Switch Mode

Chapter 5

“Here’s the payment for all the items sold. It’s a good thing we found people who needed them, or else—let’s not make that mistake again, okay, Noah?”

“Ha… yeah, we were really lucky.”

“Th-thank you, Hermila… and thank you, Aileen too…!”

Aileen had stepped up to sell the items on behalf of my socially inept self.

In the meantime, Hermila, hearing about my situation, also jumped in to help.

Thanks to them, everything except the essentials was sold!

I didn’t get the original price, but still, phew!

“Now that we’ve got a horse, let’s set out for real, Noah.”


Oh right.

I managed to get the horse at an incredibly cheap price.

Hermila arranged that too!

Hermila is the best!

“Um, s-so…”

With the coin purse feeling significantly heavier, I bowed my head to Hermila.

“When you finish your journey, make sure to come back here to Arlba Village. Got it?”

Yes. I’ll be back, Hermila.

Should I bring back some souvenirs along the way?

“Y-yes…! Huh… I-I’ll… hick… be back…”

What the heck…

I’m not sad at all.

Seriously, not a bit sad.

It’s this body that’s crying. Seriously.

Not me.

“Yeah. See you later, Noah. I’ll be waiting?”

“Ugh, huuh… sniff… phew… I-I’ll be back… huff…”

My throat feels all tight, and I can’t get the words out…

“Um, Noah? We’re not going to die or anything, right…? Can you hurry it up?”

Aileen, who had already taken six steps ahead, urged me.

What the hell?!

Show some empathy!

I’m just trying to say goodbye to my savior, Hermila!

Sniff…! Ah, ahem! Right, Noah. It’s not a permanent goodbye, right?”

Just like always, Hermila’s warm hand patted my head.

“Ugh… Yes, yes…!”

I bowed my head once more and coolly turned my back.

“I-I’m going. Aileen.”

“Ha… Yes. Let’s go.”

Aileen turned around to glance at me, shaking her head as she walked out of the guild.

Following her footsteps, I wrapped the lively noise in my ears, one I wouldn’t be hearing for a while.

I didn’t have a single friend, but I still held some fondness for Arlba Village.

Since I opened my eyes in this village as a girl, it feels just like home.

I will definitely come back.

“Noah! What are you doing standing there? Hurry up! The sun’s gonna set!”

Oh man.

“Yes, yes…!”

While cursing Aileen in my head for her lack of sentimentality, I finally took my steps.


Clip-clop-clip-clop The horse came to a stop.

“It’s getting dark, so we should find a place to settle for the night.”

“We’re staying here tonight…?”

I scanned the surroundings with my senses.

Trees, trees, and more trees.

I came across snakes and gigantic dragonflies on the way here… and we’re gonna sleep here!?

This isn’t a cave; we’re just roughing it on this bare ground?

Bring back my romance…

“Yeah. Someone made a really silly mistake, so we’re a bit behind schedule. We were originally planning to camp outside the forest, but… it can’t be helped.”

“I-I’m sorry…”

“Noah? What do I do if you say that word?”

“Ugh…! I-I’m sorryyy…!”

Aileen’s sigh brushed past my ears.

Ugh, that tickles.

“Wait, wait. You really think ‘sorry’ and ‘my bad’ mean the same thing? Seriously?”

“W-what do I say then…?”

“How about answering ‘not my fault’ instead?”

“Ugh… uhh…!”

What am I supposed to do?!

You just said I messed up!

Fine! I messed up! So what!?

I never said we were riding a horse!

Sure, I didn’t say we were riding in a carriage either…!


Sniff… Just kidding. When that happens, you just say thank you. You know, like ‘thanks for selling the items’ or ‘thanks for understanding,’ something like that!”

With a light laugh, Aileen spoke to me in a soft tone.

I can’t figure you out…

You’re not manic-depressive or anything. Ugh.

“Thank you then…”

I bowed my head to express my gratitude.

Aileen was behind me, but turning around to thank her would put my face in… her, well…

I might just drown in her chest, so I bowed to the air instead.

“Oh good, you did well. Now let’s get down.”

There’s no soul in that compliment at all.

If you’re gonna say it, then just don’t bother…

I pouted and tossed the Great Sword I’d been cradling.

Then, whoosh!


The sound of grass crunching wrapped around my shoe with a soft sensation.

Squish! Squish!

Even stepping on something in this pitch-black state feels oddly satisfying. Hehe.

Squish! Squish! Squish!


Hearing a different sound, I realized Aileen must have gotten off the horse.

She immediately squatted down and started feeling around for the ground.

The Great Sword should be… huh.

It has to be nearby…


Hey, where’d it go…?

“Here it is.”

After a bit of searching, Aileen slid the Great Sword towards me.

“Ah, thank you…”

I gripped the hilt tightly and looked around.

From the marks in the flattened grass, it definitely had to be here… but what gives.

And why is Aileen squatting next to me, staring in this direction?

“W-what’s going on…?”

“Nothing. Just thought you looked cute. Shall we prepare a meal?”

What a strange answer.

That can’t be the reason…

“… Yeah.”

I answered casually while securing the Great Sword at my waist.

“Since it’s our first night, let’s eat something nice. Let’s finish off the perishable food first.”

“Yeah, sounds great… What are we having?”

“This will work.”

As Aileen rummaged through the supply bag tied to the horse’s side, she pulled out a piece of paper-wrapped meat.

“Barbecue. What do you think?”

“B-b-b-b-bb… arbecue…!”

I nodded vigorously.

Oh, but… is it safe to eat that in this forest?

The nodding of my head slowly began to stop.

This doesn’t seem like a good idea…

Is she testing me?

What if I suggest eating here and she calls me a total fool, teasing me throughout the entire quest…!

Ugh… it’s a shame, but I’ll have to save the barbecue for later.

“N-no… I don’t want it. Let’s just eat bread…”


What a silly question to ask.

She’s totally testing me.

This scary woman…!

“Because… the smell might attract beasts or bandits…”

“Aha. That’s alright.”

As Aileen said that, something warm began to emanate from her body.

“Huh…? W-wh-what is this? O-oh…?”

Something I couldn’t quite grasp was unfolding around us in a sort of circular motion.

It’s not magical power.

But it’s not an artifact either…?

“I’ve got various control skills. But can you see this?”

I nodded and focused on the undulating energy.

I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before but can’t put my finger on it!

It’s like the itch you can’t scratch!

Hurry and tell me!

“You’ll figure it out when you grow up. Kids like you don’t need to know yet. Now, sit down. You need to eat well and sleep early to become an adult, okay?”


Whoa. No… hey!

I’m an adult!

I’m 25 years old!

“… Not really. I’m an adult.”

I looked at Aileen and said, trying to sound as firm and confident as I could.

“Noah. You’re an adult? Snicker Is that so?”

I can’t see her face, but I can feel her smirking.

Her tone says it all.

Aileen, are you serious?! Huh?!

It’s clear I’m older than you!

“A-actually… I am…!”

“Yeah, yeah. Alright, just come and sit. Don’t worry, the smell won’t escape.”

“W-what is that, anyway…?”

“Hmm… Since you’re an a-adult, you should already know, right?”

“Wow… wow… w-what!!!”

This is seriously annoying!


“Shut your mouth.”

“… but I wasn’t talking.”

Sigh. Don’t you want to eat meat?”

Pouting, I sealed my lips.


“Good is… what?”

I muttered as quietly as possible so Aileen wouldn’t hear.

“Are you talking back?”

“I-I’m sorryyyy…”

No matter what I say, Aileen rummaged through the bag.

Then, moments later, she pulled out a flint and looked at me.

“Do you know how to start a fire?”

“… No.”

Fire never seemed to catch for some reason.

“Then, how about a tent?”

“I-I don’t know…”

It always seemed to fall apart on me.

“What can you do, then?”


I’m a pro at hunting!

“Wow… you know how to hunt? So adults really are different.”


“Just watch and learn. Adults know how to make fire too.”

“C-can you stop…?”

“Why not? Are you an adult? Do it, you adult. Go gather dry grass. You’re an adult, after all.”

I didn’t respond and got up to gather some grass.

I made sure to stomp loudly.

Aileen, you really took it too far this time.



“Hey, Heinzel. Did you hear the news?”


“Is that so…”

A heavy silence fell over the bustling Adventurer’s Guild.

“She’s gone.”


“Geez… never even got to say goodbye…”

“She didn’t even look my way.”

“Look at your face, Heinzel. With that mug of yours, even an adult would cry looking at it.”

“Luchi, you’ve got quite the face yourself! What, did you swap your eyes for booze? Ton’t you dare, you’d make me jump, too!”

“Is that so…? Huh. Guess I see what you mean.”

Heinzel and Luchi, along with other rough adventurers, filled the guild with their sighs.

Some forcibly bought a girl’s belongings.

Some sold top-quality horses for dirt cheap.

Some couldn’t forget the sight of that girl crying.

And most couldn’t get the mascot-like girl out of their minds.

“She was adorable…”

Luchi thought back to his younger sister, who had had a ‘mishap’ before.

“Very much so. She reminded me of my daughter who passed away.”

Heinzel too thought of his daughter who’d had an ‘accident’ long ago.

“I loved how she’d flinch every time I’d say, ‘Hey Heinzel, have you heard the rumors?’ She was so cute.”

“Haha, that’s true. She pretended not to know until the end. But everyone in the world could see it. Hahaha!”

“Of course. She carried a Great Sword that was twice her size. It’s concerning how naive she was.”

“Right. Innocent, naive, clueless about the world, but worked harder than anyone else… So Luchi, what do you plan to do?”

“Do what? I’ve got nothing to think about.”

“Is that so? Hahaha!”

Heinzel and Luchi downed the last of their beers.

Suddenly, Hermila’s voice interrupted their laughter.

“Gentlemen. You confirmed what I told you earlier, correct?”

“Of course.”

“By the way, I’m worried about how we’re going to sneak out.”

Heinzel replied while Luchi mumbled.

“I’m a bit concerned because of Aileen… I mean, ‘Rubia’ the Shaman. We still haven’t had any incidents, but…”

Hermila’s gaze drifted toward Noah, wherever he might be.

“Why would such an important Shaman run away to a remote place like this? It feels like she’s run away.”

Heinzel said, shouldering his Halberd.

“She sure runs away with a heavy atmosphere; it’s unsettling for a Shaman.”

Luchi picked up a sword that was stuck in the ground.

“Right. So, let’s get down to it.”

In the guild where empire knights lay sprawled around, Hermila’s voice rang out.

“This is a designated quest. The participants are ‘Platinum’ grade Heinzel and ‘Platinum’ grade Luchi.”

The two platinum adventurers picked up the quest notice.

“The task is to escort Shaman Rubia and the young Noah. The condition is to remain undetected. Stealth operation.”

“Whatever happens, just don’t harm the empire knights, right?”

Heinzel lifted one of the unconscious knights by his collar.

“I won’t have a problem, but can you handle it, Heinzel?”

Luchi grabbed the knight and returned him back to the ground.

“Hey, things can get slippery. Hahaha!”

“That’s true. It’s scorching outside.”

The two adventurers threw around some lightly veiled jokes and exited the guild with light steps.

Only Hermila’s sigh remained in the quiet guild.

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not work with dark mode