Switch Mode

Chapter 524

As we got closer to the center, the interior structure of the ark became increasingly complex. We couldn’t tell if it was an intentional design, but we were facing significant obstacles in finding the path that led to Aris.

However, amidst all this chaos, there was one person shining brightly: the mysterious symbol of luck, Ichinose Asuna.

The moment Asuna stepped forward, we finally found ourselves on the right track. The support team was too busy fending off hacking attempts to pay us any attention, but we felt a strong certainty that we were making progress.

…This was how we ended up in front of a massive, firmly closed door.

Would this door lead us to Aris? I decided to trust Asuna, who was like a guarantee note in this situation.

At first, I searched the surroundings to see if there was a way to open the door, but I quickly concluded that there was none.

Even if there was, it was obvious that we wouldn’t have the authority to use it.

The one who drove us forward without giving us a chance to falter was none other than Akane.

“So, does that mean it’s my turn to step up?”

With a swift push of her glasses, Akane walked towards the door. In her hands were the bomb she had prepared and an additional bomb from SRT, used by Mohe in this case.

By the time Akane had used all the bombs she had, a hole large enough for a person to pass through had finally been blown open in the door.

There was no hesitation. Time was precious, and with nothing particularly urgent at hand, there was no reason for us to dawdle.

Thus, we were finally able to face the warrior who had chosen to sacrifice themselves for everyone. In this case, a warrior who was possessed by another personality, right?

Beyond the door, there was nothing at all.

No, let me correct that. There was nothing except for a throne-like structure in the center, and sitting atop it was Key.

“Eh, it’s Aris!”

“Aris-chan, I was worried!”

“…Aris-chan, I’m so glad you’re safe…”

Was it because we had our precious member right in front of us? Before we could even stop them, the Game Development Club dashed forward.

Even knowing that Aris had lost control of her body to Key, they acted without thinking twice.

Kids, I suppose. And they definitely cared for Aris, so I guess that’s the reason.

I hurriedly followed behind them. Then, the rest of the group started trailing after me.

At that moment, something strange happened.

Momo from the Game Development Club reached Aris before us and leaped towards her, but—


She passed right through Aris and the throne, landing on the floor on the other side.


Everyone was taken aback by this sudden turn of events. It was as if the Aris in front of us was just a hologram.

When I reached the throne, I took in the sight of Aris sitting there with her eyes closed, her hands gracefully placed on her lap.

I cautiously reached out toward her.


But unbelievably, my hand passed right through Aris. I felt no sensation at all.

If it were some kind of illusion or hologram, there would have been signs of it, but there was nothing to suggest that was the case. It was truly peculiar.

“…What the heck is this? A fake? No, that doesn’t quite explain it.”

None of us could understand this phenomenon, nor did we have any guesses. After going through all that trouble to get here, it felt like an invisible wall was blocking our way.

Faced with such a daunting situation, the only thing we could do was seek help. It felt like we had finally reached the finish line, only to see it start moving away from us.

“I wonder if Rion-chan knows something…?”

I blurted out without thinking. Even though we couldn’t grasp this situation, maybe Rion, who understood the Nameless Priests’ technology best, would know something.

Just as I was about to connect to the communication, I hesitated.

Aris, with her eyes closed, was staring directly at me. In her ominous red eyes, I felt no emotion.

“Tsukatsuki Rion… She might know something. But even she wouldn’t have a suitable solution. Just like you can’t do anything with the princess right in front of you.”

“…Aris, what’s with your eyes?!”

As Momo shouted, Key’s gaze shifted toward her for a moment before returning to me.

“No, Sis. This isn’t Aris-chan… It’s just as Rion-senpai said.”

“Aris is merely the name you call our princess. A name is unnecessary for her. Names disturb the true purpose and essence of existence.”

Key’s cold voice echoed through the room.

“I heard from Rion-senpai. So, it was Key who took control of Aris’s body and is doing this. Give Aris back!”

“…It’s not Ke but Key.”

It’s a bit amusing how they say Aris doesn’t need a name, yet they seem sensitive about being called just Ke.

However, what’s important now isn’t those trivial details.

Looking at the current situation, it felt as if our infiltration team had essentially hit a dead end, and the control of Utnapishtim’s ship was bound to fall into their hands at any moment.

A desperate situation.

I had to come up with some sort of solution.

“Tsukatsuki Rion. If you believe the words of the malicious being trying to lead our princess down the wrong path, then you’re truly foolish. I’m merely acting on behalf of the princess, who almost met her death because of her.”

…Alright. Let’s buy some time. I had just opened communication with Rion a moment ago.

“No, I need to say it plainly. Yes. Aris didn’t almost die because of Rion, she chose to sacrifice herself for everyone, right?”

“Do you genuinely think so? In that case, I wouldn’t even waste my words on you. The princess had no choice. Tsukatsuki Rion had resolved to end the princess’s life regardless of the circumstances, just as the princess herself—”

“…Ah. So, you can have a conversation with Aris?”

What’s this? They just made a colossal blunder on their end. Thanks to that, I could now confirm that Aris’s consciousness still resided within her, and I was certain that she was trying to interfere from behind.

It stung a bit for everyone to find out Rion intended to kill Aris, but… that wasn’t the biggest issue.

Which isn’t surprising because, ‘It’s Rion. If it’s that trashy woman, I don’t think it would be anything shocking that she would go that far.’

Himari could just say something like that and chew Rion out to lighten the mood.

Moreover, I was also prepared to lend my support in fixing this situation and taking responsibility.

…Although of course, that was provided everything went smoothly. Thanks to the newfound info I just verified, I saw a possible way forward.

“Do you think something will change just because the princess’s residual consciousness is favorably disposed toward you? If that’s what you think, then I must tell you you’re mistaken. Nothing will change. As long as the Ark of Atrahasis is afloat…”

“Aris-chan, are you listening right now? A warrior who snoozes can’t call themselves a warrior☆”


Just how much influence does Aris’s consciousness still hold? And how actively has she been throughout this?

Is it entirely impossible for Aris’s consciousness to push Key aside and regain control?

Now, it was time for the warrior to shine.

“Misono Mika. The struggle you’re attempting right now is a futile act. The princess’s surface personality is currently isolated within the internal database. Your words cannot reach the princess.”

“Ugh… Really? I don’t think so. Aris is watching everything happening outside right this moment. Yes. Given how she’s continuing to interfere, it’s only natural that the information you gain through the ark would also be transmitted to her, right?”

I knew it was merely speculation fitting the situation. I couldn’t deny that my actions were simply praying for a miracle or chance.

But even if the situation we were in was notably different from the original, the fundamental world was still the same.

This is a story where mysticism and miracles exist.

“…Aris, wake up! You haven’t even started work on the ambitious new game you planned!”

“Aris-chan! You didn’t give up on your dream of debuting as an idol, did you?”

“…Aris-chan, the Game Development Club… needs you!”

Everyone’s hearts were connected as one.

“…Come on. How can it be cowardly not to settle things? Aang?! Hurry back so I can show off my improved skills, you brat!”

“I hope the Head can enjoy herself more, so please come back…”

“Akane, catch on.”


“Our adorable junior said we were going on an outing together! Hurry back!”

Thus, our united hearts resonated in the form of sound.

“Stop! Princess, they will get angry. No, even before that, you are in danger. Why won’t you listen to me?”

This finally transformed into a phenomenon called a miracle.

[…Mika, the ark’s offensive has weakened to almost nothing. If this keeps up, we might even be able to hack the ark in reverse.]

And so, a path of light broke through the overwhelming darkness that had once obscured everything,

[Hmm? The firewall is completely down. Control over the ark’s systems has fully transitioned to us, Mika-chan. Apparently, our cute junior wants to return to everyone’s arms.]

[Next, to Aris—]

“Stop! You mustn’t cross that line. You have no idea about Utnapishtim’s ship… Are you trying to bring peace to the princess with your own hands?!”


“As of now, I will return the control of the vessel to the princess. So, please stop the dreadful act you were about to commit. I beg you.”

…I thought a path had opened, only for them to declare an immediate surrender.

It felt quite unsettling, as if I was waiting for the final powerful finisher in a fighting game only for the opponent to concede.

But what followed Key’s additional explanation wiped away that unsettling feeling completely.

“The ship of Utnapishtim was created to counter the Ark of Atrahasis. Although its performance can’t compare to the ark, it’s an incredibly threatening rival for us. If you had actually committed the atrocity of hacking the princess’s vessel…”

Key closed her eyes.

When they opened again, the replace of red was the clear blue of Aris’s eyes.

“The ship of Utnapishtim would have completely destroyed Aris.”


Truly, we had just dodged a bullet.


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not work with dark mode