council president’s whereabouts are still unknown?”

“In summary, yes.”

“Do we really need a summary to say that?!”

“Chief, it’s already been half a year since the student council president went missing. As criticisms of the current student council’s ineptitude rise, I’d like to hear the defense head’s strong stance on electing a new student council president.”

At one journalist’s question, Nanagami Rin cast a fleeting glance at Kawaru Kaya, who stood to her left, with a sly smile playing on her lips.

There was no way to read that face, and Rin, glancing at her, spoke.

“Regarding that question, our student council has had discussions about it internally several times.”

“That means…?”

Rin had a half-suspicion that the journalist had contacted Kaya beforehand.

Of course, even if not, with the defense head unusually pushing that agenda recently, it was a question that could arise…

Knowing Kaya, she would have no reservations about throwing some tricks in situations like this.

“Our student council respects the will of the host of the Trinity T-party.”

“In other words, that means the student council’s intention is aligned.”

As soon as Rin spoke, Kaya jumped in, her lips curling into a rich smile.

It was the grin of someone who had succeeded in partially realizing their desires.


Tension lingered inside the cathedral.

Makoto and I were looking at each other, with two documents between us. The teacher standing beside was wearing a subtly complex expression.

Members from the Justice Realization Department and the student council were positioned at various spots, keeping a fair watch.



The outliers from both academies, Hina and Tsurugi, broadcasted their presence.

Seeing the student council members eyeing Tsurugi cautiously, I could easily empathize with them.

Regardless of Tsurugi’s true intentions, her appearance and aura exuded a significantly fierce vibe.

On the Manma Battle side were Makoto, Iroha, and Chiaki.

From Shalle was the teacher.

From our T-party was just Hanako and me.

“I thought we’d see at least one more student council president here?”

“My will is the will of the T-party☆”

Guffaw “Yeah, that arrogance! Mika, that look suits you perfectly!”

Pfft. What are you rambling about?”

After lightly brushing off Makoto’s nonsense, I examined the documents between us. I hastily skimmed through the agreed clauses and focused on the very bottom of the document.

“Mika-senpai, here…”

Hanako approached me respectfully with something in her hand. It was one of my most cherished items, a quill pen.

A feather pen designed to remind me of Nagisa every time I see it. I carefully gripped it, dipped the nib in the ink, and moved the pen to sign the bottom of the document.

Click. Click.

Suddenly, Chiaki began snapping photos of Makoto and me one after another. I glanced over, a bit annoyed, and Chiaki gave me a thumbs up.


Iroha seemed to want to say something or let out a sigh, but given the situation, she was clearly holding herself back.

The pen tip touched the paper. Being mindful of where my signature would sit alongside Makoto’s, I carefully made my mark.

When was it? The time when Nagisa warned me if I wanted to be remembered as the first T-party host to get expelled?

Thinking back, I could see how drastically my situation had changed since then.

Undoubtedly, I was about to make a significant mark in Trinity’s history, and this document I was about to sign would become a monumental footprint on the chronicles of Trinity.

Putting in extra care, I finished the signing so it wouldn’t smudge and repeated the process on the identical document.

Then, I turned the document towards Makoto.

“Alright, now it’s your turn, Makoto-chan.”

“Hmph. It sure took forever. What’s the big deal?”

Just like me, Makoto took the pen from Iroha without hesitation.


Her movements were as fast as light compared to the time I spent.

Kihihihi “What do you think, Mika? Notice the difference in our skills?”

Makoto bragged, puffed up with pride. Her signature was decent enough but didn’t quite compare to mine.

I held up one document and passed it to Hanako.

This document was to be scrupulously maintained by the T-party to avoid any damage.

“Makoto-chan, do you know what?”


“The document you just signed will likely end up in history books.”

“Yeah? And what’s wrong with that?”

Ah, she doesn’t realize.

“Right. So, you just missed your chance to showcase your most perfect signature to future students☆”


Hearing my words, Makoto blinked in surprise. I mirrored her reaction, also blinking in confusion.

What’s going on? The Makoto I know should have been reacting with something like ‘What the…?!’ and looking all flustered…


For some reason, Makoto wore a mocking expression towards me.

“That’s just proof that our talents differ.”


“It’s impossible that this single signature will define the great legacy this illustrious Makoto will leave in Gehenna’s history. There’s no way! The achievements I will leave behind will far outweigh this signature! Kihihih!

“Ah, right…”

I figured it was best to ignore Makoto and shifted my gaze to the audience.

“Dear Gehenna and Trinity students.”

Did anyone catch how I, who usually places Trinity over Gehenna, called out Gehenna first?

Well, it doesn’t matter if no one does.

“With this, the bond between our two academies has deepened. We’ve broken the long cycle of enmity, and now is the time to look ahead together.”

I glanced at Hina.

Thinking about how the little footsteps we began have led us all the way here filled me with nostalgia.

Hina seemed to be thinking similarly, giving me a small smile.

“I solemnly pledge that I will continue to work towards improving the relations between our two academies, representing Trinity. This promise will be kept alive through the T-party.”

Using a serious tone was quite the struggle for me, but given how infrequent such moments were, I endured through it.

“According to the sacred covenant we uphold, our promises will be sacredly honored. The advisor teacher from Shalle will oversee to ensure we do not stray. May there always be light in the future of our two academies.”

At long last, the Eden Treaty was signed.

After roughly a year and four months since I fell into Kivotos, this splendid achievement was realized.


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